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Online currencies have become common in recent years


Is this a positive or negative development?

Digital currencies have gained unprecedented popularity recently. The seismic shift
towards online currencies is mainly a result of their transferability, which is decidedly
positive as there will be less reliance on banking systems in the future.

The prevalence of digitalized currencies is attributable to its facilitation of long-distance

transactions. With simply a stable internet connection, even individuals from remote
locations can now transfer money wirelessly in seconds to their desired destinations. A
good example of this is that parents can send money to their children studying overseas
through bank accounts and vice versa. This benefit will only become more convenient
due to the rapid pace of technological advancement. Advances made in the
technological industry have made mobile phones, laptops and other electronic devices
affordable and therefore had led to a natural switch to cashless transactions.

The rise of electronic money greatly benefits society on the whole as banks can no
longer freely exploit the financial system. The emergence of cryptocurrencies such as
Bitcoin and Ethereum lays a potential foundation for a decentralized system since these
virtual coins are known to generally hold their values without being influenced by
external events and financial policies. As a result, cryptocurrency owners can protect
their wealth in periods when central banks print money in excess and cause inflation,
ensuring financial stability during economic recessions. Recent research and surveys
conducted have indicated that most cryptocurrency prices went up when governments
globally executed quantitative easing to stimulate their respective economies as these
currencies only have limited supply and cannot be artificially inflated. Consequently,
digital currencies have been consistently proven to be highly effective as a store of
value because of their immunity to market volatility.

In conclusion, the proliferation of online currencies likely results from their inherent
ability to revolutionize human life and is positive overall as a decentralized system
engendered from cryptocurrencies undermines banking monopolies and promotes
financial security for the general populace.

Words: 318

Digital currencies tiền kỹ thuật số Affordable có thể chi trả được

Unprecedented chưa từng được thấy Natural switch sự chuyển giao tự

Seismic shift sự chuyển đổi lớn
Cashless không cần tiền mặt
Transferability khả năng chuyển
nhượng On the whole nói chung

Decidedly hoàn toàn Exploit lợi dụng

Less reliance ít sự phụ thuộc hơn The financial system hệ thống tài
Banking systems hệ thống ngân hàng
Emergence sự xuất hiện
Prevalence sự phổ biến
Cryptocurrencies đồng tiền ảo
Attributable to là do
Lays a potential foundation for đặt
nền tảng tiềm năng cho
Facilitation làm cho dễ dàng hơn

Decentralized system hệ thống phi tập

Transactions giao dịch trung

Stable ổn định Virtual ảo

Remote xa xôi Are known to được biết tới là

Wirelessly không dây Hold their values giữ giá

Overseas ở nước ngoài External bên ngoài

Vice versa ngược lại Central banks ngân hàng trung ương

Advances sự tiến triển

In excess quá mức Immunity sự miễn nhiễm

Inflation đắt đỏ Volatility dao động / biến động

Financial stability sự ổn định tài chính Proliferation sự tăng mạnh

Economic recessions khủng hoảng Inherent vốn có

kinh tế
Revolutionize cách mạng hóa
Execute thực hiện
Engender tạo ra
Quantitative easing nới lỏng định
Undermine làm suy yếu

Stimulate thúc đẩy

Banking monopolies sự độc quyền
của ngân hàng
Limited supply nguồn cung giới hạn
Promote thúc đẩy
Artificially do người làm
Financial security an ninh tài chính
Inflated thổi phồng
The general populace dân chúng nói
Consistently liên tục chung

A store of value dự trữ giá trị

Many researchers believe that we can now study the behavior of children to see if
they will grow up to be criminals, while others disagree.

To what extent do you think crime is determined by genetics?

Is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?

Many criminologists argue that criminal tendencies stem from genetic characteristics.
Although genetics can result in a higher possibility of individuals becoming criminals,
criminality is mainly a result of negative environmental influences and therefore
prevention efforts can be made to effectively combat juvenile crime.

Proponents of the genetic roots of crime can point to data collected from the most
violent criminals. Violent serial killers like Jeffrey Dahmer have been found to possess
inborn mental problems ranging from schizophrenia to depression and anxiety disorders
to chemical imbalances that predispose them to criminality. However, genetic makeup
typically plays only a marginal role in criminal propensities and there is a much stronger
likelihood that environmental markers possess greater impact. Parental negligence, in
fact, has been shown to largely account for an elevated risk of antisocial behavior later
in life. Recent research conducted by leading psychologists have implicated the failure
of meeting children’s basic educational and social needs as potential precursors to
criminal behavior.

Therefore, preemptive measures concomitant with rearing conditions can be prioritized

to prevent children from becoming possible criminals. Parents can set positive
examples by not engaging in criminal activities themselves, teaching children to become
law-abiding citizens and showing them the negative repercussions of breaking the laws.
There is clear data showing that positive parental guidance can engender higher moral
standards and direct children away from being involved in delinquent actions. Children’s
criminal inclination can be further limited by a supportive family. Positive interactions
with children can ensure they are less likely to develop attention-seeking behaviors and
coping mechanisms such as drug abuse, theft and violent offences.

In conclusion, despite criminal behavior being attributable to genetic traits to a minor

extent, the main culprit is decidedly environmental factors and therefore can be directly
countered through placing more emphasis on providing adequate educational
opportunities for young children. The governments, thus, should allocate greater
resources to reduce crime rates in the general populace.

Words: 317

Criminologists nhà tội phạm học Predipose khiến dễ có hành vi / suy

nghĩ / hành động gì đó hơn
Criminal tendencies khuynh hướng tội
phạm Marginal role vai trò nhỏ

Genetic characteristics đặc điểm về Criminal propensities khuynh hướng

mặt di truyền tội phạm

Criminality sự phạm tội Stronger likelihood khả năng cao hơn

Is mainly a result of chủ yếu là kết quả Environmental markers đặc điểm môi
của trường

Prevention efforts nỗ lực ngăn chặn Greater impact có tác động lớn hơn

Combat chống lại Parental negligence sự thờ ở của cha

Juvenile crime tội ác ở trẻ vị thanh niên
Account for chịu trách nhiệm cho / là
nguyên nhân cho
Proponents người ủng hộ

Largely phần lớn

Roots nguyên nhân

Elevated risk rủi ro gia tăng

Serial killers kẻ giết người hàng loạt

Antisocial behavior Hành vi chống đối

Possess có / sở hữu
xã hội

Inborn / Innate bẩm sinh

Psychologists nhà tâm lý học

Schizophrenia tâm thần phân liệt

Implicate xác định / chỉ ra

Anxiety disorders chứng rối loạn lo âu

Meeting children’s basic educational
and social needs đáp ứng nhu cầu
Chemical imbalances sự bất cân bằng giáo dục và xã hội cơ bản của trẻ
hóa học
Precursors dấu hiệu báo trước
Preemptive measures biện pháp Attention-seeking tìm kiếm sự chú ý
phòng ngừa
Coping mechanisms cơ chế đối phó
Concomitant with liên quan đến
Drug abuse lạm dụng ma túy
Rearing conditions điều kiện nuôi dạy
Theft trộm cắp
Prioritize ưu tiên
Violent offences phạm tội bạo lực
Set positive examples làm tấm gương
Attributable to bị gây ra bởi / là do

Engaging in tham gia vào

Genetic traits đặc điểm di truyền

Break the law vi phạm pháp luật

To a minor extent tới một mức độ nhỏ

Parental guidance hướng dẫn từ phụ

Main culprit thủ phạm chính

Directly countered chống lại trực tiếp

Law-abiding tuân thủ pháp luật

Place more emphasis on đặt nhiều sự

Repercussions hậu quả
tập trung / nhấn mạnh hơn vào

Engender tạo ra
Adequate đủ

Moral standards tiêu chuẩn đạo đức

Educational opportunities cơ hội giáo
Direct children away from hướng trẻ
em tránh khỏi
Allocate to phân bổ

Being involved in dính líu tới

The general populace dân số nói
Delinquent actions hành vi phạm pháp
Crime rates tỷ lệ tội ác
Weddings are getting bigger and more expensive.

What is the reason for this?

Is it a positive or negative development?

In recent decades, lavish weddings have become common occurrences. While

asymmetric information is responsible for this trend, I think it is a positive overall in the
majority of contexts.

Wedding costs are likely to be inflated due to the lack of frequent exposure to their
items and services. A sense of familiarity with products allows clients to better balance
information and agree on a fair price. In marked contrast, most couples shopping for
weddings often have little if any experience with what they are buying. This is made
even harder since wedding vendors might not publicize prices on their websites as this
is part of a common business strategy to further prevent price comparisons. Recent
surveys and research conducted in the wedding industry have indicated that many
couples are uninformed about the costs of cakes, flowers and catering.

However, costly weddings are still a positive development due to its impact on
employment rates. For large weddings to be held, a significant amount of skilled labor is
required to accommodate the needs of demanding couples, ranging from wedding
planners to photographers and caterers to florists. This contributes to a vibrant wedding
industry, aiding many individuals in becoming employed. Moreover, extravagant
weddings can create meaningful and lost-lasting memories for the bride, groom and all
attendees. As long as the expenses do not greatly exceed the couples’ potential
earnings, the amount of lasting happiness generated later is typically often worth the
money spent.

In conclusion, one explanation for costlier weddings is the lack of available information
on the customers’ side, but the employment opportunities created and positive feelings
these weddings promote completely justify this trend. Nonetheless, couples should still
be cognizant of their budget and not spend above their financial means.

Words: 286

Lavish xa xỉ Price comparisons sự so sánh giá cả

Common occurrences việc xảy ra Uninformed không nắm bắt rõ thông

thường xuyên tin

Asymmetric information thông tin Catering việc chăm sóc

không cân xứng / cân bằng
Skilled labor lực lượng lao động có
Majority phần lớn chuyên môn

Contexts ngữ cảnh Accommodate the needs đáp ứng nhu

Inflate thổi phồng
Demanding đòi hỏi
Frequent exposure tiếp xúc thường
xuyên Vibrant sôi động

A sense of familiarity cảm giác quen Extravagant xa xỉ

Exceed vượt quá
Clients khách hàng
Lasting lâu dài
Fair price giá cả công bằng / phải
Costlier đắt đỏ hơn

Wedding vendors nhà cung cấp dịch

vụ đám cưới Justify hợp lý hóa

Publicize công khai Cognizant nhận thức

Common business strategy chiến Above their financial means quá khả
lược kinh doanh phổ biến năng tài chính
Happiness is considered very important in life.

Why is it difficult to define?

What factors are important in achieving happiness?

Achieving contentment plays a crucial role in everyone’s life. This concept is challenging
to define because it greatly depends on each person’s circumstances. However, there
are two major factors contributing to happiness in life, which include health and wealth.

Different perspectives on happiness largely derive from dissimilar living conditions. Most
individuals experience satisfaction when they finally have what they used to lack,
engendering various life goals and ambition. Therefore, an individual’s fulfillment often
cannot be applied to others. This can be perfectly exemplified as individuals coming
from impoverished backgrounds will feel happy simply by having enough money to live
at a subsistence level. On the contrary, the rich often seek contentment in pursuing their
personal hobbies or making donations for charitable causes.

Wealth is one of the essential components that brings happiness. Having a sufficient
amount of money will at least allow for a more carefree lifestyle when basic necessities
ranging from adequate housing and food are guaranteed. A pertinent example of this is
that poverty-stricken individuals will have to face immense financial pressure and
always struggle to earn money as a result. Happiness also relates to a good physical
and mental well-being. Those with full health can live life to the fullest by following
leisurely pursuits including traveling and playing sports. Recent research and surveys
conducted indicate that cancer patients are much more likely to develop depression as
they generally do not have enough strength to do what they truly enjoy due to their
chemotherapy treatment.

In conclusion, the disparity in opinions concerning happiness originates from each

individual’s family background. Nevertheless, life fulfillment is mainly determined by
one’s health conditions and amount of wealth.

Words: 275

Contentment sự bằng lòng Impoverished backgrounds hoàn

cảnh nghèo khó
Plays a crucial role đóng vai trò quan
trọng Subsistence level mức vừa đủ để sống
qua ngày
Concept khái niệm
Seek tìm kiếm
Greatly depends on phụ thuộc nhiều
vào Pursuing theo đuổi

Circumstances hoàn cảnh Personal hobbies sở thích cá nhân

Contributing to góp phần tạo nên Making donations quyên góp

Wealth sự giàu có / của cải vật chất Charitable causes mục đích từ thiện

Perspectives góc nhìn Essential thiết yếu

Largely phần lớn Component thành phần

Derive from bắt nguồn từ Sufficient đủ

Dissimilar khác nhau At least ít nhất

Satisfaction sự thỏa mãn Allow for cho phép

Various khác nhau Carefree vô tư

Life goals mục tiêu cuộc sống Basic necessities nhu yếu phẩm

Ambition sự tham vọng Adequate housing nhà ở đầy đủ

Fulfillment sự thỏa mãn Guaranteed đảm bảo

Pertinent liên quan More likely có khả năng hơn

Poverty-stricken nghèo khổ Depression trầm cảm

Financial pressure áp lực tài chính Chemotherapy hóa trị liệu

Struggle chật vật Disparity sự khác biệt

Well-being sự khỏe mạnh Concerning về

Full health đầy đủ sức khỏe Originates bắt nguồn từ

Live life to the fullest sống hết mình Family background hoàn cảnh gia đình

Leisurely pursuits thú vui nhàn nhã Mainly determined by được quyết định
chính bởi
Cancer patients bệnh nhân ung thư
Health conditions điều kiện sức khỏe
Some children spend hours everyday on their smartphones

Why is this the case?

Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

Many children now spend the majority of their time on a daily basis on their smart
devices. This recent phenomenon can be explained through the emergence of a wide
range of captivating content being easily accessible to phone users, which is
unequivocally negative on the whole as it increases the risks of developing sleep and
major depressive disorders.

Increased hours of smartphone usage mainly results from a myriad of entertaining

videos readily available on the internet. Social media platforms usually work with the
best computer scientists to devise the most addicting algorithms, which track users’
personal interests to offer them customized content, and as a result capture viewers’
attention for extended periods. These profit-driven companies generally target the
young audience as their brains are still underdeveloped, leaving them more susceptible
to not being able to stop consuming content at will. Major content providers ranging
from Youtube to Tiktok both excel at keeping their viewers scrolling endlessly while
losing track of time on their platforms with addictive short videos. Therefore, children’s
excessive use of smartphones is due to large corporations competing fiercely to exploit
them for profits.

The ramifications associated with this propensity is negative. Firstly, it can lead to the
disruption of sleeping patterns. Children might find falling asleep considerably more
challenging as the blue light emitted from electronic devices’ screens can block the
release of melatonin, which aids sleep. Recent surveys and research conducted
indicate that children living in the technological age sleep much later and often suffer
from sleep deprivation. The use of smartphones is also detrimental to children’s mental
well-being. Online influencers often set unrealistic expectations regarding lifestyles and
body images, engendering a sense of dissatisfaction and lower levels of self-esteem for
young viewers. Many studies have correlated a sudden rise in cases of depression to
the proliferation of the internet in general and smartphone use more specifically.

In conclusion, adolescents’ excessive smartphone usage is attributable to its addicting

nature and this propensity is decidedly negative due to its injurious impact on sleeping
habits and mental health.

Words: 340.

The majority of: phần lớn Customized content: nội dung dành
riêng cho người xem đó
On a daily basis: hằng ngày
Capture: thu hút
Phenomenon: hiện tượng
Extended periods: khoảng thời gian
Emergence: sự xuất hiện

Profit-driven companies: các công ty

A wide range of: một loạt chạy theo lợi nhuận

Captivating: hấp dẫn Underdeveloped: chưa phát triển

Easily accessible: dễ dàng có thể truy Content providers: nhà cung cấp nội
cập dung

Unequivocally: rõ ràng Excel: xuất sắc

Major depressive disorders: trầm Losing track of time: mất khái niệm
cảm thời gian

Increased hours: Số giờ gia tăng Excessive use: sử dụng quá nhiều

A myriad of: rất nhiều Large corporations: tập đoàn lớn

Readily available: sẵn sàng có sẵn Competing fiercely: cạnh tranh khốc
Social media platforms: nền tảng
mạng xã hội Exploit: khai thác

Addicting / Addictive: gây nghiện Ramifications: kết quả

Algorithms: thuật toán Associated with: liên quan tới

Track: theo dõi Disruption: sự gián đoạn

Sleeping patterns: chu kỳ ngủ Self-esteem: lòng tự trọng

Release: giải phóng Correlated: liên hệ

Melatonin: một chất gây ra cảm giác Sudden: đột ngột

buồn ngủ
In cases of: các trường hợp
Emitted: phát ra
Depression: trầm cảm
Aids: hỗ trợ
Proliferation: sự gia tăng nhanh chóng
Technological age: thời đại công nghệ
In general: nói chung
Sleep deprivation: thiếu ngủ
More specifically: nói riêng
Detrimental: có hại
Attributable to: do
Mental well-being: sức khỏe tinh thần
Nature: tính chất
Influencers : người có tầm ảnh hưởng
Propensity: xu hướng
Set unrealistic expectations: đặt ra
những kỳ vọng không thực tế
Adolescents: trẻ tuổi vị thành niên

Regarding: về mặt
Injurious: có hại

Engendering: tạo ra
Decidedly: rõ ràng

A sense of dissatisfaction: cảm giác

bất mãn Sleeping habits: thói quen ngủ
In many countries, people increasingly talk about money such as how much they
earn or how much they pay for things in their daily conversations.


Is this a positive or negative trend?

It has become increasingly common for individuals to discuss their personal finances or
how they decide to spend their money on a daily basis. This modern propensity results
from individuals’ anxieties and insecurities, and is negative on the whole as it can cause
people to neglect traditional values.

The reason why people now enjoy speaking about their money is because wealth is a
symbol of status and prestige in society. Throughout human history, earning a lot of
money has always been associated with talent and hard work, which are desirable traits
that characterize success. Therefore, these ostentatious behaviors are simply the result
of a human desire for respect and admiration. This is especially true for those who
possess low self-esteem as they are more likely to seek others’ validation through
material symbols. For example, the recognition engendered from luxury purchases is
what drives some individuals to boast about their earnings to compensate for a
perceived lack of self-worth.

Discussing money matters is decidedly negative overall because this trend makes
people overestimate the importance of wealth while downplaying the crucial role of
more traditional values. This inclination promotes materialism and undermines moral
principles, the foundations for a well-functioning society. As a result, the overemphasis
on material possessions can elevate poor examples for the younger generations to
follow at the expense of more productive values. This degrades humanity as a whole as
characteristics ranging from kindness to honesty can become undervalued. A pertinent
example of this is that many individuals now are willing to undertake extreme actions to
earn high salaries that may be antisocial or borderline illegal.

In conclusion, people enjoy talking about money because it can elevate their self-
esteem and this propensity is detrimental to the growth of a society. Personal income
and spending should not be disclosed publicly in general.

Words: 304

Increasingly common ngày càng phổ Human desire khát khao của con
biến người

Personal finances tài chính cá nhân Especially true đặc biệt đúng

Modern propensity xu hướng thời hiện Possess có / sở hữu

Low self-esteem lòng tự trọng thấp
Anxieties sự lo âu
Seek others’ validation tìm kiếm sự
Insecurities sự bất an công nhận từ người khác

On the whole nhìn chung Material vật chất

Neglect quên lãng Recognition sự công nhận

Traditional values giá trị truyền thống Engendered from tạo ra từ

Symbol biểu tượng Luxury purchases việc mua những thứ

xa xỉ
Status vị thế
Drive khiến
Prestige uy thế
Boast khoe khoang
Associated with gắn liền với
Earnings thu nhập
Desirable traits phẩm chất đáng khao
khát Compensate bù đắp

Characterize là nét đặc trưng Self-worth giá trị bản thân

Ostentatious behaviors hành phi phô Money matters chuyện tiền bạc
Decidedly hoàn toàn
Overall nhìn chung Productive values giá trị hữu ích

Overestimate đánh giá quá cao Degrade làm mất danh giá

Downplay hạ thấp Undervalued đánh giá

Inclination xu hướng A pertinent example một ví dụ thích

Promotes thúc đẩy
Willing sẵn lòng
Materialism chủ nghĩa vật chất
Undertake thực hiện
Undermine làm giảm độ quan trọng
Extreme actions hành động cực đoan /
khó chấp nhận được
Moral principles nguyên tắc đạo đức

Antisocial chống đối xã hội

Foundations nền tảng

Borderline illegal gần như bất hợp

Well-functioning vận hành tốt pháp

Overemphasis quá coi trọng Elevate self-esteem nâng cao lòng tự

Material possessions của cải vật chất
Detrimental có hại
Elevate poor examples đặt ra ví dụ
xấu Disclose tiết lộ

At the expense of đánh đổi

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