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Mike x Lily

A light breeze caressed the young girl’s face as she stepped outside a laundry basket in her hands.
Her blonde hair was in two low ponytails and she wore a navy blue dress, a white apron around her
waist. She put the basket on the ground, picking one of the white bed sheets as she hung it on top of
the wire.

Lily volunteered in Wall Maria’s hospital when the Scout Regiment left for an expedition. Her
brother, Erwin Smith, was a section commander in the legion. Lily stayed at the hospital for several
reasons. She wanted to become a doctor one day, so as she waited for her brother’s return, it was a
perfect opportunity to get hands-on experience. It also helped her to keep her mind busy. She didn’t
want to worry about her brother and the rest of the Scouts - who she viewed as a family - and their
fate outside the walls.

Just as she finished hanging the last bed sheet, she heard the distant sound of the bells. Her face
brightened, knowing well what it meant - they were back. Lily took off, running towards the dirt road
that led to the town. The hospital was little out of town, it was rebuilt there after the epidemic
almost 14 years ago. She stopped on top of a nearby hill, now having a clear view of the town.

Her heart sunk as she realized there were so few of them back. Her blue eyes scanned the remaining
members, at least those on the horses. With every head, she counted, she felt herself breath in relief.
There were all there, Erwin, Mike, Hange, Levi, Moblit, Ruari. As they came closer, she took off
running towards them, “Erwin!” she called her brother’s name. Lily smiled as Erwin urged his horse
forward, halting as he came closer. Her brother stopped beside her. She ignored the stains of blood
on his uniform as he reached a hand for her to take. He pulled her up into his arms and on top of his
horse as if she was nothing.

“How are you?” He questioned, hugging her in brotherly affection. Lily returned the favor.

“Really now, I should ask you.” she answered, “Where is commander Keith?” she questioned,
realizing she couldn’t see him at the front.

“Long story.” at least he didn’t say he was dead. They waited for the rest to catch up and as they
exchanged greetings, they headed towards the hospital. Their first stop after every expedition.
“There is an empty office upstairs,” She told Erwin as they stopped by the hospital. “I will bring some
tea a bit later,” she added. Erwin helped her off the horse, ruffling her blonde hair which was in two
low ponytails resting on each shoulder. “We will be waiting.” he smiled, watching as she rushed into
the building, preparing beds for the injured men. Lily helped to treat the wounded men. Some by
herself, others she assisted and some she just observed, learning.

A couple of hours later, the young Smith girl made her way upstairs. She carried a tray with herbal
tea - the scent we sweet and relaxing - as well as some stronger alcoholic drink and cups for
everyone. She was about to open the door, but it was opened for her. She didn’t need to look to
know who it was. Lily walked in, putting the tray on the small table. She said nothing as she began
pouring everyone some tea. Filling the room with the pleasant aroma of herbs.
Mike x Lily

Utter failure. Had been the only way to describe this latest expedition beyond the walls. Normally
they lost men, sometimes alarming amounts - it was always dangerous to go beyond the walls. But
this… this was horrendous. At a quick head count there couldn’t have been 40 Scouts left to return
home. They were somber and made their way quietly through the town, only to receive ridicule from
those who lined the streets to greet them.

Little was said among the survivors - after all what could be said? Like the other’s Mike was quiet,
which wasn’t out of the usual for the sturdy soldier but it was plain on everyone’s faces, they were
hurting. There were never any comforting words in situations like this but the silence that they all
shared was deafening.

Erwin lead the way through and then out of the city; soon he was to be the one that would be
leading them permanently as Keith had just proclaimed him as the new Commander of the Scout
Regiment. It came as no real surprise to any of them and all involved would probably agree that it
was too little too late. Mike had known Erwin long enough to trust him as a comrade and to know
that there was no better man suited for the position.

As if the light dawn emerging after a long stormy night, a familiar scent quickly caught Mike’s
attention and his head raised to the distant hill side, just as figure came into view and he did not
have to wonder who it was. That scent he had known for years now and it had become precious to
him. Lily’s voice called out as the group approached. It was no surprise that Erwin took off ahead of
them to reach her quicker. They all seemed to find some comfort in being welcomed back by such a
cheerful face.
Once they reached the hospital, the light disappeared, off to aid those who were injured but
thankfully still alive. The rest of them retired to the office upstairs that Lily had mentioned to Erwin.
Everyone took a seat around the large wooden table that look up the majority of the space. There
were soft sighs of relief and a small groan from Hange as Ruari attempted to look at the head wound
the woman had managed to obtain. Frankly they all looked like hell - Mike included but they were
alive and right now that was all they had to be thankful for.

Erwin gave them all time to settle and even attempt to clean themselves up a bit from the blood,
sweet and dust that they all seemed to be caked in before proceeding with their new agenda. Things
would certainly be changing Mike could already see it in Erwin’s eyes. He had been attempting to
implement changes for a while now and finally he would have the authority to make the calls that
needed to be made.

“You all served Humanity well today, but I know that means little given how much we lost.” Erwin
had started, making a point to make eye contact with everyone in the room before proceeding.
“There are changes that need to be made - strategies that need to be implemented because we can’t
afford another failure like today.” He stated, voice firm and commanding. Without word, Mike stood
up and walked towards the door, catching the attention of a few members of the room but Erwin
continued,seemingly unphased by his comrade’s actions. That scent again. Even with all the other
smells in the building, he could easily distinguish that particular scent. As if on cue, as soon as he
opened the door, Lily walked in with her hands full. He watched her for a moment before shutting
the door behind them and following her back over, retaking his seat as Erwin continued.

“Hange, Mike.” he stated fully snapping them both to attention. “You both will be promoted to squad
leaders, effective immediately and Levi, I have a special position in mind for you.” He stated, directly
his attention to each as he spoke
Mike x Lily

Lily glanced around the room, taking in their appearances. It seemed that at least they had some
time to clean up a bit. This would make it easier to treat them. She listened to Erwin talk, unable to
resist rolling her eyes, as she gave Mike his tea. Erwin was all business. She hated that he was now
the commander. Just as he finished announcing the new positions, he began talking about making a
list of the deceased. A shiver ran through her body and she gripped the tray she was holding. It hurt.
It always hurt.

“I would say that Moses’s family is off the list,” Hange spoke up. Lily turned around, going to a
nearby cabin, hiding the tears. As she did, she took out a few medical supplies, using the time to
compose herself. She pulled her hair into a high ponytail to keep it out of the way. A minute later she
moved towards Hange, examining her head wound. They kept talking as she rounded. Naming men
and women who were killed, how to reach their families - if they had any that is.

Lily had just finished bandaging Mike’s arm and cleaning a cut on his neck. She had a slight blush on
her cheeks from being this close to him for such a long time. She could swear he was sniffing her
when she was too focused on what she was doing. Though maybe it was her imagination . A thing
that both embarrassed her and made her heart beat faster. Damn this crush of hers. She had to take
a few breaths to calm down before finally approaching Erwin to take care of him.

“We should talk about the financial state and…” the rest of the sentence was cut off as Lily taped a
few pieces of sterile fabric to his mouth. “I think that’s enough. Let them rest. Not everyone meant to
work around the clock like you.” she stated, a scolding look on her face. Silence settled in the room
as everyone took in the scene. Lily towering over her big brother, arms folded over her chest while
Erwin glared up at her from his sitting position, trying to peel off the tape.

To everyone’s surprise, Levi was the first to crack and let out a strangled chuckle, that he tried to hide
under a cough. Everyone followed his lead. Lily was the first to calm down, rubbing off a few tears.
She quickly peeled the tapes off Erwin’s mouth. “Alright, we will work it out after resting and
reaching the base.” he agreed.

“Good, because I just learned how to use sedatives and was afraid I will have to knock you out with
them.” another round of laughs followed her words, Erwin glaring at Lily as she cleaned a cut above
his eyebrow. Once she was done treating Erwin as well, Lily picked the bloody bandages and empty
tray, leaving the room. “I will see if anyone needs help,” she stated, leaving the office. Making her
way downstairs, she knew there wasn’t anything for her to do. She threw away the bloody bandages
and put the tray away. Her eyes scanning the hospital beds.

Instead, she made her way outside to a large tree not too far from the building. She sat under it,
hugging her legs to her chest and hiding her face as she finally allowed herself to fall apart. She
cried because she lost so many friends, she cried because it will happen again, she cried because she
lost the man she had liked, she cried because she was happy that everyone else was alive. Especially
Erwin and Mike.
Mike x Lily

Dealing with death was never got easier, even with the number of times any Scout would encounter
it. The longer you were apart of the Regiment the longer you were faced with dealing with the
deaths of people you had come to care for. Next to seeing the slaughter itself, the second hardest
thing about it all was notifying the families of those that had passed on. There was anguish that
filled you with the loss of life but their was also guilt that ate away at any good soldier. How come it
had been them and not you? Why was it that they were gone from this world forever and you lived
on? As painstaking as it was, it pushed many soldiers through, so that the memory of their fellow
comrades would live on and perhaps their deaths would have meant something if you did something
with yours.

Mike’s eyes moved from Hange to Lily as she spoke about Moses, he knew her better than most and
he knew she was hurt by the news. One by one, names were listed off - more than what had
returned on the expedition. This had been a serious loss for the entire Regiment and everyone was
hurting but it was even more heartbreaking to see such a fragile soul hide her pain from the other
damaged souls in the room. Aside from a few stray tears that he noticed fall down Ruari’s cheeks
silently, he wondered when the rest of them had become so numb; or rather when had they run out
of tears for their fallen comrades…

Erwin continued on speaking and Mike couldn’t help but drift in and out of the conversation. How did
this man have so much drive? No doubt he was exhausted, much like the rest of them in the room.
He was brought back as he felt a tinge on his arm, glancing down to see delicate fingers working on
cleaning and bandaging the wound on his arm. Unknowingly, he leaned slightly towards her,
allowing her scent to engulf his senses fully - he would surely never forget it. They were practically
family at this point and she smelled like… home.

As Erwin attempted to shift gears, the room of dedicated soldier’s inwardly sighed to themselves,
though their silent irritation was quickly overtaken by mild shock at Lily’s actions. Mike among them
was also at a loss for words for a moment, until a hmph, left his lips and a smile spread across, a
chuckle soon following and joining in with the others. He wasn’t sure that anyone could keep Erwin
in line quite like Lily could, so she was a god sent in moments like this.

After a moment more, Lily departed but the tone in her voice did not speak to her cheerful nature.
There was a weight in her tone that Mike recognized as off. To avoid anymore scolding in front of his
soldiers, Erwin dismissed them, ordering that they take this time to rest before they set out for HQ.
Mike stood, taking a glance at Erwin, who’s gaze was already on him. Even after all of these years,
Mike still had a hard time reading Erwin on a good day - but that look needed no subtext. With a
firm nod,Mike departed, glancing into a few rooms as he made his way down the hall. But it was
something outside that caught his attention, a crouched figure, shaded under a nearby tree.

Silently, he made his way to her, knowing full well that she may not want the company but he had
suffered alone plenty of times in his career… sometimes it was just nice to have someone there. He
stopped beside her, placing a hand on her head and smoothing it over her blonde locks, making sure
he had her attention before taking a seat next to her. He put his arm around her shoulders, nestling
her into his side.

“Let it out. It’s not good to hold in the pain your feeling…” He told her gently, keeping his voice
Mike x Lily

Soft sobs left the young girl’s body. When she felt someone’s hand on the top of her head, she didn’t
need to guess who it was. The moment he safe beside her and held her, Lily fell apart completely,
crying in his arms. “Can we stay here for a little longer?” Lily questioned after calming down. She
wasn’t sure how long she was crying, but she felt calmer now. Warmer. Safer. She closed her eyes,
resting her head on his chest. A beating heart. She hoped it will never stop beating.

It was nearly nightfall when a rider came through the hospital doors. He was so frantic he just runs
his horse into the room. “Titans, wall Maria, titans had broken through,” he announced before falling
off his horse. Lily rushed to him, realizing that he was bleeding. How long did it take him to reach
here? Someone walked by her, she looked up to meet a pair of similar eyes, sometimes it was like
looking into her own. She looked back at the man, trying to find the source of the bleeding. She knew
what Erwin was going to ask.

“I don’t think he will make it, this bleeding is severe,” she replied, keeping the pressure on the wound
once she found it. “He probably lost too much blood if he rode here all the way from Maria.
Adrenaline was the only thing that kept him going… probably.” she explained. Erwin probably knew
it as well. He will not be able to question this man any further. “Don’t die, please…” she choked on
her words, not looking up, she knew what is going to happen. They will ride back to Maria. They will
go to fulfill their role as soldiers. As men’s finest soldiers. If anyone could do something, it was them.

For days the refugees came in overwhelming waves. Soon followed by the wounded civilians and
soldiers. Lily helped to treat them all. Wave after wave of men, women, children, and elders. Finally
came in the soldiers. Broken soldiers that barely held to life. She tried to help but one after another
they all died in her hands. All she had to do is blink and the soul would leave their bodies.

If only they got here is time… if only they applied enough pressure… if only the wounds were
appropriately dressed… if only… if only… if only there were someone who knew what they’re doing
there. The words of the doctors kept echoing in her mind. She battled the decision, trying to talk
herself down, but she already made up her mind. She wanted to be there, she wanted to be able to
help when it was needed when there was still a chance to save them.

“NO!” Erwin’s voice boomed so loudly as he turned down her request. It wasn’t even a request.

“I didn’t come to ask you if I could, I came to tell you that I am! I am old enough." She insisted, her
voice raising.

“Didn’t you hate the military? You always spoke of it, why the sudden change of heart? Didn’t you
want to heal people?”

“I do! But I can’t when you all fucking die in my hands, but if only I was there in time… I want… I need
to be there!” she spoke with determination.

“NO! You can help here where it’s safe. Who will keep you safe there?”

“That’s the idea of enlisting, I will learn to protect myself, I want to be able to protect the ones I
love… to be able to save the lives that I can. You saw them die in battle, but you never held someone
you had all the ability and knowledge to help, but all you could do is make them comfortable.”

“Absolutely, no. on my dead body, you will not join even if I have to lock you in your room for the rest
of your life.” Lily slammed the door behind her as she left his office, blindly storming past everyone
to her room.
Mike x Lily

Mike had seen death most of his life, he dealt with it on a daily basis and had seen some of the most
horrific scenes known to man - ones he would never wish upon his worst enemies… In there line of
work, a quick death was a god sent and surviving was the real battle. But as he watched Lily curl
into his body, he was reminded of the pain that he had thought he had become numb to and as much
as it pained him he felt her pain - shared it with her as she cried into his chest. Gently, he stroked her
hair in an effort to offer her some comfort, remind her that she wasn’t alone here. He let out a small
grunt at her question.
“We can stay as long as you would like.” Came his reply and his eyes moved out over the horizon,
honestly, in that moment he knew there was nowhere else would would rather be. The place he was
supposed to be, was right there with her and he would remain there as long as she needed… and
frankly, as long as he needed to as well.

Hours had passed and soon night began to fall, everyone had been seen by the doctor and patched
up properly, although Lily had looked after them all quite thoroughly upon their arrival, some
wounds called for a more experienced eye. Ruari had insisted that Hange speak with a doctor about
her head trauma - which probably wasn’t a bad idea given how crazed the woman already was.
Things had been quite peaceful - that was until they weren’t.

The news reached them of the breach of Wall Maria and Mike bared witness as the man fell and Lily
rushed to him. The room was silent but everyone knew what would follow, all able bodies would be
dispatched, they needed no direction. Silently the soldiers filled out, Erwin and Mike both heard Lily’s
soft plea, knowing that while it could be a younger sister’s plea to her older brother, it wasn’t just
meant for Erwin - it was meant for all of them. Neither of them made a promise and quietly left,
knowing that they could not make a promise they weren’t sure they were capable of keeping.

The following days went by in a blur for the most part but it was a massive blow for all of humanity.
So many people out of homes, seeking refuge in the inner wall… some many lives lost, following off
of the back of their most recent expedition failure, Erwin already had enough on his plate - but then
to top it all of Lily had made a shocking declaration of her own.

Mike had been heading to Erwin’s office, forms in hand that he had requested of him to find when
Lily pushed the door open and quickly made her way down the hallway in a fury, blindly storming
past him without a second look. Mike watched her figure disappear down the hallway before he
calmly knocked on Erwin’s door, hearing a muffled ‘come in’ before he proceeded inside.

“These are the papers you requested.” Mike stated as he placed them on Erwin’s desk receiving a
nod from the commander. Mike stood still, knowing full well that Erwin wanted to get off his chest
what he and Lily had argue about but he didn’t feel like it was his place to ask, so he waited. Erwin
glanced up to him and Mike simply raised an inquisitive brow. A sigh left Erwin as he leaned back in
his chair.

“She wants to join the military.” Erwin stated frankly, getting straight to the point. Mike’s eyes
widened slightly from the shock of the statement before relaxing. The thought seemed so foreign
given Lily’s stance on the military.
“Where has this desire come from? She’s always hated the military. ” He asked, but he could imagine
from where, as his mind drifted back to holding the trembling girl under the sycamore tree.

“She doesn’t believe that she is enough help here, behind the walls - where she is safe.” Erwin
replied, rubbing his temple before moving his eyes to Mike. “I’ll be damned if she joins the military.”

Mike stayed silent but gave a slight nod - he could understand where Lily was coming from… but
even more so he could understand Erwin wanting to keep her out of harm's way.
Mike x Lily

Erwin was serious. Dead serious when he said that he will not allow Lily to join the military. Lily
always knew her brother was stubborn, hardheaded, knew how to stand his ground and many other
things. However, she never imagined what lengths he might go to prevent her from joining the
military. In the beginning, she was sure he will actually warm up to the idea. That maybe in the first
time they talked about it, she might have pushed a bit, that she should have given him more time,
approached it differently.

Lily tried again, and again and again. Which often led to her locking herself in her room for hours and
sometimes for days until someone - other than Erwin - came to talk some sense into her. Which was
fine by Erwin, because he knew exactly where she was. As long as she was in his line of sight, he
was good. Erwin always had someone follow her. Which only increased the number of times she
met in his office for a yelling session. People learned to stay clear of their path when it was one of
these days.

Whatever time Lily didn’t spend fuming over Erwin in her room - she spent in the hospital and
studying. She significantly increased her time in the hospital and insisted to focus on harder cases,
specifically traumatic ones. She learned things quickly and was good with her hands. They predicted
her a bright future. They didn’t know what she was planning to do with all that knowledge.

A year passed and at some point, the arguments calmed down. Nevertheless, the tension was still in
the air. They just chose not to speak about it. Until Erwin met with the lead doctor in the hospital and
came to talk with Lily. Everyone knew how it started and everyone knew how it ended. The subject
started off light-hearted, they spoke about news Erwin got from the hospital where that Lily now
worked part-time. They decided to take her at her young age to be an intern. Erwin met the manager
who was more than delighted to talk lengthily about her. Unfortunately, as Erwin was expressing his
pride - he said he was happy she gave up on joining the military. Lily said she never gave it up.

It was their biggest argument, it ended with a hard smack across her cheek. Lily locked herself in her
room for days and refused to eat. Then she disappeared for a week, as usual, Mike was the one to
find her in her old house. Erwin never apologized and Lily refused to speak with him. What worried
Erwin the most was not the reason she ran away, but that she was able to do that at all. From that
day, someone was with her wherever she went.

Another year passed. Erwin’s attempts to converse with Lily were all shot down by her. Even as he
arranged a birthday party for her on her sixteenth birthday. Their conversation was dry and fruitless,
forced by the fact that both were in public. She knew why he suddenly tried harder, after two years
their first expedition outside the walls was coming near. In a month they will dispatch all forces
outside the walls. No one would be left to guard her. Nothing would stop her from leaving. Which
was what she planned to do.

Lily saw the soldiers depart. She parted with the ones closest to her and despite everyone’s
encouragement and even Ruari’s attempts, she said nothing to Erwin. There was one missing and it
was Mike who left a few weeks ago on Erwin’s orders to prepare the ground for their departure.
Once they left, Lily quickly went to her room and packed her stuff. She glanced on a small wrapped
box that stood on her drawer. It was a gift from Mike. She smiled, taking it with her. Lily enlisted to
the military the same day and was sent to the training grounds the following day.

When Erwin and the Scouts returned, they were surprised when no one met them as always. Erwin
was wary when he heard that Lily never came to the hospital for the past two weeks.
Mike x Lily

Time spent with either Erwin sibling was proving to be a bit of a challenge over the coming months,
growing into years. As much as Mike respected both points of view and as much as he wanted to
help Lily in her pursuits, he had to stand by Erwin in most cases, though he ried little to argue the
point with Lily for fear that she may shun him out like she did her brother. He thought her cause to
be noble and no doubt that she would be an asset out in the field… but he hated the thought of ever
seeing her in the clutches of a titan - the thought often paralyzing him with fear.

He got it from both ends more so than anyone else too. He understood both sides better as well.
Generally both spoke to him when they needed to vent about the other or ask advice on how to
concede there point to the other. Mike had little to offer either and was particular about his word
choice when speaking on the matter to either of them - trying to remain neutral in the subject.

That being said, the day he stopped was the day that Erwin raised his hand at Lily. Mike hadn’t been
there and he was damn sure that if he had been things would not have ended with only one bruised
cheek. Commander or not, raising a had to a lady was not called for in any situation. What was
worse was that he hadn’t known about it until hours later, and he had found out from Ruari of all
people when she had stormed out of the Commander’s office, after slamming the door shut. It had
seemed highly disrespectful until he had firmly questioned Ruari about it and she had filled him in on
what he had done.

Fuming, Mike had barged in unceremoniously in a similar manner to Ruari. Erwin had remained calm
and looked pale and sickly - which didn’t seem to phase Mike in the slightest.

“If I didn’t know any better, I would think you wanted her to join the military! Because slapping her
across the face is not only disrespectful but is going to push her further away - it may already be too
late!” Mike firmly accused as his hands rested on the large desk separating the pair.

“I know.” Was all Erwin could manage at that point, he looked like a broken man and yet, Mike felt no
sympathy for his friend.

The days after, Ruari and Mike - as well as a few others - had attempted to get Lily to eat anything
and to come out from her room. From the moment she stepped out, she was with someone.
Constantly. It got to the point where it was rare to not see her with Mike or Ruari - and when the odd
occasion occurred that duties took them away from their post, Erwin had hand picked the soldiers
that would remain with her at all times. Mike found it a bit overbearing but also knew that Lily’s
determination to join the military had only grown stronger with Erwin’s constant resistance. Her
conviction was honorable but Mike still didn’t agree with her decision.

The thought of not being able to see that brightening smile internally pained him on a level he was
not familiar with. He was disappointed that he wouldn’t be able to see her open the present that he
had gotten made for her on her actual birthday but duty had called him away, to make sure
everything was set for their upcoming expedition. His thoughts drifted to her constantly during their
time apart - this had been their longest time apart since the last expedition nearly two years prior
and he continuously had to refocus his mind from drifting to visions of her precious face. All he could
do was count down the days until he would get to see her in person once more.
Exhausted and weary, the troops made their way back, the usual pathway seemed the same as it
always had, except for one notable difference, there was no one there to greet them. He wasn’t the
only one to find this odd as they carried on to the hospital - several soldiers mumbled under their
breath about Lily’s absence, blaming her feud with Erwin to be the cause of it. But Mike knew
better… even if she was arguing with Erwin, Lily would still be concerned for not only her brother but
the safe return of her family. So why was she not here?

When the doctor’s at the hospital informed them that Lily hadn’t been there for nearly 2 weeks,
concern started to rise. Erwin, for once, nearly broke his calm demeanour and was about to send out
a search party but Ruari and Mike interrupted him.

“I doubt it’s any secret where she is.” Mike stated and Ruari nodded in agreement. Erwin took a
moment before the look of realization came over his face. He ran a hand down his face, before
gesturing his head.

“Go make sure of it.” He stated in a low grumble and Mike nodded before retrieving his horse and
heading off in the direction of the training crops grounds. A part of him was hoping that he would
find her there, because at least they would know for sure that something else hadn’t happened to
her and the other part of him dreaded finding her there, knowing what it would mean…. And another
smaller part of him was proud of her for following through with what she believed in.
Mike x Lily

The physical endurance training was hell. Lily couldn’t say she was out of shape, but she wasn’t in
great shape either. Though it seemed as if Keith took it upon himself to make it extra difficult for her.
If she didn’t know better, she would say that Erwin had a talk with him. Which was impossible given
that the expedition was due to return today. Which brought her back to the reason she was out of
her element today. It was the first time she missed them, the first time she was not there to greet
them. The first time for the next three years.

“Lily…” her blue eyes focused on the sound of someone calling her. She hummed, looking over at
Annie. “You are not eating.” she stated, “is something wrong?” her voice was the usual bored and
cold, but Lily could recognize a hint of worry in it.
“It’s nothing, just thinking…” she replied, finally returning her attention back to the meal in front of
her. She quickly finished whatever was left of her fish and bread, “I will go out, I just need some air
and clear my head a little.” she explained, giving Annie a small smile. Lily quickly cleared her dishes,
happy it was not her turn to wash them. She stepped outside, shivering a little since it was freezing.
It was already mid-December, yet it didn’t snow yet.

Blowing some hot air on her hands, she headed into the woods next to their camp. Lily was still
wearing her uniform since their ODM gear training was well into the evening. She smiled at the
memory of Eren hitting the floor so many times. It was no surprise his gear was damaged, she too
got her equipment damaged. The only reason she was able to tell herself was that she grew up
around soldiers who were experts with the said gear. She observed Erwin and Mike maintaining
their equipment so many times she could tell hers was damaged the moment she got it. She was
surprised Keith didn’t.

It appeared as if she was wandering, but Lily had a distinct destination in mind. It was just about half
an hour of walk, but there was a lake in a forest clearing. Lily found it the first night she came to the
camp. Since then, she would often take walks to the lake, it was a quiet place she could think and be
alone. She sat under one of the trees, gazing at the stars. Ruari taught her to recognize some, but
although she could see some, it was more cloudy than usual.

Lily let out a sigh, looking up at the tree she was sitting under. A sycamore tree. It reminded her the
one that grew next to the hospital she worked at. Which in turn reminded her the time Mike spend
hours next to her, holding her as she cried. It was only two years ago, but it felt a lifetime ago. Maybe
because so much had happened. Things like her fight with Erwin. She wasn’t going to tell him that,
but she missed her big brother. Though she missed someone else even more. Someone she had not
seen over a month ago and she guessed she would have to get used to not understanding. Mike.

Lily reached to the top of her head, feeling the shape of the hair comb that held her ponytail. It was
shaped like a flower, a lily to be specific, something Mike had given her for her 16th birthday. She
wanted to see him if just to know he came back in one piece. The sound of footsteps alerted the
rookie soldier as she quickly jumped to her feet and searched for the intruder. Only when he eyes
landed on the man that came from the shadows of the woods, she froze in surprise. “Mike…” she
whispered his name, before she quickly ran into his arms, hugging the older man.
Mike x Lily
It didn’t take Mike long to reach the training grounds, but night had already started to fall as he
walked into Keith’s barracks to speak with him. The harsh looking man was sitting behind a desk as
Mike came in. Keith was a bit surprised to see him there but then a huffed chuckle escaped his lips as
he set down the forms he had been reviewing.

“Here to drag her back kicking and screaming?” Keith questioned as his gaze moved up to Mike. So
she was here - at least that brought a little comfort.

“I doubt she would allow it. Erwin will have to do that job himself.” Mike replied, which earned a
chuckle from Keith as he nodded his head.

“I’ve put her through the ringer since she got here, spirits low at points but never broken - she shows
great skill. No doubt she would be an asset to you.” Keith stated, his tone serious and Mike narrowed
his eyes slightly. He didn’t like the idea of Keith being harder on her… but if nothing else it would
better prepare her for what she was getting herself into. If she was going to do this, then she might
as well be fully prepared…

“Her skills were never the issue.” Mike remarked as he turned to leave. He needed to make sure with
his own eyes that she was doing well, he needed reassurance that she was alive - truth be told, he
just really wanted to see her.

He met up with some bunk mates of hers who said that she wasn’t around - one of them suggest the
forest and explained to him how to get to her favorite spot. This wasn’t unlike her, Lily always
seemed to retreat to nature whenever she needed to clear her head. At a steady pace he made the
trek that the girl had described.

The brush seemed to get thicker and darker the further in he went - at one point he had thought he
might have been lost. But then when he came upon the clearing, it was as if the heavens themselves
had opened up. The clouds parted a bit more, causing the moon and the stars to shine brightly over
the lake, causing the steady ripples to dance. That wasn’t what caught his attention however, it was
in fact the sight of the girl he had been searching for… or should he say young woman. It had only
been a month since they had last seen one another but something about Lily looked different -
mature, refined, beautiful.

Mike stood in shock for a moment as the girl rushed him and soon his arms wrapped around her
tightly, fully meshing their bodies together as he let out a relieved breath before taking a deep, long
inhale of her scent. He couldn’t fully comprehend the number of emotions that were running through
his head. He pulled back slightly but still held her closer, not willing to let her go just yet.

“What the hell were you thinking? You know you nearly gave us all a heart attack when we came
back and you were gone.” His voice was scolding but the undertone of worry was clear. His eyes
darted over her features, taking in her face as if seeing it for the first time, memorizing it.

“You know Erwin is going to be furious about this.” Mike said, knowing full well he was stating the
obvious. “Ruari and I assumed that this was where you had come… though she’s not very happy with
you right now either.” he stated, his tone becoming a bit lighter. He knew Ruari and Erwin were
worried for Lily but Ruari had been the one that had supported Lily’s decision to make her own
decision more so than either Erwin or Mike had, so she wouldn’t remain angry for long.

Mike’s eyes glanced up from her radiant face, as a glimmer caught his eye and he noticed the hair pin
that held up her beautiful blonde locks. He smiled as his hand reached around and gently touched
the item. Why did it warm him so to see her wearing it?

“I’m happy that you liked it.”

Mike x Lily

The moment she was in his arms, it felt as if the whole world stopped. Lily had known Mike since
she was 5-years-old. Though back then, she was somewhat scared of him. Who wouldn’t, he was a
giant. But as she grew up, she ended up fascinated by her brother’s right hand - and apparently best
friend. He was there, always. It was no surprise when she began developing feelings towards the
man. Though she knew they are nothing special, she thought it will pass. But they didn’t change,
even when she had other love-interests, Mike was always somewhere in her mind.

However, right now, at this moment when she saw him after a long month, something felt different.
Maybe she just missed him, perhaps it was the fact she already said goodbye to everyone. How
could she be sure that after three years they will all be there? Maybe it was the fact that for the past
two weeks she was far too tired to stop and think about the people she left behind or maybe it was
that she stopped feeling safe and her nightmares of her father’s murder returned. One thing was for
sure, she never felt this way before.

She just stood there, arms tightly wrapped around him as he held her in the same manner. Her face
was buried in his chest as she breathed in his scent. She kept reminding herself to breathe. Her heart
was beating so fast she was sure it skipped thousands of beats. He was warm. He smelled like
home. “I am sorry,” she muttered. It felt so nice to be so close to Mike again. Slowly she finally looked
up at his expression. Her face slightly flushed.

“Mike… you know that as much as I love you and everyone else, at the moment I could care less
about how Erwin feels,” she states, a slight annoyance was evident in her voice. Lily unwillingly took
a step back, shivering as she realized how cold it was away from his arms. Her expression softened
when he looked at her hair. Blushing, she tried to avoid his eyes, but she couldn’t. She had never
seen that smile the was on his face, sure Mike did smile - occasionally - but something was different.

“Well, surprisingly, it was a nice gift,” she replied, there was a slight tease in her voice. There was a
short silence in which Lily took a moment to check him out. Mike was always a man that held
strength to him. She shivered, wrapping her arms around herself. It was getting colder, much colder
since she came here a while ago.

The night skies became clearer and the light of the stars shone brighter. Lily realized for the first time
that he looked slightly worn-out. “Did you even have the time to rest and get checked before you
came here?” she suddenly asked. She dropped her arms to her sides, approaching him to take a
better look. With the initial surprise of seeing him gone, the young Smith realized that he was a
mess. “Sit down, let me take a look,” she ordered, her voice had a slight authority to it.

Maybe it was the force of habit, but Lily just happened to have a few bandages with her. Using the
lake water, she cleaned a few cuts though overall Mike seemed perfectly fine. “I take it that this was
a successful mission? You are usually more beaten up,” was facing Mike kneeling between his legs as
she leaned closer to clean a cut on his cheek under his eye. She was so close she could feel his
breath on her face, it was difficult to focus on her task like it.

“you should have rested and got yourself examined before coming,” it was her turn to be scolding.
She let out a sigh, “Is everyone fine?” she questioned, putting aside her tools as she sat back still
facing Mike.
Mike x Lily

Time had stood still for Mike before, but never like this. In many cases it would slow down when one
of his comrades was about to be devoured or when there was a threat looming. Never before had he
wished to continue to allow time to stand still. He never wanted to stop holding her. It felt right and
he couldn’t remember a time when he had been more at peace - it had certainly been many years... if

It was strange to think that, while this was Lily, even just in there short month apart, she had
changed that much - had training done that to her? Had making the decision to go after what she
wanted changed her that much? Or was it something else? But he felt like he was seeing her for the
first time. It was a strange feeling but Mike liked it just the same.

He looked down to her as she apologized to him. He knew the apology was not for Erwin, she was
still firm in her conviction and her choice, it was directed to him and the others that she had caused
to fret over her well being. He felt his chest suddenly lurch as the words ‘..I love you…’ let her lips.
Why did it feel like his chest swelled when she said those words? They were plainly platonic, Lily
cared for most many members of the scouts as her family, so to say she loved them- him - it wasn’t
unheard of and it had never caused him to have such a reaction before.

He had to purposefully stop himself from reaching out for her as she pulled away from their
embrace. He knew the moment wouldn’t last forever… but it didn’t make this nagging, yearning
feeling in the pit of his stomach any less apparent. He stood, arms crossed for a moment and nodded
his head.

“If that’s how you feel.” He replied “But I don’t think you will feel that way forever.” He replied before
the topic move to her hair pin. His eyes caught the burning blush as it bloomed onto her cheeks -
how sweet. He had taken his time selecting her gift before settling on the hair pin that she currently
wore. It had seemed so fitting for her, though even his imagination couldn’t accurately capture her
beauty while she wore it. A beautiful trinket it may be but it paled in comparison to her already
radiant features - a natural beauty inside and out.

He grinned at her response, a cheeky little thing she could be. But his attention was caught by the
shiver that plagued her as the night breeze picked up. Without hesitation, he shrugged off his
military jacket, it had a tear here and there, as well as a small blood stain - not his - and he wrapped
it around her shoulders. It was still probably not the warmest but it would keep the chill off her for

He blinked and looked down at himself, as Lily asked if he had been checked after the expedition -
come to think of it, they had all instantly noticed Lily’s absence so that had taken high priority to any
injury had may have had.
“No, when we had heard you were missing we all were in a bit of a panic. I- We needed to make sure
that you were safe before being checked. You are a priority.” He stated, his tone a matter of fact,
praying that she didn’t notice his almost misstep - even if he knew it was true, that he wouldn’t have
rested until she was found, it seemed odd to narrow down his feelings when everyone had been
worried about her. “Besides, it was just a few scratches, nothing major.” He added,though he should
have known she wouldn’t have seen it that way.

A grin appeared on his lips as she directed him. He took a set on a log near the lake as she
dampened some bandages. He nodded his head as she asked him about the mission.

“Overall it was successful.” He replied, trying his damndest to keep his gaze off her. She must have
patched his wounds 100 times over the span of his life, why did he suddenly nervous about it? Was
it her proximity… it had never bothered him before. His eyes moved from her face down her slender
neck, shoulders and as they were making there way down her arm, she shifted and her chest came
directly into his view. Instantly his eyes shot up and he felt his palms become sweaty - what on earth
was he thinking, she was still a child and the sister of his Commander/ best friend. These thoughts
were highly inappropriate.

He was thankful for her comment as it gave him a mild distraction as he looked back up to her, moon
shining brightly behind her, casting an angelic haze around her form.

“You’re probably right, you usually are about these kinds of things.” He conceded, forcing a lighter
tone. He fell quiet for a moment before he nodded. “We lost a few... Hange, Levi and Erwin are fine.
Ruari had a close call and suffered a rather nasty leg wound but she’ll be fine.” He let out a chuckle
as his eyes watched her. “She was miffed that you were not there to treat her, gave the doctor a
sharp tongue lashing for his ‘mediocre bandage job’.” He replied.

There was a moment of silence as he glanced back towards the direction of the training grounds
before looking back at Lily.

“Are you sure this is what you want? You’re not doing this just to spite him I hope.” Mike asked
seriously and he meant no offense by his words. “Because if this is what you truly want to do. I’ll
support you - even though I don’t like the idea myself.”
Mike x Lily
Lily smiled as Mike placed his coat over her, she knew there was no point to protest. “Thanks,” she
muttered instead, secretly taking a small breath to dwell in his scent that suddenly surrounded her. It
had a touch of blood and sweat, but she didn’t mind, she loved it all the same. Lily couldn’t help but
catch the little misstep in his words, but she didn’t allow herself to be hopeful. She was reading too
much into everything these days. Maybe she needed a change in the scenario, to meet someone new.
A small laugh left her lips as he mentioned Ruari, “I spoiled you guys too much it seemed,” she kept
chuckling for a while longer until he mentioned his support in her goal. He had no idea how much it
meant to her.

“Mike…” his name left her lips, she wanted his full attention though she knew she had it to begin
with. “You know me better than most…” her eyes locked with his, “Do you really think I would go this
far just out of spite? I am angry with Erwin, but more so that he never gave me the chance to be
heard. He never listened because he has my future in mind. The one that our parents wanted me to
have. The one he tried to ensure since their deaths.” she paused for a moment.

Lily stood up before taking a seat beside the older man. She always felt comfortable around Mike.
Moving closer, she leaned her head on his shoulder, wrapping his coat tighter around herself. “Do
you know why we have such a big age gap between us?” she questioned, “Our parents were happy
with just Erwin. Who wouldn’t? He is perfect in many ways…” her eyes glanced at Mike’s face before
looking at the lake. “But then he decided to join the military, pursuing a dream many believed is an
illusion. He forsook his future and so despite their age, they decided to have another child. But they
died and Erwin decided to continue to follow their wishes. You see, in a way I do not count, I am just
a means to an end. In this case, the continuation of the Smith bloodline. I knew it and I was fine with
that fate.” Lily allowed silence to settle between them.

“I was fine until I wasn’t. Kind of like you guys when you come back.” a shaky breath left her lips as
she thought about all those soldiers, men and women who died in her hands - who she was unable
to save. “No, exactly like you. You need someone to be there, to fuss over the tiniest cut while you are
still outside the walls because when you come back… by the time you come back, it’s too late.” she
took another breath to calm her emotions. She was not a helpless little girl anymore.

“I am not suicidal, I am not delusional, I know there are more chances I will watch others being
eaten… that I will not be able to do anything. I doubt I will be strong enough to save someone from
the clutches of a titan. But I want to be there for those who survive when they need it the most.
Because Mike, the moment you stop fighting no one can do it for you. Only when you give up then
there is no hope for recovery…” her words now were directed to him, though she spoke in a general
manner. Her eyes targeting him.
“So no, I do not do this out of spite. But I can’t say there is a noble reason either… there is just
someone I hope I will not lose. Though I am sure he will survive, he survived so much and never
stopped fighting. I can’t say that like Erwin I forsook my future. I am not selfless,” a small laugh left
her pink lips, she averted her eyes to the ground finding the dust covering her shoes fascinating. “It
might seem silly,” she moved a strand of her hair that came loose behind her ear, a light blush
dusting her cheeks, “but I do wish for a family… I can’t say I see myself sitting home and raising
children… but I want to have them with a man that I will love.” her blush darkened, but there was a
smile on her lips.

"Mike…" part of her, wanted to confess her feelings, her heart beat faster as she stared at him. The
sound of the bells brought her back to reality - whatever courage she has faded - he was her
brother's best friend, Erwin was his commander. She knew he cared but… she doubted he saw her as
more than Erwin's - much - younger sister. Maybe it was time for her to let this go as well. There will
be someone, she knew there will be someone who she could love and will return that love. "Thanks
for being there for me… and for searching for me.” she didn’t mean to kiss his lips, but they met, it
was a quick kiss, short yet meaningful but it was over as soon as it started. “I need to go, or Keith
will have me running around the camp for the next month.” she explained, resting his coat on the log
where she sat, she gave him one last glance, “see you…” she muttered and ran off.
Mike x Lily

Mike couldn’t help the subtle grin that peaked onto his lips as he heard her release a laugh from her
soft lips. It had been far too long since he had heard that angelic sound, he could have listened to it
forever and never grown tired of it. He was happy that the comment had pleased her. He hoped it
also made her realize that there was a number of people who depended and cared for her, he knew
that that fact wouldn’t change her mind about joining the military but all the same he hoped she
knew what she meant to everyone… including him.

His eyes fixated on her form as his name left her lips. He knew she wasn’t going to be pleased with
what he had said but nonetheless he had needed to make sure. He listened to her words intently,
choosing not to speak as she paused, he felt as though she had more to say on the matter but was
having trouble finding the right words. His eyes followed her closely as she stood and came to sit
next to him. He never once removed his eyes from her, even when she had leaned against him. He
did notice how his body reacted to the weight of her own pressing against him gently, every nerve in
his body seemed to tense up, his breathing even becoming slightly uneven until he steadied it.

Thankfully she began talking again, her voice steady and he moved his eyes forward slightly to help
him focus on what she was saying rather than her proximity to him. The way she talked about her
family situation so matter of factly seemed odd to him. He supposed he had never really considered
why the Smith’s had decided to have another child at their age, Erwin nor Lily had ever spoken on
the subject before. It wasn’t unheard of for parents to have more than one child to help carry on the
family name - it did not mean that that child was any less wanted or loved.

As her passion started to show through her voice, her conviction was clear and Mike looked back to
her, seeing the burning compassion in her eyes. She had decide completely on her own accord with
what she wanted to do with her life and while the thought of seeing her being eaten by a titan,
terrified him to no end, he knew he had no right to stop her from doing what she wanted and what
she felt she needed to do with her life. It was her life after all and if they tried to cage her, they
would only be stripping her of the freedom they so desperately fought tooth and nail for.

His eyes met hers as the tone of her voice and focus switched, as she began to speak of someone
else she was doing this for. Mike felt an uncomfortable weight in his stomach he could not identify.
The mere idea of a man with Lily suddenly caused a great ache in his gut. When had she fallen in
love with someone? Who was this person that she spoke so fondly off? Why the hell hadn’t he
known about this sooner? Why the fuck did it irritate him so damn much? He caught himself before
he questioned to much or voiced his irritation out loud.

“I see…” He replied, trying to formulate the words that he wanted to. Was it his place to ask
questions about this man? Surely he could… Did Erwin know about this man? Did Ruari? How had he
missed this? He must have been a member of the Scouts? The quaint blush on her cheeks did not go
unnoticed by Mike either as he turned back to her as she looked up to him, a stillness falling over
them as his name left her lips in a tone that was unlike anything he had ever heard leave her lips
before. His eyes searched hers for answers but instantly he just ended up getting utterly lost in
them. They were so blue, he could practically drown in them…

Before anything else could be said, or he could get any answers from her about this mystery lover of
her’s, the sound of distant bells rang out, quickly breaking the mood between them. He couldn’t
seem to find any words as she started to say her goodbye and as he went to speak, he felt an
unfamiliar sensation against his lips. It was quick, gentle and oh so tender. A spark ran through his
entire body and warmth soon followed. Never had he felt so warm, through even his core, reaching
into his soul. A comforting, homie warmth. He watched, a little dumbfounded, as she quickly left,
disappearing into the night.

Well shit. This was certainly going to be a problem…

He turned his attention back to the lake, everything still illuminated by the moonlight, but there was
a noticeable dullness now with Lily’s absence. She made his world brighter and that’s when he knew
for sure. He had fallen for her. He had always cared for her, loved her in a different sense but now…
There was no denying that she was becoming a beautiful woman, with a gracious soul… With a sigh
he picked up his jacket and slipped in back on.Instantly her scent consumed him. Running his hand
down his face out of frustration he started the trek back to his horse. Erwin and the others would be
waiting anxiously waiting for his report.

Another thought plagued his mind as he began the journey back to HQ. Who was it exactly that had
claimed Lily’s heart? Was he a good enough man for her? Perhaps that didn’t matter… maybe age
could be just a number… Could she learn to love him too? So many questions… The one thing he was
sure of was his own feelings towards her and that he would do his damndest to live through the
next three years for even a chance to show her just how much he could care for her.
Mike x Lily

At first, it was difficult because she kept on thinking about him. She couldn’t help but wonder what
was going on with the rest as well. But she started getting used to it and to be honest, Keith and his
training kept her busy. Whatever little time she had for herself - away from everyone else - she often
spent alone willing herself to not give in for the pain she was in. Even after the first months, Keith
kept on pushing her hard, harder than the others. She often wondered if it was because he too
wanted her to quit or was he trying to prepare her more. She pushed through, refusing to give in, but
it didn’t mean she did have her breaking points. But she didn’t allow herself to dwell on those
moments, reminding herself that no matter how badly she is hurting, it was nothing compared to her
body being slowly crushed by the titan' teeth. A gruesome image but it worked for her.

On the bright side, for the first time in her life, she felt as if she was blooming socially. Lily never
realized how disconnected she was her whole life. She spent so much time with people so much
older than her. She was suddenly making friends at a fast pace. She had her disagreements with
some while others she got along with just fine. Surprisingly Annie was the first friend she made and
the two of them were pretty close.

It was not hard to befriend the guys either, for the first time, she discovered that she was desirable.
Armin was one of her closest friends, the two of them could talk for hours. Through him, she
developed the wish to go outside the walls and explore the world. While Jean… at some point, they
decided to agree that they disagree on many aspects and just got along. Then there were Berthold
and Reiner… Bert was… Bert… while Reiner… well, she couldn’t deny he made her feel something.
They got along well and had their share of alone time talking into the late hours of the night. There
were times they were would sneak around to just be in each others company. They were somewhat
comforting each other.
For the others, they were like the older siblings, Reiner and Lily were known among all to be reliable.
Reiner was like a pillar of support for everyone, strong and dependable. Lily was someone who
soothed the pain and to cry to who will keep your secrets without judgment. It was no surprise when
others began to tease them for being a couple. Though for a long while, they just shrugged it off,
until they began considering it. It started small, lingering stares and little touches, it quickly bloomed
and started getting out of control. Lily didn’t try to control it or thinking about it. For the first time,
she was in love with someone who she had a chance with, someone who returned her affections.
She craved it, to be close to someone to be loved in such a way. After years of pining after someone,
she could never have.

She was not thinking and was in love with the idea of being in love. Reiner was just the right guy at
the right time who happened to be her type. He was strong, dependable, caring, and handsome…
she allowed herself to get lost in these qualities, and she never gave it a second thought. Until
tonight, until it was too late. She was just a bit upset, maybe more, Keith was unusually hard on her.
Reiner… being his usual dependable and comforting was there for her. They were alone and one
thing led to another, a touch, a hug, a kiss and then it grew heated and needier, more passionate. He
was a gentleman, it was perfect, he showed care and was gentle. But in that intimate moment when
a couple shared ultimate connection, body, and soul, Lily could not feel more disconnected. There
was no pleasure, she didn’t feel anything, the pain faded but the pleasure didn’t come, neither did
the emotional connection the joy of his company at such moment.

He didn’t notice and if he did, he said nothing. Reiner walked her to her living quartz like always and
he kissed her goodnight. She stood there for a moment, watching his back until she felt tears
swelling in her eyes and throat tightened. Instead of going inside, she decided to go to the lake. Her
mind drifting to the man who held her heart, but she tried to push aside. He was the one on her mind
tonight in each and every moment. Mike. Although she thought she will not see him until she will
graduate, she was wrong.

It had need two years since she joined the military and Mike came to visit her whenever he could.
She was sure it was not allowed, but she was selfish. Though she already decided to put her
feelings for him aside for some time now. She was happy to see him, always, she never knew when
he will come, but she waited for him. He always brought news and comfort with him. He was the
one on her mind tonight and he felt ashamed. She wished it was him and his touch, his lips on her
skin, his hands on her body and arms which held her closed. His warm skin against hers. His voice
whispering in her ears, words of encouragement, love, affection, and lust.

Oh god, her throat tightened as she quickened her pace, she felt as if reaching the clearing and the
lake would allow her to breathe. She ignored the soreness of her inner thighs and lower stomach,
the slight pain in her back and overall tiredness. She needed air, she needed to breathe. She didn’t
stop when she broke from the treeline into the clearing, she didn’t stop until she reached the water.
She was breathing hard from pushing herself this far when she felt too weak and broken and then
she fell to her knees she looked at her reflection in the water. She was pretty tonight because it was
a date. She wore a skirt something she didn’t do for a while. Her hair was down because she didn’t
want to pull it up after… instead, she just used the pin Mike got her to keep it out of the way. Her
shirt wasn’t buttoned up all the way, she was lazy, so right now it was showing more cleavage than

Staring at her reflection, Lily realized how much her body changed. How much she changed.
However, one thing still remained, “Mike…” she weakly whispered his name as her voice broke. She
cried into the palms of her hands. She hasn’t seen him for almost five months and she missed him
with every fiber of her soul and body. She needed him, she needed to be held by him and comforted
by him because Reiner was not Mike. A fearful thought crept into her mind, a thought that she kept
pushing back, a thought that Reimer’s presence kept away. Stopped her from thinking. Maybe he
didn’t come for so long because something happened, perhaps he was hurt or maybe even… surely
someone would tell her, right? She cried harder.
Mike x Lily

Time seemed to go so much slower without Lily around and the bleak world seemed all the more…
dull without her to brighten it. It wasn’t hard to tell that others around missed her as well. Erwin and
Ruari being the main two to openly be affected by it. So he considered himself lucky because unlike
those two, he, on occasion, was lucky enough to see her, albeit briefly. So it wasn’t uncommon for
him to get questions on her well-being, which for the most part he welcomed but it only forced him
to face his longing feelings more head on. Though he never let on that he missed her presence
perhaps deeper than the others… He didn’t want to have to explain himself…

That being said, 5 months had now passed since he had last scene her. Erwin had kept him running
the last few months, mostly because they were under maned - which wasn’t unusual for them and
they were seeing an influx in recruitment numbers - most of them didn’t last very long. Mike had
found it strange that Erwin hadn’t sent him to check on Lily in a while, usually it was under his orders
that he could speak with her at all but knew it wasn’t his place to question it.

As luck would have it though, his wait was finally over. That morning dispatched him with forms for
Keith, Something to do with the graduates that would be coming up, the forms were really none of
Mike’s concern, what he cared about was the chance to see Lily again. He wanted to know how she
was doing with everything, the last time they had spoken it had been painfully brief, this time he
hoped for a bit more time but he would take what he could get, beggars can’t be choosers.
He made it to the training ground by mid afternoon and did not chance a glimpse of her. He wound
up stuck with entertaining Keith for far longer than he planned. So by the time he was dismissed it
was practically dusk. He let out a mildly frustrated sigh. No doubt by now she was turning in from a
hard day or training or… his mind shot to their last full conversation.

“... there is just someone I hope I will not lose…”

Had been her words. Perhaps somewhere she was with him at that very moment. Mike’s eyes moved
to the sky, it was going to be a clear night… He hoped that at the very least she was happy, for at the
moment, he could not be the one to make her happy. With that thought in mind he mounted his
horse before gently motioning it forward. He would return to HQ tonight and she would have never
known he was here. The thought saddened him and caused an ache in his chest - but lately that was
not an unknown feeling to him.

He rode quietly as he passed through the forest, remembering the last time he had properly seen
her, the day he had realized his feelings for her - he remembers where they stood, how beautiful she
looked under the pale glow of the moonlight - the moment that everything had changed for him, the
moment she had changed for him. His eyes looked out over the open field, the pathway to the lake
just on the other side, he slowed, wondering if he should make a stop there, just to be reminded
more of the memories - but quickly decided that it would not be the same without her there with

Suddenly, the wind picked up and an all to familiar scent caught his attention, his head shooting up
to the far end corner of the tree line. Moments later, a figure broke from the forest, running steadily
across the field, in the direction of the lake. Lily. What was she doing? His reflexes were slightly
dulled from merely seeing her but once he came back too and she disappeared from his sight, he
snapped the reins, urging his horse forward, taking off after her. It took him no time at all to reach the
edge of the forest and he dismounted, through the reins over the low branch. He would go the rest
of the way on foot.

He stepped out, his eyes fixating on the girl at the edge of the lake. He noticed her attire first of all,
his mind wondering who it was that she had gotten dressed up for, but then his mind clouded and he
froze in his place, unable to move further as his name left her lips, the glimmer of tears streaming
down her face caught his eye before she covered her face, sobbing into her palms. The scene broke

Who the hell had made her cry like that? Who’s throat was he going to have to disconnect from their
body? Why had it been his name that had fallen from her lips?
He suddenly found his feet again and on instinct he quickly found himself beside her, a hand on her
shoulder, turning her to look at him. His eyes caught hers and he could see fully the tears streaming
steadily down reddened cheeks. Something else was different though. She had changed again from
the last time he had seen her, again she was more beautiful than the last time he had seen her - but
this was all together different. She reeked of it: sex.

“Lily… you smell like sex.” The words left his mouth before he could consciously stop them. They
weren’t scolding, more surprised than anything really, perhaps a bit hurt. He had thought about
being her first, mostly because the thought of any other man laying a hand on her caused his blood
to boil. That aside… if she had been happy, perhaps he could have let it go, but his eyes darkened.
She was not happy - otherwise she would not be sitting here sobbing.

“What happened?” His voice was angry now. He did little to hide it. Bringing her into his chest, he
wrapped his arms protectively around her troso,smoothing one hand down her blonde locks in a
comforting motion.

“Did he hurt you?” He asked, his voice breaking slightly, but still held the anger in his tone. “I swear if
he did anything you didn’t want, I’ll kill him.”
Mike x Lily

She was sobbing uncontrollably and for nothing. Lily somehow got herself into this state on nothing
at all. How did she come to fall apart like that? She wished she could answer that question, but the
last few hours were still a mess in her head. There was one person she wished to see more than
anything right now. The one person who somehow calmed everything down for her and made her
relax. He was missing from her life for five months now.

If five months without him were so difficult to go through, she was thankful that she didn’t end up
missing him for three years. That would probably snap her at some point. Though, she couldn’t be
thinking these silly thoughts. Maybe if she never saw him, she would have been ok, but he kept
coming around every month or two. It was five months and she was going crazy with speculations
based on nothing but her own imagination.

There was a hand on her shoulder and her whole body tensed. For a moment, Lily was getting ready
to show off her very awkward self-defense abilities. Who was she kidding, she was terrible in it even
with Annie’s instructions. Something just didn’t click for her. She turned around and her expression
changed from fear to surprised to an awkward, blushing mess she was sure she was going to just
pass out from how much blood rushed to her face.

“Mike!” she said in surprise, “Oh, god Mike…!” she threw her arms around his neck, hugging him
tightly. Without realizing it, she buried her face in his neck. She breathed in his scent and a shiver of
pleasure ran through her body. “You are here… I missed you so much, I was so worried that
something happened to you,” she said breathlessly, her arms tightening around him as if she was
sure he would disappear.

There was a small part of her that wanted to pull away, especially after he said how she smelled.
This was so messed up in her mind to be in the arms of the man she loved while smelling like
another. However, she couldn’t bring herself to do so, especially as his arms wrapped around her
and held her close. That protectiveness, this closeness, she felt so safe and suddenly she was free to
breathe again as she wanted.

“Wait… what?” she moved away enough to look at his face. The anger and hatred in his eyes. Was he
so angry with someone he has never met, just because he thought he had hurt her? Lily couldn’t help
it as her lips turned upwards into a gentle smile, her eyes sparkled with adoration and happiness.
There was still a blush on her cheeks, though now it was a soft shade of pink. “Really Mike, would
you really do something like that to someone just over a few hurt feelings?” she questioned, though
her heart was bursting in her chest, beating so fast she was sure it would break free from her ribcage
and into his hands where it belonged.

She leaned back into his arms, resting her head on his shoulder, facing his neck and her lips
accidentally brushed against his neck. “You know how to make a girl feel special, I love you for that,
you are the best…” she muttered. As she did, her lips brushed against his neck a few more times. Lily
was so overtaken by how he made her feel she didn’t realize it happened. She paused for a few
moments, closing her eyes and allowing herself to soak in his warmth. This was what she longed for.
This man should have been with her. She quickly eliminated the thought. Mike never saw her as
anything more and never will. She convinced herself and steeled her heart.

“You don’t have to worry, this was nothing like it seems,” she explained, pulling back once more so
he would see she was speaking the truth. Even if she felt so embarrassed to share it with the man
she loved. “It should have been perfect and maybe if the circumstances were different. If my feelings
were real, it would have been. He was a gentleman and caring, really it should have been our
moment… but I disconnected and… my mind just… I was not there, I was thinking of someone else
throughout the whole thing.” she felt embarrassed to admit it out loud, it made her feel so dirty.
“It didn’t even get to the point it felt good… not emotionally, not physically, in fact, I think I kind of
disliked it despite all he did to make it better. It’s almost ironic that the act that we should have
brought us closer… it probably ended us… I feel so silly because all this time I was just running from
my feelings for that one person. But I just felt so desirable in the past two years. I was loved, the way
I always wanted to feel loved. I think I was in love with the idea of love and not with the man
himself… though really he is a great guy.” she let out a sigh as she looked away, “I guess I really
messed up, didn’t I?” she questioned.

“I was crying because this was just a bad day… and then this happened and I was reminded that I
can’t just replace that man with another… and thinking of the scouts made me realize I didn’t see you
for so long and I missed you and… I dunno, I just got myself all worked up for whatever the reason
was and my mind just went to the worst case scenario…” she confessed, letting out a shaky breath.

Lily rested her head on Mike’s chest, closing her eyes as she listened to a strong and steady
heartbeat. He was alive and she just had to be all silly and get herself all upset over something that
had a much more reasonable explanation. “Mike…? Do you… do you need to go soon?” she
questioned, “I just, I want to stay here for a while longer… I don’t feel like going back to the living
quarters tonight…” she explained, she wouldn’t mind spending the night right here, on the ground if
she must, but at least in the arms of the man she loved.
Mike x Lily

Mike couldn’t remember a time when he had become so angry by merely seeing the tears of
someone else - though in all fairness, he had never fallen in love before and this was the first time
he had ever seen her weep like this. Uncontrollable sobbing, which was the complete opposite to her
usual demeanour. The last time he had seen her cry, she had just been a girl, the sister of his
commander, under that tall sycamore tree… But now, she was turning into a young woman, a beauty
with the heart and compassion of an angel - so to see her cry now, it angered him to know that
someone had caused this.

He felt her body stiffen and he shouldn’t have been surprised, there was no way for her to expect
anyone else 0 let a long him to be out here of all places. As her name left his lips repeatedly, he took
in the sound like it was air. Her arms hugged him and breathed deeply. He had noticed the stench of
another man almost instantly, but it could not overpower her undeniable scent initially, so he did his
best to ignore the pungent odor that mixed with it. Rest assured he would remember that scent… He
had words for the boy who had made her cry.
Her worry filled his ears next and he was thankful for her concern but he hoped that she hadn’t been
making herself sick with worry - he remembered how worried she would be after their expeditions
and knew that she rarely looked after her own well-being with as much care as she showed
everyone around her. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t glad that he had been on her mind… The
thought made him happy that she still thought of him even with all she had going on.

When his threat registered with her and she pulled back, he kept his face stern and angry. He had
mean every single word of it. Though in his mind, it wasn’t just a matter of hurt feelings. After all he
did not like the thought of someone putting their hands on her - especially if they were unwanted
hands. He had held on to a bit of hope, having surmised that the man she had spoken about the last
time they had met had been someone in the Scouts - and with that would be separated from him
long enough to forget about him…. Seemed he had been partly right, but he should have known that
other men were sure to take interest of her wherever she went. Desirable was certainly a word that
one could use to describe her.

He kept quiet when she asked if he was serious, he was sure his facial expression was enough to
convince her of his answer. As she leaned back into him, his body tensed slightly, feeling her elcate
lips ghost over his neck. Instinctively his muscle contracted and he managed to swallow the mild
lump that had formed in his throat. She was so close… Breath so hot, lips so smooth - the lips that
another man had had his filthy mouth on. The thought sickened him a bit.

He wrapped his arms around her more as she spoke again,the words ‘I love you…’ leaving her lips but
not in the manner in which he wished to hear from her. Her voice was calm and notably friendly, she
was happy for his comfort. Again her lips brushed against his throat and it caused a shiver to run
down his spine - how could she not notice what she was going to him, by simply breathing?

He allowed her to sit up once more, still not speaking a word as she spoke again. He wasn’t sure he
really wanted to hear about her escapades with another man but if she felt like she could talk to him,
then he wanted her to be honest and open with him. If - for now - this was the only way he could
comfort her and be there for her than so be it. But that did not mean he enjoyed it. It sounded as
though she did not truly love the man she gave herself to - which saddened him that she had wasted
her first this man but another part of him was glad that her heart was not claimed. Though it seemed
she had already given it to someone - someone who may not even know that he owned it. He shook
his head slowly and placed a hand on her head in reassurance.

“You did nothing wrong. You did what you always do, followed what your heart told you - no one can
fault you for that. Sometimes we just want something so bad…” He stated, trailing off for a moment.
“We feel we have to settle for what seems like the best fit. The heart wants what the heart wants -
it usually does not lie.” He stated, though it was hard to tell if he was speaking of her situation or the
one he currently found himself in.

He offered the girl he loved a gentle smile as she confessed that she had been worried for him - so
he had been on her mind and a culprit to her distress.

“I’m sorry that I made you worried.” He apologized sincerely. “It’s been a long couple of months
without seeing your bright smile as well. I’ve missed you too.” He replied honestly, pushing some of
the loose strands of blonde hair delicately behind her ear. As she settled against him once more he
smiled, shifting himself so that he was a bit more comfortable, his back against a long, Lily situated
between his legs that were bent slightly, encasing her in his arms, stroking her hair softly as the soft
hum of her breathing mixed with the stillness of the night. He glanced down at her, releasing a small

“There’s nowhere else I would rather be or that I need to be, other than right here with you.” He
replied calmly. Erwin wasn’t expecting him back until early morning anyways and if he was an hour
or two late… Well he would think of something. There was nothing urgent that called for his
attention at the moment and besides, he had deserved a little time to relish in a moment of calm. He
wouldn’t mind staying here a bit longer, with her curled up in his arms.
Mike x Lily

Somehow, no matter what, Mike was always able to make her feel better. Was it just because she
loved him? Lily always wondered about it. Even if it was just how she felt about him. Why would he
keep bothering with her? Was it because she was Erwin’s sister? Maybe he saw her as a family as
well? She didn’t dare to bring up the option of him possibly having romantic feelings. She was 5
when they met, 16 when she joined the military two years ago. Too young for him. There is no way
he felt something to her. So the only conclusion she reached was that he cared for her like a sibling.
Even if right now she was already 18. She knew some girls - women - her age were married and had
a child by now.

Her heart skipped a beat as he described her smile and said he missed her as well. Did he know how
he made her feel? That his words made her heart race, that she was practically melting in his arms.
Did he know that all it took for him is to say that he needed her and she will be by his side? Did he
know that she dreamt of him almost every night? That she wanted to share a future with him? No, he
didn’t and she didn’t dare to say it. She feared his rejection of her feelings but even more she feared
he will accept them out of pity or duty or some other feeling.
His touch, it was just his fingers brushing lightly against her face as he moved her hair, but it felt as if
he set her on fire. She craved him so badly. She craved his presence, his warmth, his touch, his body -
his everything. A smile spread across her face as he said that he had nowhere else to go or rather be.
“Mike… you are a charmer you know that? I am honestly surprised you are single at your age,” she
said smiling, wrapping one of her arms around his chest as she got comfortable in his hold.

She couldn't help but realize how it probably would look for anyone who might see. As if they were
lovers. “If it were me, I wouldn’t think twice and marry you.” she chuckled. But, this was not up to
her. As far as she knew - and she did think she knew him pretty well - Mike never loved anyone. Like
many, he occasionally took a girl to his bed, he was a man with needs. Lily blushed at the realization
that she wouldn’t even mind being one of these women. But she wanted more, she wanted so much
more of him. But right now, at this moment she settled for being in his arms like this. “Thank you,”
she muttered, suddenly realizing just how tired she was.

Lily stirred of her sleep, feeling unusually warm. She realized that it was not her bed and it took her
only moments to realize she was still in Mike’s arms. She blushed and was about to get up, but an
arm around her waist kept her in place. For a sleeping man, he had a firm grip. If he was asleep, she
realized he wasn’t by the pace of his breathing. “Mike… you didn’t have to stay here all night… I can’t
imagine this was comfortable.” she said slowly though relaxed in his hold. For the next few minutes,
she watched the sunrise quietly. She said nothing more, but she realized she was the happiest she
had ever been at this moment.

The memory of that night and the morning followed kept Lily happy for a very long time. Even as she
broke up with Reiner, who was sad but not surprised. He understood and admitted he knew it was
coming, that he realized from the beginning that something was wrong, but he was selfish and
continued. Lily wanted to get angry but eventually decided there was no point in it. No point in
regretting it or anything else since she couldn’t change it. For the first time in years, she realized the
words Erwin spoke so much and she let go of her anger with him as well. The next time Mike visited,
she gave him a letter to deliver to Erwin. She simply said that she understood his point of view, that
she didn’t want to fight because she didn’t want anything to regret. But she also didn’t change her
mind she will be joining the scouts and asked him to respect that choice.

The last year was just as difficult as the others. They were sent on missions outside the training
grounds. Lily still got her ass kicked in hand to hand combat, but eventually, she got a passing grade.
She never aimed or tried to get to the top 10 anyway. They were all happy that they made it
through. At least the tight group that formed. In a few days, there will be a ceremony and each one
of them will choose where to go.
“I still can’t believe you never told me that you are Erwin Smith’s sister…” Eren complained as he was
cleaning the canon on top of the wall. Lily let out a small laugh.

“To be honest, I was sure you figured it out yourself. I mean, you are his number one fan… I am a
Smith, and we do look alike.” she stated as she secured the canon in place. Last night Erwin stopped
by to talk to her. The news left everyone shocked, which Lily really didn’t understand why. While she
never waved her status as Erwin’s sister, it was pretty clear, but from some reason, no one made the
connection. This morning they left for an expedition and as if nothing has changed over the past
three years, Lily parted with them and Mike with a smile. Next time, she will not be watching their
backs. She will be one of them.

“I am actually shocked myself, I never suspected,” Connie commented.

“Yea well, but you were never a bright one, Connie,” Lily teased as all of them laughed. Lily glanced
on the other side of the walls, watching as Eren seemed to be deep in thought. There was a flash of
light and out of nowhere, she was facing a titan.
Mike x Lily

Mike couldn’t help the smile that found its way on to his lips as the bright smile he had been
describing found its way onto her lips - oh how he had missed that look. A smile that could end wars
- or start them. She was definitely the type of woman that men would go to war over. Nurturing and
kind, a selfless woman with a good head on her shoulders - combinations that were extremely rare.
He wondered if she was aware of the affect one glance from a girl like were would to any man. It
irked Mike to imagine the men that would be ogling her.

He could feel his body tense as she wrapped her arms around him, making herself comfortable in his
embrace. He felt his throat go dry as she called him a charmer and mae a point of his marital status.
It wasn’t unheard of for a man his age to not have taken a wife - especially when you consider his
line of work. And like many who did not want to leave a widow behind, he simply sought the
momentary comfort that they would provide.

He was certainly no dog and was respectable with them during their time together - he also made it
a point to make sure they got just as much out of the experience as he did. After all, they had been
after the same thing - intimacy, connection. A tiny bit of pleasure in another wise bleak world. But as
intimate has me may have gotten with these women, it always lacked one crucial component that
only a wife could offer - connection. While their physical bodies would be connected, mentally or
soulfully they were not.
That connection he craved so badly had been found for him, dwelling within the body of the woman
that current;y laid in his arms. This was the connection he yearned for. He would take nights like this
one, simply holding Lily in his arms over a physical night with any other woman that walked this
earth. He knew he could not touch her, at least not in the ways he had wanted to - certainly not in
the way he had touched those other women… Even if he would like nothing more than to hear their
reactions coming from her plump lips.

He glanced down at her as the chuckle left her lips - if it weren’t for extenuating circumstances then
she would have already been made his wife… if they were closer in age, if she weren’t his
commander’s sister, if she were to love him in return…. All of these things kept him from her. All
played a part in why he could not have her in all the ways that he wanted or had imagined. He let
out a short breath as his eyes moved back up to the stars.

“Who’s the charmer now.” He retorted, his voice sounding aloof but on the inside it cut deep,
knowing that they could never be more than what they were at this moment. He glanced down
when he heard a shift in her breathing and realized that she ah fallen asleep on him. A soft smile
graced his lips as she leaned down slightly, pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head.

“I wouldn’t think twice about marrying you either…” He gently whispered.

Morning came all too quickly as far as Mike was concerned. He had stayed awake for a good portion
of the night, watching Lily sleep soundly in his arms. He never had the heart to wake her so that he
could leave - mostly because he just didn’t want to. Erwin would wait for his return, he was owed
these few moments of solace. Parting with her that morning had been difficult but he had managed
to make it as smooth as possible, returning to HQ and being questioned by Erwin. He lied through
his teeth and told him he had a rondevu with an acquaintance of his… Erwin did not push for details
and simply told him not to do it again without proper authorization.

In the months to come, his visits to the training grounds were even more minimal but the memory of
there night together lingered strongly in Mike’s mind, getting him through the dull days that
followed. There was also the lingering fear of graduation to attend with - soon Lily wouldn’t be safe
within the confines of the wall anymore, she would join the ranks of the Scouts and venture out
beyond the walls were the were unpredictable and vast. He knew the thought was also not just
weighing heavily on him, Erwin had been distracted lately, which was very unlike him but Mike
understood why.
He also knew that Erwin had planned an expedition mere days before the ceremony was to take
place, in hopes that would be at least a few months before their next one, so the new recruits would
have time to settle in an get their barings a bit more before they were thrust into the world beyond
the walls.

They had made it a few miles out from the walls, making their way through the abandoned city that
was crawling with titan’s as they reached it. Everyone was making quick work of the titan’s plaguing
the city and so far the number of men lost was minimal. Though the mission was going well, no one
saw the news coming that the walls had been breached. Every nerve in Mike’s body was suddenly
hyper aware. Lily. He knew that the trainees were on shifts along the wall perimeters the last couple
of days… please don’t let her be near the breach - please just let her be safe until he could get to her.

The scouts moved quickly, the walls coming into view in the distance. What was he going to do?
What if she was already - no, he couldn’t afford to think that way, he needed to keep a clear head, if
he didn’t it could mean more lives lost. For her, he had to stay focused. There was no way he was
going to lose her before she ever got to know how much she meant to him.
Mike x Lily

His greatest fear came true only it wasn’t how he imagined it would be. Lily was in the center of the
chaos and she wasn’t even outside the walls. Five years ago, he had experienced this fear when the
first breach happened. Back then, she was safe. But in the past three years though, his new fear was
that she will go outside the safety of the walls. Right now, he didn’t fucking care as long as she was
simply alive. Erwin tried to recall all of the reports Mike had of Lily from the past three years. She is
capable, but she was not the top of her class. Right now, he just hoped it was on purpose if he knew
her, she probably tried to avoid to be on top.

The ride felt like an eternity and they were met with another messenger that came to meet them.
“Commander Erwin, I am here to update you on the situation and the plan. It seems like there is a
boy from the cadets who can turn into a titan.” Erwin was barely registering it.

“A titan?” Hange questioned, by now his captains were all by him to listen.

“Yea, we don’t know anything yet. There is a plan to seal the breach using a bolder. That boy, Eren
Jaeger, will lift the bolder and seal the breach. The cadets and the garrison are working on keeping
the Titans away from him. We do not engage the titans, just lure them out of the way.” there was a
pause, “We will need your help to kill the Titans and keep them away from Eren, so far we have had
a few bumps, his closest friends are guiding him.” he explained.
“Do you… do you have news from the situation right now… I mean, how heavy are the losses?” Erwin
heard someone ask, he recognized Ruari’s voice and he was thankful she asked the question he did
not dare to ask.

“I will not lie, there are heavy losses among the cadets. They were the first ones to face them,
unfortunately. The first ones to face the Colossal Titan were the 34th group, Lily Smith was among
them. I was truly impressed, she and Eren were quick to react,” Erwin felt pride, so she was alive and
well, maybe he should have trusted her more. “However,” his blood ran cold, “Their group as
attacked by a couple of abnormals, aside from two members… everyone was killed. However, there
is uncertainty regarding Lily. Armin, the cadet that was there, could account for each member but he
couldn’t tell what had happened to her. She was the closest to Eren as he was attacked… but there is
no proof if she was… killed,” he explained.

Erwin felt as if his world had just become darker, all light was gone. Was she… no, he couldn’t think
that way, there is no proof. Even if she were, he would rip open each and every titan to find her. But
she was smart, Lily was always good at getting out of bad situations, hell he wouldn’t be surprised if
she had managed to charm a titan or something… but she was alive unless he will find a body she
was alive. “... location, give me a location,” he recognized another voice.

“They were attacked by the bells in the center of the city,” the soldier spoke, clearing his voice.

“No, we follow the plan,” Erwin felt his heart hardened, he had a responsibility, they had a
responsibility, “Levi, you stay close to the gate and that… Titan boy,” Everyone else, spread across
the city and protect the others.” he ordered. As much as he would like to go and search for her. This
was not the time. Not right now. When it is over after the breach was sealed, he will look for her.


Things only got worse as time passed. The cadets got their orders and each group was spread
around the city to protect the people and oversee the evacuation. They were still hopeful and full of
courage. But then it happened. They were attacked and Thomas was eaten. Eren lost it. Lily tried to
stop him and out of the blue, a titan jumped and bit his leg. Lily was thrown into a building. She
remembered flying through the glass and… the screams… A breaded titan and… an arm growing out
of its mouth and everything went black.

Lily woke up a while later, she could tell a few hours passed by the light in the room. Her head hurt
and was throbbing. There is no way she didn't get a concussion. "Ugh… no way…" she groaned when
she was about to get up and felt a stabbing pain in her side. She found glass in her right side. "Just
my luck, avoid death by titan but get myself pierced by the glass." She muttered. Taking a deep
breath, she touched it gently before hissing in pain - at least now she could more or less tell how
deep it was. It didn’t seem deep enough to hit any organs. Another deep breath and she ripped off
the bandage or in this case, carefully pulled out the glass. Quickly she gathered a few things that
could help her bandage the wound. There was no condition to stitch it, but hopefully, her bandages
will work well enough until she will clean the wound again and get stitched.

Glancing in the mirror, she realized that her pin was missing - she felt sad since it was a gift she
cherished. Part of her wanted to go look for it, she decided against it. Her face was bloody from a
few cuts. After she washed her face, she checked her equipment. The gas tank of her gear was
damaged and it leaked. Lily decided to try and go by foot. She will use the hooks To climb the wall or
hopefully find help.

Things though, never went as planned. On her way, she ran into a couple of hurt cadets, they
managed to find a safe basement. Before she knew there were 13 of them. Lily patched them up
with whatever was available. She planned to wait for nightfall as there were more and more titans.
By then, she already had killed 8 titans. She never believed she was capable of dealing with them.

Just as she was about to retreat to safety, a hand came out of nowhere and threw her off the roof,
knocking the air out of her. Her shoulder took the blow. The Titan was coming her way but she too
shocked from the hit to move. She closed her eyes, but nothing happened. Lily slowly opened her
eyes in time to see the titan fall and someone standing there. "Mike…" she whispered, feeling dizzy
and lightheaded as she stood up, maybe she hit her head again. One time too many, perhaps she
was hallucinating.
Mike x Lily

The ride back to the walls had never been so long and frustrating. With each minor hiccup or stray
titan getting in the way, Mike simply grew more annoyed of their presence, rather than fear. They
were merely getting in his way - keeping him from seeing Lily, the one he loved. Her condition was
the single most important thing on his mind and really the only thing he could think about - not the
thousands of people behind the walls, innocently cornered, waiting to be devoured, honestly he had
no room left in his heart to give a damn about humanity’s survival at the moment.

As they neared the walls, another soldier reached them, debriefing them on the situation. He was
noticeably antsy as he looked over the chaos of the city. He wasn’t sure how Erwin was remaining
this calm, as news of Lily’s disappearance reached their ears. His heart and chest ached at the
thought of her out there - but there was a chance, no one had seen her be eaten and with no positive
evidence of death, Mike still had hope that she could be out there - alive. But if she was alone that
wasn’t good either, given the time line and with no resources able to get to her she would only last
so long if she attempted to fight off any titan's that attacked her.

Location. Her location was the key, if he knew where she was last seen, then that was where he
needed to be to start looking for her. If she was injured or running low on gas, she wouldn’t get far
and with titan’s pouring in, it was only a matter of time before…. Mike shook his head he couldn’t
think like that, he couldn’t allow the pain of possibly losing her take over him before he knew for

“Location, give me a location.” Mike spoke up as he stepped closer to the soldier offering up
information. He went to nod in understanding as the man, his eyes turned to Erwin as he interrupted
the soldier, and Mike saw white - blinding hot rage filled him as Erwin spoke, dismissing any form of
rescue efforts for Lily. He knew as the commander he had to harden himself for many things, but this
was his family and she was in no doubt a tremendous amount of danger - if she was still alive. And
just like that he was able to turn his back on the only family he had left in this world. Mike did not
share his restraint.

Needless to say, he had no words for Erwin right now - none that would be acceptable to say to his
superior officer anyways, but with the generalization of his orders he quickly sprung into action,
moving swiftly through the city at a speed that would rival Levi’s on his best day, towards the last
known location of Lily. His blades easily sliced through a number of titan’s that had the audacity to
get in his way,making short work of them as he reached the bell towers. His eyes scanned the roof
tops, noting a few titan’s lingering in the area. His nose sniffed the air as he surveyed the area, he
would find her - he could pick up her scent, not matter now softly it lingered, it was too distinct for
him to miss.

There, that way. As soon as he caught wind of it he was off, moving through different areas. He had
to be getting close, her scent was becoming a lot stronger with each passing second. But what set
him off was, his eyes finally landing on her only for a filthy beast to slam her into a nearby wall, right
before his very eyes. Again, the rage exploded from his form, shoot hit hooks into the back of the
beasts neck before driving his blades through the nape, nearly decapitating the beast with the sheer
force of his strike.

As the beast collapsed, Mike’s feet hit the ground and he swiftly turned his back to it as he placed his
blades away. His eyes narrowed in on his next target as she begrudgingly stood up. As he
approached her, he noted the blood on her side, along with the torn part of her shirt, as well as the
minor cuts and bumps visible on her face - but she was alive. Mike had never felt his heart race so
much that he thought for sure it was going to burst forth from his chest. His entire body was tingling,
the nerve endings dancing at the sight of her - he needed to touch her.

Within seconds she was wrapped in his arms, surrounding her like a cast iron shield of protection
and love. His nose instantly nuzzled into her hair, taking in a large whiff of her scent.

“You stupid girl…”He muttered into her hair absentmindedly, and though the words sounded harsh,
there was a clear tone of pain mixed with relief. “I was so worried about you… I thought you were- I
thought I lost...” He couldn’t finish, the thought was too painful. He pulled back slightly, his hands
moving to cup her cheeks on either side as his eyes trembled, darting between her eyes and her lips
before he gave into the feelings he had been holding back for nearly three years.

Using his palm he tilted her head up more as he towered over her form, craning his neck downwards
as he passionately captured her lips with his own, his other arm wrapping around her waist, securing
her body to his as the molded together and he lifted her slightly off the ground to get a better angle
of her lips. She tasted sweet as honey amongst the dirt and slight metallic taste of blood mixed
together but he didn’t care. He had been craving her touch for so long that nothing else mattered but
the two of them in that moment, the rest of the world melted away for Mike, he had found his solace.
Mike x Lily

The pain in her body was blinding. She wasn’t even sure how come she was still standing. Until only
moments ago, she was still in high from all the adrenalin, preventing her from fully realize the
severity of her injuries. Lily found it difficult to move her arm, which took the blow as she was
crashed into a wall. She guessed her shoulder was dislocated. Her vision was almost unfocused as
she watched Mike come closer. It felt like an illusion since she already felt so lightheaded and dizzy.

Mere seconds later, she was in someone’s arms and it felt as if she disconnected from the world for a
moment. Because until he hugged her, Lily was going to allow darkness to overtake her. However,
his touch completely woke her up as she breathed in a familiar scent, that earthy scent of woods,
dirt, blood, and sweat all mixed together. He smelled like home. Mike! It was really Mike. He was
here, he was hugging her, holding her. She didn’t care her was almost crushing her in his hold. She
preferred to be crushed by him than being eaten by a titan. His words were hitting her hard, he was
afraid she was dead. She felt so bad for worrying him.

“You are here…” she whispered, her mind working slower than she really wanted it to. It was his
scent, he was really here, this feeling - this feeling of being in his arms - was real. She was aware of
his all too familiar habit of smelling her and smiled as she looked up at him. It felt as if years had
passed since she last saw him when it was only a few hours ago. Her eyes locked with his as he
pulled back and her heart race as she recognized that look in his eyes. It was the same look he gave
her three years ago at the forest near the camp, and he looked at her the same way only a year ago.

Lily wondered what was on his mind, what did he think when he looked at her that way. His eyes
looked lower and before she could ponder about it, his lips covered her own. Her mind went blank in
shock. Was he kissing her right now? What was the meaning of this? Was he just so worried he got
confused or…? Did he…? Lily didn’t want to think it, she felt his arm around her waist as he lifted her
off the ground. She kissed him back, using her good hand to touch his face and move it to the back of
his head - pulling him closer. She could taste the coffee he was drinking this morning, Lily disliked
coffee but right now it was her favorite thing, there was something else a hint of something salty she
didn’t care though because right now it was so addicting.

Feeling the air running low in her lungs, she pulled back a little, her lips still so close to his. Her face
was flushed both from being kissed by him and the lack of air. “Mike… why… is it…” the words didn’t
come out as a sentence and feeling frustrated she kissed him again. If this were her only chance, she
would take it, she could always just pretend she didn’t remember it. Though there was no way, she
will forget this moment. Because right now she was so happy, so at peace, he took her pain away
and she didn’t want it to end. Never. She was okay if they just stayed like this for eternity.

She pulled back once more, “Mike… I need to know… I can’t allow myself to feel if its…” she didn’t
finish her sentence. Her own emotions were stuck in her throat. Her hand rested on his chest
between them as she pulled back. Her feet were on the ground again, though she felt unsteady. Lily
used Mike to support herself, resting her forehead on his chest, suddenly feeling even more light
headed. She felt something running down her leg, tingling yet warm and a familiar scent reached her
nose. Weakly, she touched her side, focusing her gaze on her bloody hand.

If she was bleeding, if the blood already soaked through, she needed help. With all the action, Lily
forgot she was hurt as well. She wasn’t bleeding this badly… but maybe when she was thrown
against the wall… what if it caused a blood vessel to tear? Still, Lily was sure it wasn’t as bad as it
looked. “Mike. I can't stop it here…” she muttered, putting pressure on the wound with her good
hand. “But, we can’t leave… there is a basement down the street. It is underground, it belongs to a
bar… there are other people there. Cadets.” she explained, “I was luring titans away, got a few of
them as well, but if they reach the basement…” she didn’t finish her sentence, there was no need to
finish it.

“I know this probably isn’t your priority at the moment. I am also pretty sure Erwin didn’t send you
either, but, we can’t just leave them.” Lily knew Mike, she could guess what was going through his
mind at the moment. Her mind was working fast on trying to find a way to convince him to go there
first. Though maybe this was wrong, with her this useless Mike wouldn’t be able to fight, right?

She didn’t need to figure it out because the familiar sound of wires and gas tanks, above them, a few
soldiers went past them, "Eren sealed the wall." One of them yelled. She recognized the voice. "Lily!
Thank god, I thought you were dead…" it was Jean, Lily smiled weakly.

"I was sure of it a couple of times as well," she replied, glancing at Mike. "But you said Eren sealed
the wall? I was sure he was eaten?" She questioned. Jean exchanged looks with her.

"Long story, apparently the suicidal maniac is a titan." He stated, "you are bleeding, you know that
right?" He said and it made her laugh and then hold her side harder. It all hurt. Lily noticed Jean
staring at Mike with a slightly spooked look. "Umm… I will get going… we are ordered to look for

"Jean, there is a bar down the street, in the basement, there are others. Injured." She called after him.
Once he was out of sight, Lily leaned onto Mike, closing her eyes for a moment. Was it over? Was it
really over? But she didn’t care for the answer not when Mike was so close to her and all she wanted
was to be in his arms.
Mike x Lily

Mike had never felt this calm on the battlefield before. It didn’t matter that there were tens of titans
looming around every street corner, if they came for them he would strike them down because in
that moment, there wasn’t anything that could stop him. Nothing in the world could keep him from
protecting the woman he loved. Being in her arms was the most heavenly feeling and as focused as
he was on her, he kept at least on sense grounded in reality to ensure that he was ready to defend
her if necessary.

He knew this must have been quite a shock her, he could feel it in her touch as her body didn’t
initially reject or accept his actions right away. A small amount of fear stung his chest, that even in
their current state there was a fair chance they she would reject him but it hadn’t mattered, he had
been struggling for nearly three years now with these feelings, burying them deep within himself to
the point that when he thought he almost lost her, he had been ready to throw everything else away
and allow a titan to crush him.
The moment however, that she kissed him back, his body relaxed and his kiss became a bit less
demanding and more loving. Most of his senses were directed towards her, wanting to feel the
warmth that her body offered as it was pressed to him. He also noted that she was lighter than he
imagined she would be, even with all of her ODM gear attached to her - mind you he was a strong
man but she was practically as light as a feather.

As she pulled away, his instinct was to pull her right back but as much as he wanted to, he needed
oxygen almost as badly as he wanted to kiss her. He panted softly, not allowing her to move too far
from him as his hand came up to rest on the side of her face, his thumb gently caressing her cheek.
Soft words left her lips and he quickly tried to think of his own in response but none came. He had no
words for her at the moment and was pleased when she didn’t seem to have any in response and
immediately kissed him again. It wasn’t as if he would push her away now, he was more than
welcoming to the second kiss.

When she pulled back again, Mike groaned softly as her lips left his. Gentle pants filled the air
between them as Lily once again attempted to compose words. Was it not clear to her how he felt?
This wasn’t a mistake, his feelings for her were very real. He kept his arms around her as she rested
against his chest, both of them trying to catch their bearings. Once he had better caught his breath,
he opened his mouth to speak and explain himself more clearly when he felt something wet against
his arm.

“You;re bleeding.” He stated as she looked up to him, explaining that she couldn’t tend to the wound
here - which made sense. Surely, given the sight of the amount of blood, she needed stitches and
she couldn’t exactly stitch up herself nor did he have the necessary knowledge to help her - on top
of all that they were in the middle of a battle field and far too much out in the open. They were
vulnerable here and she needed to get to a doctor. He raised a brow when she mentioned that they
couldn't leave - he was going to argue that point before she continued with her reason why.

He wanted to tell her that they were not his concern - she was. He wanted to hoist her up into his
arms and carry her off, kicking and screaming if that was what he needed to do - but he didn’t. She
wouldn’t forgive him for something so selfish and could potentially fight him enough to injure herself
more… which was something he could not allow.

“You are in no condition to help them Lily and right now you are my main priority - I can’t just leave
you here to go help them. You’ll be vulnerable.” He countered though, stating the facts as they were
right now. If it came down to saving them or saving her - she would win every time if it was Mike’s
Thankfully, neither of them would have to decide as help arrived from above. A soldier came down
to them, one who apparently was acquainted with Lily, informing them of the current situation.
Mike’s eyes narrowed at the boy as he made an off handed comment about her current medical state
- that Mike apparently was the only one that didn’t find funny. He knew these were trying times and
dark humor was a common way for people to deal with these stressful situations but he certainly
didn’t appreciate the boys friendliness with Lily. Thankfully the boy got the picture and carried on
with the rest of his squad to aid the other cadets.

Once he was out of sight, Mike swiftly lifted Lily into his arms, placing his hand over her wound,
apologizing as he added a bit of pressure before taking off with her firmly secure to his body. It didn’t
take him much time to return to the temporary base the Scouts had set up, he knew the best doctors
would be located there to aid the injured. He called for one as he entered and he noticed Ruari
noticed them swiftly and set off to fetch one as he set Lily down on the cot, kneeling down beside
her, the back of his hand stroking her cheek tenderly.

“I love you. That’s the reason I kissed you.” He stated simply, a bit under his breath so no around
would hear except for her. The explanation was simple as were his feelings - he loved her. What
more could he say?
Mike x Lily

Their argument was over before it even started, yet one thing lingered in her mind. Something that
he said and made her positively giddy inside. She was his priority. However, she still refused to
acknowledge what was pretty clear by now. That he felt for her as much as she felt for him. That he
loved her. The mere thought sent her heart racing, but she needed to hear him say it. Part of her
refused to believe it until he will say the words out loud. She needed to hear these words. She
needed to confirm it was real and not some fantasy or a dream.

Lily tensed as Mike came even closer and before she knew it, she was in his arms. Blushing
bashfully. She buried her face in his chest, breathing in his scent to relax. How could he be both the
culprit of her distress and the one to calm her down? She winced at his touch when he applied
pressure to keep her bleeding under control. Nodding as he apologized. Lily realized that Mike had
no difficulty to both carry her and maneuver around the city. She felt like a silly little girl getting all
excited because of that.

A big part of her didn’t want to leave his arms, but Lily knew she needed to have her wound checked
and stitched. She didn’t even want to think about the pain she was going to go through when the
doctor will snap her arm back in place. Her eyes were focused on Mike when he stroked her cheek.
She closed her eyes, leaning into his touch and kissed his hand - as if it were the most natural thing
to do. Maybe it was, considering how long she longed to be touched by him. All the years she hoped
he will show her the affection she craved for from him.

Her eyes found his as he spoke the wonder she wished to hear. His eyes didn’t lie. So this was the
meaning behind this look in his eyes. The one she never could place. Was he… did he love her for all
this time? Did she really miss it? She leaned towards him, her lips meeting his in a tender and quick
kiss. “I love you… I loved you for such a long time. This feels like a dream,” she whispered. Upon
hearing footsteps, she quickly sat up, letting out a small groan at the sharp pain she felt. There is
was again, her whole body hurt so much she couldn’t even place the source.

“Lily! This is a sight I wished I would never see,” a middle-aged man greeted her. She met his gaze
with a guilty one. “Have you changed your mind now?” he questioned, as he sat beside her
examining her state. The man had black hair, styled somewhat similar to Erwin’s, trimmed beard and
glasses. His brown eyes were scolding, yet they held kindness and care.

“Sorry, but no, I didn’t Mr. Weber,” she replied politely.

“I guessed so, yet I had to ask. Please, after all this time just call me Eric,” he added. Eric was the
lead doctor in the hospital and both volunteered and later studied until she joined the military. “You
grew up so much,” he added, “I need you to take off your shirt so I could clean and stitch the wound.”

Lily slowly began to unbutton her shirt and as he noticed he helped her out. It was clear everything
was very professional between the two of them. For a moment, she forgot that Mike was there -
watching. Perhaps she didn’t care if he saw her. “That is certainly isn’t your best work,” Eric spoke as
he examined her messy bandaging from earlier today in an attempt to slow the bleeding. “But it did
the job for a while,” he added. He took scissors and began cutting the bandages. She gasped as he
peeled it off her skin, some of it stuck to the wound. “What was the source?” he questioned. When
he used disinfectant to clean her injury, she jumped almost making his drop everything. “Hold her or I
will do more damage than good,” he spoke to Mike.

Lily blushed at the reminder that he was there. She was just wearing just a bra, fully exposed to
anyone’s wondering eyes. Luckily, besides Mike and Ruari, who happened to be there, there was no
one else. For the next hour, there was a little said between them. Eric worked on stitching her wound
and snapped her shoulder back in place, he then cleaned other cuts she had. "You should avoid
making movements with your right shoulder and arm for a couple of weeks," He stated, helping her
put on a new shirt just as others began to come in.
"Lily," she tensed when she recognized who the voice belonged to. Her eyes met with Reiner, who
approached her quickly. Before she knew it, he was hugging her tightly. "I thought I lost you…" he
spoke. Lily didn't reply, she only tensed as his hold. They broke up on good terms. They were friends,
but she knew he still held feelings for her. She also realized that even though Mike never met him, he
might recognize him by his scent since… glanced at Mike, since a year ago he smelled her after she
was with Reiner.

“Reiner, can you… you are hurting me,” she muttered, not returning his hug. His hold was strong, but
she said so to get him to step back.

“Sorry, Armin said you were probably dead. I wanted to look for you but…” he spoke, his eyes
searching her own.

“There were others who were alive and needed his protection,” Bert finished for him.

“As much as I am sure that Lily is happy to see you all, but she needs rest, so please leave and
remember to get checked as well,” Lily let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding as Ruari’s
voice got everyone’s attention. She smiled at the woman who was like a sister to her. She often
saved her from awkward situations as if sensing her distress.
Mike x Lily

Angelic. That was the only word that Mike could think of to describe her. Her selflessness, coupled
with the soft features of her face could only be described as something that was sent from the
heavens themselves. Had crafted by whatever god you wanted to put your faith into. Mike had never
put much faith into religion given all that he had seen over the years, all the pain and despair that
loomed over everyone - including himself. It was hard to imagine that somewhere there was a God
looking down on them, proud of his creation. Sanctuary behind the walls even was something he
considered to be a crock of bullshit. Even after all that, every time he saw Lily, a little faith was
resorted to him.

A subtle smile graced his lips as Lily leaned into his tender touch. He felt his heart stall as she
kissed his hand, the touch causing the skin to tingle with delight, warming him through his veins,
spreading throughout his entire being. Yes, there was no doubt in his mind that he loved this girl
more than anything else in the world. How could one not? It was easy to see why so many soldiers
were taken with her… why she had found someone who desired her… The man from back then, the
one she had mentioned to him on one of their nights together, he briefly wondered about him as the
words fell from his lips, confessing to her the feelings he harbored.
He stared at her as she read his expression, forcing his feelings out through the gate way of his soul.
It was hard to express so openly how much he loved her given that they were currently surrounded
by other soldiers that could see them and he didn’t want to entertain any questions just yet - not
until they figured things out for themselves. He was surprised when her lips met him in a simple kiss,
to which he eagerly returned happily. A serene smile took over his features as she pulled away
confessing to him that his feelings were returned.

“I swear to you. This in no dream.” He promised as the footsteps halted any further conversation.
Quikly he straightened himself and stepped out of the way as the doctor came around. Mike had met
this doctor a few times, he even had been treated by him on a number of occasions. Mike watched
his and Lily’s interactions carefully, while he was not a strictly possessive type of man, he was
indeed protective over the people he cared about.

As the doctor mentioned that she needed to remove her shirt, his eyes shifted away from her - out of
respect - but the moment the doctor started to ‘help’, Mike’s eyes were on him, making sure he was
careful where his hands were. Though, Mike would admit, he found it incredibly difficult to not allow
his eyes to wander over Lily’s exposed soft flesh. It looked so… inviting. He shuffled slightly in his
spot, swallowing the lump that had formed, trying to remain calm and collected. How he longed to
run his hands over her skin, to feel it at his fingertips, so smooth...

He was brought back to reality when the doctor addressed him, needing his help to hold her down.
His eyes went from the doctor to Lily, looking rather apologetic as he placed his hands on her - not
exactly how he hand planned on touching her for the first time, but as the doctor busied himself with
his work, Mike’s attention was on Lily. Watching out of the corner of his eye as she blushed from his
closeness and winced from the pain of the stitches. His thumb absentmindedly stroked her skin
every once and awhile, feeding his own desire and he hoped it helped to take her mind off the pain. If
all he could do for her right now was a mild distraction than he would do so. Though he had to
remind himself too of Ruari’s watchful eye.

Mike hesitantly let go as the doctor finished and stood to her side as the doctor packed his things,
readying himself to see other patients. Mike’s nose suddenly twitched and his fist instinctively
clenched as the familiar scent grew nearer - he knew that smell, though he did not know who it
belonged to, he hated it all the same. Two men entered Lily’s room and it took everything in Mike to
hold himself back from physically ripping the man off of Lily as he hugged her. He knew exactly who
this man was… he was the one that had taken Lily’s… Mike clenched his teeth at the thought of her
being with any other man. He despised it… Even if Lily had said he was a proper gentleman, in Mike’s
eyes he was not good enough for her.
He snarled under his breath at the boy’s lameass excuse as to why he hadn’t come looking for her -
if he truly cared about her and they had been searching for survivors anyways, why hadn’t he come
to her aid? Perhaps that was an unfair statement, given Mike’s position he had a little more control
than a meager cadet… even still, Mike didn't approve. Mike’s eyes shot to Ruari as she asked the
newcomers to leave and ushered them out before shooting him a look.

“Make sure she rests. I’ve notified Erwin that she’s here… I imagine he’ll be along shortly.” Ruari
stated to Mike before glancing at Lily as she moved to the door. “You had us all scared… try not to
put me through that again, hm?” Ruari replied, her tone was serious with a grateful undertone as she
left, closing the door. The room grew silent as the pair were left alone. Mike looked to Lily silently as
she took a seat on the side of her bed, careful not to move it too much.

“So… that was him, wasn’t it? That scent still haunts me from that night I smelled him on you…” Mike
confessed quietly, his voice calm but his body was stiff. He let out a sigh. “I’m sorry… it was unfair to
spring my feelings on you the way I did. Especially since you’ve confided in me about your own
yearnings for someone else.” He added, keeping his eyes forward, studying a spot on the wall. After
all, this wasn’t the first time she had told him she loved him… and she had been dazed from pain the
words had left her lips… perhaps this was all just a dream.

“Nevertheless, it does not change my feelings for you. Whether you return my feelings or not -
whether you can love me as I love you - it does not change how I feel. You are the most precious
thing in this world to me and your happiness is my main priority.” His hand found her’s and he
squeezed it comfortingly. “I want you to at least know that.”
Levi x Ruari

His eyes followed her every movement, he observed, memorized and engraved everything about her
in his memory. The feeling of her skin, her warmth, her sweet scent, addicting taste and the sound of
her voice. Especially as she called his name. There was a smirk on his face, one that said he knew
something she didn’t, as he slowly played with her body. Levi took his sweet time to learn every
curve and sweet spots she had. He wanted to know every bit of her body and how it made her react.
He wanted her to be at his mercy at all times.

Levi was so pleased to know she was so affected by his touch and when she called his name. He
groaned into the kiss. While he dominated it, she still made him feel weak by calling his name in
such ways. That didn’t mean though that he was going to take it any faster. Rumor has it, and Levi
was never one to listen to rumors, that Ruari was never with anyone. While he never paid much
attention to what others spoke about in these matters, but right now it didn’t seem all that odd.
Considering that Levi didn’t remember her being close with men and even when she was, there was
a certain distance. This, coupled with Hange’s slip of a tongue while intoxicated with alcohol were
clear indications.

“Your wish is my command,” Levi replied with a smirk as Ruari finally decided what she wanted.
“Only I don’t follow orders. I give them. So it seems like we have a bit of a problem here.” He was
just teasing her. He wondered for a moment what she was expecting when she mixed love and fuck
together in a sentence or if she knew that fuck meant very little care unline 'love making' he was
with women who confused the two. But that was the reason he was taking it rather slowly. He
wanted to make sure she is prepared.

The great Levi Ackerman was taken by surprise, he never expected such boldness from the blonde
beneath him. “Oi little birdy, if you decide to be bold better be able to keep the act together,” he
smirked as she suddenly lost her train of thoughts once he applied a bit of pressure to her clit.
However, the feeling of her hand touching his erection remained. Levi had to battle down the need to
simply rip off whatever was left of their clothes and fuck her with no mercy. Nevertheless, this was
not how he wanted their first to be and he doubted that Ruari wanted the same. Not when she just
stated that she wanted love.

“I want you enough to completely forsaken any foreplay and just get to the main dish, but I also love
and respect you enough not to do so, unless you want to be in a world of pain,” he explained, his lips
brushing against hers. His voice was husky and words dripping with lust, yet, they held more than
that. So much more than just lust for one's body alone. He hummed in amusement and satisfaction
as she called his name again, expressing her wishes so openly for him. This made him lick his lips.
He genuinely wanted to devour her a whole. “Keep calling my name the way you do and I might just
give you what you want.” She did not know the power she had over him and he was not sure yet if
she should know.

He did think he might have been stalling more than he should have. Levi slowly trailed hot, wet and
heavy kisses down to Ruari’s breasts, taking his time to tease and suck on each nipple. He smirked
before her blew cold air on one, watching how her skin reacted. He will never grow bored of toying
with her body. One of his hands rested firmly on her hip, to prevent her from thrashing around too
much. True, taking so much time made him almost hurt, but he preferred to make sure to get her
ready. “You make such an indecent face. You should remember that this face is for my eyes only,” he
spoke as he glanced up, seeing that blush dusting her cheeks, that look in her eyes, the way her lips
were parted as she moaned and gasped for air. He kept venturing down her body while leaving a
trail of wet kisses.
However, since she was patient - not that she had many choices - Levi decided to award Ruari with
something a bit more satisfying. His thumb crushing over her clit, massaging and toying with the
bundle of nerves. With a smug expression on his face, he captured her gaze. Levi didn’t want to miss
her reaction. Brushing his index and middle finger over her slit, he hummed n satisfaction. “Seems
like someone is very eager, who are you this went for?” he questioned, slipping his finger between
her folds and teasingly brushing it over her entrance.

Without warning though and without allowing her to properly answer his question, he pushed his
index finger inside her. Tight. This was his first thought as if she was never touched before. Maybe
Hange and the rest of them were right. Ruari was probably a virgin. Should he ask? Would it be
inappropriate? Who was he trying to fool, Levi Ackerman was never an appropriate man in his life.
But when it came to the woman he loved, he gave it a second thought. He did not want to hurt her.
With a few thrusts of his finger, he removed it altogether. Without a word, Levi helped Ruari to take
off the remaining of her clothes. Taking a few moments to kick off his boots and release the straps
and belts that held his pants. Eventually staying in his briefs alone. They will come off last.

Returning to his former position above her, Levi kissed her lips. “Are you sure you want this?” he
questioned. While waiting for her answer, he kissed her lips again and kept trailing his lips to the
corner of her mouth, down to her jawline and to her neck where he lingered and sucked on the spot
before pulling away with a slight pop sound.
Mike x Lily

It wasn’t hard to imagine his mind playing tricks on him when he had imagined some many times in
his own mind how she respond once he confessed his feelings towards her. So many times he
imagined the words leaving her lips but just as she had said in the moment, it all seemed like a
dream, a euphoric high that couldn’t possibly be real. On the battlefield it could be costly to lose
one's focus and allow your mind to be dulled by happy emotions, but he had allowed that slip up
when she had spoken the words he had longed to hear from her.

He had honestly hoped to confess to her, in a less dramatic way, but the need for her to realize what
she had been putting him through all those years had just been too great, when coupled with the
thoughts of her possible death.Everything had just happened so fast that he had been acting on pure
instinct and he couldn’t help but think in the face of fear she would speak words she did not mean, if
only to feel less pain.

He felt her hand return the comforting squeeze and he turned to her as she pulled him down closer.
His eyes stared into hers, ready to face whatever the truth actually was, to finally know who was the
man that had captured her heart, that had earned the right to be loved by this woman. A subtle
smile grew steadily onto his lips with each word that passed her sweet lips. So she had been feeling
this way about him this entire time…

He brought her hand up smoothly, to place a gentle kiss of reassurance there, running her soft
knuckles against his lips as she continued to speak. He had mixed feelings about the situation with
Reiner but he understood the need and the pain all too well. He’d be reluctant to admit that their had
been a few women that he had used for much the same reason in the past. She was not wrong when
it came to the other obstacles that stood between them - his commander, and also soon to be hers
was her brother and their age would surely be a problem for most. But he didn’t care. Once she had
made it that she shared the same feelings that he held for her, not even a horde of titan’s would be
able to keep him away from the woman he loved.

His eyes met hers again as she pulled him closer and he leaned over her, remaining close to her as
she spoke of the reasons that she loved him. His hand went to her hair, brushing some of curls that
hung loosely without the pin to hold them up.

“The pin can be replaced, you my dear can not.” He replied and he felt his heart swell in his chest as
she once again told him that she loved him. God. he would never tire of hearing her say those words
to him, it was definitely his favorite sound. He returned the kiss full-heartedly, feeling his body tense
when a soft moan left her lips Oh what that mouth did to him, but now was not the time for such
thoughts. He pulled himself away slowly and smiled down at his beloved, just as the handle on the
door started to turn. As she released him he stood back up, adjusting himself slight before Erwin
entered the room.

It was no surprise when Erwin set in to lecturing Lily after expressing his thanks that she was still
alive. He offered Lily small glances of apology but couldn’t help but fully agree with Erwin on many
of the points he was making. Again he could appreciate both sides of Erwin’s emotions, perhaps
better than anyone because he too loved this woman - albeit in different capacities. He understood
Erwin worry and his pride, hearing about what she had managed to pull off and still be around to tell
the tale. Showing skill that would rival many of their seasoned soldiers. But then there was the
other part of him that never wanted her to be anywhere near the clutches of a titan, to see up close
the horrors that they brought with them.

Mike caught Lily’s eye first as they spoke about her placement, while Erwin trusted him greatly, he
was unsure if he would place her under him, given that he was usually stretched quite thin with daily
tasks. Mike moved his eyes forward again so that Erwin did not catch the look that the two secret
lovers shared. He assumed that the commander would have an answer like that. He had a lot to
consider when deciding after all.
Once Erwin left, Mike turned back to Lily, he knew that their wouldn’t be anyone stopping by for a
while at least so he took the opportunity that presented itself and settled down beside Lily, pulling
her into his chest.

“Let’s just stay like this for a little while longer… You need to rest and I just need to hold the woman I
love in my arms.” He explained softly, as he gently stroked the top of her head, placing a tender kiss
there, while being mindful of her injuries as to not harm her further.
Mike x Lily

All good things must come to an end though. Lily fell asleep in Mike’s arms though when she woke
up he was gone to assist with slaying the Titans and capture two of them. The next day Lily traveled
with the Scouts to HQ. No one really asked any questions. It was clear Erwin will want Lily close to
him after she got injured while she recovered. For a couple of weeks, Lily was kept close to Erwin.
She suspected that getting out of her everything that could help in the hearing about Eren was
partially an excuse. Her brother was never one to express his thoughts and emotions, especially
after their father’s death. But she knew he got a scare and wanted her close.

Ultimately, it was decided that Lily will be placed under Hange. However, Erwin decided to give her
a short training period - while they still didn’t have other recruits - with Mike. Mike’s mornings were
cleared for this purpose alone. Beat Lily’s ass in hand-to-hand combat. Her greatest weakness. Mike
was supposed to train her with using her gear as well, but she proved more than capable. Though
they still played tag occasionally, partially for fun and to assess her abilities. Though that was only
once a week, the rest of the time he spent kicking her ass.

Erwin was outmost pleased with seeing Lily limp through the halls with Mike’s help or someone
else's. Lily was impressed with how Mike could separate his professional duties from personal
feelings. Lily struggled with keeping her focus whenever he came close. Maybe those were her
teenage hormones, though she was 19 well on her way to 20. These feelings made her knees weak
and defense even weaker. She wanted to feel his body pressed against hers and he didn’t fail to
provide it, as time after time she was slammed to the ground. Sometimes she suspected he used it
against her. Others made a point to tease her that she could take out titans but not a small human.
Mike was anything but small and he could take out titans as well. Much better than she would ever
able to.

What no one knew, not even Erwin was the relationship Lily and Mike decided to keep a secret. It’s
not as if they didn’t want anyone knowing, they just wanted to keep this between them and keep this
connection and love to themselves. Among many other reasons. Erwin was one of the main reasons.
They didn’t want to be questioned or separated because although the circumstances weren’t easy to
deal with or even ideal for a new couple, they were positively happy. Even when they could barely
talk during the day. Lily learned to cherish every moment, every second, every touch, glance,
squeeze, the call of her name and a stolen kiss.

What Erwin and the others didn’t know, didn’t hurt them. Like the fact that after each training day,
Mike would come to her room at night. He would spend hours apologizing for the bruises. He would
kiss each and every one of them better, it didn’t matter where they were placed even in the most
intimate parts her hers. It started the first day after she was clear to start training again. He brought
her to her room and locked the door. Helped her out of her boots and pants despite her protest.
Before she knew it, he was kissing up her leg and it took Lily a long time to realize he was kissing the
bruises. Although he had her moaning and almost naked under him, he didn’t take it further. It took
her hours to take down her body temperature after they parted.

A month and a half had passed since the breach. Eren’s hearing resulted with him being placed in
the scout regiment’s care. Specifically under Levi and Lily was not sure if that was any better than
death. Probably depends on the perspective. A yell echoed through the walls of the empty training
room, as Lily finally managed to throw Mike over her shoulder. He was holding her from behind, she
struggled a bit, but finally placed her hips right thrusting her hips back, she used her leg to make him
lose his balance, before thrusting back her hips and bending forward to throw him off. An excited
cheer left her lips as she quickly sat on his hips to pin him down.

“I did it!” she cheered happily, not even realizing the effect of her actions on the man below her who
happened to be her lover. Knowing that the door was locked and everyone was busy, Lily leaned
down and kissed Mike. “I wonder, now that you are in my mercy what I should make you do,” she
spoke as she broke the kiss, her tone had a seductive undertone to it. A silly smile appeared on her
face, “Maybe I should get you to shave!” she chuckled, stroking his facial hair. Though she knew Mike
knew that she liked it. She loved the way it looked at him, it made him look all more masculine and
even though it tickled as times Lily liked the feeling. Even when he used it to tease her.
Mike x Lily

Mike was not surprised by Erwin’s decision to place Lily under him for the time being as the mess
with the Military Police was sorted out. He had asked Mike in advance if he would be able to set his
personal ties aside and Mike had been concerned for a moment that Erwin had found out about his
and Lily’s new found relationship but the more he spoke Erwin seemed to just mean in a familial
sense since he had known Lily for so long - to which Mike told him he would. After all, hand to hand
combat was essential - perhaps not when dealing with titans but the world was a dangerous place
so the better she was to protect herself the better he would feel.
He took their training very seriously - it was her life on the line after all, which was quickly becoming
his main priority over everything else. He didn’t like harming her though and wondered sometimes if
he was too harsh on her. He had spoken briefly about his concerns with Ruari, since she had been
teasing - though with an undertone of seriousness - that he was going too hard on her.

“I want her to survive… Better she learn this way from me than to have her in a situation where she
can’t defend herself.” Had been Mike’s reply. He remembered Ruari curious look shortly after and
then she smiled, nodding.

“Fair enough…” Ruari had replied with a grin, “I suppose better you than I in that sense too. I’d
probably have her in the infirmary at least 3 times a week.” Had been the blonde’s joking response,
but knowing her… it wasn’t too far fetched of an idea. He didn’t care too much of the thought of
seeing Lily laying in a hospital bed again.

Ruari definitely wouldn’t have been able the sort of aftercare that the new couple had grown
accustomed too either. Mike hated to be the one to cause his love such pain - albeit necessary. So he
was constantly coming up with ways of easing her pain. Kissing her injuries had become ritualistic to
the couple but even as tempting as it was to go further, especially with the noises that left her
inviting lips and the look of longing in her eyes, he never took it any further - no matter how much he
wanted to ravish her.

Flashbacks of the night he found her, reeking of the scent of another man, always seemed to stop
him from taking things much further than just tender touches. She had expressed a dislike for the act
of making love and he was not the type of man to push his lover into anything that she was not
comfortable with. Besides that they had moved fast with their relationship as it was and they were
still figuring things out - between duties and keeping the relationship a secret, it was a full time job
just to steal those few moments. Mike would take what he could get, but he wasn’t above testing the
waters and the more he did so, the more needy she seemed to grow each time.

Mike was honestly a bit surprised as he was flung through the air and hit the hardwood flooring with
a loud thump, a groan escaping his lips. He smiled through the pain, happy to hear her cheers of
excitement - easily pleased she was sometimes. Another groan left him, though he did his best to
muffle it as she pinned his hips down, clueless yet effectively situating herself against his groin.
Could she not realize how much he was already holding back? Surely if she didn’t notice now, at this
rate she would know very soon.
He returned the kiss and grinned up to her as she joked about him being at her mercy and what she
was going to do - he could certainly think of a few if she was having trouble. But she did however
have one thing incorrect - in many ways he was at her mercy, he loved her and he would do anything
for her - but in this particular moment…

Within seconds, the tables had turned. Mike had swiftly flipped her over so that she was now under
him, one hand had her arms pinned above her head by her wrists, the other looped around her leg,
pinning it up beside her torso as he balanced on that hand on the floor beside her. One leg was
keeping his body balanced and strong while the other had her leg pinned to the ground, leaving her
exposed to him in a most provocative way. His eyes gleamed with mischief as his lips brushed over
cheek and down her jaw, his hot breath lingering over the sensitive flesh of her neck.

“You got too cocky.” He whispered as he gingerly ran his tongue over the crevasse created between
her neck and shoulder. His eyes moved back to gaze into hers.

“Who’s at who’s mercy now, little monkey?” his tone was piercing and direct but held a playfulness
that was only reserved for her. “Seems to me your weak points are exposed.”
Mike x Lily

Lily stared down at Mike, she felt like a love-struck puppy and Mike was definitely her owner. Her
mind had switched gears, she was no longer thinking about what brought them to their current
position. “Mike I- ahh!” it took her a moment to register what had just happened. Mike had flipped
them over and was now pinning her under him. Her face was flushed from the pose she found
herself in, her heart was racing.

A small mewl left her lips at the look in his eyes. His lips brushed against her cheek and jaw. She
loved being under him and it was embarrassing to admit. She loved being in his mercy. She loved his
dominance. Lily had full trust in Mike that he will treat her right, respect and protect her. She couldn’t
bring herself to get angry with him for ruining a perfect moment like they just had before he flipped
them around. Didn’t mean she couldn’t get frustrated with the situation though.

“Mike…” she breathed his name in pleasure at the feeling of his tongue. She bit her lip in temptation.
Even though Mike made no move to take their relationship to bed, he managed to learn all her weak
spots. Her heart was racing and she could feel heat pooling between her legs. She blushed at the
little nickname he had for her. Little Monkey most would probably feel offended, but Lily knew it
came out of affection and actually appreciation. She was skilled with her ODM gear and moved very
freely. As they trained in the forest, Mike joked that she looked like a little monkey. Compared to him,
everyone was little.

While Mike seemed to study her weak spots, she also studied him. After all, they were new lovers
who still only began to get to know each other. She noticed that his eyes went immediately to her
lips when she licked or bit them. If he could, he will kiss her right after. He preferred her hair up
when they were in public since he could easily plant a kiss on her neck. Though alone, he was the
one to untie it and ran his hands through her long locks. He loved the skin to skin contact, but he was
so careful not to pressure her. Though Lily noticed how hard he was fighting himself to hold back.
Lily loved the nights he stayed over, she loved waking up and finding him there. She never got to
enjoy those mornings, though, since they were always in a hurry.

She tried to move a little, but he had her pinned well, almost. She smiled up at him, “You are so
unfair, Mike,” she whined playfully. “You know I am always in your mercy,” she bit her lower lip, “but
you don’t seem to ever take full advantage of that,” she allowed her eyes to drop to his groin.
“Although I am very much willing to give you full access to wherever you want,” she lifted her head a
bit enough to whisper in his ear because he was so close, “or need.” she breathed. She was tempted
to just stay like this and see what he will do. But Lily was determined to win today.

She kissed him, but it wasn’t simply her usual loving and passionate kiss. It was needy and a bit
sloppy because of her position beneath him. Lily was a bit bashful when it came to sexual contact,
although she was no longer a virgin, it was still new to her. Shyly she ran her tongue over his lips,
she would take it further if not the uncomfortable position. Instead, she bit and sucked on his lower
lip. Blushing darkly, she kept the kiss going. Slowly she shifted her leg that was pinned next to her
torso, Mike either forgot or didn’t know how flexible she was.

Lily quickly brought her leg to his shoulder, using it to maneuver herself. Using the trick he taught
her a while back, she got her hands free and once more, the tables were turned. She was panting
and sitting once more on his crouch. “I win again,” she whispered, kissing his lips and pulling back.
Lily playfully bit hard his covered shoulder, hard enough to leave a mark. She boldly ground her hips
against his. She had an innocent expression on her face, though her eyes held lust, need, and
passion. She chuckled, quickly getting off him before he will pin her again and ran to the door.
Forgetting it was locked and Mike was the one who had the key, “fuck,” she cursed.
Mike x Lily

Mike savored the sounds that left her lips as she was placed under him and a sense of pride swelled
within his chest, knowing that he was the one that caused that sound to leave her lips. There was no
doubt that she enjoyed when he took control during their time alone together, the look of bliss on
her face was not hard to miss. He smirked against her neck as he heard his name leave her plump
lips breathlessly. It was not hard to learn her weak spots, as she was always the most responsive
when he struck one - and Mike always made a mental note for later. Along the same note, this far,
she didn’t seem to dislike any of the treatment he bestowed upon her.

She seemed to appreciate the closeness of his body and the skillfulness of his hands the most, not to
mention the tender kisses he constantly found any opportunity to plant on any exposed skin he could
find. He didn’t particularly like having to hide his love for her as it made it seem like they were doing
something wrong and perhaps they were… but he’d happily be sent to hell if it meant he got to
spend this time with her - to him, she was his heaven. She was his angel on earth and the closest
thing to heaven that he would ever encounter.

He grinned as he met her eyes playfully, feeling her testing the waters but he held a firm grip on all
of her appendages so she had no chance of getting free of his hold, unless she did not want to be
there - which was unlikely given the way she was looking at him right now. Her whine drove him
crazy and sent a shiver down his spine as he watched her eyes shift dangerously down to his groin,
causing him to become aware that his pants were starting to get a bit tighter. She was playing a
dangerous game if she could not back up her words with actions to match. He was taken aback
slightly by her forward speech and he felt a lump forming in his throat - who was at who’s mercy

He truly did need her - in every sense of the word but he did not want her to just give herself to him
without fully feeling like it was what she wanted but on the other hand, he so desperately wanted
her to experience the pleasure of being intimate with the person you love, he wanted to be the one
to give her that pleasure - to show her just how incredible she could feel - he wanted to have her
screaming. He desperately returned the kiss, mind clouded by the image of them in this same
position but with no closes preventing either of them from fully relishing in one another’s bodies. He
felt the tug on his lower lip and fully pushed his tongue past her lips to entangle with her own,
messaging and dominating the moist muscle.

His mind was so preoccupied with dirty images and the feeling of her mouth working with his, he let
his guard down long enough for Lily to gain the upper hand once again. He blinked as he suddenly
was staring up at her, one hand slightly resting against her hip and the other placed beside him to
steady himself as he sat up to meet her lips again, grinning as she whispered her triumph again. One
thing she did not realize what that he did not have to be on top of her to be in control - or so he had
been planning on showing her before she had beat him once again to the punch. He grunted as she
bit down on his shoulder, morphing it into a low groan as he felt her grind against his hips - now she
was just asking to be punished.
He rolled his eyes as she stood up and ran to the door, slightly frustrated to not have the feeling of
her on his lap anymore. His eyes followed her lazily and a smirk appeared on his lips as he stood to
his feet. Before she had a chance to turn around to face her capture, he had his arms on either side of
the door, effectively caging her against it, looming over her like a predator about to pounce on his
innocent prey.

“You’re are playing a dangerous game little monkey - one you will not win.” He taunted as his arms
slowly dropped before settling on her hips and sliding around her, squeezing her behind firmly
before cupping directly under it and lifting her up. Wrapping her legs around his waist as he pushed
his pelvis against her, a groan releasing from his lips as he pinned her against the door. His forehead
resting against hers, his eyes staring into her as he leaned into kiss her but just barely gracing over
her slightly swollen lips.

“These look sore.” He spoke in a hushed tone as his tongue reached out to gently stroke them. Mike
could certainly be a tease when he wanted to be. He wanted her to want him as much as he wanted
her - he wanted her to ask for it, beg him to offer some release from the torture. As his hands slid
under her top, finger tips gracing the hidden flesh…

Knock Knock

“Mike! Lily! Pardon the interruption but Mike you have a meeting to attend in 15 minutes.” Nanaba’s
voice came from directly on the other side of the door Mike currently had Lily pinned against. He
harshly bit his lip, as to not let out the frustrated noises that teetered on the tip of his tongue. His
head moved to rest on Lily’s shoulder for a moment, letting out a sigh before taking in her scent from
her neck, where it was the strongest.

“Mike! Did you hear me?” Nanaba’s voice insisted and Mike finally reacted.

“Yes! I’ll be right there!” He called back, careful to control his voice so she wouldn’t realize how close
to the door he was. He silently placed Lily back down on her feet, his hand coming up to gently cup
her face as he offered her a regretful smile.

“Our little game will have to wait.”

Mike x Lily
Lily had a coy smile on her lips as she turned around to face Mike. Every sense in her body was alive
and positively awakened. She was enjoying this game of theirs. Lily didn’t know how it will end. She
knew how she wanted it to end. She wanted the love of her life to make love to her. Oddly enough,
she loved the fact she had no control over their game, he was the one with all the answers and
power. Unknowingly, she submitted it all to him and it felt so natural to do it.

Her body had a mind on its own as he caged her. Every bit of her being was flirting with his. Coaxing
him to take what he rightfully earned and owned. She chuckled as she looked up at him. “Isn’t the
purpose of a game is to enjoy it? I do not mind losing to you, Mike.” she inhaled sharply as he
squeezed her bottom. They were both growing bolder. She moaned joined when he pushed his
pelvis against her. Releasing a long breath, her cheeks burned and her whole body tingled. “Mike…
you are deriving me crazy…” she breathed. Her every little sense was dotted on this man. She stroked
his beard, the way she knew he liked it, pushed her hips against his.

“I don’t care, there are other places in my body that are sore and need your touch,” she replied boldly.
His touch against her skin made goosebumps cover her skin and body set on fire. Hypersensitive to
everything he was doing. However, everything was halted as someone knocked on the door. She
wanted to fucking scream! Without realizing it, her nails were digging into his shoulder as she
breathed in and out to calm down. “Don’t go… I need you,” she whispered, or was she begging?

It felt as if she was stabbed when he replied to Nanaba. At this moment, she hated that woman in a
way she never thought she was capable. She was taking him away from her and he was following
her. Why the hell was she even so informal with him anyway? Why didn’t Mike correct her? She was
holding so tightly into him as if afraid to let him go. But he lowered her and Lily had no energy to
keep holding. Feeling as if a bucket of cold water was poured down on her. She felt like she was
easily discarded and she knew she was pathetic for thinking this way.

For some reason, she didn’t meet his eyes as he spoke. She was almost heartbroken and she had no
idea why. “Go and do what you need to, I will be… around…” she muttered, stepping back from the
door and making her way deeper into the training room. She watched from the corner of her eye as
Mike spoke with Nanaba. In her mind, right now, this woman stole her man from her. Nanaba was
pretty and Lily realized, a mature woman who could offer Mike so much more with zero restriction.
When they disappeared, Lily kicked the punching bag.


Alone, Lily sat by herself as she watched the night start to settle in. After Mike left, she allowed
herself to let out some frustration on the punching bag before she returned to her room for a shower.
Only to find that the only thing left for her to wear were dresses. Most of them still fit her, though
unlike in the past she filled them much better now that she had a more feminine body. It was odd to
look at herself in a mirror and see herself in a dress after so long. She wondered what Mike would
think about it. However, the thought about Mike stung her a little, the image of him and Nanaba
stuck in her mind. It upset her.

When thinking about being in a relationship with a much older man, the thing that worried her was
that he will think of her as a little girl. Especially since she grew up on his watch. Mike spent so much
time around Erwin he was practically a house member. However, these worries were pushed aside
when they got together. Mike seemed to not mind and love everything about her. Even showing his
own playful side, but… “I feel stupid,” she muttered. She was itching to go for a walk in the forest,
she knew there were a river and a small waterfall. It was bound to be a pretty sight, but Erwin
banned her from going out alone after the recent murders.
Mike x Lily

Mike had never enjoyed chasing after women, it wasn’t like him but then again any of his past
relations with women had been strictly physical, both of them there for one reason alone. This
relationship that was blossoming with Lily was incomparable, it was nothing like he had ever
experienced before but nevertheless he knew he wanted more, more teasing, more of those coy
smiles, more of this innocent responses. He wanted it all with her because she was the only one that
made him feel this… alive.

He hadn’t expected her to be such a flirt though - not that he wasn’t enjoying it, quite the opposite
actually, he was enjoying it fully. He grinned at hearing the moan leave her lips, knowing it had been
his actions that had caused such a reaction from her - more, he craved more. He noticed the blush
forming on her cheeks with his bolder actions and grinned at her breathless words - that was what
he liked to hear. He moved back down to her neck,placing a few more steamy kisses along the
length of it wanting to hear more of her sinful sounds.

“Where… Tell me exactly where you need me…” He whispered back between kisses before moving
back up to her face, awaiting with desperation to know where she needed him - though he had a
pretty good idea. However he never got the chance to hear as they were rudely interrupted by
Nanaba’s voice. He hadn’t wanted to respond but if he didn’t then it would have been suspicious and
his mind was having a hard time coming up with a plausible excuse as to why they wouldn’t have

Lily’s pleas did not fall on deaf ears but Mike knew better - if they wanted to keep this relationship a
secret so that they continue to be with one another then sacrifices would need to be made every
once in a while… The last thing Mike wanted to do was to let her go but it needed to be done if he
wanted to calm himself down enough so that it wouldn’t raise further suspicion… Mike could tell that
Lily was upset with the situation and he couldn’t blame her… He was as well but he seemed to be
better at hiding it. He wanted to tell her that he would make it up to her but he doubted anything he
side right now would do anything to smooth over the situation.

Reluctantly, he unlocked the door with a soft sigh as Lily walked away. Mike took one last glance at
her slouched back before opening the door to Nanaba.

“Sorry. We were in the middle of a lesson.” Mike stated sternly, looking down at his valued soldier.
Though that was all Nanaba had ever or would ever be. They had a good, cohesive relationship and
they worked well in battle together but romance had never crossed Mike’s mind when it came to this
woman - sure she was attractive he supposed but that just had never been the nature of their

Nanaba looked from Mike and then over to Lily. The woman did not miss the rather off putting look
ong the younger female’s face but she couldn't quite place the emotion behind it - however she
knew that Lily did not look pleased. She turned back to Mike, looking a bit too curious for his liking.

“It was a tough session.” Mike added, which seemed to satisfy Nanaba slightly, though her concern
was still there. “Come on, we don’t want to be late.” Mike’s voice was even as he led the way into the
hallway, making his way towards the meeting room. He was angry with himself for seeming so cold
but this was their cover - he was a harsh instructor, which was something everyone was aware of.

He wasn’t the last squad leader to enter the meeting, though he did find an exchange between
Nanaba and Ruari to be a little curious, especially when the blonde woman immediately sent him a
glare the second after. His eyes looked down at the plans in front of him and thankfully Erwin
started the meeting before Ruari could confront him. The meeting was long and drawn out, which
wasn’t unusual given the expedition that loomed over them. Mike had been so focused on training
Lily and his other duties - on top of finding time to just be with her - the expedition had completely
slipped his mind…

This would be Lily’s first time beyond the walls… out into the open wasteland of danger. He kept
meeting Erwin’s eye during the meeting and he knew that meant that he had more to say to him but
it was a conversation that they would share in private afterwards. Mike knew exactly the topic at
hand; Lily Smith.
And Mike had been correct, as the meeting was concluded, Erwin asked him to stay behind. Once
more Mike caught Ruari’s eye as the woman left, once again being saved by her wrath… but he
imagined that she was on her way to check on their mutual friend.
Mike x Lily

A knock on the door made her quickly look at the door, heart racing. She wanted and needed to see
Mike. However, when the door opened, it was Ruari. Lily's expression changed from hopeful to
disappointed in less than a second, sulking again. If Ruari was here, it meant that the meeting was
over, which also meant that Mike didn't come to her as soon as the meeting was over. Lily was
indeed on edge and she kept on trying to calm herself down. She already got herself worked out
about nothing in the past.

“I am happy to see you too. What's with the face?” Ruari questioned, closing the door behind her, she
approached the sulking girl.

“Nothing, it’s nothing, I am being stupid…” Lily muttered. Ruari made her way to the windowsill that
Lily was sitting on, taking a seat to face her. Lily and Ruari kept looking at each other. Lily was her
stubborn self while Ruari just patiently waiting for the girl to spill the beans. Well, it worked when
she was younger, it should work now as well. The more Lily thought about it, the more silly it
sounded, but she was still jealous. She wasn’t sure of what.

“Ok,” Ruari decided to back up, she will try another angle. With that, she eyed her dress, her eyes
falling on her visible display of curves. “What’s with the dress? Got a date?” she questioned, a
knowing look in her eyes. “Or maybe you already met with the lover boy?” She wondered. Ruari’s
eyes rested on a red/purplish mark that was located on Lily’s neck. Lily blushed. “So there is a boy,”
Ruari smirked.

“Ugh… yes but I just ran out of clothes, I was busy with the lessons with Mike and… too tired to
actually go and do laundry.” Lily admitted bashfully. Well, this wasn’t the answer Ruari was hoping
to get, but that was a beginning. The older woman hummed knowingly, whoever saw Lily after her
lessons with Mike knew he was not going easy on her. Maybe the hickey was actually just a dry hit?
But she did confirm there was a boy.

“Ok, out with it, you will not be sulking because of having to wear a dress, Nanaba said you looked
down. So I can reach two conclusions.” Lily eyed the older woman, there was a smile making it’s way
to her lips. Ruari noticed and decided to continue. “One, Mike is hurting you during the lessons or
said something hurtful and it means I need to hurt him.” Ruari held one finger, “Second, is that there
is a boy who hurt you and I need to get my hands on him.” She raised a second finger. “So, what is
it?” Lily let out a small laugh.

“Leave Mike alone, he didn’t do anything, the lesson today was just a bit… tensed.” she replied, “but! I
did manage to throw him off me and get out of his hold when he pinned me!” Lily announced
proudly. Ruari smiled as both girls laughed.

“I told you, you would, all you had to do it learn his weakness. Mike is a big guy, strong but not
unbeatable.” Ruari concluded, proud of Lily. “But really, Nana wouldn’t talk to me if she didn’t think
something was wrong. You look like someone kicked you in the heart.” Ruari stated.

“Well… it’s nothing like I said. I… love someone and… we are together. Just please don’t tell Erwin, I
am so not ready to introduce him,” she hurried to add.

“Secret safe, I am here to help, I am not here to judge you. But I did hear a rumor you dated someone
from the cadets~” Ruari teased, though she already didn’t like that someone.

“Oh, that… I did but… I realized I didn’t like him, and well, we broke up. I just… I always love someone
and I just suddenly realized that when we… anyway, that someone we are together now but, I dunno
he is older and I saw him talk to a woman today, I know he is with me but… I just couldn’t help but
notice she is pretty and she is older and you know, maybe I am not for him? I mean there is a
considerable age difference between us and maybe he has expectations I can’t answer and that…
woman was pretty…” now she really sounded silly, Lily hide her face in her knees that she still her to
her chest.

“Did you talk to that mystery man of yours?” Ruari questioned, she gently stroked Lily’s hair, “I am
sure he can clear things up if not, just tell me the name.” Lily chuckled, glancing up at the woman.

“Thanks, Ru, I know I am probably just getting myself worked out over nothing,” she spoke blushing
a bit. The girls kept talking a bit longer under Ruari got up.

“Well, I am going to go now, and Lily,” she stopped by the door, “If you want to hide it from Erwin,
you might want to keep your hair down.” Ruari indicated a stop on her neck. Lily blushed darker
slapping a hand on her neck, he didn't! Lily ran to her mirror to check her neck, she had to bite back
what she had to say because she didn't want Ruari to hear the name of the man responsible. Ruari
chuckled and closed the door behind her.
Mike x Lily

Lily was on Mike’s mind during the entire run down of the upcoming expedition, distracting him
almost to the point of having others take note of his odd behavior, so he wasn’t surprised when
Erwin wanted to speak with him afterwards. He had prepared a small white lie, just in case, that he
felt he may have gone to far with Lily’s training today. Nanaba’s suspicions would line up with such a
fib so it seemed like an easy ruse. In reality from the look on Lily’s face as he had left the training
room, he hadn’t gone far enough. Though they were separated now, the thought of her wanting to
go further with him create a buzz of excitement in Mike, reaching all areas of his body.

His eyes had briefly caught Ruari’s as the woman was the last to leave the meeting room, leaving
Mike and Erwin to their business. Erwin was silent for a few moments as he adjusted a few files,
acting as if Mike wasn’t even there. Clearly there was something weighing heavily on the
Commander’s mind - which made Mike feel slightly relieved that whatever their conversation was
going to consist of, wasn’t specifically about his odd behavior. Erwin took a seat at the end of the
long meeting table before gesturing for Mike to take the corner seat beside him, which Mike quickly
took up.

Erwin was still quiet as Mike sat silently, waiting for Erwin to speak. He had only ever seen Erwin
like this a few times before. That being said, each specific time they all had one thing in common -
they all had to do with Lily’s well-being. Mike silently came to understand - Erwin was worried
about the expedition but deeper than that he was worried about losing her on this expedition.

“I don’t know what I’m going to do.” He finally spoke and Mike gave him a knowing look as Erwin
finally met his gaze. “I don’t know what I would do if I lost her Mike.” he stated and Mike understood
the feelings that were plaguing his lover’s brother more than Erwin could ever understand right now.

“I can’t play favorites with her but I want her out of harm's way as much as possible.” Erwin stated,
thinking out loud, running a hand down his worn out face.

“Then again, you and I both know that there is no safe place beyond the walls.” Erwin muttered.
Mike did his best to keep a neutral face, though he did break his visage slightly, knowing that Erwin
wouldn’t question it as he knew that at the very least Mike cared for Lily as she was his commander
and long time friend’s younger sister. These thoughts that haunted Erwin had also been haunting
Mike since the announcement of the expedition - she may have proved herself to be a capable
soldier but it was still hard to see her as such… and it only took one titan to grab her to end her life
instantly, not to mention brutally. The thought made Mike sick.
“Keep her under my command for now. As a cadet, it wouldn't be uncommon for her to stick closely
to her superior - no one will question it.” Mike suggested sternly, as if commanding it himself instead
of asking. He met Erwin’s eye with sincerity and determination. “I’ll keep her safe Erwin. I swear it.”

Erwin looked at Mike for a minute, almost taken back by the passion that came from the usually
sober male but soon enough a small grin spread across his lips and he nodded.

“Very well.. Thank you Mike. I’ll leave her safety in your capable hands.” He announced as he stood,
Mike followed suit, saluting Erwin before leaving the meeting room.

Mike couldn’t say in all honesty that he was doing it out of duty to his commander - to ease his
already chaotic mind. He was being selfish, wanting to keep Lily safe and by his side so that he could
keep her out of harm’s way. He needed her to survive, to life on and he would be the one to make
sure that came to fruition. Even… even at the cost of his own life, she would survive to live the life
she wanted to have - to be happy.

Mike’s feet quickly took him in a familiar direction, stopping for a brief moment as he stood outside of
Lily’s door. Her expression from earlier flashed within his mind once more and it clenched his gut
harshly. He never wanted to see such a look grace her perfect features ever again. Quietly, he
knocked, hearing her voice call from the other side of the door before opening the door and quietly
slipping inside and shutting the door behind him, so that no one saw him. Making sure the lock it
before turning his attention to Lily.

He stared at her for a moment, taking in her appearance. It was as if he was looking at younger Lily,
the one that always looked so elegant in all her fancy dress that she cherished… but he wasn’t. He
was looking at his Lily, the woman he loved and would continue to cherish. All of his previous
thoughts left his mind as he offered a genuine smile as he walked up to her, caressing her cheek

“You look beautiful.” He stated in a daze. “I mean you normally do… But that dress certainly
accentuates all of your lovely features. He stated, bending slightly to rest his forehead against hers.
“I’m sorry I’m late… Erwin wanted to speak to me privately…” He stated in a hushed tone, finding
himself to be a bit more at ease having her back before him.
Mike x Lily
Lily was a bit lost in her thoughts until there was a knock on her door that made her return to reality.
The moment she saw Mike, her heart jumped as if it wanted her to race into his arms. She wanted
too, but she couldn't look so eager every time they are together, could she? She knew half of what
she was feeling right now was her own doing and inventing. She asked him nothing and Mike never
had a chance to confirm or deny anything. Instead, she allowed him to come to her, feeling bashful as
he stared at her. What was he thinking?

He smiled and she felt herself melt, just like that. Closing the distance between them, she felt his
hand on her cheek and she leaned into his touch. she was drawn, pulled, gravitated towards this
man her whole life. He seemed to have even a stronger effect on her now. Three simple words and
her stomach did a flip and her whole body filled with a warm feeling. These weren't the words
alone, it's the way he said it and looked as he did. She smiled, how could she not? Lily took Miked
hand and pulled him to sit with her. Once he did, she sat in his lap, straddling him as she faced the
man she loved.

"Erwin tends to do that, something important?" she questioned. Normally she would kiss him, but
Lily knew that once she will, she will not ask what she wanted to. She waited for this man to love
her for years. She was not going to allow her silly mind to ruin it for her. Instead, she leaned her body
against his, partially lying on his chest, head on his shoulder. ‘it feels nice' thought to herself, but she
knew it was because this was Mike. She relaxed, listening to him and enjoying the vibration of his
voice that went through her body as he spoke. She wrapped her arms around him, sitting in silence
for a few moments.

"Mike…" she began breaking the peaceful moment, "I know you will never hurt me, and it's probably
silly… are you… Nanaba… do-did the two of you had something between you two?" she was tripping
on her words. "Do you have something between you now?" she questioned more bravely, no, there
was no way he will cheat on her or on Nanaba if they were together. It was silly to even think about
it. "I mean," she finally looked at him, "She used your first name and no honorifics… and she just
spoke to you so freely. So I couldn't help but wonder…" she looked away. "I know it's silly and stupid,
I just can't help it," she added, feeling tears fill her eyes.

These feelings of hers, they were getting in the way, she couldn't even kiss him feeling she needed
to guard herself. If she kissed him, when she kissed him everything else was gone. He was there
alone with her. She felt so strongly for him it could easily blind her. She wanted to be with this man,
to give herself to him completely but she didn't want anything to ruin it for her later. Not even one
negative feeling. This was too new, too fragile and so much was at stake. They could lose each other
to a titan or worse. There was no need for her mind to do anything else.
"I guess I can't help but feel self-conscious? We have our differences, I am so much younger than
you. Inexperienced, childish, I have close to no understanding of how relationships work. I ruined the
only one I had because I was in love with you." she paused. "I am eager to be with you and spend
every moment I can with you, but maybe you want and need space… I can't help but think what I
want… though you are here as well. But when I think of what you might want, I can't imagine myself,
but some older woman, one that knows herself and what she wants in life, not childish and silly, one
who can and wants to give you a future and… family." she was blushing. "Someone beautiful like

There, she finally managed to piece the puzzle together. Her insecurities and how it suddenly tied up
into thinking of Nanaba and getting jealous. There might not even be anything between them, but
now she might accidentally push him to Nanba with her words because now it seemed real and
logical and reasonable. "I love you, Mike Zacharias, I want to give myself to you, everything, every
part of myself." she kissed him lightly, "and I want to have you, to have you love me the same way."
another small kiss.

"I already disconnected from one person and the experience left me wary of sharing something
similar with anyone else, but when I am with you, I want it, I want you and everything feels so good
and I forget all my worries. Maybe it's a good thing nothing happened earlier and Nanaba called
you… I don't want to ruin us with my insecurities." she wasn't looking at Mike's eyes anymore and
she realized she was crying and she had no energy to even get up and hide. What a silly little girl
she was.
Mike x Lily

Mike felt relief washed over him as Lily was once again back in his arms. It had only been a couple of
hours since he had left her in the training hall but it had felt so much longer than that. Their time
apart always seemed to drag along, while their time together always seemed abnormally short. He
supposed that make sense since this was where he wanted to be so she was usually occupied his
mind. Nevertheless, he had learned quickly to savoir these moments of intimacy with her when he
was able to get them.

He was a bit curious that something may be on her mind when the first thing that she didn’t do was
offer a kiss to him. Usually either of them initiated it but the moment he had gotten a bit closer to her
lips she had spoken up, asking about Erwin, effectively keeping the conversation going and detrailing
his attempt at even a small peck. Perhaps he was coming on a bit needy? Maybe they didn’t have to
every time they were reunited… but it did mean he didn’t want to.
Still she had decided to take up residence in his lap so perhaps he had just been over thinking things.
He thought for a short moment as to what to say regarding his conversation with Erwin. Surely she
already knew where he and Mike both stood when it came to the upcoming expedition - they already
had that fight many times before. He didn’t want to spoil the few moments of piece that he was
granted with her arguing about her well-being with her - that was a battle for another time. He
merely nodded and simply left it at that. His hand mindlessly stroking her back as she settled
against him. His other arm wrapped comfortable around her waist to keep her in place.

Mike had become so relaxed that he had already managed to close his eyes and near drift off as he
was surrounded by her presence that calmed him so, that was until she spoke up, catching his
undivided attention with merely speaking his name. He opened his eyes, glancing down at Lily as her
voice seemed to suggest something was wrong. He raised a brow as she began to explain herself
and what was plaguing her mind - he had been right, something was troubling her.

Mike stayed silent as she compiled and spilled out everything that she was feeling. He hadn’t
realized that she had been feeling so insecure because of their age. He had found it to be a slight
adjustment but most of the time he barely recognized the difference between them. Lily was always
fairly mature for her age and carried herself with the pose and grace that some woman 10 years her
senior couldn’t manage. And then the real root of the issue, all of these feelings were amplified by
the thought that something could be going on between him and Nanaba.

His relationship with Nanaba was not complicated and there was nothing ever anything more
between them other than a friendship built upon years of serving alongside one another. They had
been through and experienced a lot together but even through everything nothing had ever seemed
romantic between them but thinking about Lily’s points, there informal-ness probably did seem out
of place.

His eyes watched her as tears began to fall and he felt a part of him break inside at the sight,
knowing in his heart that it was his insensitivity to the subject that had caused those tears. Quickly
he wrapped his arms around her tightly, bringing her against him, fearing that she may be slipping
through his fingers by the second.

“I’m so sorry Lily… I’m sorry I made you feel this way.” Mike began talking into her shoulder but he
wanted to make sure she heard him loud and clear when he addressed this issue. So he pulled back,
his hands skimming over her clothed body to come up and rest on the sides of her face so that she
could not look away from him as he spoke.
“I assure you that there is nothing going on between Nanaba and I.” He stated firmly, wanting to
clear that up straight away. His thumb gliding over her cheeks to rid them off those wretched tears.
“We have been friends and comrades for nearly her entire military career. I owe my life to her for a
number of occasions and I have consoled her through a loss that nearly destroyed her. But through it
all, nothing romantic ever happened between us - it never would. I could not love her because she is
not you.” Mike stated as he offered her a small smile, gazing at her beautiful face that looked so
utterly sad.

“I hate that I have made you feel this way - inferior to any other woman because to me you are not.
The difference in our age is merely a number.” He stated and smiled once more. “It makes me so
happy to hear that you want to love me - that you do love me. Do you know that? Every time you say
those words it breathes new life into me.” He stated. His arms winding around her torso again,
holding onto her as she offered him a few brief kisses, which he happily returned.

“I love you more than anything else on this earth, Lily Smith. I don’t think you realize how much I
have been holding back when we are like this. I am more than eager to love you in anyway you wish
- certainly I am willing because I am aware of how good it will feel - how good I can make you feel.”
He purred his words as he kissed her jaw, an absent minded chuckle leaving his lips. “Inexperienced
be damned Lily, I’d be more than happy to teach you everything you need to know.” He moved up so
that her eyes could peer into her’s directly.

“If that is what you want, then I would be more than happy to love you Lily - all of you. I want to
show you how a man properly loves a woman that he cherishes.” He declared in a hush.
Mike x Lily

The moment his arms were around her, hugging her tightly, there was a slight feeling of relief. She
felt happy in his arms as if nothing could ever go wrong or harm her. She breathed in his scent and it
relaxed her as he apologized. She wanted to stop him and tell him that he shouldn’t be sorry for her
being over-dramatic, making a big deal out of nothing - probably - but he went on to explain his
relationship with Nanaba while brushing away her tears. She loved this man, she kept falling for him
over and over again.

Slowly as he kept talking a smile came to her lips. And once again she was crying. “I am sorry, I don’t
know what’s wrong with me and why I am so emotional.” she apologized, since now she was crying
because she was happy. Her heart fluttered in happiness as he said that each time she told him she
loved him, he felt alive. She kissed him, “charmer, I told you this once.” she spoke against his lips.
Mike was never one for many words, but when he bared himself before her like that, she loved him
even more.
“Ah…” she shivered, stoping a moan from leaving her lips as he purred and kissed her jaw. He was
exciting her once more and his words lighting a fire she kept calm for this conversation. When she
talked about being inexperienced, she meant generally. However, Mike took it in a very particular
way. One that excited her and made her heart race and heat pool in the pit of her stomach. “Than
stop holding back, I don’t want you too,” she whispered and kissed him with the same need and
eagerness she did back in the training room.

“I want that,” she broke the kiss, breathless, resting her forehead on his. “I want to feel that I want
you to show me that love. I want to love you that way. To be connected to you in such way.” she was
blushing and with each pause in her words, she kissed him until she met him in another long liplock,
she brushed her tongue over his lips. Before kissing and sucking on his lower lip playfully. “Oh, and
Mike,” she suddenly remembered, “Ruari stopped by, and… this…” she pointed on her neck to the
hickey he left, “cannot be in places that others can see. Not now anyway unless you want my brother
to come sniffing around.” she was blushing as she spoke, part of her liked the display of

Luckily, both of them had nothing to do for the rest of the day. The two of them skipped dinner and
kept in her room. Mike made sure to remind her of the many things he loved about her. Which kept a
permanent blush on her cheeks. It was as if he kept apologizing for something that was not his fault.
Lily tried to tell him this, yet he didn’t listen and that’s when things became playful between them
again. Lily found herself in her bed, gasping and moaning, trying to keep quiet as Mike led an assault
on her body.

Though she soon found out that he was continuing their game from earlier in the training room. He
showed her once more that he had full control, even when she managed to seize some of it from
time to time. At some point Lily was sure he was going to take it all the way, they were body almost
naked. But once more, Mike stopped his advances and even had the decency to laugh at her when
she showed disappointment. Lily had half mind of kicking him out as he was, but he just held her
close and told her he will take her out tomorrow night.

Same as it happened several times in the past month and a half, Lily woke up the next morning very
early as Mike kissed her. He did it every time he stayed the night but had to sneak out the following
day to his room. Unlike their usual routine, they didn’t have a training session because now that they
had set a deadline for the expedition Erwin wanted to meet with each captain separately to start
working on the formation. He wanted to place the veterans in the formation before the new recruits
arrive later this week. Which was fine by her because she needed to do her laundry.
Funny how things had changed though, only a few years ago she loved dresses and was always
happy to dress up. However, now she felt like it was limiting her movement and annoyed her overall.
But what annoyed her the most was the looks she kept getting from everyone, “What? You would
have thought you never saw me in a dress!” she snapped at some point when even Erwin stared at
her. It was Nanaba and Lynne who finally clarified the reason, “Forgive the idiots, it’s just kind of
nostalgic to see you like this, brings back good memories. But we can’t help but notice how much
you grew up in such a short time.” Nanaba spoke warmly, “Right commander?” she turned to Erwin,
who smiled a bit and nod.

Although she was annoyed by everyone’s behavior, Lily couldn’t help but feel happy and excited for
the night. Mike said he wanted to take her somewhere he knew she will like. This excitement kept
her in a good mood for the whole day. She wondered where he had planned to take her as she sat
against a tree by the edge of the forest where he told her to meet him after sunset.
Mike x Lily

It took every ounce of Mike’s control to not take things further with Lily that night, but he knew that
he wanted to make it a night to remember, one that they could cherish if something were to happen
to either of them on this expedition. Not only that but he knew that she hadn't enjoyed her first time
fully and because of that, he wanted her to be spoiled and treated with the love and admiration that
he felt for her. If he could, Mike wanted to give her the world to the woman he loved or pretty damn
near close. That being said, she was making it extremely difficult for him to keep his hands off of her.

He had grinned as she pointed to his handy work that was clearly displayed on her neck - he was
not sorry for it and was rather proud of the marking. No one needed to know who it came from, so
long as other men knew that she belonged to someone. He nuzzled against the mark, kissing it
gently as he ran his nose against her neck with a grin. “I’ll try to be more careful next time.” He
replied but the words sounded hollow - he would mark every smooth inch of her body without

There fun continued from there but stopped before they could reach the main event, though Mike
had found it almost excruciating to not take her then and there but he had already settled on a plan
to make it a memorable night - to whisk her away for an evening of love making, undisturbed by
anyone were they could fully be alone to be with one another. He knew that Lily was not too happy
and was perhaps almost as frustrated as he was with the situation but knew that he would make it
worth her wait.

The following morning Mike had awoken earlier than Lily, which was the usual occurrence for the
past few months. Mike would lay there silently, taking in all of the details of Lily’s face, studying it -
memorizing every thing about it. Wondering how he had ever gotten so lucky to have a woman like
her love him. He was not a bad guy, perhaps a bit too quiet for some women and somber but most
would describe him as a good man. Nevertheless, he had done nothing in his life to deserve such a
slice of heaven to call his woman. A come nightfall, he would make her his officially.

He kissed her tenderly, waking her up before he reluctantly dragged himself out of bed so that he
could sneak back to his room before anyone else was awake so that no one would be the wiser
about their budding relationship. He had a meeting with Erwin a little later and then by some
miraculous coincidence he had a free evening. He should spend his evening going over notes and
paperwork for the new recruits but he would make time for that tomorrow. Tonight was about him
and Lily.

He managed to keep his attention on Erwin that morning, discussing the upcoming expedition and
the breakdown of the placements for the new recruits that would be joining them. He knew that
Erwin was trying to avoid talking about Lily, since they had already discussed her position in the
previous day. Mike knew that it was still one his mind but felt that he felt better about the situation
knowing that Mike would be personally keeping an eye on her out beyond the walls.

He had run into Lily, Nanaba and Lynne after their meeting, smiling fondly as they spoke about her
outfit. It was rather nostalgic to see her in such a frilly outfit. For those that were considered veterans
had always known her like this. It brought back memories of her tending to them when they came
home or lightening the mood in a rather gloomy atmosphere. She had been a bright light for many
weary soldiers - Mike included.

Finally, nightfall had come and Mike made his way to their agreed meeting spot. A small smile
appearing on his face when she found Lily waiting for him. It seemed only fitting that she be resting
under a tree, it seemed so like her. As he reached her, he held out his hand to her. “Ready?” He had
asked as he helped her to her feet, before raising her hand to his lips, kissing her knuckle tenderly.
Silently, Mike led the way to their intended destination. It was about a 20 minute walk away from
HQ. He had wanted to make sure that no one would happen to stumble upon them for fear of ruining
the many intimate moments they were going to share.

“It’s just a bit further.” Mike stated as he pulled back from branches and allowed Lily to lead the way
through them. The brush was a bit thicker here and the ground was slightly elevated. But once they
made it through they came to a clearing with a small lake to the left and a thicker forest off to the
right of it. One large sycamore tree sat beside the lake, standing slightly separate from the forest
behind it. There was a full moon that night that illuminated the area in soft shadows but made it
possible for the couple to see clearly in the dark of the night, creating a soft almost glowing hue.
“I found this place a few months back during routine training. It reminded me of our old spot.” He
explained as they walked towards the sycamore tree, Mike laying out a blanket that he had brought
with him. Once that was done he wrapped his arms around Lily’s torso as he looked over the
lake,kissing her neck as a content sigh left his lips.

“What do you think?”

Mike x Lily

There was a slight giddy nervousness in Lily as she waited for Mike. She had an idea of what will
happen tonight. She was happy, nervous, excited and slightly wary all together. She was wary that
what happened with Reiner will repeat itself tonight, but she also knew it will not. Because it was
Mike, a man she loved for so long and that every single moment with him felt good and right. This
feeling was absent in her relationship with Reiner, what they had could be described as something
comfortable, she now knew there was nothing but friendship there and her being desperate for love.

It was different with Mike. She wanted him and wanted to spend every moment with him. There
were moments that maybe desperation could describe their relationship. But it was desperation for
one another and to be in each other’s arms. Hell, just to be in the same room was sometimes
enough, to be able to lock eyes or share a small touch. She was not desperate for the concept of love
like it was in the past. She had it, she wanted the man that made her feel it.

Lily smiled when she saw Mike, blushing she took his hand and helped her up. She let out a small
giggle as he kissed her hand. Lily was more bashful that usually, trying to calm her racing heart and
the butterflies in her stomach. All she could do to answer him was a nod. Although she wore a dress,
she easily kept up with Mike’s pacing. She was used to walks in the forest and had no trouble finding
her footing. In the places and might have more difficulty passing by Mike was a perfect gentleman,
helping her out through the thicker brush.

Walking past Mike, her breath was stolen away at sight before her. They were blessed with a clear
sky and full moon tonight, and it breathtakingly illuminated the small lake. Was it possible to just
melt on the spot? Because this is how she was filling. She was so happy and warmth spread through
her whole being from the affection she felt towards the man. Lily looked at Mike, who laid a blanket
on the ground. She didn’t notice he was holding it until he did it. Her heart skipped a beat. The
thought alone that he had thought of everything just made her once more fall in love.
She smiled coyly as he came to her and leaned back into his arms when he wrapped them around
her. Again, the fact that he called the lake at the training ground ‘our spot’ made her heart to make
some odd flip. They weren’t together back then, but it only made her realize that he loved her back
then. She took a breath, the air felt so much cleaner here, fresh, untouched by the usual smell that
came with the human population. This was the reason she liked nature so much. It was peaceful, as
if she stepped into another world - a different world. The best part was that she could share these
moments with someone she loved. He literally created a small heaven for them by bringing her there
with him.

Lily shivered at the feeling of his lips on her neck, letting out a small mewl. “There are so many
things that I don’t have the words…” she breathed. “It’s beautiful and perfect, and I love you so much
right now, I love the fact you put so much thought into this, I am just so happy to be with you, Mike.”
she chuckled, turning in his arms Lily stood on her tiptoes and kissed him gently, lovingly, wrapping
her around around his neck, she pulled Mike down towards her, deepening the kiss she brushed her
tongue against his lips before pulling back breathing heavily.

Her eyes locked with his as she held his gaze for what seemed like forever, “I love you,” she kissed
him, “I feel so lucky to have you,” another kiss, “I can keep saying it forever,” a kiss, “I love you, I love
you, I love you, I love you,” she kissed him after each time. Lily once more locked her eyes with his
before she bit her lip when a thought slipped into her mind. Kissing Mike one last time, she moved
back a few steps, before giggling and walking towards the water. She dipped her hand, feeling the
water was slightly chilly but not cold. She gave Mike a glance before quickly starting to take off the
dress. She slowed down with the laces of her boots, but she kicked these off soon enough. Not
looking Mike, feeling a bit shy yet mischievous, she quickly pulled off her bra and panties and dove
into the water.

Resurfacing a meter or two away from the edge she threw her head back, to get her hair out of the
face. “I always wanted to do this,” she chuckled breathlessly. She couldn’t stand on the bottom of the
lake, though she was just missing a few centimeters. She guessed Mike would probably have no
trouble. Her eyes were glued to the man, “Are you going to join me or what?” she questioned
innocently, but the was a playfulness in her voice. She was never naked before him, and honestly,
she felt a bit shy for him to join her. But she wanted him to. To feel him close to her and she knew he
will follow her.
Mike x Lily

Peaceful. That was how Mike could best describe his feelings towards how he felt when he was with
Lily. Even when they were engaging in training there was a sense of escape and peace that she
allowed him to experience whenever they were together. It was so easy to forget the rest of the
world and the horrors that surrounded them when all of his focus was on this woman. Nothing else
mattered but the two of them when they were alone, she was his own heaven on earth - a brief
escape from the harshness of the world and desperately to show her exactly how much she meant
to him.

Which was why he had waited so long to bring her to this spot. He knew that her last experience
with ‘love’ had not been a favorable one and he was determined to give her the love she deserved.
To show her that being loved by the proper man could be worth everything and be an extremely
enjoyable experience. Mike had had a few nights accompanied by a few women. Women that had
been searching for the same thing that he had, an escape from the bleak reality. Never had he
experienced half the amount of pleasure with any of those women as he had with just being able to
hold Lily. The experiences were completely different so he also was looking forward to making love
to a woman that meant something more than just a mere distraction.

A smile fell onto his lips as he watched her eyes light up and her breath seize for a moment as she
took in the scenery around them. By her reaction, he was going to guess that she approved of his
destination choice. He held her close as, letting out a content sigh as she leaned back into his hold. It
really mattered very little to Mike where they were as long as they were together and preferably
away from prying eyes that may disapprove of their relationship. He did at times feel guilty for
deceiving everyone - particularly Erwin in such away but they were still feeling their own way
through new territory and it was best that they sort themselves out together as a couple before they
involve too many voices into the mix.

Mike chuckled softly, pleased with her response. He held her by her waist as she turned to face him,
offering him a few kisses that he happily returned. He felt her tongue run across his lower lip and
nearly followed as she pulled away from him, wanting to taste more of her. His mild frustration was
soothed however when she repeated those three words that had come to mean so much to him
when she spoke them so genuinely. Another chuckle left his lips as she created a cycle of his favorite
words and her lips meeting his - which was also a favorite of his. He knew that he would never tire
of hearing that mantra of affection from her and he could only pray that she would say be willing
and able to say it for many years to come.

“I love you too.” He managed to get in after her assault against his lips. His eyes were on her as he
saw a glint within them that caught his attention and made him become a bit curious as to what she
had planned when she slipped through his fingers. His hand reluctant to let go of her hand, held
onto ito until the last possible second, taking in the sway of her body as she made her way to the
water - his curiosity still on high alert. His breath hitched in his throat and every muscle in his body
stiffened when as she watched her slowly remove her dress from her body, revealing more of her
silky smooth skin to his eye until only her most intimate parts were covered by small pieces of fabric.
Mike swallowed the lump in his throat as she soon rid her body of the other bits of fabric, the
moonlight illuminating her skin, giving it an almost angelic glow - she certainly was an angel. His
eyes traveled to every part of her newly exposed flesh as a small groan of need escaped his lips, as
a grin spread across his lips. She was certainly bolder than he had anticipated her to be - though
he’d never admit it bit he was a bit disappointed that he wasn’t granted the opportunity to undress
her himself. He was still fully pleased by the sight. He chuckled as she walked a bit closer to the
waters edge as he eyed her like a predator and his prey. She was being awfully cheeky.

“As you wish m’lady.” He stated with a grin as he started to undress himself, taking his sweet time,
building the anticipation for their night together. First his shirt came off, revealing his rock hard chest
and then his pants came off, tossing both onto the pile of clothes forming off to the side. Lastly, he
stepped out of his briefs, his eyes constantly on Lily’s, wanting to see every expression that she had
to offer him as he stepped into the water, unbothered by the temperature as he made his way over to
her, quickly reaching out and placing his large hand on her waist with a possessive squeeze of the
flesh there before bringing her closer,gliding the same arm down and around here bottom to hold
her up against him as the other hand was tenderly placed against her cheek as he effortlessly
brought her up to his lips for a long and slow kiss. His thumb running over the newly exposed flesh
of her hip.

“You are so damn beautiful.” He whispered to her as he felt her wet, naked body pressed against him
with a soft groan he grinned at her. “I’m not sure I can hold back much longer.”
Mike x Lily

Lily let out a gleeful chuckle when Mike managed to tell her he loved her. She felt as if she was
dreaming or walking on some cloud. He somehow managed to make this, to make this moment
perfect and deep down, she knew that he was the right man for her. She knew that as he said the
age did not matter, it didn’t matter that he saw her grow up, he saw her as a woman. Not the clumsy,
terrified, crying girl he found in the basement, the one who was hiding behind her brother for weeks
because he was so scary to her. She was a woman for him, one that he loved and put so much
thought in making her happy. In making this perfect.

At this moment she knew without a doubt, she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, no
matter how long or short it might be. She only hoped it will be for many years until they grew old.

Lily had a feeling that parting from Mike didn’t make him happy. Though he didn’t look all too
disappointed as she got undressed. She wanted him to undress her, but they will have enough
opportunities for this. It was something she wanted to do for a long time. The playfulness helped her
calm down a little. She wanted this, she wanted him, she was just nervous and the game allowed
her to work through it but also build up the anticipation once more. His gaze made her cheeks heat
up. Something in the way he was looking at her, made her feel as if she was and ever be the only
woman he looked at like that. Once again, he made her heart skip a beat.

And then it changed and he became a predator. That look that he has in his eyes, which made her go
crazy. The look that often made her wish he would take what's his and fuck her. Do whatever he
wanted with her. A look that made her want to beg for his attention and at the same time, satisfy his
every need. One that made her wish to be devoured and commanded by him. She knew all these
things were conflicting with one another. But Lily wanted to be with Mike in any possible way. Mind,
body, soul… whatever she could give him or whatever he will offer her she will give or take.

Clothes slowly came off, she knew he was teasing her as much as she teased him. Her eyes followed
every movement, and she couldn’t help but take everything in, memorize it, every inch of his
perfectly built body. ‘All mine’ came across her mind and she unconsciously licked her lips. Realizing
it, she blushed. But she did want to kiss and lick every part of him. Her eyes followed every
movement as he took off his briefs. Her eyes widened a little, blush grew deeper, core tightened in
anticipation and body… her body was on fire. This was… more that she imagined and she just hoped
Mike was as professional using his physical tools as he was with wielding swords. That was
probably one of the sillies thoughts she had by far. And it made her laugh. She will likely share it
with him later.

She smiled when he reached out for her and brought her to him, first at her waist, his arm slid lower
and she squeezed her legs together. Creative some friction to relieve some of her need for him. She
never felt like it. Just like that, she was against him, her breasts pressed against his hard chest. Her
breath picked up. “Mike…” she breathed out his name before his lips locked on hers. She returned the
kiss. Heart racing at an incredible pace she was sure she might pass out. His body was so warm
against hers. This was it, this was what she was missing, this feeling that this was exactly where she
belonged. His thumb made her shiver, and before she knew it, she ground her hips against his,
moaning into the kiss. Was he always so hard for her?

Lily wrapped her legs around Mike’s waist, her arms around were around his neck, fingers playing
with his hair. She smiled at him as he complimented her. She rested her head on his shoulder,
nuzzling into his neck before she kissed it her tongue licking the spot. Going up she kissed his Adam
apple, before moving down again, collar bone, shoulder, she bit him. “Than don’t. I needed this
moment, but I am ready. I want you, Mike. I never wanted anyone like this in my life. I never thought I
will want anyone this much.” she whispered against his skin, her hips grinding against his, she
moaned. “I want you, I need you,” she kept littering every part of his skin she could reach with soft
teasing kisses, licks, and small playful bites. “Take me, make love to me, fuck me, I want to be yours
in every possible way,” she said breathlessly, “and, I want to satisfy you in every way.” Lily used the
hand in his hair to pull him towards her, her lips eagerly met Mike’s in a hot, needy and lustful kiss.
“Are you taking us to the shore?” Lily questioned teasingly against his lips.
Mike x Lily

Mike could feel Lily’s eyes on him as he rid himself of the confines of his clothes. It certainly wasn't
the first time he had never undressed in front of an attractive woman but it was the first time he had
ever done it in front of someone he loved. He wasn’t a man that felt self conscious about himself, in
fact he was quite proud of what he had to offer but even still the moment she eye’d him, hs ego
couldn’t help but grow given that seemed pleased by the sight of him. Never had he wanted
something so damn badly in his entire life and he doubted she would ever fully understand what she
did to him.

He smirked seeing her tongue run across her plump lips, causing a shiver to run through him with
anticipation. After that look, it did not take Mike long to scoop his woman into his arms and kissed
her passionately. The way his name left her lips only furthered his need for her but he did his best to
keep himself in check. While he knew that he didn’t exactly need to be gentle with her - this wasn’t
her first time after all - but he still wanted to make it extremely memorable and make sure that she
enjoyed every aspect that came with making love.

“Lily…” The groan left his lips as he pulled away from the kiss, biting her lip and tugging on it
seductively. His eyes moving up to hers. It was clear that he wasn’t going to be able to hold himself
back for much longer, especially as she pushed him forward, giving him full permission to have his
way with her. There was nothing that he would like more on this earth. Hearing her repeatedly say
that she needed him - that she wanted him - had him standing at full attention, begging to be buried
deep inside her.

He returned her kiss hungrily, holding his arm against her hip as he ground his hips against her,
aching for the comfort her body would give his. God he needed her - there was not time for the
leading into it, they had all night after all to enjoy one another - but at the moment, he needed her.
Right now. One arm held her to him effortlessly as he started walking to shore, not replying to her
question but instead just silenced her with his lips. His other arm ran up and down her naked side,
barely touching her, playing with the sensitivity of her skin.

He knelt down, knees resting on the blanket that had spread out earlier. He kept her body hovering
over the soft surface, but not laying her against it. His muscles contracted against her as he kept her
pressed to his form. He finally released her lips, panting gently as he grinned at her.
“I hope you are ready…” He replied gently, his arm shifting her body with ease, aligning her with his
cock before slowly placing her down upon it. Mike attempted to hold back the groans but it was
fruitless as the pleasure overwhelmed him.

“Lily… fuck.” He huffed against her neck, though he pulled back so that he could fully see her
expression, wanting to know that she was enjoying the feeling as much as he was. Once he was
fully inside her, he bent over her, laying her back against the blanket, fully hovering above her as he
slowly pulled back. A grin formed on his lips as he nearly pulled all the way out of her before
snapping his hips back into hers. A grunt leaving his lips as he did so. She felt so good around him,
warm and intoxicating.

His eyes watched her even if he was fully enjoying himself and it was hard to concentrate on
anything but there bodies connecting, he wanted to make sure that she was fully comfortable and
enjoying everything that he was offering her. This was what she said she wanted but he wanted to
hear more for her, he wanted to hear her beg him for more, he wanted to hear those sinful sounds
leave her throat - all because of him.

“I want to make love to you….” Thrust. “I want to fuck you.” Another hard thrust. “I want you in every
way I can think of.” His thrusts started to become faster, his hand gripping at the flesh of her thigh to
bring her closer with each thrust. He grinned devilishly.

“I want to hear that beautiful voice call to me. Tell me who’s making you feel this good.” He added as
he kissed at her neck, sucking on the sensitive flesh. His other hand was still wrapped around her
back, his hand gripping the space between her shoulder and her neck, keeping her steady and close
to him as he drove into her.
Mike x Lily

Panting, Lily accepted Mike’s hungry kiss as a reply to her question. She didn’t need him to say
anything more, because she could feel it in his body that the game was over. Her heart skipped a
beat and she wondered how many more times he will make her feel like that. For her, the whole
world was tuned out, her mind dotted on the man she was with. On his body, on his touch. Lily didn’t
even realize it that they left the water and he was carrying her all the way to the bed. Otherwise, she
would probably just melt away from the strength he was showing. She knew she should feel cold,
but his closeness, his body, kept her warm.
“Mike…” she breathed when he broke the kiss, eyes half-lidded. He has slowly guided her body down
on his cock. It was a little over a year since Lily experienced this feeling. Yet it was different, maybe
because she wanted it so badly or because both were wet after leaving the water, Mike slipped
inside her with relative ease. Lily knew it was both reasons. She was so aroused there was no doubt
he will meet with little resistance from her body. Yet, it didn’t mean she didn’t feel the stretch. “God
Mike, you are so deep inside me…” she moaned, holding tightly into his neck. She shivered a little, “I
like it…” she breathed in his ear.

Lily felt her back hit the blanket, her eyes focused on the man above her. She admired Mike’s body in
more than once, but seeing him like that, feeling him inside her, made her realize just how much she
loved him. She appreciated everything that made Mike who he is. “Ugh… Mike?” she groaned, feeling
him pull back so much, she soon let out a shaky breath and a loud moan as he dove back right into
her. Back arching against his, one of her hands gripped the blanket. They craved each other so much
that there was no need for any foreplay.

Lily tried to focus on what Mike said, but each thrust sent a wave of pleasure into her as if he easily
located an ever sensitive spot inside her and hit it with high precision. Her body shook with each
thrust and Lily found herself trying to meet him when he did. It felt as if her body welcomed him
more and more with each thrust. “Mike… please d-don’t stopp..” she moaned. Her cheeks were
tainted in hot red blush, lips parted as she made no attempt to hold back the sounds. She didn’t need
to here.

Each thrust reached deep and shook her body to the core. One of her hands was buried in his hair as
he kissed and sucked on her neck. At that moment, she didn’t care if he will leave any marks or
where he left them. She found herself pulling on his hair a bit, bringing his face to hers as she kissed
his lustfully, her grip loosened up. Her legs wrapped around his waist, locked behind his back. She
kept him from daring to leave her. “I love you, Mike, you feel so good…” she moaned, stumbling on
her words. Lily never expected it to feel this intense.

Kissing him again, the kiss was sloppy, wet and messy. Her sense was all over the place and
everything felt just so god damn good. Lily became painfully aware of everything that was shared
between them. Kiss, touch, thrust, bites, moans, groans and how it all was mixed together in one
sinful act that grew more intense with every passing moment. Was it the built-up anticipation and
frustration for one another, their need to share this experience together or everything mixed
together, but Lily felt as if she saw stars and she didn’t hesitate to let him know, by moaning and
mewling and calling his name in pure affection, adoration and lust.

Lily was holding into Mike in almost desperate need to keep him where he was. Their bodies were
pressed so close to one another; there was no distance what so ever between them. Moving
together in perfect syncs with one another. Slowly or many too quickly, Lily could feel the pleasure
building up inside her and the closer she came to her orgasm, the tighter her walls contrasted
around Mike’s cock.
Mike x Lily

Mike had been waiting so long for this moment and now to be in the thick of it all, to be sharing this
moment with the woman he loved, he couldn’t think of a better time in his life. All of his senses were
heightened to there peak and he was trying to fully take in the experience they were sharing. As
well as fulfilling his own need for Lily, he was sure to be aware of how she was feeling. He knew he
had jumped right into it and would have preferred to drag it out more for her but his need had
become too strong that there was no time for foreplay. That being said, he would make it up to her
later with everything else he had planned for their evening together.

The way his name came from her lips, breathless and needy caused him to groan against her skin,
stirring his desire all the more. Grinning he was pleased to hear that she was fully accepting and was
enjoying the feeling of him being inside of her. He had to agree, the way she clenched around him
and was so welcoming stroked his ego. What he enjoyed more than the pleasure himself was
knowing that he was fully pleasing the woman he loved at the same time. Their pleasure mixing in a
euphoric feeling of love and devotion.

He smirked as the loud moan left her lips, caused by his abrupt thrust into her - god he wanted to
hear more of that sound. He continued his assault, reaching deep within her and maintaining a
constant pace, gradually gaining speed but focusing more on the depth than the speed. Wanting to
hit that spot deep within her that no other man was ever going to touch. This was his, this was his
woman and even the mere thought of anyone else seeing her this way angered him to the point of
wanting to make sure that she never wanted anyone but him.

It sounded possessive and perhaps he was. He knew he was not the only man to see her this way
but he knew that she had not enjoyed her time with him… from the expression on her face he could
tell that she was thoroughly enjoying herself and that was all he wanted - her happiness was, as
always, his top priority. With that being said, he wanted to make sure that he remained apart of that
happiness. While he would do anything to maintain her happiness - to maintain her life - as long as
he was breathing he wanted to be apart of her happiness as well, even if that made him selfish.

He pulled back from her neck but continued his assault, his thrusts becoming a bit faster, smiling as
she pulled him into a lustful kiss. God, he didn’t think he could stop even if she asked him to, he
wanted to hear her unravel underneath him. He wanted to push her over the edge before follow
swiftly behind her but he wanted to make sure that she was fully satisfied beforehand.
“Lily... “ He groaned against her lips as his hand came to rest of her hip, grabbing at the skin before
sliding down her leg to bring it up further on to his back, opening her up to him more so that he
could get even deeper - if that was even possible at this point. He grinned as she proclaimed her
love for him. He wondered if she knew exactly how much he loved to hear that sound - to hear her
struggling to get her words out as the pleasure consumed and distracted her from speaking clearly.

“I love you too, Lily. You feel incredible, I can’t get enough - I’ll never get enough.” He replied in a low
growl, as he pulled away from her lips, hovering over her with a knowing grin. “I don’t think I can
hold back much longer sweetheart but I want to push over that edge first.” He replied as his hips
snapped against hers to emphasize his point as his speed picked up. He was desperately chasing her
release before he allowed himself to.

“Let go for me Lily, let me see you come undone. Fuckk..” He groaned, as he continued to pound into
her with everything that he had. Meanwhile, he hand slipped between them, working it’s way down
to her folds, pressing down on her clit and keeping that pressure on it as he made a circular motion
on it, hoping to push her over. His other arm rested beside her head, using it to balance himself and
give him a bit of leverage as his thrusts continued. He could feel her walls contracting and knew
that she was certainly close and he was not far behind her.
Mike x Lily

Lily never imagined how powerful this feeling could be. How good it will feel. Such bliss and share
this feeling with the man she loved made it even better. Every touch, kiss, stroke, sound that he
made drove her crazy for him. She wanted to share many more moments like this with him. To be
connected like this with Mike. “Mike…” she purred in his ear, biting it, Lily kissed his neck and
shoulder. “Fuck Mike, you feel so good… you drive me crazy, I love so much…” she panted between
the kisses, bites and licks. She felt like she could praise him forever, and each time she said
something like this, she was only rewarded with him giving her more.

To hear him say it back to her, made her feel all the better, made everything feel better. She
tightened her hold on him, her nails digging into his skin. Every time her name left his lips, her heart
and stomach made a leap. It kept on reminding her that he was wholly hers. She was the one with
him. It kept chasing away every little worry she felt. To share those moments with him, to be with
him. She wanted it for so long she couldn’t get enough. How could anyone get enough of the person
they loved? How could she go on with her day without being in his arms?
“Oh god…” her moans grew even louder as he adjusted her leg and reached even deeper inside her.
She couldn’t imagine it was possible, “Mike…” she called his name time after time, every hit was
sending waves of blinding pleasure through her body, bringing her closer and closer for orgasm. If
her face weren’t already tinted in dark red blush, she would have gained a few shades for sure as he
confessed he was getting close and that he wanted to push her to orgasm first. It was stupid to think
of it as romantic and it sounded so damn dirty and erotic. But if her mind it registered in a very
different light. He was once more putting her first.

It made her want to comply with his request and he was sure doing everything right to bring her to
and over the edge. She realized for a moment, it will be her first time experiencing this. Could it feel
any better than what she was feeling right now? His increased pace surely was doing the job right
fine. She could feel her legs shaking from the strain of keeping them wrapped around his body.
However, she also knew it was due to the pleasure as every bit of her felt weak and sensitive that
each touch made her shiver.

“I want to…- Mike!!!” she lost her train of thoughts, throwing her head back as she rubbed the small
bundle of nerves. Increasing the pleasure to the point her mind went blank. She was close, she was
so close, “Mike… I want you to finish inside me…” she panted the small request, biting her lip as she
once more lost her train of thoughts, “ugh… safe days…” she managed to add in explanation. Lily’s
body was like a clock, and while she might not admit it, since the moment they confessed, she was
counting days. She wanted this experience to be as whole as possible. To feel absolutely everything
he had to offer. That included finishing inside her.

Just moments later, his name left her lips in a scream, pleasure ripping through her body. It felt like
she was sent on a free fall and as clenched to her lover. She was unsure how but her lips found his
in a hot kiss, tongue forcing past his lips. She moaned as she sucked on his tongue. It felt as if her
walls were pulsing around him, tightening around him. The whole experience was blinding, every bit
of her body felt amazing and hypersensitive to everything around her.
Mike x Lily

Her voice drove him absolutely crazy. Be it purring or moaning for more, he could not get enough of it
the sounds that came from her as she voiced the pleasure she was feeling. Not only that but she was
praising him for his part in her pleasure - which he couldn’t help but be proud about. He couldn’t
help but enjoy the feeling of her kisses and bites against his flesh. He loved this woman so much. As
many times as he had shared a bed with a woman, none of them compared to this moment with Lily.
They had been a quick fix to a need but she was what he craved. She was what he was trying to get
with all of those other women and constantly fell short.
The grin remained on his face as she continued to call out his name in such a sinful fashion. He best
be careful for the next time she said his name in public, he would undoubtedly be reminded of her
moaning underneath him in such a provocative fashion, begging him to keep going…. It could prove
to be a problem, especially if she used it to tease him… But he had ways of getting even with that
kind of behaviour - ways that he was sure that he would enjoy as well.

His eyes watched her like a panther watched its prey as it was going in for the kill. She was almost
there, all she needed was a bit more. He could feel it, her body starting to react. He could feel her
building up to her climax and he so desperately wanted her to reach it, to feel everything at such a
heightened level. He had wondered when she had spoken about that evening she had shared with
Reiner if she had experienced such a feeling. He was damn sure going to make sure she experienced
all the perks of making love.

He grinned devilishly as she screeched his name, the perfect reaction to his thumb playing with her
sensitive nub, exactly the reaction he was hoping for. She was panting so heavily that, driving him
insane as he continued his assault. His mouth however went dry as the next words out of her mouth
stunned him, sending his mind into a spiral. He was finished, that had been the final blow. She was
giving him full permission and he was going to take full advantage of those safe days.

“It would be an honor.” He growled in her ear. “But we need to take care of you first.” He added as
his thrust became a bit more sporadic, he was having a hard time maintaining this pace - or rather he
was struggling with holding himself back, wanting her to release before him. Thankfully, she
couldn’t hold out much longer and the moment that his name left her mouth, as if she were speaking
to the heavens themselves, he was close behind her. Her walls tightened around him, clinging to him
desperately in an effort to help him through his own climax, effectively coming inside of her.

His mouth met hers, tongues dancing as they rode out their orgasms together. Mike thrusting a few
more times as they both started to come down from the high. His body starting to relax as his hips
slowly started to slow their pace, easing into a slow and shallow thrusts before stopping and
keeping himself sheathed within her as he continued to kiss her deeply. It was the perfect experience
and Mike couldn’t have been more pleased or satisfied right now. Nothing in the world made him
happier than the woman beneath him.

As he pulled away for much needed oxygen, panting heavily as he rested his forehead against hers,
his hand coming up to tenderly stroke her cheek.

“I love you so fucking much.” His voice was heavy as he placed a few sweet kissed against her lips,
nose and cheeks. His lips moved to her ear as they stayed still, that devilish grin forming on his lips
once more. “This might be my new favorite spot… Nestled between your legs, buried deep inside
you.” He stated in a husky tone, he certainly hadn’t had enough of her yet. He pulled away, coming
up to stare into her eyes once more. “You’re heavenly Lily.” His tone was hushed, expressing the
seriousness in his romantic words.
Mike x Lily

She was not sure how she did it, but she managed an airy laugh as Mike said it would be an honor to
finish inside her. Lily, shivered as he growled in her ear. He was playing and controlling her body in
ways she never imagined possible. Reaching her orgasm, Lily could feel Mike follow right after her.
Drawing some odd satisfaction when she felt him release inside her. Returning his kiss, she relished
in the afterglow of the orgasm she just experienced. His pace allowed to both prolonged the high
but also a slow and blissful descending.

Lily was out of breath, but could not bring herself to break the kiss. Her fingers played with Mike’s
hair, holding him to her. It was perfect. She couldn’t imagine this experience in any way that could
make it better. Right now, all she wanted was just lay there, with Mike for as long as possible. Fuck,
she could stay like this forever, part of her though wanted more. Though she was tired. This could
become her favorite pastime with Mike. She smiled as he pulled back, pleased though that he didn’t
move from where he rested between her legs.

She was positively glowing when Mike, broke the kiss, her eyes gleaming with content, happiness,
love. She burst into another small laugh as he kissed her, returning whatever she could. “I love you
too…” she said coyly. Wrapping her arms around Mike's neck, she chuckled. She blushed at his
words. "Hmm… I might agree with you, I like it where you are right now," she teased. "Though, there
has to be a different position that would allow me to rest my legs and keep you exactly where you
are." She mused, "also, I doubt it's comfortable holding yourself up like that for long…" she paused,
one of her hands stroking his shoulder.

She stared into his eyes, smiling, "I can't say if it is you or me. It felt wonderful. I never imagined it
could be this… blissful? I am not even sure there are words." She chuckled, "I love you, Mike, thank
you…" she kissed his lips lightly, "oh and… that was my first orgasm and I hope there will be many
more to follow by you…" she whispered teasingly in his ear. She really could stay like this forever. For
her, he was heavenly, though Lily felt a bit shy to say it out loud.

Unfortunately, they did have to move eventually. Lily was blushing darkly when Mike pulled out, and
she soon after felt something dripping down her thighs. She ended up punching Mike lightly and
hiding her face when he looked a little too smug about it. After a few moments of playful teasing, the
two of them settled with Mike laying on his back and Lily at his side. At first, they talked a bit, but
then a comfortable silence settled in as they enjoyed each others company the way they couldn’t
while in the HQ.

Lily was humming softly, stroking Mike’s arm as she enjoyed the warmth of his body. With the initial
high gone and bodies cooled down, Mike was her primary source of warmth. Though it was not
chilly, but compared to his warmth, the air was colder. Pulling herself up a bit, Lily looked down at
Mike, smiling. Leaning down, she kissed him softly, her bare breasts brushing lightly against his
chest while her hair fell from her shoulder, creating a veil around them. “Thank you… I never thought
it was possible to be this happy with someone, but you make every moment special, Mike. You make
me so happy.” she smiled, settling to lay down on his chest again.

“Mmm… and you are so warm. I am keeping you in my bed in the winter.” she chuckled, kissing his
chest. Her hands stroked his sides, feeling the hard muscles under her fingers as she suddenly had a
mischevious thought. “Mike, I wonder…” she began, “are you… ticklish?” she chuckled, starting
running her fingers up and down his sides, looking to see if she will get any reaction. One of the
things Lily loved in Mike is that he usually played along with her childish games.
Mike x Lily

Mike had reached what he believed to be heaven on earth. Never in his life had even felt more
heightened or alive. Every fiber in his being was focusing on the woman beneath him as she allowed
such sweet sounds to leave her lips. He knew that she was everything to him, she was his endgame
as far as love in this world and he wanted to express exactly how she made him feel to her so that
she could perhaps understand how important she was to him. He smiled down at her as they both of
there body’s relaxed after their euphoric climaxes. What he had done to deserve her love?

He grinned down at her, kissing around her face absentmindedly, enjoying the feeling of her smooth
skin, still hot from the blush that had stained her facial features during their love making. If he was
being honest, the position didn’t bother him all too much, if it meant that he got to be closer to her
but he knew that there were other positions that could be more comfortable for both parties
involved. Gently, he released her leg that he had been holding, his hand running up the smooth flesh
to her hip.

His eyes instantly went to hers as she spoke again. He was happy to hear that she enjoyed herself,
to the point of not being able to accurately describe the experience. However, he was not expecting
the helpful little tidbit of information that followed after, as she whispered into his ear that he had
given her her first orgasm. Mike was honestly shocked speechless for a moment before pulling back
to look at her rather surprised - so that selfish prick and taken her virginity and not even allowed her
the pleasure that should have come with such an experience? Mike found himself irritated at the man
but another part of him looked upon Lily and soon he smiled.

That neanderthal obviously hadn’t cherished what the had found in Lily, what he had allowed to slip
through his fingers and now she was with him, and he would be damned if she wouldn’t be fully
satisfied by him on every level imaginable. Gently he leaned down and kissed her lips, before his
mouth moved the length of her jaw to the point just below her ear.

“Believe me darling, you will never go unsatisfied.” His voice husky but the words he spoke were s
promise to her, a promise he had made to himself upon deciding that there was no other woman out
there for him other than Lily.

After a moment, the Mike finally slipped from Lily, only for a few minutes later to have her back
against him, resting peacefully. The sounds of the surrounding area were quiet and untouched by
anything - a stillness surrounded them that was almost impossible to find in their busy lives. Mike
found solace in enjoying this moment with the woman he loved. His mind drifting to a small package
that rested in the pocket of his pants. He had wanted to give it to her earlier but had found himself
otherwise intertwined with her body. Though he did not forget about the small but meaningful

His attention was once again captured by his lady love, as he happily accepted a sweet kiss,
returning it as his hand lazily stroked the side of her torso. His heart swelled at her words and he let
out a small chuckle as she settled back down against his chest, enjoying the way her bare breasts
felt against his chest, the chill in the air that reached them causing her nipples to react accordingly
and Mike couldn’t help but feel all of it.

“I should be the one thanking you… When you could choose to love anyone but you chose me. I
count my blessings often and every single one involves you.” He replied, kissing the top of her head
lovingly. For a moment things were peaceful again - but that didn’t last too long.

Mike’s attention turned to Lily’s hands as they ran up the side of his chest and he smirked up to her,
letting out a chuckle but it wasn’t one from being tickled by her but more a reaction to her childish
behaviour. He wasn’t usually a ticklish man but he did have one spot near his hip that was a bit more
sensitive than the rest of him and when Lily’s hands grazed over it he couldn’t help but shiver and let
out a rather carefree laugh. Quickly, however, he turned the table on her. Rolling over so that he was
once again hovering over top of her.
“I believe the real question darling is; are you?” He asked as he hands set to work, effectively
blocking any escape she had as his hands set to work on finding her weak spots. As her laughter
filled the air, Mike stopped after a moment smiling down at her lovingly as his hand subtly reached
for his pants pocket and grabbed the gift that he had for her. He bent over her, reaching down to
capture her lips with his own, gaining her full attention as he seamlessly slipped the delicate
bracelet around her wrist.

As he pulled away, both of their eyes looked towards her wrist before his eyes moved back to her. “I
know you were upset about the hair piece… And ring seemed a bit forward.” He stated, not so subtly
hinting at the fact that he had in fact considered a ring… His smiled down at her, eyes searching her
face for her reaction. “Hopefully this one will be harder for you to lose.” He teased lightly.
Mike x Lily

Lily let out a small pleasured sigh as she felt Mike’s hand slide up her leg as he released his hold on
her. His touch was and pleasing. She didn’t think she could ever get tired of this. Of being close to
this man. She studied his face as he seemed to be surprised by what she had told him. Was it such
an unusual thing? Maybe it was, Lily never had much experience in love. She was always in love with
Mike or in between crushes but never any relationship aside from Reiner that could be compared.
But in comparison to how she feels for Mike, how he makes her feel, there was nothing to compare.
Mike was the one for her.

She closed her eyes as he kissed her, lips remained parted when he trailed his mouth to the length
of her jaw. She inhaled deeply, her breasts pressed against his chest. His facia hair tickling her little
as his cheek brushed against her own. A small gasp left her lips, blush once more visible on her
cheeks at the sound of his promise. She smiled playfully, “I will remember that promise, Mike.” she
warned teasingly, she had no doubt he will keep it. Mike made good on each and every promise he
had ever made her. She doubted he will start breaking them now.

Lily chuckled as she laid on top of the man, smiling down at him. “You think I am a blessing? Just
wait until you face my mood swings.” she teased, she was not sure who chose who, but just like him,
she knew all and every good thing that ever happened to her was somehow tied to Mike. Kissing his
chest just above his heart, she hopped he will keep seeing her as a blessing. Because she wanted to
have him by her side for as long as she could. A selfish desire but she wanted him to belong to her
Just slightly disappointed that she found only one sensitive spot and even there all she got was a
small carefree laugh. But she loved the sound nonetheless. However, she was soon on her back,
assaulted by the same treatment only she was laughing aloud and tears were threating to roll down
her eyes. “Mike! Oh god, I give up!” she called. Lily had little time to question his actions when his
lips capture her own in a loving kiss. She felt something cold and delicate placed on her right wrist.
He broke the kiss and she found a beautiful delicate silver chain on her wrists with several charms
and each seemed to hold meaning to her, to them.

“Mike…” she whispered, but he spoke first keeping her eyes on his. Her words were lost, but her eyes
spoke of a thousand different emotions all concluded with how happy and loved she felt, how much
she loved the man she was with. For a few moments, she hid her face in the palms of her hands,
feeling shy all of a sudden, she fought the need to squeal like a silly little girl. She peeked from
between her fingers, her eyes were visible and her smile reflected in them, she slowly removed her
hands, revealing her blushing face.

Lily slowly sat up, pushing Mike back to a sitting position as well. Arms around his neck, she kissed
him deeply and lovingly, her tongue brushing against his lips before she pushed it into his mouth.
She pressed her body to his, the fire that craved this man reignited once more. She broke the kiss
slowly, delaying the moment their lips would part, she sucked on his lower lips a little before she
broke the kiss completely. “Are you telling me, that if it didn’t feel too fast, you would have been
proposing me?” she whispered the question in his ear. “If that’s so when the time comes, my answer
would be yes… thousand times yes. I love you, I always loved you and I will keep loving you for as
long as I can.” holding tightly into him, she rested her forehead on his shoulder in a loving embrace.
Mike x Lily

Mike had honestly been a bit nervous to present Lily with the bracelet. They had not been together
-officially- all that long but he had loved her for years now and have known her for even longer. He
knew in his heart that this was not a fling, he knew - at least from where he stood - she was, as
corny as it may sound, his true love. The one that he always wanted to be with, to grow with, to fight
with, to be with. Sure there future was uncertain but even if they didn’t have such treacherous jobs,
life was short for many and he intended to live a life he was proud of, which meant taking hold of
things that he wanted and holding them near to him for as long as he possibly could.

Each charm on the bracelet had a meaning behind them, something special to the both of them.
There weren’t that many as he hoped she could grow the collection with time. Notably one
resembled the hair pin that he had aforementioned as a tribute to the first proper gift he had ever
given her and another had a tree delicately etched into it, resembling the ones the pair seemed so
fond of cuddling under. Each one that he had picture out had sentimental value and he hoped with
all his heart that she would enjoy the gift.

Her laughter echoed through the air, a beautiful sound that he was almost upset that he had
interrupted but when it came to stealing a kiss from her lips, he nothing stood in his way. As he
pulled away he instantly knew that she felt the bracelet on her wrist and took in the many
expressions that followed. He certainly was not disappointed with her reaction. She seemed
bewildered and he almost pulled her hands away from her face as she hide from his sight but let out
a soft chuckle instead, she had been smiling and her eyes had spoken volumes to him before she
shied away.

“It’s a little late to be bashful now.” He commented teasingly as she removed her eyes, and reached
out to wrap her arms around his neck, pulling him into a kiss, which he happily returned. He groaned
against her tongue, sucking on it slightly, intrigued by the bold gesture. His arms wrapped around
her waist, pulling her closer to his body. No he was certainly not disappointed with her reaction. As
he pulled away from her, he grinned as she almost refused to let go of his lips - not that he minded
at all.

He smiled at her words, so she had caught on to his comment about the ring… he supposed it
couldn't be helped, he had not been that subtle about it. His heart however did leap at her next
statement. He would never tire of her telling him that she loved him and the fact that it would be a
yes to the unspoken question, Mike felt over the moon. He pressed his lips to her head, pulling her
more onto his lap, almost cradling her there, stroking her back and long blonde hair, letting the
silence engulf them for a moment to fully be in the moment with one another.

After a moment he pulled back from her, his hand moving up to cup her cheek, bring her face in front
of him so that she was looking straight at him.

“I hope you know I will as you one day. Properly.” his thump stroked her cheek as he kissed her
tenderly. “I know this was all quite fast, even if we have had feelings for one another for a while.
We’re still getting to know one another, as he are together.” His voice was serious as his eyes
glanced between hers, loving the way the moonlight reflected in them, making them sparkle like
gems. “I will ask you one day and I hope that your answer will still be the same. Because you are the
only woman I want, you are the only woman I love and I will love and protect you until my last
breath.” he stated before leaning in for another kiss.
He wanted to make his intentions clear to her, for if she did not truly want this life with him, she was
well within her rights to back out or ask him to slow down. But he did not want to hide the extent of
his feelings for her any longer. Had circumstances not been what they were… perhaps he would have
been proposing to her tonight.
Mike x Lily

Was there any way that this night could be more perfect and corny? He was right that it was too late
to be bashful, especially after he fucked her. Lily almost purred at the memory of him inside her,
pleasuring her, filling her. It was his fault that she was so deeply in love with him. Everything was far
too perfect. So perfect, she was afraid she will wake up in her bed alone and find out she was
dreaming all this time.

Lily shifted to sit more comfortably in Mike’s lap, blushing from both her feelings and the fact she
could feel him against her. Her arms were still around him as she wrapped her legs loosely to rest
behind his back. Lily shivered as he stroked her back and hair, it felt nice but also caused her to move
close, breast pressing to Mike’s chest. She smiled at his words returning each kiss that was planted
on her lips.

“I love you and I know my answer won’t change. This is fast, but I don’t want it any other way… I
know I teased you about it once, the same night you comforted me. I said I wouldn’t think twice to
marry you.” she found herself recalling the memory. She kissed him softly, “I will keep you up for that
promise, Zacharias.” she teased him by calling Mike by his last name, lips moving against his.

Lips locked in another passionate kiss, Lily moaned at the feeling, her body, melted in his arms. She
dug her fingers in his hair as she kissed him deeper, not wanting to break the kiss until she actually
ran out of air. Eventually, she did and she pulled back slowly, eyes half-lidded as she locked them
with his. She ghosted her lips to the corner of his mouth, jawline and to his ear, nipping at his skin

“I wonder, I am not feeling any tired and you don’t look tired yourself,” she began, pulling lightly with
her teeth at his earlobe, “How long do you think we can last if we just… keep on having sex?” she
teased, “I mean if you can handle me that is… I know some men grow tired with age.” she was
digging her own grave but she couldn’t help it. Their age difference, aside from her little jealously
broke down yesterday, was something they often joked about.

She was also curious because Mike promised to show her how a man should treat a woman. She
wondered what his original plan to take her before she ran off into the water and then they became
too eager to try and take it slow was. “I want you to make love to me,” she whispered blushing. She
wanted him to make love to her all night long if possible. To enjoy every minute they could while
they were alone.

Stirring in her sleep, Lily nuzzled into someone’s warm body, she smiled feeling as if she was
cuddled entirely in it. Opening her eyes, she found herself entangled in Mike’s body and it felt as if he
was guarding and protecting her from everything around them. Smiling brightly, she realized she
couldn’t move because she was completely trapped in his body. Kissing his chest, she reached to
stroke his face, “Mike…” she whispered. A light blush settled on her cheeks as she thought of their
night together. He kept his promise and Lily felt as if he was worshiping her. She could recall every
kiss and touch and whisper he spoke to her. At first, telling her just how much he loves her, then
appreciated her body, and later teased her in ways that seemed too sinful to her mind. Making more
and more promises of what is yet to come. It was almost morning when they fell asleep, luckily it
was still far too early for anyone to be up. They had to head back.

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