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Five Eyes, Buddhist Green

Canada, USA, IRAN, INDIA and



Professor Ashok Malhotra, PhD

June 22, 2024


Buddhism as finally introduced by
Gautam Buddha, stripped existing
religions and spiritual practices of all
ritual and mythology, The Buddha
simplified it to compassion for all life and
basic truths that are at root of all great
religions of the world. Moreover, he also
rejected the literary languages of the
learned, expressing his message in
language and dialects of the people

His messages to people were identical in

its essence to those of Hinduism and
Christianity. They are also identical at
their core to Islam and Sikhism, the most
recent of all great religions.

leraned Hindu pandits of the time then

accepted Buddha as an evolved Hindu, a
new and ninth avatar of the creator they
personufied as Lord Vishnu with his
Consort the goddess Laxmi, goddess of
peace and prosperity shown as two fir
created being but in essence one in
estoric Hinduism.

The message of Buddha is also in sync

with those who follow no religion at all
but believe in rightful living. Who believe
there are consequences for harming a
fellow human for one’s own benefit. That
one must not do to another what one
would not like done to self. Teachings of
Buddha were sonakinnto ancient Chinese
religions that Buddhism took root in
China as well.

Buddha described, the universe that has

created al life, not just on Earth but
everywhere in the universe wherever life
exists in this infinite universe. Further he
said the Universe is not just infinitely
powerful it is also infinitely intelligent. It
notes all our actions, even our thoughts,
even though no other ling being may
cone to know of it.

Buddha did not deny the huge

mythology of gods and goddesses of
prophets and messiahs, angels and
demons that existed in religious texts of
the time but he said one need not worry
about it all but just lead the path of
goodness marked with love, truth and
austerity.humility and simplicity to free
oneself from lust anger,fear, greed, ego
and non-violence born of it all.

Extensive history and mythology tend to

confuse a finite mind. It is prone to
errors because of its immensity. It even
divert attention to non essential part of
spirituality or right living by mixing it
with the essential. Indeed, we might miss
the alminds girvthe peanut in a pudding
packet with every possible nut.
This author, in his life long study of
independent spirituality and science has
arrived at the conclusion that wherever
differences are found in various great
religions on our planet, they are due to
errors more than errors by the saints
that helped originate any religion.

The acts that follow old and new

testament of Christian holy Bible were
composed and written by others who
wete human not as saintly as founding
saints. They made human errors. They
were further edited in conferences
centuries later.

Books of Islam too were not written by

the prophet. The prophet was illiterate,
he only spoke. It was written later in
Baghdad by humans from memory.

To assume that these latter humans

were perfect and did not make errors is
to be unscientific. There is only one
perfect being and that is God and next
to him are a few rare saints and
messengers who who divested
themselves of human concerns while
surrendering their own free will and
desire to the Aalmighty. the best they
can to the Creator. Few humans can do
that. The journey to thevtop if a
mountain is long and arduous.

Any worldly desire, even to be good can

lead a human astray and generate
karma or action with its consequences.
Thede consequences are both joy and
sorrow that experiences even the

The only escape from it as Buddha made

it clear is to escape from all desire. it
shall not happen in a day, not even in
one life time perhaps. The journey back
to the source may seem infinitely long.
But when one reaches the summit the joy
is exhilrating even for esrthly mountains.
For spiritual climb it is Nirvana, an
indescribable state of joy or bliss.

it's worth it because as we walk towards

the summit of light our hearts are filled
with joy. For sure therecshall be periofic
slips but thevdetermined mountain
climber recovers and continues.

When we do the opposite, we walk

towards darkness and get depressed just
as the mountain climberscwho gave up
because of frost brights etc. and made
theirvway back towards the base. sone
in their depressed missed a foot and fell
into a bottomless pit. Thise who fo not
come back again tje gollowing year and
try again, in a new birth and by
determination eventually succeed
planting a flag of their glory on top of a
hill for all to see
In his final birth the godly being
becomes part light since now he is near
thevsource of light of which al matter
was once born. Those belowvthe hill
cannot yet see that source but see light
emanate from that saint the famous
aura of saints, that those who have been
fortunate to come in proximity of one
perceive. It immediately cleanses and
soothes their tired souls for it is a light
from our heavenly father.

People come running from afar for a

glimps falling over each other in their
maddening rush, this near naked fakir.

The crowds did to hear Jesus on the

mount. Thousands crowded leaving their
fish and biats behind lest they miss this
miracle the heavens were singing about,
or to get to get a glimpse of Gandhi in
recorded history, or as thousands from
from all corners of the Earth to see
babaji haidakhandi some jalf a century
ago, to a remote location in the
Himalayas over risky mountain trails
exhausted tired but on a catching a
glimpse immediately refreshed cleansed
with the light that emanated from this
miraculous youth of just twenty standing
smiling his flimsy white giwn fluttering in
the wind, falling at his feet, weeping in
gratefulness and relief.

Praise The Lord

When the Saints go a marching

After a saint sheds his earthly body and

leaves, followers tare heart broken at
first but soon they hear a voice from
the skies

they see their beloved messenger, he

consoles them, I am not dead, I now live
with my father in heaven, one with Him
Her It, Whichever you orefer to see the
creator from which all emanates.

abd like father, like son, i am much more

with you now then before.

Arise and go about doing what you

always did when i was with you in flesh
and blood.

Choose one or few from you as your

leader for every group needs a
supervisor and a chain of command just
as an army fighting a war does. Your war
is against five enemies,





and from the violence that is

birn if it, that drags you lower and lower
hilding you back from rising to the stars,
where father and mother await you with
open arms to lead you to your rooms
that you left long ago in a garden of love
and peace where angels shall sing for
you sweet songs of peace and joy. Come
hurry, there is little time left, for the train
that goes to heaven is about to depart, it
shall be a hoyous journey for its tracks
are not made if steel, nor magnets but of
beams of light

shining bright
beginning violet blue but then mostly
green at its core with hues of yellow,
orange and red to the sides.




In the year of our Lord 2024 manking is

beset with new challenges, we the
learned perceive the need of a new sect
of Buddhism bathed in modern science
and light of Mother Goddess of

Green Tara
It is perceived that she shall bestow five
eyes nit firvwar but for peace to five
lovations she perceives wise






and she has begun the search who shall

be the Green Lama of these places . She
has nominated five after careful
consideration, men of science, integrity
and truth
Elon Musk for Canada in vancouver

Dr. S M Pimputkar in Ohio for U S

Amin Paktinat of Iran

G V R S Sarma of India


Bhav Datt of Sydney Australia

each shall design their green buddhist

plans independently of their own wisdom
and choice that is considerable for an
International Lamaneeds no guide or
boss, he is the guide.
These Five International Lamas may or
may not collaborate with each other, for
it is their choice but they shall endeavour
to soread the green message of mother
earth it is hoped by appointing new
national lama in any country if thevworld
it pleases them to, so as to spread the
light. these national lamas may both
bevappointed or removed by their
mentors and appointing International

Regional Groups

the national Lamas shall help create

zonal green tara groups in various postal
zones of their country if they so desire
Three are the tiers of this Bew Green
Buddhist Movement





forvthree are the Goddesses

white Green and Pink

jai Na Tara


reading material on topic from author’s



Welcome to spiritual Himalayas and

one of the most beautiful of its

districts - Nainital

Green Buddhism 2024

June 21, 2024

Mother Goddess as viewed in

Himalayas, Green Tara

Green Buddhism is a reinterpretion

of ancient tibetan Buddhism

reinterpreted in moder context.

Green Buddhism begins with

revognition of fact that we are all

born of mother Earth, the green

side of it gor it is plant life that

brings us good and our life breath

in form of oxygen. Out spirit may

have come from afar but a spirit

or soul needs a body to express

itself and that body comes


Mother Earth was personified in

various forms through out the

Ancient world in various forms. In

Buddhism she is personified as a

green goddess seated often shown

seated on a lotus in various yogic

or meditational postures such sd

the one shown here by author.

The light that emanates from.her

is an emerald green color. Goddess

Tara is regarded as the

primal.goddess from which all life

is born including the Buddhas.



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About Me


Jaipur, Delhi and Nainital,

Rajasthan, Delhi, UP, Uttarakhand ,


International educator, thinker,

technologist, scientist and

mystic ever striving to do the

right thing as pleasing to God

in his humble understanding.

Dr. Ashok Malhotra holds a

doctoral degree in engineering

from the University of British

Columbia, Canada.




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