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Moms c specha :-_ | Rlecteom aqnelt c RadPabten (EMR). _ “The radiation associated with bolh elechte Qs well as magnelic Field Called elechornagneic cpadiah’on echomagnenic spechums CEMS). | | & The racakens an Arranged od an increasing Wavelength and de crea sing frequency of @nersy cated i a [The eneray cP tadiation is dive Hy parern ae} | othe frequen cq. For the number af photon CN) eaqhey ea whee eNhe ; eee __ esenbera’s Uncer afoly erinciele a ft fs not Possible to cletex mine Sitnulfan eously, Fhe positon aod momentum of mowing ele choo of a0 atom. 7 Tre _lncertainty 1n_ Position and Tanmenhuim IS aiveo by. Bx-AP > bh 4 pul p=my. } Bx-maY > h aa, Where, Ax = uncertainty in Position, AP = Uncertointy 19 Mrimentum. DVvz Uncertain ty in Velocity * Pauli’s Exclusion pan cirle 7 No fwo elechwos oF an atom can__kaw Same Values of oll four quantum numbers [called pauli’s eX clusion principk. It also stakes hak while Filing spon elechvos in a Single orbs), they should have opposite Spin Se 7 SS py net [74] nak [RTL is ar 4. tt | < 36 sp sd sf EX oe a 4 a OS ée > éd 4 ees ap (The Filing of Ele chon always 0 Cours Fron, loo _enersy orbital to high eneray orbitel.” The ener a4 oder Gx bie] BB fven ba SOPLG LE 2% more the Prin cipal Juanlum number move _ bill be__ the ener o4, x Hunds Rule of maxi mum cull plicity The dishibuh on of elechen 19 49 orbital In a Such a way phat Cach gebite) chauld el one ele chon each” for? obit [PTET] ————— : = : Ro ae spectva. Na elechen in hydrosen atom umes from n=2 to_ Net. Flod the enersy and wavelensth of emitted radi ahon | ol Ener, & nt shalt. — ae : nz = a —_ ( En, =-13:6 4 Z ev i He = =z : ee BE =Esy-6, Zar = (Cixi) — (-\8-6% +) = } = 13-6 — 13:6 a = 13-6 — 3-4 BE= 02 Av. “PSO, we have E= be . ” Ke he OG Le xo 37 KS XI0 8 6 = Ade = [= “pecenoglle tyedhests 2 ak Nn=s. x wot no Prot+— Fr P-alom VE n=4 Ww ns3 i =a Sz bar Lake (PE FER fay) SE td ee aa ee Re [SFho Fe

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