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Role Of Chikitsa Chatushpada in building a Healthy Society

What’s most difficult is not death but survival with health as its foundation. In today’s world,
each of us is prone to roga or is a rogi and amongst them is a Vaidya ,Bheshaja, Upasthata
who make up the Chikitsa Chatuspada.Their Shodasha kala have the capacity to fill the void
and achieve Deerghayu followed by Sukhayu and Hithayu to build a healthy a society.

व ैद्याय नमोस्तु तस्मै (A.Hr.1) Salutations to great physician ! The very first step
towards a healthy society was started way back in the early centuries. The very purpose that
Ayurveda was brought down and propagated in Bhuloka by Mahrshi Bharadwaj and Atreya
was for the benefit of mankind – to vanquish the वर्घ्नभूता रोगााःand fulfil their desire of
दीर्वञ्जीवर्त .Only a Vaidya , is liable to take care of their health and prevent miseries (
भभषगप्यातुरान ् सर्ावन ् स्र्सुताननर् यत्नर्ान ्|आबाधेभ्यो हि संरक्षेहदच्छन ् धमवमनुत्तमम ्|| -
Ch.Chi1-4). The mahrshis , have beautifully carved themselves into the ideal purusha devoid
of रागाहदरोगा, औत्सुक्यमोिारनत. Only such a Vaidya who is smritiman , hetuyukitigya ,
jitatma and pratipattiman ; the Paricharaka and Dravya can be appropriately used Thus,
Vaidya is that limb who makes the other three limbs worthful in chikitsa (नार्िन्तत गुणं
र्ैद्यादृते पादत्रयं तथा- Ch.Su.9),and hence regarded as र्ैद्यो नारायणो िरराः |

A Vaidya should strive to be Uttam i.e. Starting from Shishyopanayana to Vidya samapthi. He
should himself follow Dinacharya , Rutucharya , Sadvritta and set the example for the society
which in turn enhances his sharira , indriya and satva bala. Only when the sharira , indriya ,
satva of Vaidya have reached to state of Brahma/Arsha Kaaya he can be regarded as a Dvijati
(वर्द्यासमाप्तौ ब्राह्मं र्ा सत्त्र्माषवमथावप र्ा Ch.Chi1-4), and he will be able to sympathize
with each of his patient and be able to give the perfect cure.( मैत्री कारुण्यमातेषु शक्ये
प्रीनतरुपेक्षणम ् – Ch.Su.9). Thereby , the physician who has Vishudha satva will be able to
practice Naishtiki chikitsa and guide people to attain Sukhayu.

The imposters– siddhasadita , chadmachar Vaidya mislead by giving false hope to people
regarding their curability and trap them in an illusion of being healthy. They publicize
Ayurveda only by using “the term” to popularize their products while their yukti about its
Siddhantas remain nil and we foolishly fall into their trap. Strict actions should be taken to
refrain their activities in society. Advancing modernization and commercialization have
brought in the trend of online consultations , unnecessary investigations ; Authenticity of
pariksha , chikitsa and doctor-patient holistic relationship is slowly declining. How much of
treatment benefit can be expected from such practices ! Isn’t it a burden that we have called
upon ourselves ?

Furthermore , Dravya used should be of utmost quality in terms of bahukalpa, bahuguna,

sampat and yogyata.Therapeutic efficacy can be improvised by samskara with tulya virya
bhavana , collection during yathokta kala and considering the desha satmya of
person(जलान्ननकीटै रस्पष्ृ टं दे शकालगुणान्तर्तम ्||ईषतमात्राधधकैयुक्
व तं तुल्यर्ीययाः सुभावर्तम ् | -
Ch.ka.12) Self-prepared bheshaja have better effects over pharmacy products as formulations
can be personalized according to patient needs. The responsibility of Vaidya is not limited to
clinical practice ; there is strong need for cultivation of herbs in natural manner restricting
the use of chemical-based fertilizer and pesticides to retain its top quality and efficacy.
Genuinity of a drug has a huge impact on the curability of a person.
Thirdly Paricharaka , who has logical thinking and is quick actioned acts a bridge as it is he,
who keeps the physician updated. He forms that link between medical staff and patient
because it’s only him who manages both administrative tasks and patient care. Above all , he
should have the sense of care and be able to emotionally connect with the patients because
most of patient’s time is spent with him , thus he plays a crucial role in instilling hope and
making them receptive for treatment.

Most importantly the Rogi , for whom the chikitsa chatushpada is designed. A person must
learn to “Cherish health : If its good, preserve it .If it is unstable, improve it .If its beyond
what you can improve , get help.” ~ George Catlin. When he understands this, automatically
one will make time for their wellness. We fail to utilize our Pragnya efficiently due to which
we remain narrow minded. By improving our Satva , Dhi , Dhriti , Smriti it can broaden our
limits to switch from Allopathy to Ayurveda and pave way for new opportunities ( for
maintaining health and chikitsa) , provided we are ready to accept and follow it faithfully.
Making small changes in our lifestyle can considerably influence our health on a greater
scale. Majority of people today can be considered as Sadathura ; People have taken their god
gifted life for granted, they give importance to their work over their body needs and heath , to
keep up with their so called standards and image. सदै र् ते ह्यागतर्ेगननग्रिं समाचरतते न च
कालभोजनम ् | अकालननिावरवर्िारसेवर्नो भर्न्तत येऽतयेऽवप सदाऽऽतुराश्च ते || (Ch.Si.11)
Simply having Matravat Aahara , Bhojana during Bubhukshit kala and attending to body’s
physiological process like Nidra and avoiding Vega dharana can reduce the extent of being
afflicted with Roga.
A patient must be expressive along with being gyapaka and smritiman; more the details ,
better the cure.He should be able to differentiate what’s Hita and Ahita to him ; blindly taking
over the counter prescription or following publicized remedies make healthy people land up
as Rogi. Pre-notioned thoughts after looking up internet and self diagnosing make us to
believe –‘ I have this disease’ , which further weakens our satva bala and chances of getting
cured easily. As patients we should not be drawn towards the materialistic infrastructure of
the healthcare system but look into the Vaidya who can CURE YOU NOT THE DISEASE.

In addition to the above, maintenance of shuchi and more inclusion of Daivavypashraya has
a adrushta effect on one’s health.Preparartion of mantradiyukta bheshaja , regular japa ,
keertan , chanting sahasrnama has proven to show significant effects on Sharira , Indriya and
Satva thereby improving the general condition of a person.

For any vyadhi to be sukhasadhya , conglomeration of the ‘Chatushpadas’ is essential , only

then its applicability can give good outcome of Chikitsa (चतुष्पादोपपवत्तश्च सुखसाध्यस्य
लक्षणम ्||- Ch.Su.10), if not ; it will be otherwise.The only path to build a healthy society is by
preserving the authenticity and ethics of Ayurvedic ideologies thereby fulfilling its prayojana
– स्र्स्थस्य स्र्ास््य रक्षणम,् आतुरस्य वर्कार प्रशमनम ् to attain धमव अथव काम and मोक्ष.

- the purpose of Aarogya

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