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CHAPTER 5: SAS (Substation Automation Systems)

• A substation automation system is a collection of hardware and software components

that are used to monitor and control an electrical system, both locally and remotely. A
substation automation system also automates some repetitive, tedious and error-prone
activities to increase the overall efficiency and productivity of the system.

• Early substations consisted of mechanical relays and meters that barely supported
recording and had no means of communication. Fault recorders were capturing
information mainly in the form of paper charts, so reading and analyzing the

information was not a straightforward process.

Fig 5.1 SAS Hootagalli

Substation Automation Systems (SAS) represent a significant advancement in the management
and operation of electrical substations. They integrate various control, protection, and
monitoring functions into a unified system, leveraging digital technology and communication
networks to enhance the reliability, efficiency, and safety of power distribution.

What is Substation Automation?

Substation automation involves the use of digital devices and communication technologies to
automate the control, monitoring, and protection of electrical substations. This automation
replaces traditional manual and analog processes with intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) that
can perform complex tasks autonomously or with minimal human intervention.
The screen of a Substation Automation System (SAS) software typically provides a
comprehensive interface for monitoring and controlling substation operations. The user
interface is designed to present critical information clearly and allow operators to manage the
substation efficiently. Here’s a detailed explanation of the various elements typically displayed
on an SAS software screen:

Fig 5.2 Indicating status of equipment’s

Overview of the SAS Software Screen

1. Single Line Diagram (SLD)

 Description: The Single Line Diagram (SLD) is a simplified graphical

representation of the substation's electrical network. It shows how electrical
components such as transformers, circuit breakers, busbars, and other equipment
are interconnected.

 Key Features:

 Components: Visual icons representing transformers, circuit breakers,

isolators, capacitors, reactors, and other equipment.

 Status Indicators: Real-time status of each component (e.g.,

open/closed status of circuit breakers, on/off status of transformers).
 Fault Indicators: Alerts and color codes to indicate fault conditions or

 Power Flow: Arrows or lines indicating the direction and magnitude of

power flow.

2. Real-Time Data and Measurements

 Description: Displays real-time measurements of various electrical parameters.

 Key Features:

 Voltage and Current: Readings for voltage (in kilovolts) and current (in
amperes) at different points in the substation.

 Power: Active power (MW), reactive power (MVAR), and apparent

power (MVA) measurements.

 Frequency: Real-time frequency of the electrical network.

 Power Factor: Indication of the power factor at different points.

3. Alarm and Event Logs

 Description: Lists active alarms and recent events in the substation.

 Key Features:

 Alarm Summary: A summary of active alarms, including priority levels

and timestamps.

 Event History: A log of recent events such as breaker operations, fault

occurrences, and system changes.

 Acknowledgement and Clearing: Functions to acknowledge and clear

alarms, often requiring user confirmation.

4. Control Functions

 Description: Allows operators to control substation equipment remotely.

 Key Features:

 Manual Control: Buttons or switches to operate circuit breakers,

isolators, and other control devices.

 Automated Sequences: Predefined sequences for operations like load

shedding, equipment isolation, or system restoration.

 Interlocks: Safety interlocks to prevent incorrect operations and ensure

safe control actions.

5. Trends and Historical Data

 Description: Displays historical data trends and analysis tools.

 Key Features:

 Graphical Trends: Time-based graphs showing historical trends of

electrical parameters (voltage, current, power, etc.).

 Data Analysis: Tools for analyzing historical data to identify patterns,

perform diagnostics, and plan maintenance.

 Export Functions: Options to export data for further analysis or


6. System Health and Diagnostics

 Description: Monitors the health and status of the substation automation system

 Key Features:

 Device Status: Real-time status of IEDs, RTUs, and communication


 Network Health: Diagnostics for communication networks, including

latency, packet loss, and connectivity status.

 Self-Test and Diagnostics: Built-in self-test functions and diagnostics

to identify and troubleshoot issues within the SAS.
7. User Management and Security

 Description: Manages user access and security settings.

 Key Features:

 User Authentication: Login screens and user authentication protocols.

 Role-Based Access: Different access levels and permissions based on

user roles (e.g., operator, engineer, administrator).

 Audit Trails: Logs of user actions and changes made in the system for
security and compliance purposes.

8. Communication and Coordination

 Description: Facilitates communication and coordination with other substations

and the central control center.

 Key Features:

 Inter-substation Communication: Interfaces for data exchange and

coordination with neighboring substations.

 Central Control Integration: Connectivity with central control centers

for coordinated grid management and control.

Fig 5.3 Hootagalli ,Vijay line,CB Control

Implementation and Challenges

1. Implementation:

 Assessment and Planning: A thorough assessment of the existing substation

infrastructure and requirements is crucial for planning the automation system.

 System Design: The system design should consider scalability, interoperability,

and future expansion.

 Integration: Integrating SAS with existing systems and ensuring compatibility

with various devices and communication protocols is critical.

 Testing and Commissioning: Rigorous testing and commissioning are

necessary to ensure the system operates correctly and meets all performance

2. Challenges:

 Cybersecurity: Protecting the automation system from cyber threats is a major

concern. Implementing robust cybersecurity measures is essential to safeguard
critical infrastructure.

 Cost: The initial investment in SAS can be significant. However, the long-term
benefits in terms of reliability, efficiency, and reduced operational costs often
justify the expenditure.

 Training: Operators and maintenance personnel need to be adequately trained

to manage and operate the automated system effectively.

 Maintenance: Ensuring the ongoing maintenance and updating of the system

is crucial for sustained performance and reliability.

Substation Automation Systems (SAS) are revolutionizing the way electrical substations are
managed and operated. By integrating advanced digital technologies and communication
networks, SAS enhances the reliability, efficiency, and safety of power distribution systems.

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