Structure of Atom 1

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— og {== = ~Cahucture Pie Noo) Ee bron ic Terms - — Nucleon s 2 The Sub-atomic parkicles in th, Nu cleus Uclees oF an atom Ss + _ Pwhns CA) + + Neutrons CN So LAN = nucleons, i Atemic Number = The number of pups in the a Nucleus. p8€nefed by 5 | r= No- oF Profons . TS Bhar mass number CAD. in fhe _nucteus . | | “Aa PEN. | A = Sombol « pa 2 a mass No-Cp+n). J Z- hE Numbey =p Teachor's Signature: Rawe: Sa + @ Lakes. - The “specres having Same cabomic > = an but — mass number, > 14 pee: _ ~ 1 ON SAN p= 7 5g 7 a ee — 8 - af _| ic Cc at ec} £4 Z B & = G Lsobars:- The species having Same mass | Dureber but cliff. atom c numbers . | 32 3.2. Cx Pp S Ls 16 7 a @ Fgotenes x The Species having Same number of neubwns bub cli Flerent Number ff. rs 4416 fe 7" _ pe 6 _& x “|Ne 8 8 g ‘Teacher's Signature: YL soelechonic Species ” oe ~The species having sane number af elechoas &X Ng fa ONT ee Oz ly IH. ——— @) Nuclear “= Sin a 7 _ - The Species having Same aforsic number and. mass numbevs but olifFereat Yool's achve prperhes . LK s- Uvaniurn - Xx a ia Aife 14 min. branium—\ > hue tite 6-4 hrs- CHRETER- x — Shuckuse of Atom. _—_ — + Conver sion Seale. a _ 7 —— Dr | tem mm {| cm {| Mm | Km | jor? [ to-8 To-F | io-® | to7!? | to 83. | Summary = =: Discovery of elechon. Cathode Roy Tube) iseiscovery of probe (Anode Roy | Canal Ray), :F-5- Thomson mModelef an thm. :Rutherford’s model of en atom. pos Bohx's podel_of on Ktom. (Bohr Phmic_ model) po Stwucture of Prom Atom 7h The Ammallest individuel particle ef the matter cotted atom! —— bm isn mode. up of electwons, proton neuhons. TREE Electon Proton, Neuhoa, Discovery JE thomson Goldstery | chadwick. | Nahw of | Negative Positive | neubrel . charge . | | | Prnount =13 || charge |—4-6 X10 +i6%10 ° L|omMass- a m0 Ka | OF xI07A PK, pegaol? kg. | U _ postulabes AsSumphion $. '® Every ‘motker VS —— of Very Small Parl cles called atm. [@)_ Brom __can neither be created nov- be shmyed Fiom_ IS smaltesy unit which -take Part fo chemical weachon [(@)_Aboms ra different elements forms Compounds wits Fixed potion i) Atom have three Subalomic parhcles Ake _prhn,dechoo & newboo - Teacher's Signature : 1» SPLNo, ; | Drs covery of “Elechon ~ Cathode Ray Expen’ment fs William cyaoKe — fn 1979 @Xplain this ex perimedt_| Vaccum pam. ~pnode . discharge oo | obsenraHios 2-Q@_ High Volbage ae about jooooV js | | . applied belween lechode | ed p= alm, ne Cunent Movs, because Gases ae | __ peor con du etprs of. elechfciiy | @ IF pressure reduced fo about 10* alm (lnm du lomh the curreal hor} Flowing and colour _olso sharp 7 Giving. ee __ OLE pressuce reduced to abou! jo Valm (6.04 mom) the es clisappeared _and carrent AN Fc ond ooo hy tS Seen bohind anode.TF perforated _| anode used, Teacher's Signature : Wane __ Cothod Ray tube- Pxoperties of Cothode Rays . _ 1® ‘They ave “negatively charged. = © They _fravel in 4@ shoight Line 3 vikh Lk Speed. -|@ They possess Kinehic enersy. |) They are made Up of Smal! Parkcles- GO) They ane aleFlected dowards Positw pla in @lechic fretd. They Gre _oleflected in magnelc Fielol_ & Ther_pwduce Flwrescence (8) They can penetrate fhwugh thin metallic sheets. 3 Cathode rays heot the object on which they due fo fransfer of k-E- 40 the object @ 7s Cathode rays dees no} depends or nobure (Daha fk de Says Figos feor Cathe de To anode. ® mass gf e8 = aa eK 2 Ch oreo ot eF = _ be Xo C 7 Discovery oF proton A, or — - jy ———AAmede Rays of Lane! Rays. __ sue gee ore a WO . cornet z 0 eed | ha a a et fot ode ROP pa! P / p H “Ins $creen, fy = Produchon Anode Tavs. » Bode fays dis covered bt E: Goldstein + Anode rays Flows fmm. anode I0 Cathode. Nate vyouva ® Anode ays dravel-in a straight Dine ® They are Positive by chonged a They may gel deFlecked by external Magnehic field. ee @_ The S anode ways Dependent on fhe nekne of gos _ O@ The Cf valio of emode rays js Smaller than ‘that of elechons. © 1© The anede_xays frmduce flashes of Light {ON Kn S screen. | @_ Anode Tays are Abele pplat propns Anode reys are tous ons, a) En ea wa Ge wa est ges CHa Aon ) Th__case of bydrgen, anode Tays awe made. up_c_prebns. ¥ charge df prfon = + 1-6 AlO7 Te % mass cf Pmbn = 162 Alv72* Ke. & Mass ad prion is [837 Fimes mass Hee a Thom son's Model ee athe” Fissl atomic model Vos proposed by j~— ST: Thomson in 190% _ j}% Lt €xpjain about the Subatomic Particles, |e Ptr 1s made up of postive sphere, Positive cehere, Sto [40404 te) ele chon ¥ The elechons are embeded in positive Sphen. + “This mode) also catted Plum Pudeling model and Watermelon + x Fopm js Clec het calyy Deutcal , eX pavkele Contain +4 charge and mass a dk fhamu. — & = Helum nucleus . | of — Ly. Source CRadium) ) MD: O Ray: Sc abteriny, exph yes oe a a ae — ——| Rutherford ‘in 19, performed Scalleving experiment: [there 7s a bambardment of Fask moving alpha —~_Parkfeles on tin gold foil. —# The __x-parlcles gets deflected on Shitking __ Fhe gold foil and was delecled by ang Screen, 1 X-particle is Helium nucleus wet: Obs exvolfoog a= | © Post ra the Particles passed Hough the fo) without any able chien. Q@ Few alpha particles were detlecled through Smoll ange . (2) Vey fw" «-parkicler bhined afler shaking. Conclusion 2- (OY Snce mmasl dt x particles Passed Ahrough the Sere. fol] wlthout an) deFlechon Concludes thal fbee rus be an emphy Sac Opin fre atom. @) Since fe &k-parkcles are clef lecle | through Gaal! angle Meanc they ould be de Fle led only by ome postive ‘particles. (A) Since Per fea _wew deFlecle) back, means prey cous stoke some heavier body inde 0) Quantum Numbers. ; - Tie Se of numbers used to ee Phe postion — and energy of fhe dlechwn jn an ofom Caled —taeatues Nunmbers,”. There aw four types df panhin. Numbers © Principal Quantum numbw (n). @ Raimuthal guaolum number (2) aR _ Pn gular momentum quantum oumby : 8 ehrc 9baofum number ( Spin 9lan tum number C$ 08 Me). © prin cipal as number (A) * zt tells about ‘Sige of orb Pals ¥2t also fells abouf “en troy of ovbiked” fot_an__afom, the Number of halls are. he Energy fncreases bse l Size Focreases . @& A The spio_ Can preserk FO an orbital. . tt Se ee as ae | hp ——~—___ Bahr Momic Model. (1943) ) tom “"Wraes Qa ceatre called pnucleut O-eieasa sas only in Efxed clrcwar 08s lth Fixed enersy and Fixed Velocity 1D Elecheo revive only ‘9. these chreular_ Obits Fr whch fhe pogular Momentym CL) {fs fakegeal _Mulbiple a Shyer. ot 7s Called 1 Want sation conclition. Angular momenhim CL), zehh _ 8 Wher, n= es ae : het, n=1 ---- Kosher ] nz a ---- L - chal - n=3 - M - shes} | . neu --- N- shal PrDgular momentum 7-(L) :— Thos vechr quanhiy —» — Where, ° . f= xe = Angular momen him, aac oo we oe Fay? guy P23 _momentum = my-Hng—L SIOG=4 | “ P=MxYV = vo velocity _ [Eze] M7 Mass. Teacher's Signaturo : Baha se revolving, the elechosbalic force _ — between Cent’ pefal se bad mucous eae ——Elechosbalfc free (Fe) sfavce bekosen how ———— cha —Gastder, shee —alr having — charges 4, 445 Lei) eos. 4 ce ele € a= 1 Gexk elechostalic fire CF ee i fe. - <= = Afi amehime the Goch: Glecho sk c torte” converte) ‘Mb -ceuhipeh) free CF) Fe =Fe. Suppose jhe parkcle havirye ess a j Hy Vand tadius 3 i cake ee coatey J eee calle Fo 18 Gwen by We have, Teyuler momentum Valuer - Ee hg ev ——§£— ——@ th mer a ee * Mego col Ie Fi ae ae — 4 % ek Foo= ve R Q- we: espe ANS we Know, Kod potins = Amie namber =Z L pon = one postive Charge Nuclear charge = Zee. re ee a ac eq” A bbe comes g Ze, fe = ae Fz i-_——_ = . __ Fe = Fe pa p—2 > t Ze" my iA, +2 xe OY _Squars Og, [oh ah (am = “4k aa ahvide aa @) by ® Ten ina as = Vv ee 2 Oe nZh~ fox, Ky fe SSS Gr 8 shell, - 5) Yn = Mh & Tm zeX : a 2 alse h€ Y 5g n "\dmey Zz ne o\ Ty = O53 KS Angskon (AP l= oan AP ‘tne tk is Volid for Single Clechon species [oe Bit @) Dekerminaken of Véloctly df elechon mv = nh pul, = nthe, 2 Tymzee my [12h ph a or = Ze* 2hEeon ee Vy fer = \2ha 7 * 1 r= ath X z mn} & Coledale Sted of elechon in 1% obit of hydrogen. =| Vea xe xi ee [VE aT Als (ele chon vol t-e v) Zee xFimze™ a 2 Kee 2 i me aay. fon © mulhiple by & Ny. Pt epthe Me4Z PEs sen — me4 PE = Pe KR Cee h I pb 13-6 KR KER {his E55 we he { vepresented with Sign PE = —AX 13-6 KZ_] ey — te i _ Jo}el cna (TE) T-G--_ PE te KE = = ‘iy Ze 6 y7-.—t—~™ SH DKIBb Ze 4 136 KZ ne Fe = —B6KZ— eV — ne j fuk zt, 22] TE = “N96 KA, TRE ene TE = - 13-6 ev. Ner--- TE 2—17-6xX VY =-=3-4 eV Negroes IE SAId6 tha SI-EV. neh FE HIER Vg = OBS CV | | €9 nelther galas _eneray nes joss energy — pe I ee SF | + Ener ay Go caxbit Ashell is fixed. _ _ | ghells > thmary energy levels deb ny — ©) while sewving in a ferhiculoe ovtit fan (6) Elechen can geo enerag Gnd ean less e@hersy [2 fo aoe amr ype _enerog Jevel__-ts Calle | erxcifaben of elechon > iF 28 lwss entrsy 1 secedes back fo | | Jowee eneesy \evel is _colled de-excitubyn & f elechon-

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