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(Dap Louw, 2022)(Anon.

, 2023)(Villa, 2021)
((ASPA), 2021) (Peterson, 2023) (Student, 2022) (al., 2023)
Lisa is in the middle school stage, which is Stage 4 in Erikson’s 1 Through the middle school phase, the children develop a close friendship with the
stages of development. children their age (Louw & Louw, 2022:383). According to (Gottman et al., 1986;
Santrock, 2019) children’s friendship can also serve the following functions:
During this stage Lisa is learning new skills, which makes her feel
useful and worthy and she develops a sense of self-worth. If she  Companionship: With friendship comes a lifelong partner and playmate that will
feels that nobody supports her during this stage, she will feel that join in on all the activities.
she is not good enough and that she is worthless (Mind., 2022)  Physical support: Friends help each other through the good and the bad times.
 Ego support A friend helps you to feel good about yourself, encourages you, and
provides support where they can.

Related to thinking and learning, children in this stage might (Prevention., 2021)
4  Become less dependent of their family.
1. Do not move to a new town or house. Let the child live in the same house,  Understand others viewpoints more clearly.
keep going to the same school and let them have their same friends because  Have an expanded attention span.
it will help them emotionally with the divorce (Dap Louw, 2022)
2. Do not let the divorce change the relationship between you and your child. If
the child still has a good relationship with the parent who left the house it
will lessen the negative outcome of the divorce (Dap Louw, 2022)
3. Give the child all the information regarding the divorce. They should know
where they are going to live, if they will still attend the same school and
when they will visit the non-residential parent (Louw & Louw, 2022:576).
4. Social support is very important to the child when their parents are divorced.
Scenario 2
It will help the child to get answers on their questions (Dap Louw, 2022)
5. Every child is unique and each child’s reaction to a divorce is different. You
need to be patient and give them some space to come to terms with
3 Negative Positive
everything. Provide them with a loving and supporting environment (Dap
Louw, 2022) Motor Development Lisa may feel frustrated and With the help of her
angry because she can’t do teachers/counsellor she
anything right in her learns to become
parents’ eyes. independent and to work
for herself.
Emotional Development Lisa’s family issues can If she receives the right
cause her to feel stressed support and guidance, she
and depressed. can develop problem-
solving skills.
Cognitive Development Lisa’s stress can have an Her cognitive growth can be
impact on her cognitive improved through extra
growth because of the work from her teachers and
divorce. support from her parents.
(Prevention., 2021)
(ASPA), A. S. f. P. A., 2021. Effects of bullying. [Online].

al., B. e., 2023. Erik Erikson's stages of Psychosocial Development. [Online].

Anon., 2023. Psychology: Middle Childhood Development. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 06 September 2023].

Dap Louw, A. L., 2022. Child and adolescent. 3rd ed. Bloemfontein(Free State): Psychology

Mind., V., 2022. Industry vs Inferiority Is Stage Four of Psychosocial Development.. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 15 Sept. 2023].

Peterson, 2023. Effects. [Online].

Prevention., C. f. D. C. a., 2021. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 14 Sept. 2023].

Student, 2022. [solved] 212 general roles and responsibilities of the schoolbased support - diversity
pedagogy and practice (DPP 1501). [Online].

Villa, D. L., 2021. Growth & Development: 6 to 12 Years (School Age). [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 01 June 2021].

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