Environmental Damage

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To address this issue, it requires a multifaceted approach from governing bodies. With regard to
deforestation, funding sustainable management practices such as reforestation and afforestation.
As a result, vital ecosystems and biodiversity will be restored and preserved. As for industrial
activities, people should

The advantages of homeschooling derive from the disadvantages of the regular school system.
Since there is no need to comply with the school regulations and when studying at home, both
parents and children can choose and manage the studying process curriculum. It’s possible to
decide what a child learn and whether such information is needed, as well as control and adjust
the pace of learning according to a child’s capabilities. Unlike regular school, there are no
distractions and negative factors such as peer pressure and boredom when spending time in the
class. As a result, children will be more likely to have a positive attitude towards studying, and
homeschooling ensures a child will not have any health issue related to dieting.
Homeschooling has many disadvantages because this education is different from the regular one.
Firstly, students will lose their opportunity to engage in sport class and extracurricular
activities, which might result in poor cooperation skill. Secondly, studying without a
teacher’s obvious will lead to released motivation and poor academic performance.
Studying at home, more distractions, such as television, internet or even a bed also
contribute to a lack of motivation to study. Finally, when studying at home, children will
lose their opportunity to enjoy some elements at regular public school such as class trip
or exchange programs.

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