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UCSP REVIEWER Socio-economic class refers to the status of

every individual from the sociological and

economic points of view.
Social status means a person’s standing or
Lesson 1: Sharing Social and Cultural Backgrounds
rank in the social ladder of stratification
❖ Cultural Identity – refers to the identity or based on prestige, power, popularity, etc.
feeling of belonging to a group.
Lesson 2: Observations about Social,
- it is considered as a part of a person’s Political Behavior and Phenomena
self-conception and self-perception.
A. Food Taboo – is a prohibition against
- Can be shaped at the family, societal or consuming certain foods.
organizational level.
- These food taboos or prohibitions may
❖ Ethnicity – is a condition in which a social be associated with special events such
group belongs to a common national or as childbirth, pregnancy, menstrual
cultural tradition. period or breast feeding.

Ethno-linguistic groups include the Ivatans, - In some cases, dietary rules are thought
Ilocanos, Pangasinenses, Kapampangans, to be a result of health considerations
Tagalogs, Bicolanos, Visayans or other practical reasons.
(Masbatenos, Hiligaynons or Ilonggos,
- Some foods may be prohibited during
Cebuanos, Boholanos, Warays, and
certain religious periods like during the
Surigaonons) Maranaos, Subanons, and
Holy Week, at a certain stages of life
such as when one is pregnant, or to
❖ Sex, Gender, and Sexuality – a common certain classes of people like priests or
distinguishing factor of a person’s cultural religious people, even though the food
background is gender and sexuality. is otherwise permitted.

Sex is a state of being male or female. SOME DISHES THAT FILIPINOS CONSIDER
Gender refers to the personal traits and
social roles of the male and female 1. Republic Act No. 8485 declares that it is
members of society preference. completely “illegal to slaughter a dog or
a cat for personal trade or slaughtering
Sexuality is the state of being either
a dog or a cat for commercial trade and
masculine or feminine orientation.
A person may experience identity crisis
2. Any meat of animals considered as
when he/she does not accept or
endangered. Meat of monkeys, tortoise
understand his/her sexuality or is unable
(pawikan), monitor lizards (bayawak), or
to understand his/her status.
rare birds are unacceptable to eat either
❖ Socio-economic Status – another common by public standards of by law.
cultural identification factor level of an
3. Any food that violates human dignity
individual’s social standing and financial
because they are not anymore
position in the society.
acceptable for human consumption by
public opinion. Such are like the
“double-dead meat” or “botcha” pork, are elected for a term of three years and
beef and chicken meat coming from are eligible for re-elections.
previously already dead animals
- In the Philippines, the common dictum
butchered to be sold for human
in the vernacular is “Kaya siya nanalo
consumption at significantly low prices
kasi nandaya siya; Kaya siya natalo kasi
compared to the fresh ones. Another is
dinaya siya.”
the “pagpag” which are food that are
left over chicken or pork from Lesson 3: Observations on Social, Political, and
restaurants salvaged and remade into Cultural Change
another dish.
❖ Major Changes in the 21st Century
B. The Standby (Istambay) Phenomenon –
The 21st Century has been characterized by
The Filipino term “istambay” is derived
the dynamic interaction between advancing
from the English idiom “on standby”.
technology and the improvement of
Istambay is localized version of standby
economy and society. This development has
which over the years has developed a
always been an integral dimension of
set of peculiar characteristics that
human progress and history.
signify a particular subsector in
Philippine society. One definition of ❖ Texting Technology
istambay is “a person who does not
Text messaging or simply texting can be
have work and who usually hangs-out
done by composing and sending electronic
on street corners”.
messages from one person to another using
C. Political Dynasty – another interest of mobile phones of portable devices over a
issue in the country is about political phone network.
dynasty, a phenomenon with socio-
- Technically, the term refers to messages
economic undertones. Political
sent via the Short Message Service
dynasties which refer to families whose
(SMS). Nowadays, the technology has
members are engaged in politics have
expanded to include multimedia
been in the Philippine political structure
messages (MMS) including image,
since time past.
videos, and sound content, as well as
• Blood is thicker than water. ideograms, commonly known as emoji.

D. Philippine Elections – another equally ❖ Selfie Phenomenon

interesting political phenomenon is
A selfie has been defined as a self-portrait
about elections in the Philippines.
photograph, normally shot by a digital
- The President, VP, and the Senators are camera or camera phone held in a hand or
elected on a national or popular braced by a selfie stick.
elections serve for a six-year term.
- The members of the House of
We the sovereign Filipino people, imploring
Representatives, and the local
the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a
government officials, namely:
just and humane society, and establish a
governors, vice-governors, members of
Government that shall embody our ideals
the provincial board, mayors, and etc.
and aspirations, promote the common
good, conserve and develop our patrimony,
and secure to ourselves and posterity the 6. Population - is concerned with population
blessings of independence and democracy size, composition, change, and quality and
under the rule of law and regime of truth, on how they influence the economic,
justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, political, and social systems.
do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
7. Sociological Theory and Method – is
Lesson 4: Definition of Anthropology, concerned with the application of the
Political Science, and Sociology results of sociological studies to solve
various human problems.
❖ Sociology – deals with the study of society
and social interactions taking place. Major Branches of Anthropology
❖ Anthropology – the study of human’s past 1. Cultural Anthropology – studies human
and present. culture, beliefs, ideas, technologies,
economies, practices, values, and other
- Its goal is to describe and explain human
spheres of social and rational organization.
variation or the observed similarities
and differences in people through time 2. Physical Anthropology – deals with the
and across space. biological and behavioral aspects of human
beings. It focuses on their relationships to
❖ Political Science – a social science discipline
non-human primates and their instinct
which deals with the study of the state and
hominid ancestors.
3. Archaeology – studies both the ancient and
Areas of Sociology
recent past of humans through the material
1. Social Organization – includes the study of remains, such as artifacts, fossils, and bone
social groups, social institutions, social fragments.
stratification, mobility, ethnic relations, and
4. Linguistic Anthropology – studies the
relations between language and culture in
2. Social Psychology – tackles human behavior relation to human biology, human reason,
or nature as a result of group life, and human language.
personality formation, social attitude, and
5. Applied Anthropology – deals with the
collective behavior.
application of anthropological facts,
3. Social Change – deals with the study of perspectives, theories, and procedures in
changes in the society and culture, and the identifying, assessing, and solving social
factors resulting from such change. problems.

4. Social Organization and Disorganization – Major Subdivisions of Political Science

study the emergence of the societies, their
1. Political Theory – is the study of political
structural formation, and the ways they are
ideas and values, this focuses on the ideas
strengthened. They also study crime,
of classical thinkers such as Aristotle. Plato,
delinquency, family conflict, poverty,
Niccolo Machiavelli, etc.
subversion, unemployment, etc.
2. Comparative Politics – deals with the
5. Human Ecology – studies the behavior of a
incisive evaluation and comparison of the
given population and its relation to present
doctrines of various constitutions, of
social institutions.
political actors, legislature, and other allied ➢ Utopia by Sir Thomas More – refers to the
fields. ideal, imaginary island nation whose
political system he described.
3. Public Administration – focuses on the
implementation of the government policies, Types of Societies
the academic disciplines involved, and the
A. Pre-Industrial Societies – the main
principles governing civil servants working
economic activity is food production carried
in the government.
out through the utilization of human and
4. International Relations – delve on nation- animal labor.
state’s interactions including
➢ Hunting and Gathering - the main method
intergovernmental and transnational
of production is the collection of wild plants
and the hunting of wild animals on a daily
5. Law – governs the relationship between basis.
individuals and the government, and the
- they do not establish permanent villages
relationships of individuals among
nor have a variety of artifacts. Humans
themselves directly affecting the society.
gather and hunt around for foods as
6. Political Methodology – focuses on the nomads.
quantitative methods used in the study of
➢ Pastoral Society - the members of a
pastoral society depend on domesticated
UNIT II: DEFINING CULTURE AND SOCIETY herd of animals to meet their need for food
Lesson 1: Society - pastoralist move their herds from one
pasture to another.
❖ Society – a group of people interacting with
each other and having common culture; ➢ Horticultural Society - they have learned
sharing common geographical or territorial how to raise fruits and vegetables grown in
domains, and having common relatively garden plots that have them their main
aspirations. source of food.
Theories in Human Society - some groups practice the slash-and-
burn method or the kaingin method
➢ The Republic by Plato – he laid his
they make use of human labor and
standards for an ideal society ruled by
simple tools to cultivate the land for one
philosopher-kings assisted by equally and
or more seasons.
intellectually gifted guardians.
➢ Agrarian Society - they use applied
➢ The Politics by Aristotle – stated that man is
agricultural technological advances to
self-sufficient and that those who are
cultivate crops over a large area.
unable to live in society have no needs in
life must be either beasts or gods. - increases in food supplies creates
greater surplus of food resulted in
➢ The City of God by St. Augustine – he
trading and greater degrees of social
described society’s ultimate pilgrimage
stratification appeared.
towards the Kingdom of God which is
closely identified with the church, the ➢ Feudal Society - based on ownership of the
community that worshipped God. land
- vassals under feudalism were bound for Characteristic of Culture
military protection in exchange of food,
1. Culture is learned – the different
crops, craft, homage, and other services
habits, skills, values and knowledge
to the landowners.
are acquired or learned in the
B. Industrial Society - relies heavily on course of a person’s life.
machines powered by fuel in the production
- the acquisition of knowledge, skills,
of goods become dramatically increased
attitudes and values that enable men to
and efficient.
become active members of their
- they have been produces a greater communities is called enculturation.
surplus before, hence, the surplus was
2. Culture is transmitted – culture
not just agricultural goods but also
within a social group is transmitted
manufactured goods.
to succeeding generations through
- A new economic system emerged imitation, instruction, and example.
between the 15th and 16th century to
- Cultural transmission is the process
replace feudalism.
through which cultural elements, ( in
• Capitalism – characterized by the form of attitudes, values, beliefs,
free competition, free market and behavioral scripts), are passed onto
and the right to acquire private and taught to individuals and groups.
property, emerged.
3. Culture is adaptive – all culture
C. Post-Industrial Society - dominated by changes. Changes in the
information, services and high technology environment are caused by
inventions and discoveries.
- Advance industrial societies are shifting
towards an increase in service sectors - Adaptation is the process of change in
over manufacturing and production. response to a new environment set by
D. Modern Societies - characterized by mass
production of all essential products money; - Acculturation is assimilation to a
as a medium of exchange, trade and different culture, typically the dominant
commerce have become more efficient; and one.
money becomes the most valued entity in
4. Culture is symbolic – through
these types of society.
culture man can communicate with
LESSON 2: CULTURE other people using language.
Symbols must be understood by all
❖ Culture - is a complex whole which includes
to be an effective tool of
knowledge, beliefs, arts, morals, laws,
communication to allow people to
customs and any other capabilities and
develop complex thoughts and
habits acquired by man as a member of
exchange thoughts to others.
society. – Edward B. Tylor
5. Culture is gratifying – culture
- refers to all that man has made for
provides satisfaction for a man’s
himself through time, material or non-
biological and socio-cultural needs.
material, still useful or not anymore, all
This provides opportunities for the
to provide benefits for his society.
satisfaction of our needs and agree on the meaning of symbols. This
desires. perspective holds that humans are symbol-
manipulating and are capable of creative
Main Types of Culture
❖ Material Cultures - deals with the physical
➢ Functionalism - is a school of thought that
culture, a tangible and concrete objects
presupposes the interdependency and
produced by man in the process of social
contributes to the total functioning of every
aspect of society. Primarily helps the society
Ex. technology, artifacts, relics, fossils to become more meaningful and
❖ Non-Material Culture - deal with the
collective ideas which holds the society and ➢ Conflict - conflict theorists note that
shape individuals as they interact within unequal groups usually have conflicting
society. values and agendas, causing them to
compete against one another. This constant
Ex. values, norms, beliefs, tradition, customs
competition between groups forms the
Elements of Non-material Culture basis for the ever-changing nature of
❖ Beliefs are man’s perception about the
reality of things and are sheared ideas ➢ Dramaturgical perspective - is an
about how the world and his environment interactionist perspective that analyses
operate. human behavior in much the same way that
a person would analyze the presentation of
❖ Values refer to the broad preferences of
a play to the audience.
person on the appropriate courses of action
or decision he has to take. A reflection of a ➢ Ethnomethodology - is a socio-cultural
person’s sense of right and wrong. perspective which emphasizes the process
of interaction that uses interpersonal
❖ Norms are the society’s standard of
techniques to create situational impressions
morality, conduct, propriety, ethics and
and the importance of perceptions of
consensus among actors.
❖ Folkways are fairly weak forms of norms,
whose violation is generally not considered
serious within a particular culture. Social Institution - a social structure and
social mechanism that promotes social
❖ Ideas comprise man’s concepts of his
order and cooperation and governs the
physical, social and cultural world as
behavior of its member.
manifested in people’s beliefs and values.
Aspects of Culture
❖ Knowledge these are the facts and beliefs
that people accumulate over time. Art - the expression or application of human
creative skill and imagination and the
Perspectives/Approaches in the Study of
manifestation of the person’s creative
Culture and Society
➢ Symbolic Interactionism - is a theoretical
Language - a system of communication
perspective that examines the way
used by a particular society. It is the most
participants in the organization choose and
important tool of verbal communication.
Food - is any substance consumed to Cultural Diversity – every society in the
provide nutritional support for the body. world is unique from one another. Everyone
has his own cultural practices, values and
Government - refers to the aggregate of
interests. Each culture has its distinct
persons or groups of persons exercising
features and characteristics.
control and authority in the society.
Costume - is the distinctive style of dress of
an individual or group that reflects their
class, gender, profession, ethnicity or
nationality. A. Though men all over the world have the
same biological needs, they differ in ways in
Religion - unified system of beliefs and
meeting them. Each culture adapts to its
practices relative to sacred things but often
contains moral code governing the proper
conduct of human affairs. B. Differences in geographical characteristics
like climate, topography, or soil condition.
Education - the process of teaching and
learning; a social process wherein an C. The absence or presence of natural
individual is socialized and learns culture. resources.
LESSON 4: ETHNOCENTRISM AND Ethnocentrism - feeling of superiority
RELATIVISM towards one’s own group over other
The Primary Causes of Cultural Similarities
- This one-sided vision often results in
A. Biological Similarities - this means that all
failing to adequately understand
people in the world have the same
cultures that are different from one’s
biological needs.
own and in value judgements of
Ex. food, clothing, shelter and health care preference and thought of superiority of
one’s in-group.
B. Necessary Prerequisites for Social Being -
society must fulfil some requirements in Cultural Relativism - the principle of
order to function. regarding the beliefs, values and practices
of a culture from the viewpoint of the
Ex. replacing members, teaching new
culture itself.
members to participate, the need to have a
participation in production and distribution. - It was practiced to avoid cultural bias, as
well as to avoid looking arrogance
C. Psychic Unity of Mankind - all human
another culture by the standards of
beings are alike in having similar ranges of
one’s own culture.
Ex. love, security, language
D. Geographical Environment – is
characterized by certain limitations such as
limited food, limited source of energy, and
other delimiting factors of the people’s ❖ Biological Evolution – refers to the changes
environment. that occur in a population over time. These
changes are produced at the genetic level
as organisms genes mutate or recombine in potassium (K40) that breaks into Aron
different ways during reproduction and are (AR40) a gas.
passed on future generations.
- This method only dates inorganic
❖ Cultural Evolution – refers to any learnt materials like rocks and minerals.
behavior (knowledge, attitudes, customs
C. Uranium-Series Dating - is the most
and ideas) that is passed from one
accurate and reliable procedure at present.
generation to the next by learning.
It is done through a Radiogenic Isotope
❖ ANTHROPOLOGY - deals with the study of Facility.
the origin, evolution, and development of
- it is used to date the age of Callao man
the of the human species is concerned with
of the Philippines (67, 000 y.o.)
all peoples everywhere, from those alive
today, back to those who lived in the ❖ Geology – science that comprises the study
remote past. of solid Earth, its rock composition and the
processes of changes. Geologic time tells
that the earth began 6 billion years ago.
that deals with the biological origins and
evolution of man and the variations of the ❖ Era – is divided by time blocks; it is a change
human species and their physical on Earth distinct created by an event and
characteristics including the study of ended by other.
different races.
❖ Disturbances – it refers to the changes in
Types of Dating Methods every era caused by earth conditions.
1. The Relative Dating - a type of dating where ❖ Fossils – materials embedded in the Earth’s
in an artifact or human remains that cannot crust serves as evidence of life in pre-
be determined is measured in comparison historic times.
with the date of others determined already.
- It is a matter of whether something is
o Paleozoic
younger than or older than something
that can be or has been dated, or being o Mesozoic
in between two dates.
o Cenozoic – Paleocene, Eocene, Oligocene,
2. The Absolute Dating - is when the dating is Miocene, Pliocene, Pleistocene (crucial to
more precise considering that it can be the emergence of human being), Recent
narrowed to a bracket of within a few years.
▪ A 3.5 y.o. single-celled microbes is the
A. RadioCarbon Dating Method (Wiiliard F. world’s oldest fossil found inside the
Libby) - is based on measuring the lump of sandstone rock in Western
radioactive carbon or Carbon 14 (an Australia.
unstable radioactive isotope of normal
▪ Tertiary period – is also called Age of
carbon) that absorb daily from environment
Mammals. It was the beginning of
and atmosphere.
Cenozoic era which started at 65million
B. Potassium Argon K-AR Dating - is BC and lasted for 63 million years.
radiometric dating method based on
▪ Quartenary Period – beginning about
measurement of the product of the
1.8 million years ago, includes Halocene
radioactive decay of an isotope of
and Peistocene. Modern man first Size and Weight: About four feet long and 25 pounds
appeared 500,000 BC. Diet: Fruit
❖ Paleontology - is the scientific study of life Distinguishing Characteristics:
in the past Geologic periods. It deals with
the life forms known from fossils. ● Moderate size: long front arms: chimpanzee like
DARWIN’S EVOLUTION THEORY OF NATURAL ● First found in France, then Europe, China,
▪ Survival of the Fittest (S.O.T.F) – those Name: Pliopithecus (Greek for "Pliocene ape");
individual who possess superior physical, pronounced PLY-oh-pith-ECK us
behavioral, or other attributes are more Historical Epoch: Middle Miocene (15- 10 million years
likely to survive than those which are not so ago)
well endowed.
Size and Weight: About three feet tall and 50 pounds
➢ Charles Darwin - his years of studies
Diet: Leaves
pointed out the thought of evolution of
species through change and occurs through Distinguishing Characteristics: Short face with large
process of natural election. eyes; long arms and legs

Origin of Species (1859) ● They had the look and features similar to a
gibbow. Its skeleton & teeth suggest they are
The Evolution of Man from the Theory of Natural relatives of gibbon and Siamangs
▪ The Primates – monkeys, apes Australopithecus Afarensis: Lucy
- As time passed some of the most - Is an extinct hominid that lived between 2.9 to
primitive primates have become more 3.9 million years ago.
developed monkeys, some became - It is viewed more closely related to the genus
apes, and some developed human-like Homo (including Human Homo Sapiens)
features. - The fossils Lucy found by Donald Johanson is
the most complete and oldest hominid dated
3.2 m years.
1. Miocene Hominoids (Dryopithecus) THE - Afarensis is a biped that walks, runs and stands.
MIOCENE WAS A PERIOD OF ENVIRONMENTAL - It is also believed to be both tree and land
- It was the southern African counterpart of the
Name: Dryopithecus (Greek for "tree ape");
pronounced DRY-oh-pith-ECK-us Afarensis.
- named as "The Southern Ape Of Africa"
- is the first fossil of the great apes to be - Bipedal hominids with arms slightly larger than
discovered. It had a large brain and could the legs.
stand like a chimpanzee. - slightly more human cranial features.
Historical Epoch: Middle Miocene (15-10 million years - Human like posture based on the fossils found
ago) in year 1942 at Taung lime line
Australophitecus Boisei
- Is also called "nutcracker man" because its face - is the period where the humanity left prehistory
and cheek are so massive. and entered into history with the formation of
- Close relative of Robustus, same brain size but a modern society
better one is "dead end" branch of the hominid
line. UNIT 4
- First hominid to use stowe tools.
Paleolithic Age (Paleo - old stone age) Ended in 9600 Lesson 1: Enculturation and Socialization
BC with the end of Ice Age Enculturation and Socialization

● The Paleolithic Age was the longest period in ● Enculturation is the process by which
the history of the Stone Age. individuals acquire the knowledge, skills,
● During the Paleolithic Age, the hunter-gatherer attitudes, and values that enable them to
was nomadic. become functioning members of their societies.
● Learned how to use fire and developed oral ● Socialization is the process whereby the
language individual' s behavior is modified to conform to
● Created "cave art" the expectation of the group.
● The humans made different tools from stones
and pebbles. These tool were not very efficient. Three levels of Human Development
● The oldest recognizable tools are stone
choppers made almost 1 million years ago.
1. Vegetative level
● These tools were made by chipping stones and
- refers to embryo and early infancy.
Characterized by preoccupation with food.
● Near the end of the Paleolithic Age, the humans
- The infant grabs things and brings them directly
started to make shelters, wear sewn clothes,
to the mouth. The main thought of the infant is
and built sculptures.
● During this time, they greatly improved their
2. Animal Level
tools-building skills.
- Characterized by desires for sex and
NEOLITHIC ERA (News Stone Age)
reproduction. At this stage man is no different
The Neolithic Age was terminated with the introduction from animals in their need for food and sex.
of metal tools between 6000 BC and 2500 BC. - At this stage, the socialization of man is
With the termination of the Neolithic Age, the
3. Human
Stone Age came to an end in 2500 BC.

● The beginning of agriculture Social Norms and Social Values

● Permanent settlements were a major step in Social Norms
the advance of civilization.
- Are standards of behavior which tell whether an
● Used advanced tools, made pottery, developed
action is right or wrong; appropriate or not.
weaving skills.
1. Folkways
Great Civilization of the Near East and Eastern
Mediterranean - the traditional behavior or way of life of a
particular community or group of people.
1. Sumerians in Mesopotamia the ways of living, thinking, and acting in a
2. Egyptians human group, built up without conscious design
3. Minoans of Crete but serving as compelling guides of conduct.
4. Hittites of Asia Manor
Examples of Filipino Folkways
● Mano Po (Blessing of the hand/ means "right" - Are not laws in a legal sense, but occur regularly
[opposite of "left" ] and po is a word you say to in society.
show respect. A gesture where the younger
shows Activate Windows respect to the elder.
B. Formal Sanctions
● Po and Opo -kind of respect you use among
- May be in the nature of getting high academic
elders in the Filipino culture.
ratings, awards in schools, promotion or salary
● Bayanihan - a Filipino Term taken from the
increase for employees, certification of merits
word bayan referring to a nation, town, or
or other citation for achievement.
community. The whole term bayanihan refers
- Are actions that are legalized and official in
to a spirit of community unity or effort to
nature and enforced by an authoritative force.
achieve a particular objective. Helping out one's
neighbor as a community, and doing tasks Application of Sanctions
together, thus lessening the workload and
A. Physical Sanctions
making the job easier.
- Bring physical pain or pleasure.
● Harana- Filipino courtship tradition of
B. Psychological Sanctions
serenading women, probably a Spanish
- Address the feelings and emotions of a person.
- Positive psychological sanctions are found in
● Pamamanhikan
compliments, ribbons, badges and awards.
From the word panhik [which means to ascend
- Negative psychological sanctions are found in
stairs], is asking for the girls. parents permission
insults and rejections.
to wed the affianced pair." The custom
symbolizes honor and respect for the parents,
Status and Role
seeking their blessings and approval before
getting married. Status- Refers to one's position or place in a social
2. Mores
- Special folkways with moral and ethical values - Ascribed-status that is assigned to an individual
which are strongly held and emphasized. from birth.
- Mores is defined as the unspoken but - Achieved- which one acquires either by choice
understood norms of a community or society. or by force or through some form of
3. Laws competition and individual effort.
- Are formalized norms enacted by people vested Role- Refers to the functional and dynamic aspect of the
with authority. These laws reinforce the mores.
4. Sanctions - It is the totality of cultural patterns and
- Are penalties or other means of enforcement behavior expected of a particular status.
used to provide incentives for obedience with - a socially expected behavior pattern usually
the law, or with rules and regulation. determined by an individual's status, in a
- A threatened penalty for disobeying a law or particular society.
rule, official permission or approval for an Social values
- Are cultural standards that indicate the general
Forms of Sanctions good deemed desirable for organized social life.
- These are assumptions of what is right and
A. Informal Sanctions
important for society.
- Come in unfavorable or favorable public
opinion, giving or withdrawing of support, or
Forms of Roles ● Cultural conflict suggests that deviant and
A. Roles as Expectation- Refers to the rights, criminal behavior results when two normative
duties and obligations an individual has while systems come into contact.
occupying a status. LABELING
B. Role as Performance- Refers to how the ● Deviant behavior suggests that what defines
individual actually behaves while occupying the deviances is the action of others or by the
status. actors themselves.
C. Role Conflict- Arises when an individual VALUE CONFLICT
encounters conflicting demands from his two or
more statuses. ● Holds that acts are considered criminal or
D. Role Set- Refers to the individual's repertoire deviant because they are at variance with a
(list) of performances towards a variety of group's values.
others while he/she occupies a given status. DEVIANCE
Socialization for Sex Roles ● Is defined as the recognized violation of
● Societies categorize their members into males cultural norms.
and females and each is viewed as a distinct sex
or gender.

Lesson 2:Becoming a member of Society



- Is exercised by the primary groups like family,

peer group, who praise or condemn the
behavior of an individual.

- Is exercised by the secondary groups like

traditions, customs, institutions etc.

- Social control is through praise, prizes, fame,

respect and promotion.

-includE criticisM, gossip, punishment and


- Is designed and regulated by some authority

like the government which makes laws to LESSON 3: DIGNITY, RIGHTS AND THE
control order. COMMON GOOD

- Is the unwritten rules and regulation A MEMBER OF A POLITICAL COMMUNITY MUST BE ABLE
characterized by informal authority like TO INTERNALIZE THE PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION
criticism, sociability, and public opinion.
(PAGE 54) POLITICAL discussions use the concept of
● As a citizen we always think of the promotion
- Defined as a MEMBERSHIP in the political of the COMMON GOOD or GENERAL WELFARE
community which is personal and more or less ● A responsible citizen promotes the common
personal character good by obeying the law:paying taxes,
- It is the status of character being a CITIZEN informing himself about political issues.
❖ A citizen of a given state is one who owes volunteering in the community and respecting
permanent allegiance and is entitled with protection the rights and opinions of others
based on the legal and political conceptions. ● Willing to sacrifice his individual interests for
the collective good of the nation. He
❖ Being a citizen necessarily entails assertions of
remembers his civic duties and serves his
one's rights and privileges and conversely an
unwavering performance of his duties and obligations country despite any discomfort such a course
to the Acabe Wim ows government might bring.
● Responsible citizens obey the law. A
The CONSTITUTION recognizes the HUMAN harmonious society has order. Every citizen
RIGHTS or every citizen as enumerated with the BILL OF implicitly consents in maintaining social order
by upholding the law even when he does not
● Natural Rights like it. If he believes that the law is unfair, he
● Civil Rights resorts to the political process to change the
● Political Rights law in a manner society prescribes
● Economic Rights ● Good citizens are familiar with politics and keep
HUMAN RIGHTS the government accountable by staying on top
with its latest proceedings.
● INHERENT to all Human being what ever our
● Responsible citizens volunteer in the
nationality, sex, ethnic origin etc. We are all
community and when they see a need, they do
equally entitled without discrimination
not idly wait for someone else (like the
● UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHTS- are often guided
government) to address it.
by the Law in forms of:
● Responsible citizens respect the rights and
- Treaties
opinions of others and do not use for or abuse
- Customary International Laws
government to silence people who have
- General principles and other sources of
different views because such actions subvert a
international laws.
free society
The International human rights law lays down
● Responsible citizens listen to others with
OBLIGATIONS of the government to ACT in a certain
sincerity and work with fellow citizens to find
way or to REFRAIN from certain acts in order to
promote and protect human rights and fundamental the best solution to problems.
freedoms of individuals or groups.

- every member of the society DESERVES human Lesson 1: Primary and Secondary Groups
dignity. Group
- it refers to the individual group's sense of - A collection of individuals who have regular
RESPECT, SELF WORTH, PHYSICAL and contact and frequent interaction, mutual
PSYCHOLOGICAL INTEGRITY and influence, common feeling of camaraderie, and
who work together to achieve a common set of - a group of people of approximately the same
goals. age, status, and interests with a loosely
Social Group organized structure; often called “gang”
“barkada” or “tropa”.
- Has been defined as two or more people who
interact with one another, share similar
characteristics, and collectively have a sense of - are another type of social group. They have the
unity. opposite characteristics of primary groups. They
can be small or large and are mostly impersonal
Characteristics of Groups and usually short term. These groups are
● The members interact with each other over typically found at work and school.
some period of time. Function of Secondary Group
● Each member identifies with the group and is
- Since secondary groups are established to
recognized as part of the group by the other
perform functions, people’s roles are more
interchangeable. A secondary group is one you
● Each member is entitled to certain privileges
have chosen to be a part of.
and at the same time is expected to accept
Examples of Secondary Group:
certain responsibilities and duties.
● There is specialization, or role in their activities 1. Vendor to Client relationship.
which is carried out by the members of the 2. Workers in an office.
group. 3. Doctor to patient.
4. Athletic Team
TYPES OF GROUPS 5. A University Class.
Lesson 2: In-groups & Out-groups
- a group held together by intimate, face-to-face
relationships, formed by family and
environmental associations and regarded as - Sense of Belongingness
basic to social life and culture. - Sense of Identity
Examples of Primary Groups: - Mutual Social Behavior
- Different
- a group consisting of parents and children living
- Strangeness
together in a household, people united by ties
- Avoidance
of blood.
- Dislike

- a district, especially one forming a community Social Group: According to Purpose

within a town or city, are often social 1. TASK GROUP
communities with face to face interaction ● Formed to accomplish jobs ,tasks or
among members. obligations.
● Formed to fulfill the feeling of
- The term bayanihan itself literally means “being
in a bayan”, which refers to the spirit of
communal unity, work and cooperation to
● Formed to support a particular
achieve a particular goal.
Social Group: According to Social Organization positions of authority. Examples of formal
1. Gemeinschaft reference groups include:
● German term for “community”. ● Labor unions
● Composed of many primary groups that have ● Mensa, a society for people with high IQ
personal relationships with each other. ● Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)
2. Gesellschaft
● German term for “society”.
● Where relationships are individualistic,
impersonal, formal, and realistic. 1. They serve a normative function by setting and
enforcing standards of conduct and belief.
“The significant thing about a reference group is, in fact,
These concepts were developed by German that its norms provide frames of reference which
sociologist Ferdinand Tonnies (1887) to differentiate actually influence the attitude and the behavior of a
between urban and rural life or community living and person.”(T. Newcomb (1953)
living in the mass society.
2. They also perform a comparison function by
What is Peer Pressure? serving as a standard against which people can
- Peer Pressure is a social pressure by members measure themselves and others
of one’s peer group to take a certain action in 3. They serve not only as sources of current
order to be accepted. evaluation but also as a source of aspiration and
goal attainment (as a means of anticipatory
Lesson 3: Reference Groups socialization). A person who chooses to become
Reference Group a professor or a lawyer begins to identify with
that group and becomes socialized to have
- A reference group is a collection of people that
certain goals and expectations
we use as a standard of comparison for
ourselves regardless of whether we are part of Lesson 4: Social Network
that group. We rely on reference groups to SOCIAL NETWORK
understand social norms, which then shape our
values, ideas, behavior, and appearance. This - Is a social structure that exists between actors,
means that we also use them to evaluate the individuals or organizations. A social network
relative worth, desirability, or appropriateness indicates the way that people and organizations
of these things. are connected through various social
Informal Reference Group familiarities, ranging from casual acquaintance
to close familial bonds.
- Most reference groups are informal reference TIES
groups, which means that they are based on the
group members' shared interests and goals. - Are there various types of connections between
Informal groups are not structured with a these nodes? Ties are assessed in terms of
specific goal in mind. Group members interact strength. Loose connections, like mere
on a very personal level. Examples of informal acquaintances, are called weak ties. Strong ties,
reference groups include: like family bonds are called strong ties.
● Families
● A group of local mothers SOCIAL NETWORK THEORY
● Peer groups
Formal Reference Group - Is the study of how people, organizations or
groups interact with others inside their
- Formal reference groups have a specific goal or network. Understanding the theory is easier
mission. They also have a specific structure and
when you examine the individual pieces starting
with the largest element, which is networks,
and working down to the smallest element,
which is the actor.

- Are connected with a single node or individual.

For example, you are the node, connected to all
your close friends.

- Are closed networks by default. Two commonly-

used examples of this type of network are
children in a classroom or workers inside an

- The boundary lines are not clearly defined. A

few examples in this type of network are
America’s elite class, connections between
corporations, other chains of influencers of a
particular decision. Due to lack of clearly-
defined boundaries, this type of network is
considered the most difficult to study.

- is the collective of online communications

channels dedicated to community-based input,
interaction, content-sharing and collaboration.

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