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• Patience – within and inside the
❖ Research – is a careful and detailed study
into a specific problem, concern, or issue
using the scientific method. • Utility Competency – ability to
troubleshoot during unexpected
- Systematic investigation and study of
materials and sources to establish facts and
reach new conclusions. • Technical Competency – ability
to use available technologies.
- Indispensable component of academic and
industry practices. • Service – willingness to serve
Why do we need to study Research? others.

➢ To improve and develop new methods • Effort – time and skill

➢ To contribute knowledge and progress • Guts and Risk – considering

➢ To develop better understanding of
published works • Care – distinct characteristics of
a researcher.
➢ To develop independent critical thinking
skills along with oral and written ❖ Quantitative Research – an approach for
communication skills testing objective theories by examining the
relationship among variables.
➢ To solve a problem and to seize
opportunities - Hypothesized, Analyzed using numbers

TYPES OF RESEARCH APPROACH - Interpreted as relations

❖ Qualitative Research – is an attempt to ❖ Mixed Approach – involves collecting both

understand the world as lived. quantitative and qualitative data, and
integrating the two forms of data.
- It encompasses studies about how an
individual consider a particular experience TYPES OF MIXED APPROACH RESEARCHES
and how he/she reflects on it. • Convergent Parallel – researcher
- No statistical analysis is being performed, merges quantitative data.
yet the researcher can analyze the - Collects both forms of data simultaneously
experience using words, phrases and texts
guided by own understanding. • Explanatory Sequential – researcher
first conducts quantitative research
- Exploring and understanding the meaning and builds on the results to explain
individuals or groups ascribed to a social or them in more detail.
human problem.
• Exploratory Sequential – researcher
- Concepts, Analyzed using language
begins with a qualitative research
- Interpreted as themes and builds on the findings to
develop a quantitative phase.
PHILOSOPHICAL WORLDVIEWS IN Literature reviews – required for
RESEARCH quantitative studies, optional in
qualitative inquiries
• Post-positivist – “We cannot be
positive in our claims of knowledge Objective framing – identifying the
when studying behavior and actions ‘Central Question’
of humans”
- For qualitative inquiry, the focus is
Main Concept: Researchers in this understanding human experience using
category subscribes to the idea that words.
everything should be quantified to
• Design Phase – also known as the
produce meaningful concrete
planning phase.
- Researchers decide on the detailed
• Constructivist – “Individuals develop
procedures in gathering and analyzing data
subjective meanings of their
experiences” - How, where and when the study will be
conducted and analyzed
Main Concept: Researchers in this
group believe that experience • Empirical Phase – data gathering
expressed through words can paint a and collection
better picture of a certain
- In qualitative studies, respondents are also
known as key informants or coresearchers.
• Transformative – “Research inquiry
- Interviews and Focus Group Discussions
should be intertwined with politics
(FGD) are commonly employed with the use
and political change agenda”
of interview guides ‘Aide Memoire’.
Main Concept: Researchers in this
• Analytical Phase – preparation and
group supports the idea that
assessment of the through the use
research should be conducted to
of tools and the researchers’ own
increase quality of life and produce
understanding as supported by his
better sciences.
belief and previous researches
• Pragmatic – “We need to look to published in the same area of
many possibilities for collecting and interest.
analysing data”
Qualitative studies
Main Concept: Researchers in this
- Interview texts are being delimited to
group promotes the use of both
manageable statements and thematized.
quantitative and qualitative data in
expressing research findings. - A model (simulacrum) is being produced to
summarize an understanding of the themes
that emerged in the study. In this phase, the
• Conceptualization Phase results are interpreted before the writeup
or manuscript.
Topic is identified – not-too-broad
but not-too-specific concept to allow • Dissemination Phase – most
flexibility and further exploration. valuable.
- Results are advised to be shared to the • Historical - researcher studies the
general public if not on the specific systematic study or past events. This
population groups that can benefit from its examines the documents of the past to
result. help the researcher understand and
connect it in the present time.
Method What data Historical, • Case Studies – researcher develops and
will be Descriptive, in-depth analysis of a case, often a
gathered? Experimenta program, event, activity, process of one
l or more individuals.
Techniqu How data Survey,
e will be Interview, • Grounded Theory – researcher derives a
gathered? Doodling general, abstract theory of a process,
Approach How data Quantitative action or interaction grounded in the
will be , Qualitative, views of the participants.
processed Mixed


in written and/or soft copy file form.
- Follows specific research content guidelines
and format
Traditional manuscripts: by-chapter
Others adopt the Introduction-Method-
Results-Discussion (IMRAD) format and
content based on the American
Psychological Association (APA, 6th
Edition) Standards

• Narrative – researcher studies the lives

of individuals and asks one or more
individuals to provide stories about their

• Phenomenological – researcher
describes the lived experiences of
individuals about a phenomenon.

• Ethnography – researcher studies the

shared patters of behavior, language
and actions of an intact cultural group in
a natural setting over a prolonged
period of time.

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