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Mã đề 009


Live chữa: 21h thứ 4 ngày 19/6/2024
(Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút, không tính thời gian giao đề)

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the
following questions.
Question 1: Tyler always ________ the bed neatly before leaving for work in the morning.
A. gives B. does C. makes D. sets
Question 2: Jessica encouraged her little brother to ________ a try at riding his bicycle without training
A. lay B. have C. do D. come
Question 3: The controversial article written by Emily ________ under attack from readers with
opposing viewpoints.
A. made B. gave C. took D. came
Question 4: Every evening, Emily sits down at her desk to ________ homework before dinner with her
A. do B. give C. have D. make
Question 5: Before the party, Sarah needs to ________ ready by choosing her outfit and styling her hair.
A. do B. go C. get D. make
Question 6: During class, Tim needs to ________ attention to the teacher to understand the lesson better
A. get B. pay C. make D. give
Question 7: The new regulations will ________ an end to excessive noise and ensure peaceful
neighborhood living.
A. do B. give C. send D. put
Question 8: Emily and John are excited to ________ married next month after dating for five wonderful
A. do B. give C. make D. get
Question 9: Sarah felt guilty after she ________ a lie to her friend about forgetting their meeting.
A. made B. told C. did D. said
Question 10: Tom should ________ track of his expenses to make budgeting easier at the end of the
A. lose B. have C. keep D. miss
Question 11: James was able to ________ a profit by selling his homemade jam at the local farmer’s
A. do B. make C. send D. pay
Question 12: While hiking in the woods, Jack ________ lost but found his way back eventually.
A. made B. got C. had D. went
Question 13: He practiced for hours to ________ a speech at the school assembly in front of everyone.
A. pay B. hear C. do D. give
Question 14: The little boy ________ an example of how to use this new software to improve
A. gave B. made C. paid D. set
Question 15: My daughter always ________ the truth, even when it’s difficult, because honesty is
important to her.
A. has B. gives C. tells D. goes
Question 16: After a long day, I will ________ a rest and relax on the couch for a bit.
A. take B. run C. make D. give
Question 17: Could you please ________ him a favor and water his plants while he’s on vacation?
A. make B. do C. ask D. give
Question 18: The government will ________ actions to address the environmental issues.
A. give B. send C. take D. make
Question 19: Emily always ________ a noise when she plays the piano enthusiastically in the living
A. does B. gives C. sets D. makes
Question 20: Sarah couldn’t go to school yesterday because she ________ a cold and needed to rest.
A. had B. sent C. came D. gave
Question 21: Jessica finally decided to ________ clean to her parents about breaking the vase.
A. make B. do C. come D. get
Question 22: Tom and Emily ________ a lot in common, like their love for music and outdoor activities.
A. do B. have C. get D. run
Question 23: Jack is determined to ________ the habit of biting his nails by using a bitter-tasting polish.
A. jump B. run C. kick D. stand
Question 24: The shiny new toy in the store window ________ Emily’s eye as she walked by.
A. took B. got C. caught D. made
Question 25: Every morning, Tim ________ dressed quickly before heading out to catch the school bus.
A. makes B. comes C. turns D. gets
Question 26: Tom’s decision to skip the meeting unexpectedly ________ under fire from his boss this
A. got B. came C. took D. set
Question 27: My friend decided to ________ a visit to her grandparents during the summer vacation to
spend time with them.
A. make B. set C. pay D. do
Question 28: After years of trying, Lisa was thrilled to finally ________ pregnant and start a family.
A. get B. make C. do D. set
Question 29: Emily, remember to ________ your promise to help me with the fundraiser next Saturday.
A. make B. keep C. break D. give
Question 30: Every morning before school, Lisa takes time to ________ her hair in different styles.
A. set B. give C. do D. make
Question 31: When you ________ an example, others may follow your lead and learn from your actions.
A. make B. set C. give D. do
Question 32: It’s important to ________ for financial advice before making big decisions about money
A. make B. ask C. look D. give
Question 33: My mother was devastated when she ________ the sack from her job at the restaurant last
A. got B. hit C. made D. took
Question 34: Sarah decided to ________ a chance and audition for the school play despite her nerves.
A. have B. make C. take D. get
Question 35: Emily rushed to the station to ________ a train to the city for her morning meeting.

A. make B. catch C. give D. run
Question 36: My mother always ________ sure she locks the door and turns off the lights before leaving.
A. gets B. does C. makes D. sets
Question 37: Mark decided to ________ a break from work and enjoy a peaceful walk in the park.
A. make B. have C. do D. give
Question 38: On Saturdays, Jake helps his mom by ________ the cleaning around the house before
going out.
A. making B. doing C. getting D. taking
Question 39: Michael plans to ________ part in the charity club to raise funds for the local hospital.
A. do B. have C. take D. play
Question 40: The teacher prepared extensively to ________ a lecture on history to her students at the
A. give B. do C. make D. leave
Question 41: You need to ________ a decision soon about whether to join the trip next week.
A. pay B. make C. give D. have
Question 42: It’s important to ________ advice to friends when they need help making important
A. take B. send C. make D. give
Question 43: Emily needs to talk to her teacher because she’s been ________ a problem with math
A. having B. taking C. going D. running
Question 44: Leaving the gate open can ________ a child’s safety at risk, so always double-check it.
A. lay B. put C. set D. give
Question 45: Tom accidentally ________ a mess in the kitchen while trying to bake cookies for his
A. gave B. came C. made D. did
Question 46: As the sun rose, the mountains ________ into view for the hikers on the trail.
A. got B. turned C. went D. came
Question 47: Tom trained hard and managed to ________ a record in the school’s long jump
A. drop B. throw C. break D. stop
Question 48: Mark had to ________ a fine for parking in the wrong spot downtown last weekend.
A. make B. ask C. pay D. set
Question 49: After playing soccer, Jack likes to ________ a shower to wash off the sweat and dirt.
A. go B. have C. come D. give
Question 50: Daniel promised to ________ care of his little sister while their parents were out.
A. take B. give C. set D. run
Question 51: Traffic in the city ________ to a standstill when John’s car broke down in the middle lane.
A. took B. got C. came D. went
Question 52: I want to ________ a course in photography to improve my skills and learn new
A. ask B. go C. take D. give
Question 53: Mark accidentally left the stove on, causing the kitchen towel to ________ fire last night.
A. make B. do C. set D. catch
Question 54: Quality laptops like the one Mark wants don’t ________ cheap; they require careful saving
and planning.
A. give B. come C. make D. do

Question 55: During the storm, Emily’s car ________ stuck in the mud and needed assistance to be
pulled out.
A. made B. went C. got D. took
Question 56: Sarah didn’t ________ notice of the warning signs and accidentally walked into the wet
A. give B. do C. make D. take
Question 57: Anna likes to ________ notes during lectures to help her remember important points for
A. take B. give C. send D. play
Question 58: Mark was thrilled to finally ________ a job at the local bookstore after months of
A. run B. make C. get D. pay
Question 59: Mike was careful, but he ________ an accident while riding his bike down the steep hill.
A. had B. did C. paid D. ran
Question 60: Anna decided to ________ use of her free time by reading books and learning new skills.
A. give B. make C. set D. do
Question 61: Mark enjoys ________ business with local farmers to supply fresh produce to the
A. having B. running C. doing D. getting
Question 62: Jason is excited to ________ a holiday next week and plans to visit his grandparents.
A. pay B. set C. go D. have
Question 63: John likes to ________ exercise every morning to stay healthy and maintain his energy
A. set B. give C. do D. pay
Question 64: Linh was thrilled to ________ sight of her favorite singer Son Tung at the concert last
A. catch B. give C. set D. make
Question 65: My sister felt guilty when she had to ________ a promise to her friend due to unforeseen
A. keep B. give C. make D. break
Question 66: The company ________ a salary to its employees at the end of every month without fail.
A. makes B. pays C. sets D. does
Question 67: Alex loves to ________ stories to his younger siblings before bedtime to spark their
A. say B. hear C. tell D. talk
Question 68: She should not ________ fun of others because it hurts their feelings and is unkind
A. do B. make C. give D. pay
Question 69: Janet will ________ an exam next week to test her knowledge in math and science.
A. lay B. go C. take D. give
Question 70: Lisa decided to ________ a party at her house to celebrate her birthday with family and
A. run B. take C. have D. come
Question 71: It’s a good idea to ________ a diary to remember all your fun adventures.
A. make B. keep C. come D. say
Question 72: When you’re lost, it’s helpful to ________ the time to know if you’re on track.
A. ask B. make C. tell D. save

Question 73: Megan, remember to ________ calm during the presentation tomorrow, you’ve prepared
well for this.
A. get B. make C. go D. keep
Question 74: Despite feeling tired, Sarah always tries to ________ her best in everything she tackles.
A. give B. make C. do D. pay
Question 75: Michael hopes to ________ a difference by volunteering at the animal shelter every
A. make B. get C. save D. set
Question 76: After years of trying to make it work, Emily and Tom decided to ________ divorced.
A. turn B. get C. do D. make
Question 77: Could you please ________ a look at the new design proposal and give your feedback?
A. drop B. send C. get D. have
Question 78: Lily likes to ________ her time when painting to ensure every detail is perfect.
A. tell B. give C. take D. say
Question 79: My sister plans to ________ a living by teaching music lessons to children.
A. take B. do C. save D. make
Question 80: Tom ________ into trouble with his parents for coming home late without informing them
A. went B. came C. got D. had
Question 81: Using your phone while driving can ________ harm to yourself and others on the road.
A. make B. do C. give D. lay
Question 82: The truth about the missing keys finally ________ to light during Sarah’s thorough search.
A. went B. took C. came D. ran
Question 83: My father always rememberes to ________ the electricity bill before the due date to avoid
any late fees.
A. pay B. get C. do D. take
Question 84: John wants to ________ money by selling his handmade crafts at the local market on
A. cost B. raise C. make D. save
Question 85: Tyler awlays ________ pressure on her brother to help her with the chores around the
A. does B. puts C. gives D. shares
Question 86: When shopping, it’s always a good idea to ________ the price before deciding to buy.
A. tell B. make C. pay D. ask
Question 87: Her parents agreed to ________ permission for her to go on the school trip next week.
A. get B. take C. give D. pay
Question 88: Tom ________ a good time at the beach with his friends over the weekend.
A. came B. had C. did D. paid
Question 89: Tyler needs to ________ efforts to study harder if she wants to pass her exams.
A. make B. do C. give D. use
Question 90: My mother has just reminded me to ________ my friend a call to wish him a happy
A. come B. give C. do D. set
Question 91: He must face consequences if he chooses to ________ a crime against his neighbor.
A. commit B. drop C. throw D. tell
Question 92: Let’s gather our materials and ________ started on the project before it gets too late.
A. make B. get C. do D. come

Question 93: Before starting her project, Emily needs to ________ research to gather information and
plan effectively.
A. do B. set C. make D. have
Question 94: She should feel comfortable to ________ a question when she doesn’t understand
something in class.
A. give B. rise C. do D. ask
Question 95: It’s normal to ________ mistakes; learn from them and keep trying your best every day.
A. do B. have C. make D. give
Question 96: Sarah was overjoyed when Mark asked her to ________ engaged during their romantic
beach vacation.
A. make B. get C. do D. come
Question 97: Emily and her colleagues need to ________ a discussion about the upcoming project
deadline tomorrow.
A. have B. send C. make D. go
Question 98: He kindly offered to ________ her a lift home after she missed the last bus.
A. take B. send C. give D. make
Question 99: Emily decided to ________ measures to improve her cybersecurity by setting up strong
A. do B. take C. give D. set
Question 100: We told John to ________ a seat and make himself comfortable while we were waiting
for the others to arrive.
A. give B. make C. take D. come

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