Worried by Werewolves A Paranormal Women S Fiction Novella Midlife Monsters Book 2 1st Edition Margo Bond Collins Full Chapter

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Worried by Werewolves A Paranormal

Women s Fiction Novella Midlife

Monsters Book 2 1st Edition Margo
Bond Collins
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Fig. 555.—Atropa belladonna: A is reduced.]
Zygomorphic flowers occur, and thus form a transition to the closely allied
Scrophulariaceæ; the zygomorphy sometimes shows itself only in the relative
length of the stamens, sometimes also in the corolla (Hyoscyamus).—Nicandra is
5-merous throughout all the whorls.—The peculiar relative leaf-arrangement in this
order occurs from sympodial branching and displacement. The most simple is, e.g.
Datura (Fig. 556 A); each shoot-generation in the floral parts of the plant has only
2 foliage-leaves (f1 and f2), and then terminates in a flower; the axillary buds of
both the foliage-leaves are developed and form a dichasium, but since the leaves
are displaced on their axillary-shoots as far, or almost as far, as the first leaf of
these axillary-shoots, the flowers are borne singly on the dichasial branches, and
all the branches appear to be without subtending leaves (Shoot I is white, II
shaded, III white, etc., diagram A). Scopolia and others (Fig. 556 B) differ in that
the lowest and smallest (f1) of the two leaves on each shoot is barren, and is
therefore not displaced; but the upper one (the second bracteole, f2) is displaced
as in the first instance, and consequently it assumes a position near the first leaf
(the shaded leaf f2 of shoot I being placed near the white leaf f1 of shoot II, etc.,) of
the next youngest shoot-generation, and hence the leaves are borne in pairs; the
flower placed between the two leaves of a pair is therefore the terminal flower of
the shoot to which the smaller of the two leaves belongs, and the larger leaf is the
subtending leaf for the floral shoot itself.

Fig. 556.—Diagrammatic representation of the branching in Solanaceæ.

The various shoot-generations are white or shaded.
Fig. 557.—Fruit of Hyoscyamus niger after removal of

Fig. 558.—Fruit of Datura

A. Fruit a capsule. Nicotiana (Tobacco) has a 2-valved capsule
with septifragal dehiscence; the valves separate at the apex; the
corolla is funnel-shaped, tubular, salver-shaped or campanulate. The
flowers in panicles.—Datura (D. stramonium, Thorn-apple) has a
(frequently spiny) capsule (Fig. 558), which is falsely 4-locular (at the
top, bilocular) and opens septifragally with 4 valves. The lower part
of the calyx persists as a thick collar (see Fig. 558). The corolla is
funnel-shaped. The flowers are solitary, large.—Hyoscyamus (H.
niger, Henbane) has a pyxidium (Fig. 557) enclosed in the
campanulate, completely persistent, thick-walled calyx. The flowers
are slightly zygomorphic, and borne in unipared scorpioid cymes.
Scopolia (pyxidium); Fabiana (Heather-like shrub); Petunia (slightly zygomorphic
flower; funnel-shaped corolla); Nierembergia; Brunfelsia (almost a drupe);
Franciscea; Browallia.—Among those with capsular fruits are found the
most anomalous forms, which by their zygomorphic flowers and
often didynamous stamens present the transition to the
Scrophulariaceæ: Salpiglossis; Schizanthus (lobed petals; 2 perfect,
and 3 rudimentary stamens).

Figs. 559–561.—Solanum tuberosum.

Fig. 559.—Flower (1/1).

Fig. 560.—Stamen,
ejecting pollen.

Fig. 561.—Longitudinal
section of seed.
B. Fruit a berry. Solanum (Nightshade); rotate corolla (Fig.
559). The stamens have short filaments, the anthers stand erect,
close together round the style, like a cone in the centre of the flower,
and open by pores at the apex (Fig. 560). S. tuberosum (the Potato-plant);
the Potato-tuber is a swollen, underground stem; the “eyes” are buds, situated in
the axils of its scale-like, quickly-perishing leaves.—Lycopersicum resembles
Solanum in the flower, but the united anthers open by longitudinal
clefts and have an apical appendage. The cultivated species, L.
esculentum (Tomato), has often a higher number than 5 in the flower,
and in the fruit several loculi of unequal size.—Physalis (Winter
Cherry); the calyx ultimately swells out in the form of a bladder,
becomes coloured, and loosely envelopes the spherical berry.—
Capsicum (Guinea Pepper-plant); some species have very large,
irregular, rather dry (red, yellow, black) berries, which are unilocular
in the upper part.—Lycium (false Tea-plant); the corolla is salver- or
funnel-shaped; shrubs; often thorny.—Atropa (A. belladonna, Deadly
Nightshade, Fig. 555); corolla campanulate; the calyx projects
beneath the spherical, black berry. The flowers are borne singly.—
Mandragora; (Mandrake); Nicandra (ovary often 5-locular).—A small
tropical group: Cestreæ (Cestrum, Habrothamnus, etc.) has an almost straight
embryo, which may also be found e.g. in species of Nicotiana. Related to the
About 1,500 species; the majority within the Tropics, outside these limits
especially in America. Solanum nigrum is a common weed.—The Potato-plant
(Solanum tuberosum), from Peru and Chili, was introduced into Europe in 1584 by
Sir Walter Raleigh. (Potatoes = Batatos). The fruits of several serve as
condiments: Chilies or Pod-pepper (Capsicum annuum and longum), and the
Cayenne-pepper (C. baccatum and others), whose fruits also are officinal, were
brought to Europe from S. America by Columbus, and are commonly cultivated in
Tropical America; Lycopersicum esculentum (Tomato) and others from Peru;
Solanum ovigerum (Egg-plant); Solanum melongena, etc. Poisonous, acrid,
narcotic properties (alkaloids, etc., solanine, nicotine, atropine, hyoscyamine) are
found in many: Atropa belladonna (from S. Europe; the roots and leaves are
officinal); Solanum dulcamara (Bitter-sweet; formerly officinal), S. toxicarium
(Guiana); Datura stramonium from Asia (leaves and seeds officinal), D. sanguinea,
metel, tatula, and others; Hyoscyamus (officinal: the leaves and seeds of H. niger);
Nicotiana tabacum (Virginian tobacco, officinal: the leaves), N. rustica and others
from Trop. America (Tobacco was introduced into Europe in 1560); Cestrum-
species. Duboisia myoporoides (Australia); the leaves contain hyoscyamine and
are used in medicine. A number of species of these genera are ornamental plants.
Order 2. Nolanaceæ. These most resemble the Convolvulaceæ in the corolla,
but the Solanaceæ in their branching, and leaf-arrangement (in pairs, etc.). The
diagram is the same as in Nicandra with 5 carpels, but the fruits of this order most
frequently form, by invaginations in various directions, an ovary (with 1 style)
consisting of numerous and irregularly grouped, 1-ovuled cells; the fruit is a
schizocarp with many 1-seeded fruitlets.—Nolana (Western S. America): a few are
ornamental plants.

Order 3. Scrophulariaceæ. The flower is hypogynous, ☿,

zygomorphic, with the usual type: S5, P5, A5, and G2, the latter
placed in the median plane; some genera have all 5 stamens
developed (Fig. 562 A), but most frequently the posterior one is
suppressed and the flower becomes didynamous (Fig. 562 B). The
fruit, as in the capsular-fruited Solanaceæ, is a bilocular, 2-valved
capsule, with a thick, axile placenta, and most often septicidal
dehiscence (Fig. 563 C). The numerous seeds are not reniform as in
many Solanaceæ, and have a straight, or only slightly curved
embryo, with abundant endosperm (Fig. 563 D).—The majority are
herbs; some are arborescent; the leaves are opposite or scattered,
but stipules are wanting as in the whole family.
The Scrophulariaceæ are closely allied to the Solanaceæ, and there is, properly
speaking, no characteristic feature which absolutely separates them. The
somewhat irregular corolla, with five stamens of unequal length in Verbascum, is
also found in Hyoscyamus; curved and straight embryos are found in both orders.
The activation of the corolla in the Scrophulariaceæ is simple imbricate, in the
Solanaceæ most frequently folded imbricate (in Atropa and those allied to it,
imbricate without folding). The genera (about 164) are distinguished according to
the form of the corolla, number of stamens, inflorescence, arrangement of the
leaves, etc. Verbascum belongs to the most primitive 5-stamened forms, and from
it proceed a long series down to Veronica, with only two stamens and most
frequently the posterior sepal suppressed.
Fig. 562.—Diagrams. A Verbascum; B Linaria; C Veronica.
1. Antirrhineæ, Snapdragon Group. This has most frequently
a descending æstivation of the petals (the posterior petals are
outside the lateral ones, which again enclose the anterior; Fig. 562
A, B). The plants belonging to this group are not parasites.
a. 5-stamened.—Verbascum (Mullein, Fig. 563 A) has a slightly
irregular, rotate corolla; five stamens (frequently covered with woolly
hairs), of which the two anterior ones are the longer and differ often
also in other respects. The inflorescences are racemose, often with several
series of accessory dichasia in the axil of each primary floral-leaf. The leaves are
scattered and, together with the stems, are often covered with a grey felt of
branched hairs.
Fig. 563.—Verbascum thapsiforme.
Fig. 564.—Antirrhinum majus. A flower, and the
upper lip of a flower with the stamens.
Fig. 565.—Scrophularia nodosa. Protogynous flower in various stages:
A ♀ stage; g the stigma projecting from the throat of the corolla; B the
same in longitudinal section; C ♂ stage, the stigma is bent down and its
former position occupied by the stamens; s staminode; g stigma; d

Fig. 566.—Digitalis
b. 4-stamened, didynamous (Fig. 564).—Scrophularia (Fig-wort,
Fig. 565) has cymose inflorescences in a panicle; the corolla (Fig.
565) is urceolate, short two-lipped; the posterior stamens are present
as a scale below the upper lip of the corolla (Fig 565 s). S. nodosa has
a tuberous rhizome.—Pentstemon; the posterior stamen is barren and very long.
—Antirrhinum (Snapdragon). The corolla (Fig. 564) is personate, i.e.
bilabiate, but with the under lip arched to such an extent that it meets
the upper lip, closes the corolla throat, and entirely conceals the
stamens and style; the corolla-tube is produced into a short pouch at
the base on the anterior side. The capsule is oblique and opens by
2–3 pores, formed by small, dentate valves. In Linaria (Toad-flax) the
pouch is produced into a spur. Sometimes there are traces of the
posterior stamens. The capsule opens by large pores (one for each
loculus), produced by large, many-partite valves. L. vulgaris
reproduces by suckers.—Digitalis (Foxglove, Fig. 566) has long
racemes with drooping flowers; the posterior sepal is small (a step
towards complete suppression, as in Veronica); the corolla is
obliquely campanulate, and generally nearly 4-lobed, the two
posterior petals coalescing.—Alonsoa; Nemesia; Chelone;
Herpestis; Mimulus; Torenia; Vandellia; Limosella (L. aquatica, Mud-
wort, native); Scoparia; Capraria; Erinus (found on the Roman Camp
at Chesters, Northumberland, and supposed to have been
introduced from Spain by the Roman soldiers); Celsia (near
Verbascum); Maurandia; Lophospermum; Rhodochiton; Collinsia;
Nycterinia, etc.
Fig. 567.-Flower of Veronica.
c. 2-stamened.—Gratiola (Water-hyssop). 5-partite calyx. The
upper lip of the corolla is undivided or slightly bifid; the two anterior
stamens are either entirely absent or are reduced to staminodes (a
transition to Veronica).—Veronica (Speedwell), most frequently 4-
partite calyx; 4-lobed, rotate, zygomorphic corolla with 2 perfect
stamens and no trace of the others (Figs. 567, 562 c); capsule with
loculicidal dehiscence. Calceolaria; the corolla has two slipper-like
2. Rhinantheæ, Yellow-rattle Group. Herbs, all of which (with
the exception of Lathræa) are annual parasites with green foliage-
leaves. They attach themselves by haustoria to the roots of other
plants and draw nourishment from them. The majority turn black
when dried. Racemose inflorescences. In many the calyx is 4-partite,
the posterior sepal being absent, or very small. The corolla is
distinctly bilabiate (Fig. 568), with most frequently ascending
æstiration; in the majority it does not become detached at the base,
but by means of a ring-like cut some distance up the tube; 4
didynamous stamens; pollen-grains dry, easily falling out; the
anthers are often furnished at the base with bristles or hairs (Fig.
568) which play a part in the pollination, the probosces of the
insects, being forcibly pushed against them, agitate the anthers and
shake out the pollen-grains. Capsule with loculicidal dehiscence.—
Euphrasia (Eye-bright), Melampyrum (Cow-wheat), Rhinanthus
(Yellow-rattle), Odontites (Bartsia), Pedicularis (Louse-wort), and
Lathrœa (Tooth-wort) all have native species. The last named is pale
yellow, or reddish (without chlorophyll); it is a parasite on the roots of the
Hazel, Beech and other shrubs, having an aerial stem, and an underground,
perennial rhizome, covered with opposite, scale-like, more or less fleshy leaves
with a number of internal glandular, labyrinthine cavities. The inflorescence is a
unilateral raceme. It approaches Gesneriaceæ in having a unilocular ovary with
two parietal placentæ.

Fig. 568.—Euphrasia officinalis. Flower of the large and the small-flowered

forms; showing the anthers and stigmas.
The mechanical contrivances for pollination are so numerous that no general
principle can be laid down. Personate flowers, like those of Antirrhinum are only
accessible to strong insects, such as humble-bees, which can force themselves
between the two lips, and so become dusted with pollen on the back. In Euphrasia
and other Rhinantheæ the insects become covered with smooth, powdery pollen
when they shake the anther-apparatus in touching the hairs and bristles mentioned
above. Scrophularia nodosa is protogynous (Fig. 565). Digitalis purpurea,
however, is protandrous. Mimulus luteus and some others have sensitive stigmatic
lobes, which shut up on being touched. The Veronica-species constitute a series,
from large-flowered down to small-flowered forms, and parallel with them are
found various gradations from insect-to self-pollination. In some (as Euphrasia
officinalis, Rhinanthus crista galli) there are two kinds of flowers: large, which are
pollinated by insects, and small, which are self-pollinated (Fig. 568). Lathræa
squamaria (Tooth-wort) is a protogynous spring-flowering plant, largely visited by
humble-bees. Others have cleistogamic flowers. Nycterinia capensis opens its
flowers at night.
2,000 species; chiefly from the Temp. Officinal: Digitalis purpurea (the leaves;
Europe), a poisonous plant. Verbascum thapsus and thapsiforme, Veronica
officinalis (“Herba V.”), Gratiola officinalis (“Herba”) have medicinal uses. The
whole of the Scrophulariaceæ are more or less suspicious, if not actually
poisonous, and none serve as food. Many are ornamental plants: Mimulus
luteus (N. America), Paulownia imperialis (the only species; in Japan; a tree),
Antirrhinum vulgare (S. Eur.), Linaria, Pentstemon, Veronica, Calceolaria (Peru,
Chili, etc.).
Fig. 569.—Leaf of Utricularia vulgaris, with bladder.
Median longitudinal section through a bladder
containing a Cyclops. At a a hair of the upper-lip, at i 2
bristles of the under-lip of the entrance (a, b); in the
latter are placed 4 bristles h; k stalk of the bladder, in
which is seen a vascular bundle. (After Cohn.)
Order 4. Utriculariaceæ. To this order belong only perennial,
insectivorous, aquatic, and marsh-plants (200 species) with a more
or less characteristic appearance. They differ from the
Scrophulariaceæ, especially in having 2 stamens (the anterior) and a
unilocular ovary, with free, central placenta (like that of the
Primulaceæ). For the rest the flower is distinctly bilabiate, both in the
calyx and corolla. Two-valved capsule; no endosperm.
Pinguicula (Butter-wort) has a rosette of leaves close to the
ground; these are sticky, covered with glandular hairs, and roll round
any small insects which may be caught upon them; flowers solitary,
terminal on a long scape; calyx, 5-partite; corolla with spur. The
embryo germinates with 1 cotyledon.—Utricularia (Bladder-wort).
Our native species are floating, without roots, with hair-like, divided
leaves, studded with peculiar bladders (in the Tropics there are
terrestrial species, with ordinary foliage). The bladders (Fig. 569)
have an aperture, closed by a valve opening inwards, so that small
aquatic animals are allowed to enter, but are not able to escape; they
are thus entrapped in the bladders, and are probably used as food.
Calyx bipartite; corolla personate with spur.
The embryo of Utricularia is very imperfect, scarcely more than a spherical,
cellular mass, with a few slight leaf-rudiments. On the germination of U. vulgaris,
several bristle-like leaves develop into a compact rosette; the stem then develops,
and also the finely-divided, bladder-bearing leaves. A primary root is not
developed. The stems branch copiously and in a very peculiar manner. The
growing-point of the stem is rolled spirally.—The stigmatic lobes are sensitive and
close on being touched; self-pollination often takes place, however, in Pinguicula.
Order 5. Gesneriaceæ. The flower in this order may be both epigynous
(Gesnerieæ) and hypogynous (Cyrtandreæ), but otherwise is nearly the same as
in Scrophulariaceæ, only that the ovary is unilocular, with 2 parietal, often bifid,
placentæ. Of the 5 stamens the posterior is rudimentary, or (more rarely) entirely
wanting, and the others are didynamous (Cyrtandreæ have often only 2 stamens);
their anthers are generally glued into a quadrangular mass. The majority are herbs
with juicy stems, opposite, verticillate or scattered leaves without stipules, often,
like the stems, thick and juicy, soft-haired or glabrous. The corollas are often
highly-coloured (scarlet, red-yellow, etc., and spotted internally), large and
magnificent, so that many species are ornamental plants. Gesnerieæ (often
epigynous) have endosperm; S. Am.—Cyrtandreæ, hypogynous, without
endosperm; Asia, S. Africa.—Streptocarpus, neither the primary root nor primary
shoot attains development; one of the cotyledons dies, while the other grows and
becomes a very large foliage-leaf, from which spring adventitious roots and
adventitious inflorescences.
500 species. Gloxinia, Achimenes, Gesneria, Alloplectus, Tydæa, Columnea,
Nægelia, Æschynanthus, and others, especially in the forests of tropical America.
Some are epiphytes on trees, others prefer the leaf-mould of the forest and
crevices of cliffs. Several genera have peculiar, catkin-like, underground shoots,
with scale-like compact leaves; others have tubers.
Orobanche (Broom-rape) is allied to this order as a parasitic form. It is a
parasite on the roots of other plants, not like Lathræa by means of thin
rootbranches with haustoria, but growing with the base of its stem in close contact
with its host, and probably even often protruding a kind of thallus into it, in a
manner similar to the Loranthaceæ. Its aerial shoots are not entirely destitute of
chlorophyll, but are not green; they only bear scale-leaves and terminate in a
raceme or spike-like inflorescence.—Some Orobanche-species are detrimental to
various cultivated plants (Hemp, Lucerne, Tobacco, etc.). The flowers are strongly
zygomorphic; the posterior sepal is often wanting, and the anterior are united to
the two lateral ones. Ovary unilocular, as in Gesneraceæ, with 2 or 4 parietal
placentæ.—The exceedingly small seeds have a very rudimentary embryo, formed
of an ellipsoidal, cellular mass, without indication of cotyledons or other organs.—
About 100 species; especially in the Mediterranean region.
Order 6. Bignoniaceæ. 500 species; nearly all trees and shrubs, and to a great
extent lianes, climbing by tendrils (modified leaves), which are sometimes
terminated by a special clasping apparatus. These lianes have, as a rule, an
anomalous stem structure, the wood being either divided into four wedges at right
angles to each other, separated by four grooves filled with secondary wood-
parenchyma, or a greater number of wedges occur, by the cambium ceasing to
form wood in several places. The leaves are most frequently opposite and
compound; the flowers in the main are similar to the didynamous
Scrophulariaceæ, and especially resemble those of Digitalis purpurea; they are
bilabiate, large, and beautiful, campanulate or trumpet-shaped, many of the
prettiest ornamental plants in the Tropics belonging to this order. The fruit is most
frequently a large, woody, 2-valved, siliqua-like, septifragal capsule, whose valves
separate from the flat and broad partition-wall, which bears the large, generally
winged seeds: Tecoma; Bignonia.—In gardens: Catalpa syringæfolia (Trumpet-
wood); Tecoma radicans (from S. Am.).—“Palisander”-wood is from Jacaranda (S.
Am.).—Eccremocarpus (N. Am.) forms, by its unilocular capsule, a transition to the
Gesneriaceæ (E. scaber; herbaceous).
Crescentia is allied to this order; C. cujete (Calabash) is its best known species.
The fruit (unilocular with 2 parietal placentæ) is a very large, spherical or ellipsoidal
berry, with a firm, finally woody outer layer. After the removal of the juicy interior,
these are commonly used as drinking vessels in Tropical America.
Order 7. Pedaliaceæ. Sesamum (orientale and indicum); very important oil-
plants, which from olden times have been cultivated in tropical Asia and Africa for
food and as medicinal plants, and are now cultivated in America also. The seeds
are used as a raw material in the manufacture of soap in Europe.—To this order
also belong Martynia and Craniolaria, which have a long horned capsule and
sensitive stigmas.—46 species.
Order 8. Acanthaceæ. 1,500 species; mostly erect, slender, branched herbs or
shrubs, rarely arborescent, especially in S. Am. and Ind. The branches frequently
have swollen nodes; the leaves are opposite, penninerved, undivided, more or less
lanceolate or elliptical, and generally leave a distinct scar when they fall off.
Stipules are wanting. The flowers are solitary or in dichasia, which are arranged in
4-rowed spikes or racemes, each flower with its subtending bract, which may be
brightly coloured, and most frequently also with two bracteoles. With regard to the
corolla (which is often labiate, in any case irregular, and frequently prettily
coloured), the 2 or 4 didynamous stamens (of whose anthers one half is inserted
lower than the other, or suppressed) and the gynœceum, the Acanthaceæ are true
Personatæ, approaching most nearly to the Scrophulariaceæ: they differ from the
other orders especially in the fruit, which is a bilocular, 2-valved, often elastically
dehiscing capsule, which never has more than 2 rows, and in some only 2 seeds
in each loculus, the seeds being often compressed and borne on strong, curved or
hook-like funicles (retinacula) which persist after dehiscence. Embryo curved
without endosperm; radicle pointed downwards.—Cleistogamic flowers are found
in several species. Cystoliths are common.
The following grow wild in Europe: Acanthus (spinosus and mollis, whose
pinnatifid leaves served as models for the capitals of the Corinthian columns). The
posterior sepal is the largest of all the leaves of the flower, and covers the other
parts like a helmet; the 2 anterior sepals are united, and the two lateral ones are
small and greenish; the corolla has no upper-lip, but only a 3-lobed under-lip. The
anthers are bilocular; the filaments ultimately become very firm.—Justicia,
Eranthemum, Goldfussia, Thunbergia (a twiner), Ruellia, Dicliptera, etc.—
Ornamental plants in conservatories.

Order 9. Plantaginaceæ (Plantains). The flowers (Figs. 570,

571) are regular, ☿, hypogynous, with a 4-partite, persistent calyx, a
gamopetalous, scarious corolla with 4 projecting lobes, 4 stamens,
incurved in the bud, later on projecting considerably, about equal in
length, and a bilocular ovary with one long, filamentous, undivided,
feathery, papillose style (see Fig. 571). The ovary is most frequently
bilocular with 1–few ovules in each loculus. An hypogynous disc is
wanting. The fruit is a pyxidium with 1–few peltate seeds attached in
each loculus (Littorella is in several respects an exception). All
species are herbs, the majority with leaf-rosettes near the ground,
and the flowers in spikes or capitula.
The labiate-like flowers are in this case entirely concealed under a regular,
apparently 4-merous exterior. The structure of the flower, however, is the same as
in the Scrophulariaceæ, only the reduction, which is found in Veronica (compare
Figs. 562 C, 567 with 570, 571), is also present in this instance and the lobes are
also more equally developed; the posterior petal corresponds to the bilobed upper-
lip; the posterior stamen and the posterior sepal also are entirely wanting. In the
development of the flower there is no trace of posterior sepal or stamen, and the
posterior petal arises from one primordium, but the two anterior sepals arise before
the lateral ones. The position of sepals and petals does not agree with that of a
true 4-merous flower, which is represented in Fig. 361 E. The bracteoles are
always suppressed in Plantago.
Plantago (Plantain, Rib-grass). The foliage-leaves are most
frequently scattered, entire, with curved veins, arranged in a rosette
close to the ground on an unlimited rhizome; the spike-like
inflorescence is borne on a long scape; in some (P. psyllium) the
leaves are opposite on a stem with well-developed internodes, and
the inflorescences are borne in their axils. The order also presents a
transition from insect-pollinated to wind-pollinated flowers. The flowers
are protogynous, wind-pollinated in P. major and P. lanceolata, partly also in the
other species, but insect pollination also occurs, and P. media has three kinds of
flowers, some of which are adapted for wind-pollination (Fig. 571), others, with
short filaments, for insects. Littorella lacustris (Shore-weed) is the most
reduced of the Plantaginaceæ: an aquatic plant with rosettes of
round, awl-like leaves and diclinous (monœcious) flowers. In the axils
of the foliage-leaves is a very short 3-flowered spike, formed by 2 sessile ♀ -
flowers, and above them a long-stalked ♂ -flower; all the flowers are lateral, the
terminal one being absent, as in Plantago. The ♂-flower is essentially the same as
in Plantago, but the ♀ -flower has a scarious corolla, with a narrow, 3–4-dentate
mouth, which closes tightly round the nut-like fruit.

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