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Government Campus High School, Tharushah

Subject: English Name:____________________________ Class: VII

Part-One (MCQs)-Marks-20

Read the passage below and choose correct options from 1 to 5 questions.

Pakistan is a land that is home to one of the great civilization in the world in which the Indus
Valley civilization and other civilization that existed that before can be seen if we take flying trip
of the ancient historical sites across the four province of Pakistan. Let us begin our Journey
from the southern part of Pakistan from Bhambhore an ancient city present in northern bank of
Gharo Creek about 65 kilometres east of Karachi and abandoned in 13 th century due to change
in direction of river Indus Mohen Jo Daro district Larkana one of the largest settlements of
ancient Indus Valley civilization. The city had a central marketplace with large central wells.

1. Passage tells us about

(a) Civilization (b) Ruins (c) Flood (d) None
2. ‘Pakistan’ is used in this passage as
(a) Common noun (b) Proper noun (c) Abstract noun
3. This trip is about
(a) Ancient sites (b) Modern sites (c) A & B
4. Opposite word of “ancient” used in this passage is
(a) Old (b) Modern (c) New (d) B & C
5. Synonym of journey is
(a) Old (b) Distance (c) Trip (d) None

Fill the blanks with suitable words.

6. I am flying ______ kite.
(a) an (b) a (c) the (d) All of these
7. Which word is adjective among the following?
(a) Kill (b) Fight (c) Good (d) Both A & B
8. It is raining _______ three hours.
(a) for (b) since (c) to (d) none of them
9. Plural of wife is
(a) Wifs (b) wifes (c) wives (d) none of them
10. Noun of ‘do’ is
(a) Death (b) deed (c) died (d) none of them
Part- Two (Short question)

Q1: Write any five material nouns.

Q2: Write any five adjectives.

Q3: Make past and past participle form of the given verbs.
(i) See (ii) cut (iii) break (iv) drink
(v) Write (vi) come (vii) burn (viii) choose

Q4: Fill in the blanks. (since / for / at / on)

i. It is raining ________ morning.
ii. English paper is held ________ Monday.
iii. He reaches bus stop __________ 10'o clock.
iv. I am solving this paper _________ two hours.

Q5: Write definitions of any three of the following.

a) Past perfect tense
b) Collective noun
c) Verb and its main types
d) Adverb and its types

Part- Three (Long Questions)

Q6: Write a short paragraph (10 lines) on any one of the following.

(i) Mohen-Jo-Daro (ii) Our School (iii) Mobile Phone

Q7: Write a letter to your brother requesting him to send Ten Thousands for buying new
Write an application to your class teacher for two days leave.

Q8: Convert the following sentences into Passive voice.

1. I kill a bird.
2. He cut a tree.
3. Do it.
4. I am writing a letter.
5. She did not wash hands?

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