Productivity Assessment

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Are you producing less than you are capable of?

Answer “YES” or “NO” to the below ques1ons.

Is your calendar booked in reac1on to others people's needs and requests instead of being
fully booked (BEFORE the day starts) with ONLY your own most valuable priori1es?

Do you allow too many interrup1ons from team members, prospects, customers,
friends, and family to interrupt your flow and deep work concentra1on?

Do you talk a lot, extending conversa1ons into longer chitchats when it's unnecessary? YES NO

Do you mul1task? YES NO

Do you love the adrenaline buzz of being overly busy? YES NO

Is living in chaos and constant mo1on more comfortable to you than s1lling your mind and single-tasking? YES NO

Do you find it really difficult to say no? YES NO

Do you oTen find yourself in a crunch to finish projects because you're in over your head? YES NO

Do you spend hours needlessly on social media? YES NO

Do you waste 1me doing repe11ous, non-vital and inessen1al tasks? YES NO

Do you maintain control of nearly everything because you believe no one else can do it as well? YES NO

Do you believe you can't afford to hire someone to help you? YES NO


1-3: You know what to do, you just need to implement it.
4 & Over: You are overwhelmed, working too many hours, and not producing enough.
You need to find a be\er solu1on.

To learn HOW to turn every 'YES' into a 'NO' once and for all...
Join Darren inside his award winning program, INSANE PRODUCTIVITY!
We are beginning a special summer class on June 12th.
Go to to learn more. (limited 1me only)

© Darren Hardy, All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without wri\en permission.

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