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Bradley Drummond

Masters unlimited

Belfast exam

what ships you been on? container, gen cargo what cargo did you carry? they carried timber but i told
him we were not timber load line straight away, told him steel coils, wind farm blades, use to carry grain
but I wasn’t goin to bother telling him that, most recently - pax vsls. Asked where I lived – glasgow.

how would you take over as master of container vessel? Full answer from briefing all the way through to
entry in the OLB on completion of take over

what's master's responsibilities to ISM? PMCVR + OVER RIDING AUTHORITY

how does your vessel comply with marpol annex 1? oil record book, sopep

annex 4? Sewage 12miles etc,

annex 5? garbage management

annex 6? eca, seca, Sulphur content

How would PSC know you comply with eca? Bdn, analysis of fuel samples,

Annex 6 regs when alongside? No incinierator, burn 0.1% fuel.

Is Clyde in SECA? no

entries in oil record book? Standard GMA answer

how to check entry's? Standard GMA answer

how do you know what each entry means? categories a-I at front of oil record book

example of masters over riding authority? Lifeboat drill due, bad wx, delay.

Lifeboat davit cracked how would you handle? try fix it, risk assess, cordon it off, don't use it, stay in

can't get repairs in this port? told him risk asses, then if I was feeling it was safe enough to proceed to
repair port, I would seek dispensation, but dispensation is not the golden ticket to sail. as master I won't
sail if I'm not happy.

draw a gz curve for stable ship? explain it?

draw a gz curve for unstable ship? explain it? what's loll? how do you correct?

what's the intact stab criteria for a vessel?

explain the gz curve? I had a very difficult time with this, asked how you measure area under the curve,
what its measured in? told him radians but its m-radians.
how would you brief chief mate for loading a container vessel? vgm, dg doc, stability requirements,
familiar with stab program, call if any problems, dg manifest, msds for dg, dg declaration, stowage plan,
bridge visibility not impaired, prop immersion good enough for voyage.

what's included in DG doc? Standard GMA answer

what's VGM? verified gross mass for containers, came into force 2016.

crew member killed by crane actions? stop job, record evidence before moving body, standard answer
for dealing with death, record in msf4605, report to maib, inform flag, company.

when do you report to MAIB? mgn 564, merchant shiping reporting regs 2012 <-- it’s a LEGAL
requirement master reports

who enforces? Enforcement branch of mca based on non compliance with merchant shipping regs.

what info is in OLB? Standard GMA answer

entries in narrative section? Standard GMA answer

what do you know about bulk carriers? I thought this is a bit broad of a question but just mentioned ESP,
water ingress alarms. I was trying to avoid saying bending and sheer force because I didn't want to go
back to stability after getting smashed in gz curves but he was defo pushing for it so I had to give him the

what is sf and bm? Standard GMA answer

how would chief officer know bm and sf are in permissible limits? I told him stability program and
stability booklets, this went back and forth for 5mins as he tried to get a different answer, I was very
confused, I kept saying stability program. But he see's stability program and LOADICATOR as 2 different
things, they are defined as 2 different things in SOLAS apparently. He told me he was looking for
loadicator, I told him I told him stability program. Best not to argue with them haha.

precautions with loading iron ore? heavy cargo dense, huge gm, bm and sf, magnetic compass...didn't
want to mention this but he was aiming for it.

showed me a picture of magnetic compass, tell me about magnetic compass, basic maintenance name
the parts

cardinal points deviations are larger than normal what does this mean? total guess, said retentive error,
I was right apparently. how to correct and fix it? Akneel or roll it. When does retentive error occur? Long
steady courses or alongside along time. Didn’t say layup as I didn’t want to talk about laid up vsls.

passage plan Shanghai to suez, how to brief 2nd mate? high traffic on dep china,typhoon @ south china
seas, reporting procedure @ Singapore, safe speed through straight, piracy in Malacca, monsoon @
Indian ocean, piracy in Suez. Reporting procedures contact UKMTO etc.

what's trs, typhoon, cyclone, hurricane? how do they form? when do they form? deep water, 5/n or
south, low Coriolis force effect, hot water temp.

signs of a typhoon? standard answer

actions to avoid? depends where you are in nav or dangerous semi-circle

high density of traffic in Singapore and china for fishing vsl any concerns? safe speed and room to
maneuver. Thought brilliant, hes about to move onto rules and end the exam, but no. We continued.

piracy, how to prepare vsl for piracy? carry out drill, risk asses, brief crew, barb wire, hoses, safe but fast
speed, contact UKMTO, contact CSO.join a convoy.

what equipment would you test prior to entering? SSAS

how does it work? no audible alarm, not stop until stopped manually, not transmit to other vsls.

pirates about to board your vsl action? Mayday > muster crew > speed up > ac away from them > hide in
citadel if we had one

what is a citadel? safe place for crew to hide

what's laycan? demurrage? dispatch? couldn't remember dispatch, told him I didn't know.

what do you know about salvage? Standard gma answer, referenced place of safety, requirements of it

when would someone invoke scopic? Pollution incident, to gain article 13 reward and scopic 30-100% of
his expenses, not even sure if this is right but he moved on.

what's general average? Loss covered by all those in voyage, told him opposite to particular average
when owner pays for the loss. General average can only be called when the vessel is protected from
peril. If you sink, no general average.

what's a bill of laden? what's a document of title? Standard answer from gma notes

what's Lloyds open form? Standard answer from gma notes

collision action? started giving passenger vessel answer but he told me i was on bulk carrier and to
restart answer. Follow SPARC from GMA, I even told him “I'm going to answer this question by
referencing internal recourses, external resources and equipment I could use to assist me”

what do i understand about SAR co-ordination plan? MSN1878, enhance co-op between vsl, mrcc and

how do you ensure compliance with MLC? refer to dmlc 1+2, 14-point list from GMA.

master's inspection of accommodation? what to look for? msn1845 and msn1848

where to record it? olb, signed and signed by another crew member.

fridge and freezer temperature? +5 for fridges, -18c for freezers,

what else to look for in galley? hygiene, different chopping boards, garbage discard placard,

explain rule 6

explain rule 7
explain rule 10

lights fv, trawler, ram, dredging, anchor, aground, nuc, pdv, cbd, wants TYPE, DAYSHAPE AND

pdv head on action?

pdv crossing from stbd? who is give way who is stand on?

vsl over taking who is give way who is stand on?

pdv crossing from stbd in TSS, who is give way and stand on?

rule 19, over taking 1 vsl dead ahead, I'm dead astern. action? I said port or stbd, he wanted a definitive
answer. told him other vsl could go either way. he wants my action. I didn't want to give him one for
some reason lol. decided to go stbd, keep stbd side clear incase other vsls. he moved on.

What does rule 19 say about your movements in regards to collision avoidance?

safe water mark, lights, characteristic, top mark

west cardinal

reg b stbd lateral

isolated danger, light and characteristics. never got asked action with buoys.

told me I passed. I should look up, dispatch, area under gz curve is measured in meter radians and not
radians and loadicator and stability program are not same device. Longest oral I've ever had, oow 1
hour, mates 50mins, this was 1-hour 40mins. i thought it would never end. he just kept asking question
after question i was praying for the rules to turn up.

very decent examiner, happy to explain questions differently, if i didn't know i told him, i told him where
i would look up answers and how i wouldn't guess with anything regarding safety.

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