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Nalanda Modern Public School

Holiday Homework (2024-25)

Class – 12 [HUMANITIES]

Subject- English

Notice Writing

(A) You are Sahil Sagar, the President of Nehru Yuva Club, Delhi. You have planned to take a
trekking trip for 15 days to Rohtang Pass next month. Write a notice giving all necessary
information to invite participants for trekking programme. (Word limit: 50).

(B) As the Director, Primary Section, write a notice in about 50 words for the children
announcing the programme for the Children's Day.

(C) You are planing a four-week course for the children of your housing society complex for
developing their soft skills as part of school project. Prepare a notice to be put up on the
society's noticeboard stating the purpose of the course and giving all necessary details
asking the children to join the course. You are Yashika /Yashu, studying in Class XII in a
reputable public school. (Word limit: 50)

(D) You are Sapna Singh, the Secretary of Cultural Committee of your school. Write a notice
in about 50 words inviting students to participate in the Annual Day of the school to be
organized next month.

(E) You are Man/Mani, secretary of the History Club of K.V. Sr. Sec. School, Badodhra. Draft a
notice in not more than 50 words informing the students of class XI and XII about a
proposed tour to Rajasthan during the

(F) While walking in a park in your colony you found a small briefcase with some documents
and cash. Write a notice in about 50 words to be put on the park noticeboard asking the
owner to identify and collect it from you. You are Rajat/Rani.

Article Writing

A. Healthy environment is the utmost necessity of our life and use of plastic bags certainly
affects the quality of our life. Write an article on 'Plastic Bags as Curse of Modern Life' in
120-150 words to be published in a magazine. You may use the cues given below along
with your own ideas. You are Ragha/Rekha
Plastic bags a threat to environment
Most adverse effect on our health
Cause of diseases/asthma/cancer, etc.
B. Recently you got a chance to participate in a week-long workshop on Energy
Conservation. By the end of the workshop, you were much enlightened about the need
and ways of conserving energy. Write an article titled 'Energy Conservation: the need of
the hour. You are Amrit/Annie of Sarvodya Vidyalaya No. 1. Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. (Word
limit: 120-150)
C. You are Priya/ Piyush. You find illiteracy as the biggest impediment to the development
of a nation. You strongly believe that education can play a very important role in the in
120-150 words on 'Education-The Biggest Tool of Progress".
D. Mohit Sen, the president of the youth forum of his colony, attends a seminar on rampant
corruption in social and political life in India. He decides to write an article on the 'Role of
Youth in Combating Corruption'. Write his article in 120-150 words.
E. As Shreya/Shrey, write an article on Junk the Junk Food' to create an awareness among
children that junk food is unhealthy and unhygienic. (Word limit: 120-150
1. Do this work in English Grammar Notebook.
2. Also learn all taught chapters for the periodic test.

Subject- Applied Art/Fine Art

1. One sketch daily (any object:- human figure, animals, birds, hands, foot, nature,
flowers, fruits etc.)
2. One painting on Indian Folk Art (1/2 imp size)
3. Poster on half sheet ( Any Five)
a) COVID-19 b) Commercial Products
c) Say no to drugs d) Cultural Activities
e) Tourism f) Nature Development
4. Illustration on A3 Size ( Drawing File)
a) Games and Sports
b) Family and friends in daily life
c) Religious events and Festival.

Subject - Mathematics

Q.1. Each question has four possible answers. Choose the correct answer and
encircle it.
1. The order of the matrix  3  is
 4 
(a) 2 1 (b) 2  2 (c) 31 (d) 1 3
2. The order of the matrix 1 2 3 is
(a) 1 3 (b) 31 (c) 3  3 (d) 2  3
0 0 
3. The matrix   is called
0 0 
(a) identity (b) scalar (c) diagonal (d) null
4. Two matrices A and B are conformable for multiplication if
(a) No. columns in A  No. of rows in B
(b) No. of columns in A  No. of columns in B
(c) No. of rows in A  No. of rows in B
(d) None of these
5. If the order of the matrix A is p  q and order of B is q  r , then order of
AB will be :
(a) p  q (b) q  p (c) p  r (d) r  p
6. In an identity matrix all the diagonal elements are :
(a) zero (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) none of these
2 0
7. The value of determinant   is :
1 3
(a) 6 (b) 6 (c) 1 (d) 0
8. If two rows of a determinant are identical then its value is
(a) 1 (b) zero (c) 1 (d) none of these
2 3 4 
9. If A  0 1 1 is a matrix, then Cofactor of 4 is
 2 0 1 
(a) 2 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
10. If all the elements of a row or a column are zero, then value of the
determinant is :
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) zero (d) none of these
2 3
11. Value of m for which matrix   is singular.
6 m 
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 8 (d) 9
12. If  aij  and bij  are of the same order and aij  bij then the matrix will be
(a) singular (b) null (c) unequal (d) equal
13. Matrix  aij  mn is a row matrix if :
(a) i  1 (b) j  1 (c) m  1 (d) n  1
14. Matrix cij  mn is a rectangular if :
(a) i  j (b) i  j (c) m  n (d) m  n  0
15. If A   aij  mn is a scalar matrix if :
(a) aij  0  i  j (b) aij  k  i  j
(c) aij  k  i  j (d) (a) and (b)
16. Matrix A   aij  mn is an identity matrix if :
(a)  i  j , aij  0 (b)  i  j , aij  1
(c)  i  j , aij  0 (d) both (b) and (c)
17. Which matrix can be rectangular matrix?
(a) diagonal (b) identity (c) scalar (d) none
18. If A   aij  mn then order kA is :
(a) m  n (b) km  kn (c) km  n (d) m  kn
 A  B   A2  2 AB  B 2 , if and only if :
(a) A  B  0 (b) AB  BA  0 (c) A2  B2  0 (d) (a) and (c)
20. If A and B are symmetric, then AB 
(a) BA (b) At Bt (c) Bt At (d) (a) and (c)
21. Write the principal value of tan 1  3   cot 1   3  .
22. The management committee of a residential colony decided to award
some of its members (say x) for honesty, some (say y) for helping others
and some other (say z) for supervising the workers to keep the colony neat
and clean. The sum of all awardees is 12. Three times the sum of awardees
for cooperation and supervision added to two times the number for
honesty is 33. If the sum of the number of awardees for honesty and
supervision is twice the number of awardees for helping others. Using
matrix method, find the number of awardees of each category.
2 0 1
23. If A   2 1 3 . Find A2  5 A  4I and hence find a matrix X such that
1 1 0 
A2  5 A  4I  X  0 .
 1 2 3 
If A   0 1 4 . Find  A ' .
 2 2 1 
25. Solve the system of linear equations.
x  y  z  21
4 x  3 y  2 z  60
6 x  2 y  3z  70
 4 4 4  1 1 1 
26. Determine the product  7 1 3  1 2 2 and use it to solve the
 5 3 1  2 1 3 
system of equations x  y  z  4, x  2 y  2z  9, 2x  y  3z  1 .
  2  1 
27. If cos  sin 1    cos x   0, then x is equal to
  5 
Principal value of cos 1    .
 2
1 2 1 4
29. Prove that tan 1  tan 1  sin 1 .
4 9 2 5

Prepare a project file on one of the following topics.
 Instructions for the project file;
 Each student will be assigned with one topic for his/her project work.
 Use A4 size sheets only.
 Write the topic, certificate, content, introduction, purpose, procedure and
conclusion of the assigned project.
 Do meaning research for your topics and mentions them in the
bibliography/ references.
 Students are free to add content and their creativity relevant to the topics.
Topics for the project work are as follows;
1) Study of an integrated community based, nutrition/health programme
being implemented in own area, with reference to-
a. Programme objectives
b. Focal Group/Beneficiaries
c. Modalities of implementation
2) Visit to the neighbouring areas and interview two adolescents and two
adults regarding their perception of persons with special needs.
3) Profile any two persons (child/adult) with special needs to find out their
diet, clothing, activities, physical and psychological needs.
4) Planning any five messages for nutrition, health and life skills using
different modes of communication for different focal groups.
5) Market survey any five processed foods with their packaging and label

ह िं दी ग्रीष्मावकाश कार्य
1. परिर्ोजना कार्य के हिए हदर्ा गर्ा फाइि कार्य पूिा किें ।
2. अहिव्यक्ति औि माध्यम से किाए गए सिी प्रश्न उत्ति र्ाद किें ।
3. हनम्नहिक्तित हदए गए हवषर्ोिं पि 150 से 200 शब्ोिं तक िचनात्मक िे िन किें ।
(क) अिंधहवश्वास बढाते टीवी चैनि

(ि) कटते जिं गि

(ग) मे िा हप्रर् टाइम पास


 Complete the given assignments.

 Learn all taught chapters.
 Make a project on the topic given in the class.


 Make a project on a topic of “End of Bipolarity and The Emergence of

unipolar World”.

 Sub Topic:

 Merit and demerit of Soviet System.

 Gorbachev and reforms.

 Disintegration of Soviet Union (USSR) causes and its


 Features of shock therapy and its consequences.

 Tension and conflict of post USSR Republic.

 First Gulf War, operation Iraqi Freedom, Arab Spring.

 Write given assignments of chapter “International organization and

Security” in class notebook.

1. Complete the given assignment.
2. Complete the Maps of related chapter of first book.
3. Find out if there are many museums in your town. Visit one of them
and write a report on any ten items, describing how old they are,
where they were found, and why you think they are on display.
4. Collect newspaper for one month. Cut and paste all the statements
made by government officials about public works. Note what the
reports say about the resources required for such projects, how the
resources are mobilized and the objective of the project. Who issues
these statements, and how and why are they communicated. Compare
and contrast these with the evidence from inscriptions discussed in
this chapter. What are the similarities and differences that you notice?

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