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Has always been geared up to neutralized if not irradicate the relentless insurgency situation in the country.
The police organization devices the special action team to take the responsibility in facing the squarely or all forms of
terrorism that threaten all internal security a special action team is composed of 8 or 9 men who are all capable and
dependable in their individual qualification and specialized skills. In any other team each has it’s own designation
and corresponding duties and responsibilities, the head quarters receive the A1 information regarding the presence
augment in the mountainous area of Luzon, upon receiving of the warning order the team leader immediately
proceeded to their designated drop point.
May I request everybody to pls give your attention on the right side of the ground.
SATO TEAM should be a highly capable, effective and credible police officer. Working in partnership w/ the security
sectors and responsive community for a peaceful and more progressive region. The PNP compliment each other on
their persuasive to suppressed insurgency another serious stress, the national security in any times of national
emergency, the PNP provide assistance of the afp in the insurgency effective areas, the PNP also assist the afp in the
aware insurgence.


They are now performing The Map Checked or Land Navigation, the discipline of following a route through
unfamiliar terrain on foot or by vehicle, using maps w/ reference to terrain, a compass, and other navigational tools.
True navigation begins in the human heart. It’s the most important map of all.

The team are conducting patrolling, The patrolling is to pass along around or through a specified area in
order to maintain order and security.
Lead scout signal
Then Halt
They are now in staggered position.
The Lead Scout call the Team Leader on the obstacle there going to cross


The first scenario is barbed wire crossing. They’re about to reach at the barbed wire. This is a common man
made obstacle during patrolling, proper position of a sector in perimeter security is very dispensable while crossing
as part of the routine upon the lead scout gave the sign of halt, perimeter security is established, inquire information
from the lead scout and automatically confronts the other members regarding the obstacle. They’ll tap their fire
arms as a sign that each of member of the team is ready to move. It is the sharp edges wire fences. Also known
as barb wire, occasionally corrupted as bobbed wire or bob wire, is a type of steel fencing wire constructed with
sharp edges or
points arranged at intervals along the strands. It is used to construct inexpensive fences and is used
atop walls surrounding secured property. It is also a major feature of the fortifications as a wire obstacle.
After the barbed wire, the team are about to position, their cognizance on the area over the fence is made to
press on the security of the team. This is done by the two (2) members of the team who crossed over to recon the
area by observing the place and work in over in a heart formation, afterwards, the other members of the team may
now cross over. However, the last man will still be secured by the other members, until they all crossed the obstacle.
The troops will continue patrolling.
The team are conducting patrolling, the patrolling is to pass along around or through a specified area in
order to maintain order and security.
The lead scout maintains his sector of fire other member focus their designation of sector of fire covering
their security of the patrolling.
At the end of the day; the goals are simple, safety and security. Every accident is a notice that something is
wrong with men, methods, or material-investigate then act. Safety is our first concern, not deadlines. Nothing will
happen until everything is ready and we’re absolutely confident. This will be a safe operation. A SUCCESS
The lead scout
sighted an enemy encampment and give signal to his team leader, on the far sight the lead scout uses his binocular
sighted an enemy camp. But before reaching the enemy camp, they have to pass on open terrain.
Is one of the rigid forces of patrolling because large open terrain is a good sight of ambush stage. Team
leader asses this situation and decided to conduct raid on the said enemy encampment the team lead to pass unit by
bounce in a diagonal formation to maintain security even if the team is on the move. Troops are now crossing the
danger zone by bounce and in diagonal formation. The diagonal formation of the operating troops is an excellent
position for offensive post for any possible ambush a hostile encounter. Two members of the team will tactically
move forwards the first entry to a move crawl maneuvering. The first sectors killed by the use of bladed weapon to
recovering contact approach.
The team are now in line formation for a better position of the team.
The team leader announce OPEN FIRE!
(Fire starts and exchange of fire)
They are now exchanging of fire…
The encounter battle, is a term used in warfare.
It describes a combat action that occurs when a moving force,
Incompletely deployed for battle, engages an enemy at an unexpected time and place.
War is not a life. It is a situation, one which may never be ignored nor accepted, A problem to be met with ambush
and stratagem or scattered.
The team are now ready to assault,
A threat or attempt to inflict offensive physical contact or bodily harm that puts the enemy in immediate
danger of or in apprehension of such harm or contact to enemy.
The team leader announces Cease fire, then
Change Mag,
Officer down - An officer as may shot on his left leg. Officer down procedure will still stick to a plan to neutralize the
enemy and cover the wounded officer. The team leads
The Tail Scout who is Medical specialist of the team immediately First aid - to the wounded shoot, the medical of
the team may also inserted an IV to the injured troop to keep him hydrated and stay alive.
They are now performing The limit of advance ( LOA ), is a phase line used to control forward progress of the
attack. The attacking unit does not advance any of its elements or assets beyond the LOA, but the attacking unit can
push its security forces to that limit.
They are now searching the area; Search is an act of searching for someone or something carefully or
thoroughly. Always be conducted and considered the searchers may actually close to quarter battle to heightened
vigilance upon entering at enemy’s cognizance.
Perimeter security on a four side of the side is maintained. The team are now conducting search to the
encampment site. The team leader conduct SITREP. (Situation Report)
RADIO BASE (Radio Playing)
After the process of the crime scene, a chopper will send to get the troops and, in this juncture, the bodies of
the enemy and all the dead, will brought to the headquarter for the identification.
The special action team is now withdrawing from the encampment site using the block system, through the
encampment site is also consider before leaving the encampment site. As a part of the standard operating
procedures and internal security operation. Enemy camp should be demolished after the raid, and render useless
and in an habitable ., again when the seizures over the encounter site is finally personnel accounting is done on the
stablished primary rally point (PRP) . SATO is tasked to conduct internal security encounter terrorism operation.

The team will perform the body check ,
To check the members if there’s any casualties or injured after the assault.
That ends the presentation of the SATO TEAM.
Presenting to you, The Special Action Team Operation of PSBRC CL 2020-05 MASIGLAYAN Performed at their best. A
round of applause.
Lead Scout - ______________________________
He is the eyes and ears of the team.
He has keen sense and the visual tracker of the team.
He is expert in disarming different types of traps, baits snares and early warning devices lay
out by the enemy.
He is specialized in silent hand signals. Expert in analyzing terrain with the foresight of
evaluating any eventuality, he is a light weapon specialist and speaks several dialects.

Equip with:
 M16 Rifle, binocular starlight scope for night vision

Navigator – _______________________________
The driver of the team who is responsible in selection of routes in so far as the team organization is
Specialist heavy weapon, map, and compass navigation which includes
terrain analysis.
Responsible in plotting target.
Equip with:
 Heavy weapon specialist (Bar/M60) lentic compass and map.

Radioman - __________________
He is the life of the team.
Communication specialist if the team.
Responsible for outgoing and incoming radio messages and information/advice the team leader
about the message.
Expert in field expedient antennas.
Equip with:
M16 rifle, signal equipment, radio set, collet wire, CEIO hand book

Team Leader – ____________________

The brain of the team.
Responsible for all the team members does or fails or to do.
He plans, organized, and come up to a final decision.
Equip with:
 AR 15 (Baby Armalite).
 Map and Compass.

Contact man – _______________________

The actor of the special action team who can switch his personality in any given situation.
He can blend with natives or the enemy ranks or perform specific task as directed by the team
He is intelligence and psychological operation specialist.
Most conversant of the different dialect also expert in armed and unarmed combat.
Equip with:
 M203, Grenade, Silent Weapon.
 Civilian Clothes.

Assistant team Leader –_______________________

In the absence of the team leader or if incapacitated, he performed official function of the latter.
He also functions as the demolition specialist.
Equip with:
 M16
 Demo Equip

Sniper - ______________________
Expert in rifles and responsible in neutralizing special targets or as directed by the team leader
Expert in estimating ranges and capable of quick recognition and identification of enemies.
He is the assistant demolition specialist of the team and assumed duties in the process of arming and
disarming explosives whenever the need arises
Speaks several dialects.
Equip with:
 Sniper Rifle
 Demo Equip

Tail Scout - ____________________________

Primary duty is to erase tracks made by the team so that the pursuing or trailing enemy may lose
Ensure the security of the rear element of the team.
He also function as the Medical Specialist and equipped with medical and first aid kit.
Performed is to get photographs in all incidents that occurred during the operation.
Equip with
 M16 rifle
 Med/First aid kit
 Camera

Once again, the PSBRC CL 2021-01 Siglat Katigan SATO Team!. Lets Give them a round of applause.

Black Ops - Base Base this is Black Ops.

Base – Go ahead Black Ops
Black Ops - We Hit our target.
Black Ops - Grid Coordinate 518’ 833’ Brgy San Roque, San Manuel Pangasinan
Black Ops - We Encountered four (4) Local Communist Terrorist alleged member of PULANG ARAW.
Black Ops - We recovered four (4) M16 rifle, IED and several Documents
Black Ops - Government Side one (1) WIPO hit on left leg.
Black Ops - Enemy Side four (4) KIPO
Black Ops - Any instruction base
Base – Wait for the SOCO Team to process the area
Base – and the Medical Team for the wounded officer.
Base – Demolished the Area after the process and move to your PRP
Base – Congrats Black Ops
Black Ops – 10-4 sir

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