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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Know some facts and ➤ Bollywood films ➤ Decoding the sport
trivia about famous inspired by global hits of handball

people born in December PLUS: The art of Newspaper in

embracing simplicity




Pics: Istock

MAKE THE MOST OF IT hether you
 Holly: an evergreen plant with
prickly dark green leaves and red
Christmas as a berries
Supriya.Sharma2@timesgroup.com straight if you wish and do religious  Manger: a trough for food for
nothing but chill. Twixmas – a occasion, a horses or cattle (used by Mary as

ou probably think it word that actually comes from secular holiday or part of the a cradle or bed for Jesus)
has something to do the old English phrase ‘betwixt’ winter season, these Christmas  Mistletoe: a parasitic plant
with a chocolate bar, which means between – is a vocabulary words that start with with white berries, traditionally
right? No matter time where you can recharge, “A,” “B” and “C” appeal to all of used as a Christmas decoration
how “sweet” that see friends. Twixmas is ideal your senses. Also, Christmas  Nativity play: a play that
may sound, Twixmas is actually for those who move at a slower words play a vital role in people perform at Christmas
the word used to label those pace, preferring to savour enhancing a child’s based on the birth of Jesus
all-important relaxation days happy memories and just go communication skills since it is  Gingerbread house: A
between Christmas and New with the flow. one of the most Gingerbread house is a
Year’s Eve. Marked from the famous confectionery item that is
27th till 30th December, festivals available in the shape of a
Twixmas is the period where it celebrated building. Used as a decorative
is officially acceptable to stay globally. item on Christmas, it is baked
in your PJs for three days Spice up your with cookie dough and is
Christmas moulded accordingly to form the
KNOW THE WORD lexicon by walls, roof, and house windows.

Twixmas is a new concept that HERE ARE 8 WAYS YOU Declutter your mental and we’ve been unwell, learning the  Stockings: Stocking is an
refers to the period of time in COULD MAXIMISE physical space. Giving is a furloughed or even just following empty sock or a bag in the shape
between Christmas and New Year – big part of Christmas, so WFH. words and of a hose, which is generally
from 27th to 30th December to be give away what you don’t need or One thing you could all plan their hung on the fireplace’s mantel or

exact. It’s that lull in between It’s the perfect time to have in excess. Clean up the to do during Twixmas is meanings: the bedpost before Christmas
festivities when many people also gather your thoughts grievance list and your home. spend some family time  Advent: The eve. It is dangled with the hope

have a little time off from work. ahead of 2022, and write Go offline. It’s a great way playing board games, completing coming (or that Santa Claus will fill it with
Many people have found down your new goals. to recharge your mind jigsaws and creating artistic second gifts and candies.

themselves at a bit of a loose end at Twixmas is a great time to before 2022 begins. masterpieces. Try reusing all the coming)  Yule: A pagan festival

this time of year. According to indulge in some comfort Christmas is a wonderful Christmas packaging and create celebrating rebirth and renewal,
Google Trends, Google searches for cooking and conversations time of year, there’s no some fun art. held on the Winter Solstice.

the term ‘Twixmas’ peaks in around with close family. Also do try denying that, but Put on a few kilos over the  Frankincense: An incense
November each year, with an and use up Christmas leftovers sometimes it can be a good idea festive period? The post- symbolising holiness.
increasing interest in the idea of to rustle up some more recipes. to break out of tradition and do Christmas fitness binge is  Grinch: A grouchy spoilsport

Twixmas noted during the last two It is officially a window for something a little different. A itself an annual tradition, often of Jesus who doesn’t enjoy Christmas.
years. Google Trends also says that self-care. So up the ante cozy staycation during Twixmas folded optimistically into a Christ; the month leading up to  Tinsel: Slender strips of shiny
it’s predominantly a British thing, for the same in this time. will certainly allow you to do New Year’s Resolution. Why Christmas. metallic foil used as Christmas
but there is some interest in Light some candles, do an that! After all, quiet time at home not get started early in the  Bethlehem: A small town in the decorations.
Twixmas in the United States, Brazil, Epsom salt foot soak, run a bath is exactly the thing many of us Twixmas period, and involve Middle East believed to be the Supriya.Sharma2
India, Vietnam and Indonesia too! and kick back with a face mask. need a break from – especially if the whole family? birthplace of Jesus Christ. @timesgroup.com



eyes. Since they look more like a
candy or a mocktail and can be
consumed on the go, peo-
ple are easily buying the

MIDDAY SLUMP? Superfood shots and gummies are likely to make more idea of considering them
as an alternative to supple- native
appearances in the future. But should you be eating them? ments or even the inability to t o
meet their dietary requirements. meet

fternoons can be a drag, especially Supriya.Sharma2@timesgroup.com nutritional require-
As per study, the ideal length for a WHAT IS THIS TREND? ment of your body.
if you are expected to keep your
workplace nap is 20 minutes or less. Longer FAD OR BAD?

pupils dilated in front of your he last couple of years Wellness shots and gummies are actu-
naps can cause sleep inertia — a sense of been a back-to-the-paedia- ally preserved condensed versions of Their beneficial effect as a complete
desktop. That mundane period of
grogginess that may linger for several trician kind of experience juices, plant extracts or drinking vine- product is debatable. Currently, there A SUBSTITUTE FOR FOOD?
sleep and tiredness that kicks in
minutes after awakening. A short nap is with everyone out there gars that are gaining populari- are no scientific claims suggesting No supplement or gummies or well-
somewhere between 1 pm and 3 pm is officially
believed to reduce drowsiness and help reminding us to “eat our ty for being easy to consume, their actual nutrient content. Studies ness shakes can be a substitute for
called “a mid-afternoon slump”. There can be
combat an afternoon slump in certain vegetables”? While many amongst us palatable and pleasant to only highlight the benefits of the main healthy food. Our body is naturally
various reasons to why people experience the
cognitive abilities. Instead of having their have happily warmed up to the idea of ingredient on which the particular developed to consume, digest and
afternoon doldrums. Now before you quickly
employees doze off at their desks, kale and moringa in our food, the MUST KNOW SUPERGREENS product is based. But, how the pro- assimilate food to get its dietary
turn to caffeine, sugar or a nap, here are some
companies like Google, Ben & Jerry’s, and picky eaters of the world are still fight-  Leafy greens: Spinach, cessing and additional colours and requirements. From the bacteria in
quick-fixes by nutritionist Madhuri Ruia that
Nike have implemented ‘nap rooms’ – ing it. A trend catering to the latter is Amaranth, Mustard, Kale, preservatives have affected the effica- the gut lining to saliva in the mouth
can alleviate this run-down feeling:
designated places where employees are wellness shots, pills and gummies. parsley, Moringa cy of that medicinal food or plant is and from the digestive enzymes to the
Never skip breakfast: And you won’t need a
allowed to take a quick nap in the middle of Can’t eat your veggies? Just down a  Seaweed: Spirulina, still unknown. To sum up, wellness digestive organs, the gastrointestinal
sugar rush to stay awake. Skipping morning
the day and wake up feeling refreshed shot of greens or a superfood gummy. chlorella, dulse, kelp gummies and shots may be used tract is aligned to digest and absorb
meal means lower levels of blood sugar, which
thereafter. These nap rooms are usually From delivering Ayurvedic pills to  Grasses: Barley as a quick dose of energy, nutrients from food and not from
often makes one want to take a nap. Include
equipped with couches or recliner chairs, your personalised batch of super- grass, oat grass, refreshment or just feeling good extracts. You can still consume them in
fruits, cereals and nuts like almonds in your
and lighting is kept dim to facilitate respite. green fizz, wellness comes in mind wheat grass, for that matter but they should between your meals or at a time when
breakfast to keep yourself energised.
Drink it up: Stay hydrated throughout the boggling packages now. alfalfa grass not be considered as an alter- you are low in energy or feel tired.
difference to your day’s productivity.
day and drink at least 0.5 to 1 glass of water
Sleep well: Never compromise on your sleep
every hour or so. Control your intake of caffeine
as it could lead to dehydration resulting in
routine. Always sleep on time. A good night’s HISTORY WATCH
rest and sound sleep are important, especially
sluggishness. Always start your day by
during working days.
drinking warm water to increase your
Take a break: Give yourself
metabolism rate. Reason
frequent breaks from constantly
Say no to simple carbs: for the slump.
sitting in front of the
Avoid eating heavy and carb- “Human beings are bipha-
computer. A break during the
dense foods like rice, gravy, sic (physically designed for
mid-day is a must if you are
pulao or rich desserts for two sleeps a day), with two Enactors recreating
hooked to a screen for a
lunch. Such foods can major bodily rhythms that fasci- Hitler inspecting the seige of Moscow
very long time. The
cause insulin levels to spike natingly align in the middle of the his troops
computer/phone screen
and result in drowsiness. day to create a ‘nap zone,” says
glare is not only harmful for

Instead, go for foods that Dr Fiona Kerr, a neuro spe-
the eyes but could also
keep you high on energy. cialist from the
induce drowsiness. War II had suddenly changed as the
Make your food bowl University of
Energize yourself western nations allied with Stalin, and
wholesome and colourful. Adelaide
with these Hitler was now fighting on two fronts.
Incorporating green leafy

short breaks - The struggle for Stalingrad is one of
vegetables, red or yellow bell-peppers
deep breathe the most costly confrontations in
is a great lunch option, with, of course, a tub
in fresh air, military history. The carnage in the
of filling and nutritious yogurt.
take brisk battle, which raged from August 1942 to
Smart snacking: Healthy snacking is
important so that one gets a constant
walks around
the office to feel
On December 18, 1940, Adolf Hitler authorised Operation Barbarossa, the February 1943, was massive, with
source of energy. Snacking on nuts and estimates of as many as two million dead,
fruit instead of processed snacks, can
refreshed. invasion of Soviet Russia. And the rest as they say is history including tens of thousands of Russian

make a healthy n December 18, 1940, Hitler entire world. Britain and the US became of the fighting on the Eastern Front was civilians. Hitler had proclaimed that his
authorised the planning of allied with the Soviets, and the war in staggering, and the Nazi war machine forces would execute the male defenders
Operation Barbarossa – the Europe took on an entirely new dimension. could never sustain a multi-front war. of Stalingrad, so the fighting turned into

2 5
code name for his plan to The Germans Hitler underestimated The code name was a tribute to an intensely bitter battle to the death.

invade the Soviet Union. The Stalin’s military. While the initial Frederick I, a German king crowned The defeat at Stalingrad was a huge
audacious attack was officially launched surprise attack of June 1941 pushed Holy Roman Emperor in the 12th blow to Germany and to Hitler’s plans
on July 22, 1941 and was intended to the Red Army back, but Stalin’s forces century. Known as for future conquest. In a sense, the
quickly drive across miles of territory, recovered and put up bitter Barbarossa, or “Red defeat of the German Army at Stalingrad
much as the Blitzkrieg of 1940 had driven resistance. Beard”, he had led a was a turning point in the war.
Barbarossa was the

3 9
through western Europe. But the The casualties were German army in a Instead of bringing about the
largest military operation
campaign turned into a long and costly massive. Germans Crusade to the collapse of Soviet Union, and the
in human history, both by
fight and what many believe cost suffered more than East in 1189. surrender of Britain before the
the number of men involved

Hitler the war. 7,50,000 casualties, with Hitler had United States would enter the war, it led to
and by the number of people

The Nazi attack on the 2,00,000 soldiers killed. The intended the exactly opposite results. While US and
who died. The operation
Soviets came as a surprise Russian casualties were even invasion to Britain began to supply the Soviet Union
opened a theatre in which
as Hitler and the Russian higher, with more than 5,00,000 begin in May 1941, with war material, the fighting resolve of
more men were involved
leader, Joseph Stalin, had signed a killed and 1.3 million wounded. but the date was the Russian people helped build morale in
than ever before in

non-aggression pact less than two This war would prove to be pushed back, and the the allied nations. By April 1945, the Red
years earlier. And when the two apparent perhaps Hitler’s greatest invasion began on June Army was closing in on Berlin, and the
friends became enemies, it changed the strategic mistake. The human cost 22, 1941. The course of World defeat of Nazi Germany was assured.
02 “The main thing is to make history, not to write it.”
— Otto von Bismarck TRIVIA TIME


Famous Birthdays in December

POLITICS, CULTURE AND MORE. HERE’S TRIVIA FROM THEIR LIFE AND TIMES The Man Behind Mowgli sidered Kipling’s masterpiece and
ranked 78 on the list of the 100 best
English-language novels of the 20th cen-
RUDYARD KIPLING teacher, illustrator and museum curator
who spent most of his career in India.
tury by the Modern Library. By 1897,
Rudyard Kipling was not only among the
WRITER, NOBEL LAUREATE His mother Alice was one of the four most acclaimed authors but also the
MacDonald sisters who are famous for highest paid writer in the world.
BORN: DECEMBER 30, 1865 their marriages to well-known people of
CLAIM TO FAME: Born in India, British

A cut above
the Victorian era. John and Alice had
poet, novelist, short story writer, he is
courted at Rudyard Lake in Rudyard,
best known for his children’s stories
such as ‘The Jungle Book’
Staffordshire, England and they were so RECIPIENT OF THE NOBEL
STEVEN SPIELBERG moved by the beauty of the area that
they named their son after it. Rudyard PRIZE IN LITERATURE

udyard Kipling, in full Joseph had a younger sister named Trix Kipling. In 1907, Rudyard Kipling was awarded
Rudyard Kipling, English the Nobel Prize in Literature. He was the
short-story writer, poet, and first English-language writer to receive
novelist chiefly remembered
HIS SHORT STORY “BAA, the award. Receiving the award at the
for his celebration his tales BAA, BLACK SHEEP” age of 42, Kipling remains the youngest
and poems of British soldiers in India, CHARTED HIS UNHAPPY person to get the
and his tales for children. He received Nobel Prize
the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907. CHILDHOOD in
After spending his early years in Literature,
Bombay, 6 year old Rudyard was as of
NAMED AFTER A LAKE sent to England along with his sister 2016.
Born on 30th December 1865 in Bombay Trix to live at a foster home at Southsea

Gravity Guru in British India, Rudyard Kipling was the

first child of John Lockwood Kipling and
his wife Alice. His father John was an art
with a couple who boarded children of
British nationals who were serving in
India. Kipling’s stay with Captain Pryse
SIR ISAAC NEWTON Agar Holloway and Mrs Sarah
Holloway was a nightmare for
AND ASTRONOMER cruelty and neglect he experi-
BORN: DECEMBER 18, 1946 FOR SCHINDLER’S LIST BORN: DECEMBER 25, 1652 enced during the period. He
CLAIM TO FAME: One of the most popu-
At 20, he made film history when CLAIM TO FAME: Mostly famous for later described the horror of
lar, successful, acclaimed and influen-
Universal Studio signed him for a 7-year his laws of gravity, it is almost his five year stay at the foster
tial directors in film history, Spielberg
directing contract and he became the impossible to visualise the scientific home in his semi-autobio-
was one of the founding pioneers of the
youngest director to do so world without the name of Newton graphical 1888 short story Baa
New Hollywood era and the block-
buster phenomenon While Spielberg made several path- Baa, Black Sheep.

breaking films, his most influential ir Isaac Newton PRS was an
movie is the 1993 film Schindler’s List. English mathematician, physi-
HOW IT STARTED The movie about how an industrialist cist, astronomer, theologian, and
Known for modern classics like Jaws, saved Jews in Nazi Germany not only author (described in his time as WRITER IN THE
E.T., Jurassic Park, Schindler’s List – got him an Oscar for Best Director, it a “natural philosopher”) widely
frankly, the list is end- also earned over $300 mil- recognised as one of the greatest mathe- WORLD
less – Spielberg is inar- lion which Spielberg never maticians, physicists, and most influential By 1890, Rudyard Kipling
guably the pioneer of took a penny of. He said it scientists of all time. A key figure in the was already acclaimed
the blockbuster. He would be “blood money” philosophical revolution known as the as one of the most bril-
changed the scale of and instead he used the Enlightenment, Newton its said had a liant writers of his time
movie-making with his funds to set up the Shoah higher IQ than even Albert Einstein. and his reputation contin-

vision. His interest in Foundation which honours Isaac Newton’s mother wanted him ued to grow with publica-
movies started in his the survivors of the to be a farmer. However, Newton lit- tion of works like ‘The
days with Boy Scouts. Holocaust. erally hated that profession. His Jungle Book’ (1894),
During his time in Boy mother knew that he was not made for a and ‘Kim’ (1901), con-
Scouts, Spielberg rural work, so she allowed him to get his
reached the highest
DIAGNOSED WITH formal education.
Bust of Kipling at the
Kipling Bungalow inside
level of eagle scout and That apple thing? Apparently it never
Mumbai’s JJ School of
he also discovered his In his school years, happened, at least, not the way the
love of directing. Story Spielberg was often bullied legend goes. We all know the story
art; A portrait of the
goes that he wanted to for his inability to read well of how he was sitting under a tree and an writer (right)
win the photography as he was suffering from apple fell on his head, triggering a switch
badge but his dad's dyslexia and sadly no one that helped him figure out how gravity

camera was broken. So Spielberg asked knew at the time. Spielberg didn’t get works. But the man though said that, he A bunch of his papers were deemed
if he could instead create a short video his diagnosis until he was 60 years old, was merely looking out the window when “unfit to publish” upon his death in 1727 diseases at the time.
using his dad’s video camera to earn his after he had earned billions of dollars, he happened to see the fruit drop. Even and remained so until 1936, when This included rabies.
badge. He created a 9-minute film titled several prestigious awards, and his then, some Newton scholars think the Sotheby’s auction house acquired and sold He experimented on
‘The Last Gunfight’. Bachelor’s degree. story involving the apple was entirely most of them to economist John Maynard rabbits and when
made up. Keynes. These included the papers on the that was successful,
Philosopher’s Stone (thought to turn lead he tried it on dogs.

The Soldier Who Ruled

into gold and possibly be an elixir of life) and He successfully vacci-
1920s Stalin began initiating a series of his prediction about the end of the world. nated over 50 rabid

brutal five-year plans to industrialise the His dog set his laboratory on fire, dogs. But because he
still almost feudal country. Under his ruining 20 years of research. At least, was not a licensed
JOSEF STALIN leadership, the production of coal, oil that’s the story Newton told. Some doctor, he technically
and steel grew exponentially and the historians believe that Newton never even wasn’t allowed to.
POLITICAL LEADER country saw huge economic growth. But owned a dog, hypothesising that he left a Story goes that when
BORN: DECEMBER 21, 1879 these gains came at a huge human cost. window open and a gust of wind knocked a desperate family
CLAIM TO FAME: As the successor of People were forced into leaving their over a lit candle. But the dog story lives on asked Pasteur for
Lenin and the leader of Russia during homes to work in factories where they — it was recorded as early as 1833 in The help with their 9-
the Second World war, Stalin is laboured in terrible conditions – and Life of Sir Isaac Newton. year-old child who

known as “the ultimate politician” those who refused were killed. At least 5 Late in life, Newton suffered a nervous had been badly bitten
million people are believed to have died breakdown and became known for by a rabid dog, he
during this industrialisation process. rather eccentric behaviour. A 1979 made his first suc-

T 4
he historian Robert Conquest Stalin slept until lunch and worked examination of Newton’s hair showed astro- cessful human trial.
stated that Stalin perhaps late into the night. Much like nomical amounts of mercury, probably as a This changed every-
“determined the course of the Fyodor Dostoevsky, Stalin had result of all of his alchemy experiments. Too thing in the world of
twentieth century” more than some extremely unusual sleeping habits. much mercury can drive a man mad. But medicine, and
any other individual. In fact, for He reportedly was a night owl, going to later theories say that he didn’t show any inspired the creation
most Westerners and anti-communist
Russians, he is viewed overwhelmingly
sleep at 4 in the morning, waking up only
at midday, and having his most produc-
other signs of mercury poisoning though.
Germ of an idea of many other vac-
cines to come.
negatively as a mass murderer; but for sig- tive hours late into the evening.
nificant numbers of Russians and Stalin was twice nominated for the
Georgians, he is regarded as a great states- Nobel Peace Prize. Under Stalin, the SAVE THE SILK
man and state-builder. His legacy is flawed Soviet Union saw the death of well CHEMIST-BACTERIOLOGIST Pasteur helped save the silk industry. In

but he remains a crucial figure in modern Stalin was born Ioseb Besarionis dze over 20 million people due to the policies of the 19th century, silkworms in France
history. Taking the reins from Lenin shortly Jughashvili. But, like other Russian political and economic repression, which is CLAIM TO FAME: For saving our were becoming infected with 2 diseases
after the Russian Civil War, leading the revolutionaries, including Vladimir comparable to the country’s losses in food by developing the pasteurisa- called pébrine and flacherie. This meant
Soviet Union through its early stages of Lenin, he later adopted the alias by which WWII. Thus, it would come as a great tion process that farmers in southern France were

industrialisation, and overseeing the defeat he is now best known. His nom de guerre shock to many that Stalin was nominated being hit with big losses. Pasteur figured
ouis Pasteur developed the pas-
of Nazi Germany in 1945. He is also known means “man of the steel hand”. for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1945 and 1948 out the signs of the ailments and by sys-
teurisation process to kill harmful

for initiating the Great Purge of 1937 and He developed his own brand of for his war efforts, although he was never tematic eradication controlled the disease.
bacteria with heat and found
forced relocation of millions of people, Marxism. Like Lenin before him, awarded one. For the same reasons, he ways of preventing silkworm dis-
including entire ethnicities, as well as being Stalin also had his own interpreta- was chosen as Time magazine’s Person of
partially responsible for several devastat- tion of Marxism. In Stalin’s case this the Year in 1939 and 1942.
ease, anthrax, chicken cholera, COPIED SOME OF HIS WORK
and rabies. He is sometimes called the Pasteur was an extremely successful man,

ing famines. Stalin had a deep impact on interpretation was very nationalistic and Stalin might be more popular in father of microbiology. but he was also known for his secrecy. He
the polity of his time especially during the focused on building up the Soviet Union Russia now than ever before. In MOHAMMED ALI JINNAH even went so far as to urge his family to
world War and the later era of Cold War. rather than on global revolution. Fearing 2019, Joseph Stalin’s approval in BORN: DECEMBER 25, 1876 FATHER OF GERM THEORY no one could steal his ideas. Well, it turns

His mother sent him to study to that communism would fail if the Soviet Russia exceeded that of Vladimir Putin Jinnah is revered in Pakistan as the Louis Pasteur is one of the fathers of the
out he was hiding more than just his
become a priest. In December 1895, Union did not modernise, from the late with an overwhelming majority of Father of the Nation. Jinnah served as germ theory. In the 19th century, people
bright ideas. In 1946, Pasteur’s grandson
Stalin’s moth- Russians considering him the first Governor-General of Pakistan weren’t aware that germs are what caus-
went against his wishes and donated his
er sent him to a a positive figure in from 1947 until his death a year later. es and exacerbates illnesses. It may seem
notebooks to the Bibliothèque nationale
seminary in the Russian history. This is obvious to us now that washing your
de France, or the National Library of
Georgian capital of arguably the result of HOWARD HUGHES hands is essential to stop the spreading of
France. Inside, researchers discovered
Tiflis (modern-day both Soviet nostalgia and PRODUCER, AVIATOR, INDUSTRIALIST germs, but back in Pasteur’s time, people
that Pasteur borrowed many of his ideas
Tbilisi). He rebelled years of whitewashing by BORN: DECEMBER 24, 1905 just weren’t aware of how these things
from other scientists. For example,
against studying Putin’s administration. Howard Hughes is best remembered worked. Pasteur changed things when he
Pasteur is often credited with a vaccine
scripture, however, Meanwhile in Georgia, for designing an eight-engine flying began studying germs in 1860. He began
for anthrax. Well, it turns out that Pasteur
instead reading the the two Stalins – the boat, nicknamed the Spruce Goose. He conducting experiments on the relation-
stole the vaccine from a French veterinari-
writings of Karl great liberator and the was the subject of 2005 Martin ship between germs and diseases, and
an named Jean Joseph Henri Toussaint.
Marx and joining a mass murderer – live Scorsese directed film ‘The Aviator’. discovered the cause and effect of the
Toussaint developed the vaccine for
local socialist side-by-side. puerperal fever.
anthrax, and shared his discoveries with
group. Eventually
he became an
A photo from propoganda GIACOMO PUCCINI Pasteur. Pasteur then turned around and
atheist, and in 1899
ads (above) and a woman ITALIAN COMPOSER FIRST RABIES VACCINE presented the findings in a public demon-
holds a Stalin poster BORN: DECEMBER 22, 1858 Louis Pasteur developed the first vaccines stration in 1881, and he neglected to give
was expelled from
to mark the 70th Widely considered the greatest Italian for rabies. Once Pasteur had realised how Toussaint any credit whatsoever. He also
the seminary for
anniversary of the victory opera composer, he is best known for diseases were caused, he began working went on to get a patent for the vaccine,
failing to attend
over Nazi Germany popular works such as Madama on several different vaccines for prevalent again without any mention of Toussaint.
Butterfly and La Boheme.
“We can live without religion and meditation, but we cannot survive without
human affection.”
— Dalai Lama

The upcoming Aamir Khan starrer is an official remake of
Affair to Silence of the Lambs) Hollywood’s ‘Forrest Gump’ (1994) that got Tom Hanks his second for an Eye)
This 1999 psychological action-hor- Oscar in the ‘Best Actor’ cat- The 1998 hit ‘Dushman’,
Remember) ror-thriller was directed by Tanuja egory. The screenplay of starring Kajol in a double
The 1999 film, ‘Mann’, Chandra. Though Chandra refuted role is a remake of
‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ is writ-
starring Aamir Khan the claims of a remake, the movie Hollywood film ‘Eye for an
ten by Eric Roth and Atul
and Manisha Koirala, bears resemblance with one of the Eye’. In the original, it’s a
Kulkarni. As reported, the
was a remake of one of Hollywood’s best Hollywood psychological mother’s fight against a
script underwent a series of
most beloved loved stories of the 1950s, ‘An Affair To thriller, ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ deranged killer, who murdered her daughter and is
changes over a period of two
Remember’. A few differences aside, both films have the (1991). This film earned Jodie Foster an Academy Award released by the court on a technicality. In ‘Dushman’, it’s
decades, with Kulkarni
same premise: a man and a woman meet on a cruise in the ‘Best Actress’ category. ‘Sangharsh’ stars Akshay Kumar as a genius Kajol who ran the show, as a sister, who cannot let a
spending the first 10 years
and fall in love with each other. Despite being engaged prisoner, like Anthony Hopkins in the original, who helps a police newbie killer walk free.
adapting the script, and
to other people, the two decide to meet again… solve a case and bring to justice a deranged killer. ‘The Silence of the Lambs’ another 10 years purchasing
became the third and last film (the other two being 1934’s ‘It Happened One the remake rights. Aamir JAZBAA
BAAZIGAR (A Night’ and 1975’s ‘One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest’) to win Academy Awards Khan bought the rights of the

in all the major five categories: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor, Best film in early 2018, and announced the film offi- (Seven Days)
Kiss Before Actress, and Best Adapted Screenplay. cially on 14 March 2019. The 2015 crime thriller,
which marked the
Dying) return of Aishwarya Rai
The 1993 Shah Rukh
after a 5-year break fol-
Khan starrer 'Baazigar'
lows the narrative
— that was instrumen-
around an attorney
tal in the making of
forced to defend an unsavoury criminal
the megastar that we
after her daughter is kidnapped. This film is a remake of
know ‘King Khan’ as today — was
the 2007 South Korean film ‘Seven Days’. Both are fast-
inspired by a 1991 Hollywood movie ‘A Kiss Before Dying’.
paced action thrillers worth a watch.
Some scenes are straight lifts from the Hollywood movie.
They are both great thrillers though. Give them a go for
nostalgia’s sake. BICHHOO
BADLA (The Did you know the recently-released Kartik Aryan-starrer, ‘Dhamaka’, is an official (Leon: The
Invisible Professional)
remake of a Korean film titled ‘The Terror Live’? Here’s a list of a few other Bollywood The 2000 film ‘Bichhoo’,
starring Bobby Deol
The 2019 hit ‘Badla’ releases inspired from hit international films… and Rani Mukerji, is a
copy of the 1994
directed by Sujoy
Ghosh, starring
French action thriller ‘Léon: The Professional’. This film
Amitabh Bachchan and GHULAM (On the marked the debut of actress Natalie Portman, aged 11.
Taapsee Pannu, is an
official remake of the 2016 Spanish film Waterfront) Both films follow the trajectory of a girl/woman being
trained by an assassin following a series of
‘The Invisible Guest’. The story follows an interview The 1998 superhit ‘Ghulam’,
unfortunate incidents.
between a lawyer and a businesswoman, in which the starring Aamir Khan and
latter insists that she is being wrongfully framed for the Rani Mukerji, was inspired
murder of her lover. As good as the original film is, this is by Elia Kazan’s 1954 film ‘On GUZARISH
one of the best remakes in Hindi. Both thrillers will keep the Waterfront’, one of
you at the edge of your seats. Hollywood’s favourite clas- (The Sea
sics. Like Marlon Brando in
the original, Aamir Khan’s
AITRAAZ role is of a man in a difficult
In Sanjay Leela
Bhansali’s 2010 film,
(Disclosure) situation, surrounded by criminals run by a very
powerful mob boss. The main premise of both
‘Guzaarish’, Hrithik
The 2004 Abbas- Roshan plays a magi-
Mustan courtroom movies is the power of one man — just one —
cian, who ends up in a wheelchair
thriller catapulted standing up to corruption and criminal activities.
because of an accident. Though Bhansali vehemently
Priyanka Chopra to denied his film was an inspiration from the Spanish
superstardom. Also movie ‘The Sea Inside’, both movies’ fundamental prem-
starring Akshay Kumar and MAIN KHILADI JO JEETA WOHI ise is the petition for euthanasia. In fact, the Spanish film,
Kareena Kapoor, the film was inspired from the 1994 starring Javier Bardem was based on a true story of a
Hollywood hit ‘Disclosure’, starring Demi Moore and TU ANARI (The SIKANDAR sailor named Ramdon Sampredo who became a quadri-
Michael Douglas. Chopra received widespread critical plegic following an accident. ‘The Sea Inside’ (2004) won
acclaim for her performance as the antagonist. Hard Way) (Breaking the Academy Award for ‘Best Foreign Language Film’.
This film cemented Akshay
Kumar as the Away)
ROCKY HANDSOME leading man in The Aamir Khan CHACHI 420 (Mrs
Bollywood and starrer 1992 film ‘Jo
(The Man From made Saif Ali Jeeta Wohi Doubtfire)
Sikandar’ is one of This may be a little confus-
Nowhere) Khan a bankable
star to rely on, the most popular ing. ‘Chachi 420’ is the Hindi
The 2016 action film, ‘Rocky Handsome’,
both in comedy and drama. Both films of Bollywood. remake of the Tamil film
was an official remake of Lee Jeong-
Akshay and Saif’s careers went far Directed by Mansoor Khan, the storyline is ‘Avvai Shanmugi’ (1996).
Beom’s ‘The Man From Nowhere’, an
and wide after this film became a inspired from the 1979 American film This Tamil comedy was
excellent action drama that released in
superhit. What you may not have ‘Breaking away’, directed by Peter Yates that inspired by the superhit
2010. Like the John Abraham-starrer, the
known is that the film is a Hindi remake of the starred Denis Christopher, Denis Quaid. With Hollywood film ‘Mrs
Korean movie is about an ex-special agent, who goes to
1991 Hollywood film, ‘The Hard Way’, starring plots being different, it ultimately comes down to Doubtfire’ (1993), starring Robin
extreme lengths to save a drug smuggler’s innocent
Michael J Fox and James Wood. If you want some the classic ‘underdog wins it all’ story that audi- Williams. The Hindi remake, like the Tamil one, features
daughter from being the victim of her parents’ fight.
laughs this weekend, watch both. ences love all over the world. Kamal Haasan in the lead role.

ly happy eating the delicious feast great book, open fires, cosy clothes,
as he was exploring the nooks and long walks. It’s quite the antidote to
crannies of the school. Winnie The the chaos surrounding us.
Pooh liked to hang out with his gang

and Matilda had Mrs Honey. Take a
cue from them and avoid energy
vampires (people who drain your
emotional energy). Choosing to

spend time with people who appreci-
ate you is the better option.

According to Goodreads, Splatterpunk was a movement
within horror fiction genre in 1980s and ’90s. Rebelling
against ‘traditional, meekly suggestive horror story,’
Splatterpunk contained graphic, often gory depictions of

ENGAGE IN INTENTIONAL Upon its advent, this
SELF-CARE genre was much
Take a wellness course! After trending debated. Writers like
wildly in the early days of the pandemic,
‘The Science of Well Being’ continues to Robert Bloch criticised
GET ‘COSY’ LIKE BRITS it, stating: “There is a

be one of the most popular courses on
If your have ever been inspired by the Coursera. In it, professor distinc-
Danish concept of ‘Hygge’ (creating a Laurie Santos explores the
warm atmosphere and enjoying the
tion to
misconceptions our mind is
good things in life with good people); susceptible to, and tells us be
or the Swedish concept of ‘Lagom’ how to differentiate between made
(enjoying things in just the right the things we think will make between

amount); then its time to bring in the us happy, versus things that
British art of ‘Cosy.’ Author Laura Weir actually do. (Spoiler alert:
that which
explains this British cultural concept According to the course, lived expe- inspires terror
as ‘an indulgent, luxurious, yet unfussy riences go a long way in making us and that which
way of creating comfort and joy’. The happy as opposed to material things). inspires nausea.”
British essence of ‘Cosy’ comes Dr Santos draws on the wisdom from
through simple experiences including countless research papers and books On the other
Inspired by books, we explore embracing simplicity and enjoying a relaxing holiday cups of warm tea, crunchy toast, a by social scientists including Dan spectrum were
Gilbert’s ‘Stumbling on Happiness'. critics like R S
nitya.shukla@timesgroup.com stress and depression levels are known Happily, the course does not
to increase during the holiday season. Hadji and
require any reading as all the

fter the last 20 months, the Embracing simplicity may sound coun- information is summarised in the Philip
idea of celebrating the holi- terintuitive but it is perfectly reasonable lecture. Try it out to recalibrate Nutman,
day season with a big bang to take it easy during the holidays, and your definition of happiness,
probably sounds appealing. just be. It’s okay to relax and focus on who
why expectations can be mislead-
Who wouldn’t want to attend activities that help you prioritise self- ing, overcome biases to recoganise
praised it
spectacular parties and family get- care for you and your family. We explore stuff that really makes us happy and put because they felt it
togethers, overindulge in decadent food how you could enjoy an emotionally rich- strategies into practice. Don’t feel like
er time with ideas from some memo-
reflected the moral chaos of
or the ongoing sales season, exchange doing it alone? Fabulous, get your
lots of gifts, meet friends etc? All of this rable books and characters... the times they lived in.
besties together and explore what hap-
sounds joyful, but it’s also stressful. piness can be for each of you.
Whether it’s the social pressures of host-
ing the perfect party or one’s own
DOWNSIZE GET-TOGETHERS Alternatively, take the time to read, ‘The BOOKS TO EXPLORE:
After a lifetime with the Dursleys, Art of Happiness’ by the Dalai Lama. In
expectations of a memorable holiday, a this profound book, the Tibetan leader
‘Books of Blood’ by Clive Barker, ‘Survivor’ by F Gonzalez,
Harry Potter joined Hogwarts and in
jam-packed schedule with too many to-
the first year chose to spend shares practical suggestions on how to ‘The Rising’ by Brian Keene, ‘Off Season’ by Jack Ketchum,
dos may leave one physically or emo- do the inner self-work necessary for cul- ‘The Light at the End’ by John Skipp and Craig Spector
Christmas as at the boarding school
tionally drained. No wonder then, that tivating true happiness.
with Ron for company. He was equal-
“It doesn’t matter what you’re trying to accomplish.
It’s all a matter of discipline.”
Wilma Rudolph, former athlete

The first handball federation in India was founded way back in

1972. However, the sport has not gained much traction over
the years, with only a few national level tournaments being
held. The Premier Handball League, a professional men’s
handball league, is set to hold its inaugural season soon,
with six teams having registered so far. We take a
look at what the game is all about…


Handball is a fascinating game played between
two teams of seven to 11 players. It combines
speed, strength, stamina, agility, technical pre-
cision, skill and teamwork.

Two teams of seven players (six court players

plus one goalkeeper) attempt to score points by
putting the ball into the opposing team’s goal.
Players move the ball around by passing, drib-
bling, or hitting it with any part of the body above
the knee.

A handball game lasts for a regulation 60 min-

utes. This is split into two periods of 30 minutes
each with a 15-minute interval. The team that
scores the most points wins the game.

The game has different nomenclatures all over

the world, such as European team ball, Borden
ball, Olympic handball, Team handball etc.


After receiving the ball, players can pass, keep possession, or
shoot the ball.

Attacking players must be outside an arc marked on the play-

ing surface while taking a shot at the goal. Only the defend-
ing goalkeeper is allowed to play within the arc.

Players are not allowed to touch the ball with their feet. Only
the goalkeeper is allowed to use the feet, but within the goal

If possessing the ball, players must dribble, or hit. Running

more than three steps with the ball and holding it longer than
three seconds is illegal.

No attacking or defending player is allowed to touch the floor

of the goal area (within six metres of the goal). Only the goal-
keeper can.

A shot or pass in the goal area is valid if completed before

touching the floor.

Goalkeepers are allowed outside the goal area, but are not
allowed to cross the goal area boundary with the ball in
their hands.

The ball may not be passed back to the goalkeeper

when a player is in the goal area.

A goal is scored every time the ball is The origin of handball can be traced to
thrown into the opponent’s goal. medieval times. The rules of modern hand-
ball were created, in 1906, in Denmark. It
A point can be scored when an at- took its present form in Europe in the 1920s.
tacking player jumps into the goal
area, catches a pass and shoots or It appeared as field handball in the 1936
passes before touching the floor. summer Olympics. The sport re-emerged
onto the world stage as team handball for
If the game is drawn, then over- the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich.
time of a maximum of 2 to 5 minute Women’s team handball was added at the
periods are played. If the scores are still 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal.
level, a shoot-out is used to determine the
result of the game. The Fédération Internationale de Hand-
ball is the world governing body.


The court: Handball is played on Corner throw: A throw-in from a corner at the offensive end of the fouled in the act of shooting with a clear chance at the goal or when Polish Ekstraklasa Men’s handball leagues also
a court 40 by 20 metres (131 ft 3 in court, awarded to the offense when the ball crosses the end line and the defensive team intentionally enters the goal area. An offensive held for women's category (Poland)
× 65 ft 7 in), with a goal in the cen- was last touched by a defender other than the goalkeeper. player shoots the penalty shot one-on-one against the goalie from
tre of each end. The goals are sur- the penalty mark. All other players hover at the 9-metre line for a
rounded by a near-semicircular Disqualification: A disqualification is the equivalent of three two- possible rebound. The shooter is not allowed a running start and Liga ASOBA (Spain)
area, called the zone or the crease, minute suspensions. A disqualified player must leave the court. The must keep at least one foot on the ground behind the 7-metre line
defined by a line six metres from team can replace the player after the two-minute suspension expires. during the throw.
the goal. A dashed near-semicir- Elitserien
cular line, nine metres from the An exclusion is given for a severe infraction, similar to a red card Throw-in: When the ball goes out of bounds on the sideline, a throw- (Both for Men’s and Women’s) (Sweden)
goal marks the free-throw line. in soccer. The excluded player’s team continues minus one player for in is taken from the spot where the ball crossed the sideline.
Each line on the court is part of the the rest of the game.
area it encompasses. This implies Throw-off: When a player attempts to throw the ball to a member of
that the middle line belongs to both Diving shot: A manoeuvre in which a player has the ball at the his/her own team from the center of the court. The players Olis deil din (Iceland)
halves at the same time. edge of the goal area and leaps toward the goal, re- must be on their own half of the court. A goal may be
leasing the ball just before touching down. scored directly from a throw-off. The throw-off oc-
Goal posts: The goals are two me- curs after every goal and usually is taken quickly. US inter collegiate handball championship
tres high and three metres wide. Free throw: For a minor foul or violation, a free (United States)
They are securely bolted either to throw is awarded to the opponent at the exact spot Seven-metre throw: A seven-metre throw is like a
the floor or the wall behind. where it took place, with the defense positioned penalty kick. It is awarded when a clear chance of
three meters from the ball. If the infraction occurs scoring is illegally prevented anywhere on the court Indian handball super league (India)
The goal posts and crossbar are between the 6-metre line and the 9-metre line, the de- by an opposing team player, official, or spectator. It
made of either wood or alumini- fense lines up at the 6-metre line and the free throw typically occurs several times in a single game.
um. The three sides of the beams is taken from the 9-metre line, closest to where the
visible from the playing court must foul took place. This happens frequently Overarm shot: A shooting technique carried out with
be painted alternatingly in two con- and teams have several different 9-me- the arm moving above the shoulder level.
trasting colours which contrast
against the background. The col-
tre plays. A goal may be scored directly
from a free throw. Underarm shot: A shooting technique car-
ors on both goals must be the same. ried out with the arm moving below shoul-
Goal throw: A goal throw is der level. INTERNATIONAL NATIONAL
The net should be fastened in such awarded when the ball goes
a way that a ball thrown into the over the end line and is last Jump shot: A shooting technique per- Ivano Balic
H L Kapur
goal does not leave or pass the goal touched by the offensive formed having the players feet off the
under normal circumstances. team or by the defend- floor. Nikola Karabatic
ing goalkeeper. Roshan Lal Anand
Ball: The ball is made of leather Bounced shot: Shooting on goal with
Magnus Wislander
or synthetic material. It must fit in Penalty throw: A the ball hitting the floor on its way.
the hand of a player. This means penalty throw, also Surinder Mohan Bali
the official sizes vary depending known as a 7-metre Spin shot: A type of shot with the ball Talant Dujshebaev
on age and gender of the partici- throw, is awarded changing direction when bounces back
pating teams. when a player is from the floor. Mikkel Hansen Sarwan Singh Channy

Photos: AFP

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