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Categories of Adopters:

Innovators: those open to new ideas, ready to handle both failed innovations and
uncertainty (The first group to adopt the innovation)
Early Adopters: those have more limited boundaries within the social system, can
be more likely to hold leadership roles in the social system (The next group, often
influential individuals)
Early Majority: Those have a good interaction with other members of the social
system, they do not have the leadership role that early adopters have (The next
larger group to adopt the innovation)
Late Majority: Those are skeptical about the innovation and its outcomes, but
economic necessity and peer pressure may lead them to the adoption of the
innovation (The group that adopts the innovation after the early majority)
Laggards: Those hold traditional views and are highly skeptical of innovations and
change compared to the late majority. (The last group to adopt the innovation)

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