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© & 6 dum 6 & > During the 1th Cenbury. nationalism which changed =the — political, «= and mental = wondd fuse * and ir a ond wat nation state . > Nation - Slate... = One tr which rules alongwith citizens «develop, = temse, > Tha dendity wan forget through Struggle « The Tench —Fevolition ond the iden othe Non. * Clwted ow = 1784. * Tt was fut —expresston of nationliom = tn Ewupe « “Tt abblished monarchy. « * Tooos woe tranforxed = from monwch te a —bady = French Citizens. Major changes during — French “Revolution. “The idea ‘La Talsie’ and ‘a cloyen.’ ized united Community wa! equal, sighs « on “ + Powe, —tramafowed from monarch «=f ommon, —_ptople- ‘A neo French — Flag, the —trfcolor, war chosen» t> replace «=the, fovrmes Yoyal Standard « a tomposed and oath» wan token. + A contvabiced — administrative System wor pul = tm plowe and tk formulated ——uriform = Lowe «fos, ok iltzana white ts doailory. « + Twlomal —wstorms dation ond due woe aboliched . Spread of ~—Nuitionalisrn. : When = the = news the vtwle in France §~— reached «=the di dts of) Ewope, Students and = Othe _ membow a educated middle daasex began selling. «up Jacobtn, © bs « ees activitie = and cam ade thee the Trench Witch mowed io!” Holle Buu Suitzndobd re o eT tw the Ti40s. ‘With the owkbweak =the © evolutfonony wana, the French © anmien began = Cony, the iden =f ~—nattionaicm abroad. In 1794, Napotean took over += political ©» power. Cuil code 1804: > Equality — bee Low. * Right to propo» ~ Feudal system = wa abolished. * Freed —peauowts fam Sern. *"Wansport and — Communication Systems wee improved. > However, in the — anear —conquised, the —readion of = the local populations f@ © French «= vule = wee ixed > Twttiatty , te mt such aa Holland = and = Switzerland, ox wh ow sts ke Brustob, Mainz, Min and Warsaw, the French Fores were welcomed at hadingon =f, bony» > Bul the tattial —enthusiaam == soon twined th ~—hoslility, ax th became dear thal thems administrative —cwangements didn hand te hand with pti : e ert te ety, eel Ee ee at amet nln ‘the odvntage 4 odsdeledbe changes. The Making — of Noliomalivm tm Ewnpe + Ths a a Structure of : Evvopean — Sorely , I | | The New Avistocrauy- Peasantry Middle Class (atigh Class) (feos) (4w Class) The Nw Niddle Clase : + Tt consist of —indualviaticts, dodoxa , teachou . + Tor the new = mtddte ass. (Iban — Stood «fon ftedom fot the ndNtdua and equally =e thew. + Lilo they became =the. = force ofS ndty, «and Nationalism . Fealines of ~— Libwraltem + ¥ Fon Middle Clas tt means — > Freedom — for — individual, > Equality — bof aw * Politicay, tt means — ~ Grovewment by consent > End of = Autovrory, and clerical «= psitvi lagen x Economically. tk means — > Freedom 4 Mavkel > Abolition of Taxes Wave of» Economic Nationalism : Napelean Adminietative system had = weated §=—confedenation =o. * En which rod ils, own arene, ar wlghing, — Syeler , np La . oo a oe Zallvercin. (A Custom — ion) * ~ Trittated ly “Prussia tw. > Reduction of riwmbe, =o cutnencln = ftom BO. > Abolished tani baxios . > Focititated —vadlwoy mobitiy, ft economic lets and ¢ Nopoleon wos dafented = tale» of WieQu00 (1815) by the conservative (orca. urtfication. . Treaty, View was sigue. - Beliwe tn — tvaditional —tnatttutions §=— and family, valu. Fon inglanca - = Church, Mononh, uc. Fevolulionanies. > pou ‘the follow 185, uw? Ciberal- rationalists ( und ou a _ ue g mn vevolultonontes i “in ideas > Revolutfonmia also Saw creation 4 nation - stakes tw mecenmy, port ofthis sage a felon. Cuseppe Nezzini — fs a Young rman. i 24, he Was Sout tuto exile ft altempling. revolution. « > Mazzi believed thal ged had thence riaous tb be nolwal = waits. of mankind. > Tound Ti iw Moselle ond iam a mt the fon Of represion §=— dove Eunopeon stake train, 4 Following his model, Secret —Sortetin «week ta Gormamy., Trance Suitzolekd and Palau» u os , | Mazzint's — relentlus opposition te mmonauchy. ands vison of demo epubtics frightened =the, consenvatives . The Aye = Fevolitions 1630-1248 4 As conservative regimes tsied — @ ~—ousolidate ther == power, Eitevaltem and — rationalism — came tobe Tacreadingly, —cuasodaled = with revolution tw many —royinn oS Eunape « uly (evolition. (Fronee) : ' The faut upheaval — look pla tm Frame im aly 1830. ' The Bourbon king wos oventhrown.« | Tnstaled — a constitutional — monarchy, — with Leuts —Fhilppe thea. >The Tuy Revolion spanked on upsisng tm Brusels hid ed “Belg breakis ay the — United Kingdon fie” stttoded CY ANA i A ee oerk wor of independence : * Greece had been pont the = ttomam «= Empine = since «the ih Conti. * Struggle slaxled tw tat. * Nationalists in et othe — Greeks ing tw exile i ali fom. Na Hit oe us “i ‘The Tuealy. of Coniautinople was Squad «tN. * Geese — was recognised cat tndepenent —walon« Komauticisen : A wultural —rmovernant — Hak rejeded —Natfomaliom by» Sconce amd voauons. x ophikoY -_— i 7 . 2. (ose of Plan : > Poland had been —pantidpated atthe «end the 8th Contu the Great Powes heen. — Ruta, Ps ‘ond feet ae > Emphostzed — om vernacular, Cov the — modon —nalionalist wn lame Ma ty « oe Sou {Melorate - ee rn ae Me Sten, ak symbol ofthe Staal Hangar, Hardship — auch Poulan Few + >The 1830s wee —yoors, of Great tuonomrig§=—rardahip, «tw Eunope = Pepulation —_invwaaed > Unemployment — inviessed = Peasants —Struggled —— against §— Asdttovnay - Te ot The Making of Guiemany. and Tloly, : Unification. mi : > Nationals —featings were widespaend among addle - class Guimans. > Tred to wile =the difjorend —regiows, «othe = Gemma. confederation. two a nation stale governed == by am leuted 9 pawinanent « > (ilo von Bismonck, was the architec «= this process = Conwied §=— oul with =the = hp, the Prussian = amy. >T yoos of war with Aualnia, Denmark , France. > Tn 1871, Wiliam Twas —prodaiment at Gorman Empown . > rows — ovation — building §— rad domonctaled the daminne = Paustian, Stole power. >The ww Stole lard = th emphatic §— on ywdennisi the Caren, banking, egal nd fed oe Guang. a) a Unification — of Thay 4 During the idle ofthe th Century, Tay an dided tl Seven Stata - aoe ston — wy, Sovidinia -"Redwowk was sued yan Ttalian, Banal, a. Criuseppe Mozzini #_He Wad alo formed Seoet Social, © Cabted Young Tiaty. + Duning the 18308, Gi Mazah logan! QO — Whywnt * pup a tad ‘Tee te + Ajtor iu failues = tw 1831 and 164% the © Yeaponsibiitin oll om Vicks Emmanuel — I . Ching Mist. Covers: 4 He led terrae = nd Soundinin- Piedmont dopeated the Aualsion ——forues 1859. Criwseppe — Gantbalele + { fee Succeeded 4" wea, Me, HH peasauai in onder. dive out the. 4 oui Yules. Vidor = €mmanuel - i a. we lagemedl the ki Vat Tloly.« ——e—" a4 The Stange Cae Briain. + Ethnic Compasttion + > English, > Welsh > Swoltih, > Twishe % A of tote = ethnic = Groups had the Ow ltuval «nd plitical traditions. + Bul as the © English vation seat yeu ta wreath, imperlance and Tt was able Pande its vac re the oles rales 4% ae Islands. English —pardiament rad seized = powet from Ye mpwatchy te 488. 4 The Ad of Uacow (1101) between — England — ard Scotto that manulted tm te foreration, §— ofthe ‘United — Kingdom “of Caveat Boia * Lalu Trelond was moyged th foo fou, Great Builain- Vieuobiing. the Nation : "Tt wos digtwlt =f = que fae attlow. * Abdicts tw Ath century — found Gul way by pertondfgng tae atone as female fqwe * Notions — wee —powtrayed 7: — p va ra on Whtionatiom “fo TLonperialiin, > Dut the tnd of th Cenliny. , nationale Started Converting — lo Tempe \. (ase 4 Balkan — stale * Nodionalist — tenaton Started «= th Balkan) en aft BT. * Loge wen of Balan waa under — contre Olloman amg» * Weakening =, Olfomam == empixe allowed trum = beak nl trdependent Slates. * Tae —Stafes wee © fpatous ofeach then and © tach waded) ty gain mone —_teuitony. + Te Station — got mone dense when — hig Ewnopean, — power ontoned the war. “Taio fay = ed ty Wow Wax - I * Lol anti ent Started hich, lad et, it Dea fas

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