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DECEMBER 2016 • V3 • N63

Continuing Dental Education


Pulp Testing and Apex Locators:

Eliminating the
From Endodontic
Joseph Chikvashvili, DDS

SUPPORTED BY AN UNRESTRICTED GRANT FROM PARKELL • Published by Dental Learning Systems, LLC © 2016
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Eliminating the Guesswork from Endodontic Diagnostics

From Endodontic
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Pulp Testing and Apex Locators:

Eliminating the Guesswork

From Endodontic Diagnostics
Joseph Chikvashvili, DDS

ABSTRACT ccurate, reproducible endodontic testing is essential for
Clinicians must effectively determining the proper diagnosis of an injured tooth.
manage endodontic testing Several types of tests can be used to help evaluate the vi-
to better achieve successful tality of a tooth. Equally important, other tests are also available
diagnoses of injured teeth. that assist dentists in determining the source of a patient’s pain.
Taking accurate periapical However, the starting point should reflect the famous words of
radiographs and bitewings is Sir William Osler, MD: “Listen to your patient, he is telling you
a critical part of the process. the diagnosis.”1
In addition to radiography,
Excellent diagnosis essentially begins with two fundamental
however, apex locators have
become an instrumental tool components: a doctor willing to listen to the patient’s chief com-
in helping dentists perform plaint, and proper diagnostic tools. Among the most important
high-quality endodontic care. tools are a precise periapical radiograph (PA) and bitewing (BW).
Having undergone various Although a PA is often enough to provide an accurate portrayal of
generations of advancements, the patient’s condition, sometimes it alone does not suffice. Figure
these instruments help clinicians 1 through Figure 3 demonstrate a case that illustrates this point
eliminate guesswork in achieving clearly. Despite two acceptable PAs (Figure 1 and Figure 2), it is
accurate working lengths when difficult to assess the source of the patient’s pain to temperature.
performing root canal therapies. However, the BW radiograph (Figure 3) provides significantly
more clarity than either of the two PAs. The BW depicts local-
LEARNING OBJECTIVES ized bone loss (around tooth No. 2), a pulp stone (No. 2), a flat
occlusion, numerous calcified canals, multiple restorations in
• Discuss the importance of
taking accurate periapical tooth No. 30, and gross decay especially on tooth No. 3, which
radiographs and bitewings is the source of the patient’s pain to temperature. In this instance
when diagnosing an injured these images depict how much more useful a BW can be than
tooth. just a conventional PA.
• Describe various methods of EVALUATING THE HEALTH OF A TOOTH
testing that can be performed Having established the importance of taking meticulous PAs and
to evaluate the health of a BWs, testing should be done to evaluate the health of a tooth. An
tooth. array of tests could be performed, ranging from hot, cold, elec-
• Explain how apex locators tric pulp testing (EPT), percussion, palpation, mobility, probing,
can be effectively used to biting, and anesthesia. All of these tests are useful, but depend-
determine canal length. ing on the patient’s chief complaint, some are more valuable


than others. Hot and cold testing are generally
considered to be the best for determining the
responsiveness of pulpal, sensory neurons.2

Hot testing can be performed with a heated

gutta-percha or compound stick, friction, or—
the most superior method—isolating the tooth
with rubber dam and rinsing with a syringe
filled with hot water.2 Cold can be tested using
ice, frozen carbon dioxide, or, the most prudent
alternative, a can of cold refrigerant spray, ie,
1,1,1,2 tetrofluoroethane (eg, Frigi-Dent™, Ell-
man International Inc., The
latter is a simple way to elicit a response. When
using this method, the clinician sprays the re-
frigerant spray on a piece of cotton and applies
it to the tooth. In the author’s experience, using
a loosely wound cotton ball held with a college
pliar will produce a more accurate result than
using a cotton tip applicator or a tightly wound
cotton ball.

EPT can also be an effective test. However,

responsiveness of the pulp to EPT does not
reflect the histologic health or disease status
of the pulp.3 Rather, a response only denotes
that viable nerve fibers are present in the pulp.
Moreover, the numerical figures associated
with EPT readings are less relevant than num-
bers that appear to be outliers.2 EPT can be a
highly useful adjunct for testing a tooth; how-
ever, it, too, has limitations as performing the
test can be difficult or even impossible when
the tooth has a full-coverage restoration.

Percussion and palpation can offer insight

into acute pain that is occurring. While per-
cussion alone cannot indicate that a tooth
needs root canal therapy, this type of pain is
often accompanied by an unhealthy, diseased
pulp. Thermal testing must be done in tandem
with this method to ensure that the discomfort
Fig 1. Foreshortened PA radiograph. Fig 2. Acceptable PA radiograph. does not stem from some parafunctional habit
Fig 3. BW of the same upper right area as shown in Figure 1 and (clenching, grinding, etc) or for some other rea-
Figure 2, depicting gross decay not visualized on prior PAs. son (such as placement of a recent restoration).


A bitestick test can also be helpful in testing to to keep accesses conservative. Unfortunately,
see what is acute.2 However, the author prefers practitioners often master the delicate art of ac-
to have the patient bite on a smaller saliva ejec- cess only after they have learned how to prop-
tor tip. erly perform successful root canal therapy,
which is ironic because access is usually the
Mobility can often suggest improper occlu- first thing a practitioner learns and is how root
sion, parafunctional habits, or possibly puru- canal therapy begins on every tooth.
lence underneath an infected tooth. Meanwhile,
probing can provide an effective assessment of Figure 4 through Figure 10 depict several
the periodontal health and whether any frac- teeth that have conservative accesses while
tures exist. still allowing the clinician to adequately instru-
ment and clean each tooth to achieve effective
It should be noted that not all of these tests root canal therapy. The success of these cases
need to be performed for every tooth examined. still hinges on the proper cleaning and shap-
However, cold, percussion, mobility, and prob- ing of the root canal system, and while conser-
ing should be done most frequently, because vative accesses are desirable, too small of an
they are usually the most reliable and helpful access can lead to missed canals, poor instru-
tests to enable proper diagnosis and restorabil- mentation, improper cleaning, and, ultimately,
ity of the tooth.2 The author performs all four of a failed procedure.
these tests on more than 90% of the teeth that
he routinely evaluates. LIMITATIONS OF RADIOGRAPHS
Once the access is performed and canals have
Some clinicians prefer to assess the source of been located, the length of the canals need to
the pain by testing the likely tooth in question be determined. This can be achieved by taking
first, either by percussion or cold. However, a a working film radiograph or by using an apex
different method, which the author prefers, is locator. Radiographs have been used for many
to test what appears to be a healthy tooth first. years to determine proper length, but this meth-
This provides two primary benefits: it allows od is rather arbitrary. An examination into the
the clinician to ascertain the patient’s baseline research performed by various authors, includ-
to cold or percussion, and it encourages further ing Kuttler,5 Pineda and Kuttler,6 and Dummer
rapport with the patient. Eliciting pain from pa- et al,7 demonstrated that canal length can vary
tients immediately after meeting and greeting greatly. One reason is that the anatomy of the
them is not conducive to developing a relation- apex changes with age, which is often due to
ship of trust with them. If the clinician is a spe- hard-tissue deposition. Additionally, the apical
cialist, some patients may be meeting him or foramen (or major foramen) often does not lie
her for the first time. at the anatomical apex of the tooth, and, more-
over, the apical constriction (or minor fora-
Once a proper diagnosis is obtained, and men) itself can vary greatly in its appearance.5
informed consent is attained and reviewed,
treatment can typically begin. While access is For all tooth types, it was determined that the
essential, preservation of the tooth should al- distance from the apical foramen to the apical
ways be the highest goal in root canal therapy. constriction was 0.5 mm in younger individu-
Removing excessive tooth structure to perform als and 0.8 mm in older adults.6,7 This vari-
a beautiful root canal will likely lead to the ability could be due to many factors, including
tooth’s eventual demise.4 Therefore, it is crucial caries, apical disease, genetics, etc. However, it


illustrates that there is a difference in anatomi- really fostered the common teaching practice of
cal considerations due to the age of the person. determining working length to be approximately
Furthermore, early anatomical studies are what 1 mm short of the anatomical apex.7 While this

4 5

7 8

9 10

Fig 4. Endodontic therapy on molar with four canals. Fig 5. Same tooth as shown in Figure 4 allows for visualization of tiny access despite
having obturated four canals. Fig 6. Tiny access specifically performed to preserve tooth structure and avoid the rest seat of a maxillary partial
denture. Fig 7. Conservative access does not prevent the “popping” of six or seven lateral canals on this particular molar. Fig 8. Complex four
canals with internal resorption in distal canals. Fig 9. The author’s typical access preparation for a molar tooth endodontically treated.
Fig 10. Despite tiny access, three canals were negotiated in this difficult premolar.


proved to be a good starting point for properly to digital radiography, radiation was an even
finding canal length, today far superior methods greater concern.
of obtaining accurate lengths exist, due primar-
ily to the innovation of apex locators.8 PROGRESSION OF APEX LOCATORS
Using the earlier work of Custer and Suzuki,
Radiographs were not without their limi- Sunada was able to develop a device that used
tations. They were 2-dimensional while the direct current to measure canal length.10 How-
images they were capturing were, of course, ever, using direct current led to some instabil-
3-dimensional. They were technique-sensitive ity with measurement and elicited more pain
and open to subjective interpretation. At times, for the patient. Second-generation apex loca-
analyzing them was impaired by existing anat- tors began to use impedance measurements in-
omy. Superimposition of the zygomatic arch stead of resistance to locate working length. In-
could interfere with maxillary first molar api- oue developed a change in frequency method,
ces 20% of the time.9 The zygoma, a torus, or which allowed for beeping sounds when the
natural root bifurcation could all contribute to apex was reached. Still, most second-genera-
increasing a clinician’s inaccuracy in locating tion apex locators failed to give accurate read-
the correct working length. Additionally, prior ings in both dry and wet canals.11

11 12

13 14

Fig 11. Preoperative PA depicting complex root anatomy. Fig 12. Working PA depicting arduous mesial bends and two mesial canals.
Fig 13. Six-year checkup PA. Fig 14. Three-rooted premolar displaying how difficult anatomy can obscure a clinician from visualizing the apex
of the tooth.


Third-generation apex locators improved Intact tissue, blood, and exudate can all cause
upon their predecessors by generating multiple inaccurate readings by conducting electrical
frequencies to determine accurate canal length. current. Caries and metal restorations can also
Finally, with Kobayashi’s efforts, erroneous lead to inaccurate readings. Additionally, some
readings with electrolytes were solved.12 He apex locators have demonstrated that they are
used a ratio method that worked based on the more accurate when readings are attempted in
principle that two electrical currents with dif- the presence of sodium hypochlorite.13
ferent sine wave frequencies would have mea-
surable impedances. These impedances could Dentin debris or lack of patency can also af-
be measured and compared as a ratio, regard- fect an apex locator’s readings. While small
less of the type of electrolyte in the canal.12 or larger files both can be used to accurately
determine working length, often clinicians will
Yet despite these advances, newer fourth- achieve a better result by using a larger-diam-
generation apex locators still have limita- eter hand file. Constant recapitulation and ir-
tions. Inflammation has been demonstrated to rigation are both necessary to achieve optimal
adversely affect an apex locator’s readings.13 readings.

15 16

17 18

Fig 15. Molar with significant radiolucencies. Fig 16. Mesial-lingual (ML) length looks to be precise, while distal-lingual (DL) looks to be slightly
long. Fig 17. Mesial-buccal (MB) length appears to be long, and distal-buccal (DB) has a kink likely due to its joining the DL canal just before
the apex. Fig 18. Completed case shows how the lengths were corrected prior to final obturation to achieve an ideal result.


OVERCOMING PITFALLS essary? Because studies have shown them to
There are ways, of course, to eliminate some be up to 96% accurate,8 it stands to reason that
of these pitfalls. Clinicians should bear in mind they could be used in every case possible. In
that as a tooth is shaped, especially through some instances, the apex cannot even be seen
use of rotary instruments, canal length will get radiographically. In these cases, using an apex
shorter.14 Therefore, rechecking one’s measure- locator is imperative to finding the true work-
ments is usually beneficial. Apical debris is a ing length of the canals. Figure 10 and Figure
major hindrance to achieving both accurate 11 through Figure 14 demonstrate two such
readings and overall clinical success. Thus, re- cases; they likely would not have been suc-
moval of debris via recapitulation and active cessfully completed without the use of an apex
irrigation is often necessary. If an amalgam locator. Even the final PA (Figure 14) does not
restoration is interfering with the readings, it clearly depict where the canals end.
should be removed entirely if possible. If it is
not feasible to do so, the file should be held Working films or radiographs, however,
away from the amalgam until an accurate read- should not be completely eliminated from the
ing can be achieved. Some burs come with clinician’s armamentarium. While practitioners
plastic sleeves that can also be placed over a may legally only be required to depict a preop-
file so that the metal restoration does not con- erative and postoperative radiograph, from an
tact the hand file itself. Similarly, this can also endodontic point of view at least one working
be achieved by coating the coronal aspect of a radiograph should always be taken. This does
file, even with nail polish. not mean that a master file radiograph has to
be taken; however, it is prudent to take one in
If the desired reading cannot be attained us- cases in which the anatomy is challenging, and
ing a small file, the clinician can increase the file the author recommends always taking a master
size by one or two sizes. It should be noted that cone radiograph (Figure 11 through Figure 14).
readings are effectively attained when the canal,
not the chamber, is wet. If a reading seems to The master cone PA is the last indicator cli-
be obviously inaccurate, other methods of deter- nicians have in assessing whether or not their
mining working length should be used. working lengths were truly accurate. This ra-
diograph is crucial in affording the practitioner
Other means for locating working length the opportunity to make adjustments to prop-
include use of radiographs or paper points. erly complete the procedure to the desirable
Although radiographic evaluation can be sub- lengths. An example is presented in Figure 15
jective, paper point confirmation can be very through Figure 18. Figure 16 and Figure 17
helpful. If a paper point is consistently “wet” at show a master cone PA that demonstrates two
19 mm, then that is likely the proper working of four canals to proper length. After adjust-
length. If a working length radiograph is taken ing the length of the other two master cones,
and the file looks significantly short, it may be the clinician was able to correct the lengths to
due to a lateral canal, resorbed apex, or some produce a more appropriate result, as seen in
other anatomical anomaly. Figure 18.

WORKING WITH BOTH APEX LOCATORS Having the opportunity to make adjustments
AND RADIOGRAPHS prior to completing treatment should not be mere-
The question remains: how often should clini- ly an option; rather, it is imperative to enable the
cians use apex locators, and are they really nec- clinician to perform the best possible endodontic


therapy for the patient. In a discipline where 1 6. Pineda F, Kuttler Y. Mesiodistal and buccolingual
mm can determine success or failure, this cannot roentgenographic investigation of 7,275 root canals.
be overemphasized. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol. 1972;33(1):101-110.
7. Dummer PM, McGinn JH, Rees DG. The position and
CONCLUSION topography of the apical canal constriction and apical fo-
It is crucial for clinicians to learn how to man- ramen. Int Endod J. 1984;17(4):192-198.
age endodontic tests to better achieve successful 8. Shabahang S, Goon WW, Gluskin AH. An in vivo
diagnoses and, ultimately, offer optimal treat- evaluation of Root ZX electronic apex locator. J Endod.
ment to patients. Apex locators have become 1996;22(11):616-618.
instrumental in helping dentists perform high- 9. Tamse A, Kaffe I, Fishel D. Zygomatic arch interfer-
quality endodontic care by eliminating guess- ence with correct radiographic diagnosis in maxillary
work in achieving accurate working lengths. molar endodontics. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol.
Nevertheless, practitioners should always use 1980;50(6):563-566.
supplementary methods, such as radiographic
10. Sunada I. New method for measuring the length of
analysis of master cone PAs or paper point in-
the root canal. J Dent Res. 1962;41(2):375-387.
spection, to confirm working lengths.
11. Inoue N. An audiometric method for determining the
REFERENCES length of root canals. J Can Dent Assoc. 1973;39(9):630-
1. Sir William Osler & His Inspirational Words. The Os- 636.
ler Symposia website. 12. Kobayashi C, Okiji T, Kawashima N, et al. A basic
about-Sir-William-Osler.html. Accessed December 8, study on the electronic root canal length measurement:
2016. Part 3. Newly designed electronic root canal length
2. Cohen S, Burns R. Pathways of the Pulp. 8th ed. Phil- measuring device using division method. Jpn J Conserv
adelphia, PA: Mosby; 2002. Dent. 1991;34:1442-1448.
3. Seltzer S. Endodontology: Biologic Considerations in 13. Meares WA, Steiman HR. The influence of sodium
Endodontic Procedures. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lea hypochlorite irrigation on the accuracy of the Root ZX
& Febiger; 1988. electronic apex locator. J Endod. 2002;28(8):595-598.
4. Larson TD, Douglas WH, Geistfeld RE. Effect of 14. Khurana P, Nainan MT, Sodhi KK, Padda BK.
prepared cavities on the strength of teeth. Oper Dent. Change of working length in curved molar root canals
1981;6(1);2-5. after preparation with different rotary nickel-titanium in-
5. Kuttler Y. Microscopic investigation of root apexes. J struments. J Conserv Dent. 2011;14(3):264-268.
Am Dent Assoc. 1955;50(5):544-552.


Pulp Testing and Apex Locators:
2 CDE Credits

Eliminating the Guesswork

From Endodontic Diagnostics
Joseph Chikvashvili, DDS

1. Excellent diagnosis begins with two fundamental 6. With whose efforts were erroneous apex locator readings with
components: a doctor willing to listen to the patient’s chief electrolytes solved?
complaint, and: A. Kobayashi
A. access to good research. B. Kuttler
B. paper points. C. Sunada
C. proper diagnostic tools. D. None of the above
D. irrigation instrumentation.
7. Some apex locators are more accurate when readings are
2. Which testing is/are generally considered to be the best for attempted in the presence of:
determining the responsiveness of pulpal, sensory neurons? A. metal restorations.
A. Hot and cold B. sodium hypochlorite.
B. Electric pulp testing (EPT) C. blood.
C. Percussion and palpation D. dentin debris.
D. Anesthesia
8. When locating working length, in addition to radiographic
3. While access is essential, what should always be the highest evaluation, confirmation with which of the following can be
goal in root canal therapy? very helpful?
A. Preservation of the tooth A. EPT
B. Finding all canals B. Heated gutta-percha
C. Cleaning all canals C. Paper point
D. Ensuring the root canal appears properly on a radiograph D. Frozen carbon dioxide

4. Canal length can vary greatly because the anatomy of the 9. Studies have shown apex locators to be:
apex: A. less than 36% accurate.
A. never changes. B. up to 56% accurate.
B. changes with age. C. up to 76% accurate.
C. is unaffected by hard-tissue deposition. D. up to 96% accurate.
D. changes based on a person’s parafunctional habits.
10. The last indicator clinicians have in assessing whether or
5. When evaluating a radiograph, which of the following could not their working lengths were truly accurate is:
interfere with a clinician’s view and contribute to inaccuracy A. a master file radiograph.
in locating the working length? B. the master cone PA.
A. Zygoma C. the BW radiograph.
B. Torus D. a fourth-generation apex locator.
C. Root bifurcation
D. All of the above

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