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Speak with Con dence Masterclass Notes

Table Of Contents
Speak with Con dence
Masterclass Notes 3

Improve your con dence,

communication, and overall life. 3

Introduction 4

The Importance of Public

Speaking 5

The 4 C's Framework of Public

Speaking 9

The Bumblebee Story 12

10 Imaginary Limitations 15

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Speak with Con dence Masterclass Notes

Useful Lessons from The

Masterclass 19

The 60-Day Communication

Skills Program 22

FAQs About The Program 26

Thanks for reading 30

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Speak with Con dence Masterclass Notes

Speak with Con dence

Masterclass Notes
Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should
be denied it." - Alan Moore

Improve your con dence,

communication, and overall life.

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Speak with Con dence Masterclass Notes

I'm Abhishek, a communication skills trainer with over 15
years of experience. I've trained professionals, appeared
on TV and radio shows, and worked with celebrities.

I'm here today because I want to help you improve your

public speaking skills.

Many people fear public speaking, but it's an essential

skill, and I want to provide you with practical tips to
speak with more con dence and impact.

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The Importance of Public

You might be surprised to know that 93% of employers
are looking for candidates with strong communication
abilities, and public speaking is at the top of their list.

Even billionaire Warren Buffett has said that mastering

public speaking can signi cantly increase your income

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Besides career bene ts, public speaking also boosts your

con dence, leadership skills, and persuasion abilities,
which are valuable in work and daily life.

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The Fear of Public Speaking

Now, let's talk about the fear of public speaking. It's
natural to feel anxious about speaking in front of an
audience; it's called glossophobia, affecting 77% of

This fear often holds us back from seizing opportunities

and sharing our ideas.

But here's the good news: you don't have to be born an

expert speaker.

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Like any skill, it gets better with practice and guidance.

So, start small by recording short videos, and as you gain

experience, the fear will fade away.

Remember, you don't have to be perfect from the start.

Common Myths About Public

There are some common myths about becoming a
better public speaker that I want to debunk:

Myth #1 - Practising speeches in front of a mirror doesn't

give you the objective feedback you need. Instead,
record yourself and watch the recordings.

Myth #2 - Simply having an extensive vocabulary won't

make you a great speaker if you can't convey your ideas
clearly. Focus on effectively communicating your

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Myth #3 - Public speaking skills aren't just for interviews

or formal situations; they're also essential for everyday
social interactions.

Myth #4 -Trying to learn from scattered sources like

newspapers and YouTube videos won't lead to real
improvement. Seek out a structured program and a
coach for consistent growth.

The 4 C's Framework of

Public Speaking
Now, let's dive into the 4 C's framework for successful
public speaking, which includes:

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1. Con dence – Overcoming stage fright and building

self-belief to project credibility and authority to your

2. Content – Organizing your ideas coherently to

educate or persuade your audience. Focus on providing
value to them.

3. Charisma – Captivating your audience through vocal

variety, body language, humour, storytelling, and
genuinely connecting with them.

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4. Conquer – Handling tough questions smoothly, using

call-to-action effectively, and pushing past your comfort
zones and fears of public speaking.

To master these skills, you need continuous practice and

objective feedback.

But with the right training and dedication, you can

transition from an anxious speaker to an in uential one.

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The Bumblebee Story

During the webinar, Abhishek tells an interesting story
about bumblebees to illustrate how our beliefs shape
our capabilities.

He explains that scienti cally, the bumblebee's body and

wingspan are aerodynamically too small relative to its
body size for it to be able to y.

By the laws of physics and aerodynamics, scientists have

determined that bumblebees should not be able to y.

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Yet, in reality, bumblebees can y and do so all the time.

Abhishek states that this is because bumblebees do not

know or believe the “scienti c fact” that they shouldn't
be able to y. They simply try to y anyway - and

He relates this back to public speaking and

communication skills. Often, we are held back not by
lack of ability but by self-limiting beliefs about what
we can accomplish.

Like the bumblebee unaware of scienti c aerodynamics,

we may not recognise capabilities we haven't tapped
into yet. We let mistaken assumptions about our own
skills inhibit us.

This story shows that preconceived notions do not

de ne or restrict our abilities. If we apply persistent effort
to improving any skill, we can grow beyond what we or
others perceive to be our limits.

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With practice and training, we are far more capable than

we may believe if we ignore the doubts and myths
holding us back.

The bumblebee story reminds us to focus on growth

rather than assumed constraints.

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10 Imaginary Limitations
In the webinar, Abhishek outlines 10 common imaginary
limitations people often impose on themselves
regarding public speaking.

He explains these beliefs hold people back from

improving their skills.

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1. Public speaking is an innate talent - Abhishek

stresses anyone can improve public speaking abilities
with training and practice. You are not just "born" a good

2. I don't have the natural ability to be a good speaker

-Our skills depend on practice, not innate factors.

Blaming a lack of natural talent is a self-limiting belief.

3. My vocabulary is not good enough - Clear

communication is about conveying ideas simply, not
complex vocabulary. If the audience comprehends you,
your vocabulary is suf cient.

4. I can become a better speaker by talking to a

mirror - Mirrors don't offer honest feedback. Recording

yourself and getting objective assessments is more

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5. I can learn public speaking from YouTube or the

internet -Unstructured online content cannot

substitute for a tailored training program and expert

6. I'll forget everything when I get on stage -

Speeches shouldn't be memorised word-for-word.

Relying on notes or prompts on stage is perfectly

7. I only need public speaking skills for formal

situations like interviews - Con dent communication

is a crucial life skill in uencing daily interactions.

8. Reading newspapers and books expand your

vocabulary - Learning vocabulary in isolated contexts

does not teach how to use words effectively in speech.

9. I'll start public speaking when I learn how to do it

You will not become an effective public speaker

well -

without practical experience. Start small.

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10. I'm scared because I'm not good at public

speaking - Fear holds you back, not lack of inherent skill.

Overcoming fear is part of the growth process.

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Useful Lessons from The

Lesson 1 - I want to emphasise the importance of
getting comfortable with being uncomfortable in public
speaking. Pushing past your fears and stepping outside
your comfort zone is essential for your growth in this skill.

Lesson 2 - Don't compare your early speaking attempts

to polished experts. Instead, focus on self-improvement
and avoid judging yourself against others.

Lesson 3 - Vocal variety is crucial for captivating your

audience's attention. You can achieve this by
modulating your tone, adjusting your volume,
controlling your speed, using in exion, and strategically
pausing to add depth and emotion to your voice.

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Lesson 4 - Remember that your body language can

impact your presentation as much or even more than
the words you speak. Use natural gestures, maintain a
con dent posture, convey emotions through facial
expressions, and move around the stage to engage your

Lesson 5 - Storytelling is a powerful tool in public

speaking. Crafting compelling stories with a clear
message lets you connect with your audience and leave
a lasting impression.

Lesson 6 - When speaking, don't just talk "at" your

audience. Instead, interact with them by asking
questions, addressing people by name, and welcoming
their input. Building rapport is key.

Lesson 7 - Authenticity is crucial. The best speakers

connect with their audiences by being genuine, sharing
personal stories and their passion, and building trust.

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Lesson 8 - Continually seek opportunities to practice

your speaking skills, whether by joining a Toastmasters
group, volunteering for presentations at work, or
recording video speeches.

Lesson 9 - To improve your public speaking, analyse

speakers you admire. Understand and incorporate
elements that make them effective, such as humour,
storytelling, concise messaging, and audience rapport.

Lesson 10 - Seek feedback from coaches, mentors, and

trusted peers to gain objective insights into improving
your public speaking abilities.

Lesson 11 - Believe in your value and ability to impact an

audience. Con dence is built through preparation and

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Public speaking is attainable through overcoming your

fears, dedicating yourself to continuous improvement,
learning various techniques, and believing in your

Mastering this skill can open up incredible opportunities

for you.

The 60-Day Communication

Skills Program
After providing public speaking tips and frameworks in
the webinar, Abhishek introduces The 60-Day
Communication Skills training program for anyone
serious about improving their communication & public
speaking skills.

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Here’s what you’ll get with this program?

1. 60 Pre-Recorded Daily Training Lessons - Abhishek

shares lessons distilling his 15+ years of communication
training experience into easily digestible 20-40 minute
lectures. Topics span con dence building, presentation
skills, business English, everyday conversation, vocal
techniques, body language, storytelling, and more.

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2. Small Virtual Group Practice - Participants can access

a private online community to practice skills in a
judgment-free zone. Review real speeches, exchange
feedback, connect with peers and access bonus skill-
building content.

3. Weekly Live Coaching Calls - Abhishek conducts

interactive 2-3 hour live video calls every Sunday to help
cement abilities. Participants practice skills in real time
and receive personalised feedback.

4. Lifetime Access - Participants can refresh and review

all 60 training lessons whenever desired to continue
honing their abilities.

5. 1:1 Review of Speeches - Abhishek personally reviews

select participant speeches and provides detailed
feedback on areas to improve.

Normal fee is Rs. 5000 - 6000 for this program.

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However, just for webinar attendees, you can join the

program at INR 2000/-

Sign Up Now:

Click Here to Sign Up

This training system takes a hands-on, step-by-step

approach to building con dence through practical
experience rather than just theory.

The combination of structured lessons, a practice

community, live coaching, and direct feedback is
designed to help you apply your skills in real-world

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Although the full program requires a signi cant time

commitment, it can bring about life-changing growth in
your communication abilities.

It does so by addressing the precise techniques that set

in uential speakers apart.

FAQs About The Program

Q: How many hours per day do I need to commit to
the program?

A: Abhishek recommends dedicating about 1 hour per

day. This includes the 20-40 minute pre-recorded daily
lesson, practising giving a short 5-minute speech and
providing feedback to peers. Respecting busy schedules,
the lessons are self-paced rather than live classes at xed

Q: Can I watch a recording later if I miss a live

coaching call?

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A: Abhishek provides lifetime access to all training

content, so any missed live calls can be watched later at
your convenience.

Q: How do you provide feedback on my speeches?

A: Abhishek personally reviews some speeches and

provides detailed feedback. Additional coaches review
speeches and provide comments within the private
online community. Participants can also exchange peer

Q: What if I don't have a Facebook account?

A: The Facebook group is optional for practising and

getting feedback. The core training content is delivered
through a separate online platform that requires the
login provided after signing up.

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Q: Can I enrol if I can't start the program until next


A: You can enrol now and begin the self-paced program

later. However, Abhishek strongly recommends starting
as soon as possible rather than delaying.

Q: What if it's not the right t, and I want a refund?

A: Abhishek offers a 7-day money-back satisfaction

guarantee. Simply request a refund within the rst week
if you feel the program is not bene cial.

In summary, Abhishek designed the program to work

within participants' busy lives by offering exibility yet
still delivering structured guidance for mastering
communication skills.

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If you want to join The 60-Day Communication Skills

Program, click here:

Click Here to Sign Up

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Thanks for reading

Life coach Mr. Abhishek Gupta aims to help people take a
leap of faith into enhanced productivity.

A believer of deep learning and sustained growth,

Abhishek Gupta created a niche for him in the world of
self-help and public speaking.

His accolades are a testament to the incredible life skills

he helped people master.

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