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Pointers TO Review FOR Dispute Resolution AND Crisis

Medical Surgical (Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan)

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It is the event wherein the law enforcement authorities first become aware of the

A. notification B. police response

C. zero hour D. location

It is the event wherein the police officers are dispatched to the incident site to

A. notification B. police response

C. zero hour D. location

It is one of the most dangerous events during terrorist incidents, and it usually involved
the arrival of the first responding officer on the scene.

A. notification B. police response

C. zero hour D. location

This type is classed as a rational creative thinker, able to reason consequences and
discriminate how much force is against them, and acts accordingly.

A. Common Criminal B. Assailants

C. Psycho D. Common Terrorist

Criminals have three (3) common demand, except

A. Escape B. Comfort
C. Money D. Transportation

Anticipating conditions, problems, and opportunities that will be confronted during and
after the incident.

A. confrontation B. notifications
C. Forecasting D. preparation

Creating conditions necessary for mutually cooperative efforts of people and teamwork
effort by all people.

A. confrontation B. Developing Relationship

C. containment D. preparation

Choosing people with appropriate skills, attitudes and experience to perform specified

A. Selecting People B. evaluation

C. evacuation D. segregation

One of the most overlooked phases of operation during terrorist incidents has been that
of providing clear, concise, and timely relay of information.

A. Isolation B. evaluation
C. Informational Briefing D. segregation

It as the event in the barricade matrix, wherein the patrol officers should have been
assembling witnesses and any other persons with pertinent information.

A. isolation B. evaluation
C. evacuation D. segregation

It represents a condition wherein a redirection of feelings between the terrorist and the
negotiator occurs so that the relationship of confidence can be developed.

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A. dependency B. trust
C. problem solving D. none of the these

Creating a sequence of action steps to be followed in reaching the objective.

A. dependency B. Establishing Priorities

C. problem solving D. none of the these

Identifying manpower and equipment required in reaching objectives and to effectively

utilize those resources that are available.

A. crisis management B. crisis intervention

C. Allocating Resources D. negotiations

It is a demonstration of the negotiators attention, interest and concern to the terrorist by

listening in conjunction with verbal or non-verbal communication.

A. paraphrasing B. attending
C. reflection of feeling D. probing

This is a statement that mirrors the terrorist statement in exact or similar wording.

A. paraphrasing B. attending
C. reflection of feeling D. probing

A negotiation conducted between law enforcement agencies, diplomatic or other

governmental representatives for the release of a person held hostage against their will
by criminal, terrorist or other elements.

A. paraphrasing B. Hostage Negotiation

C. reflection of feeling D. probing

It is a technique for law enforcement to communicate with people who are threatening
violence including barricaded subject, hostage taker, stalkers, threats, workplace
violence or person threatening suicide.

A. Crisis Negotiation B. attending

C. reflection of feeling D. probing

It is a brief review by the negotiator of the main points discussed about issue, demand,
threat or ultimatum.

A. interpreting B. association
C. confrontation D. summarizing

It involves assessing potential threats and finding the best ways to avoid those threats.

A. interpreting B. association
C. Risk Management D. summarizing

is any event that is expected to lead to an unstable and dangerous situation affecting an
individual, group, community or society.

A. Crisis B. association
C. confrontation D. summarizing

This is the standard policy designed to give guidance and direction to police personnel
regardless of the types of functions to be performed or police operation to be conducted,
aimed of determining future course of action or conditions to operate effectively in any
given situation based on the norms and conduct set-forth by the rules of law

A. interpreting B. association
C. Operational Procedures D. summarizing

It is a device used to implement a plan of action.

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A. operational order B. operational plan

C. plan of action D. implementing plan

The following are the theories of crisis management, EXCEPT:

A. contain & negotiate B. protect the innocent

C. allow passage of time D. physical assault

These are the possible responses during crisis management, EXCEPT:

A. chemical agent B. selective firepower

C. silent entry D. tactical entry

It is designed around the first thirty minutes of a terrorists attack to enable police
agencies responsible for the planning to have a clear starting point.

A. plan of action B. operational order

C. barricade matrix D. briefing handout

This is the moment that the incident is occurring.

A. zero hour B. zero minute

C. elapsed time D. activity

Entrusting responsibility and authority to others and establishing accountability for end

A. Delegating
B. problem solving state
C. decision & commitment stage
D. introductory stage

It represents a condition where there is a passage of __________ that involves control

of responses and activities and problem solving on both side of the either parties.

A. control B. time
C. anxiety D. communications

It represents a condition whereby there is a dialogue between the terrorist and negotiator
that enhances the negotiating effort.

A. control B. time
C. anxiety D. communications

It represents a condition wherein the terrorist develop reliance on the negotiator.

A. dependency B. trust
C. problem solving D. none of the these

Considered acts of god - such as environmental phenomena as earthquakes, volcanic

eruptions, floods, landslides, storms, tsunamis and droughts that threaten life, property
and the environment itself.

A. Natural Disaster B. Signs of the Time

C. Man-made disasters D. End of the world

Opponents or miscreants individuals use criminal means or other extreme tactics for the
purpose of expressing hostility or anger toward a company or country with aim of
destabilizing or destroying it. ex. product tampering, kidnapping, terrorism, espionage.

A. pre-CMT actions B. Crisis Malevolence

C. pre-negotiations action D. negotiations begin

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It is the hiding or disguising of a person or position from observation.

A. Concealment B. implementation of CMT
C. pre-negotiations action D. negotiations begin

Any location or area, the control of which gives a marked advantage to the holder
generally in terms of good observation and fields of fire.

A. Critical Terrain B. Hazardous Area

C. Ambush area D. negotiations begin

It occur when discontented individuals and/or groups, fight business, government and
various interest groups to win acceptance of their demands and expectations..

A. Confrontation Crises
B. Religious Crisis
C. Man-made Crisis
D. Technological Crisis

It is capable of producing acute conflicts of principle that are not easy to resolve.

A. terrorist hostage taking drama

B. hostage taking situations
C. terrorists incidents
D. barricaded incidents

Law enforcement resources and control of all activities, responses and behaviors of
persons at or near the target location.

A. no ransom money B. control

C. preserve integrity D. policy of no negotiation

The objectives of crisis management are as follows, EXCEPT:

A. resolve without further incidents

B. safety of all the participants
C. apprehension of all the perpetrators
D. neutralization of the suspects

This is a statement that mirrors the terrorist statements in exact or similar wording.

A. informational briefing B. operational order

C. briefing handout D. Paraphrasing

These are statements by the negotiators that express the essence of the terrorists
feeling either expressed or implied.

A. Reflection of Feelings B. face-to-face

C. written notes D. voice amplification

This component represents a condition wherein a redirection of feelings between the

terrorists and the negotiator occurs so that a relationship of confidence can be

A. telephone B. Trust
C. written notes D. voice amplification

This stage represents behaviors on the part of the negotiating participants wherein the
purpose is to inquire about, to listen, and offer feedback, information relative to the

A. Information Gathering B. techniques

C. emotional maturity D. tactics

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Information relative to hostage situation must come from all sources of the three major
categories, EXCEPT:

A. law enforcer B. terrorist

C. hostage D. target location

The basis of selecting a negotiator is that he should be a __________ of law

enforcement agency, and who is excellent in mental and physical condition.

A. high ranking officer B. mid-level officer

C. line supervisor D. intelligence officer

The following are the considerations in selecting negotiators, EXCEPT:

A. speaks foreign language

B. member of ethnic group
C. knowledgeable in religions
D. capable in hand signals

It is the designation of responsible police officers, knowing various influential news

media, and developing a plan of action to handle the media.

A. during terrorist incident B. media operations

C. good working relationship D. trust & confidence

It is the establishing of media center, determining the basic facts, establishing a system
of regular updates, and giving of regular briefings.

A. during terrorist incident B. media operations

C. good working relationship D. trust & confidence

The news media helps form __________ of the law enforcement your agency and
government, and always have the last word.

A. public perception B. public trust

C. public opinion D. all of these

The majority of crisis incidents where the number of media personnel tends to turn the
coverage into confusion are the consequence of a lack of __________ on the part of law
enforcement authorities.

A. order & system B. extra attention

C. extra information D. extra intelligence

These are the natural or man-made terrain features that stop, delay or restrict movement
toward or away from the target location.

A. Hindrance B. Obstacles
C. Preventive Measures D. Restriction

It is the expert handling of crisis or emergency so as to reduce or eliminate danger or

damage, or the likes, especially on the part of the government.

A. crisis management B. crisis intervention

C. Allocating Resources D. negotiations
These are the objectives of crisis management, EXCEPT:

A. accomplish tasks within current community standards

B. safety of participants and arrest of perpetrators
C. resolve without further incidents
D. evaluate, contain and negotiate with the suspects

The following are the theories of crisis management, EXCEPT:

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A. contain and negotiate B. elimination of danger

C. protect the innocent D. allow passage of time

These are the difference between hostage-taking and kidnapping, EXCEPT:

A. the police can employ crisis management techniques

B. the police are not aware of the captive’s location
C. the police are not in close contact with perpetrators
D. the police cannot exert pressure on the suspects

These are people who take hostages during a period of prolonged frustrations, despair,
and problems.

A. persons in crisis B. psychotics

C. prisoners D. political terrorist

Are people who take hostages for personal gain, other that ideological reasons.

A. persons in crisis B. psychotics

C. prisoners D. common criminals

Are people who take hostage because of dissatisfaction and discontent regarding their
living conditions in prisons.

A. persons in crisis B. psychotics

C. prisoners D. political terrorist

There are individuals or groups of people who take hostages because of political and
ideological beliefs.

A. persons in crisis B. psychotics

C. prisoners D. political terrorist

Providing standing answers to important questions and problems which are anticipated
and which provide for action that is in the interest of the police as a whole.

A. reciprocal good faith B. Establishing Policy

C. bargaining power D. considerable advantage

The criminals’ demands for taking hostages are invariably because of the following
reasons, EXCEPT:

A. safe passage B. means of escape

C. demand ransom D. spontaneous events

The motive of mentally disturbed person in taking hostage is __________.

A. to right what he believes to be wrong

B. just because of inner conflict and frustrations
C. vicarious pleasure as the focus of attention
D. just because of period of psychiatric disturbance

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