Parental Involvemen in Higher Secondary Education: Its Impact On Academic Performance and Motivation Levels of Students

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I hereby declare that the work in this research is my own except for quotations and citations
which have been duly acknowledged.

Prepared by: Verified by Supervisor:

……………………………….. …………………………….
Name:Ezzatun Nazwa bt Majailanin Name : Mohd Safwan bin Saidin
Matric No. :MS210915239
Date :13/3/2024

Approved by Faculty Dean:

Name :
Date :

i i
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I would like to express my sincere appreciation to my lecturer Mr.Mohd Safwan bin

Saidin , whose guidance, support, and invaluable feedback were pivotal to the successful
completion of this subject ESEB4713 PROJECT PAPER IN EDUCATION. His expertise in this
project paper greatly influenced the direction of my work and enhanced the overall quality of the

I am also indebted to my friends Rifna,Salwana,Ain,Amira,Izz and Evner who generously

shared their insights and provided constructive criticism during the various stages of this
project.The collaborative atmosphere within my friend has been a source of inspiration, and I am
grateful for the intellectual exchange that has enriched the depth and breadth of my research.

Last but not least, I would like to express my deepest thanks to my family and friends for
their unwavering encouragement and understanding. Their steadfast support provided the
emotional sustenance needed to navigate the challenges associated with this academic pursuit.
This accomplishment is as much theirs as it is mine, and I am truly grateful for their belief in me.

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The purpose of this research is to study the Parental Involvement in Higher Secondary
education.It’s Impact on Academic Performance and Motivation Levels of Students. This study
was conducted to determine the impact of parental involvement on academic performance and
motivation levels of students. By using quantitative and qualitative data collection methods, the
researcher was able to collect information related to the study from 35 respondents, including
secondary school students and two teachers in Sabah. The results of the study show that parental
involvement has a positive impact on the academic performance and motivation levels of
students. A smart generation is formed in large part by their parents. Therefore, in a nation's
process of developing its educational system, parental involvement ought to come first. (Hamid,
N. A., & Mansor, M., 2023). Therefore, this study can raise awareness among parents about how
important their involvement is in their children's education."

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DECLARATION--------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT---------------------------------------------------------------- ii
ABSTRACT--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
LIST OF TABLES--------------------------------------------------------------------------iv
LIST OF FIGURES------------------------------------------------------------------------v

1.1 Background of Study-------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-2
1.2 Problem Statement----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 -3
1.3 Significance of Study-------------------------------------------------------------------- 4
1.4 Research Obejctive and Question------------------------------------------------------ 5
1.4.1 Objective
1.4.2 Research Question
1.5 Research Framework---------------------------------------------------------------------5-6
1.5.1 Conceptal Framework
1.6 Definition of Terms-----------------------------------------------------------------------6
1.6.1 Parental Involvement
1.6.2 Academic Performance
1.6.3 Motivation


2.1 Introduction--------------------------------------------------------------------------------7
2.2 Concept of the parental involvement in higher secondary---------------------------8
2.3 Impact on academic performance and motivation level of students----------------9

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3.1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10
3.2 Research Design------------------------------------------------------------------------ 10-11
3.2.1 Aims and Approach
3.3 Location of Study-----------------------------------------------------------------------11
3.4 Sample of Study------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11
3.5 Sampling Technique-------------------------------------------------------------------11-12
3.5.1 Probability (Quantitative)
3.5.2 Non-Probability (Qualitative)
3.6 Research Procedure---------------------------------------------------------------------13
3.7 Data Collection-------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13
3.7.1 Primary Data
3.8 Instrument of Study------------------------------------------------------------------- 13-18
3.9 Data Analysis---------------------------------------------------------------------------19


4.1 Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------------20
4.2 Descriptive Analysis-------------------------------------------------------------------20-21
4.2.1 Socio-Demographic Information
4.3 Parental involvement impact students’ academic performance------------------21-28
4.4 Interview Findings---------------------------------------------------------------------29-35


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5.1 Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------------------36
5.2 Conclusion of Study-------------------------------------------------------------------36
5.3 Implication of Study-------------------------------------------------------------------37
5.4 Limitation of Study--------------------------------------------------------------------37
5.5 Recommendation of Future Research-----------------------------------------------38



Table 1: Questioned for Questionnaire/Survey (Google Form) 14-16

Table 2: Questioned in the Interview. 18-20
Table 3: Socio-Demographic Information of the Respnondents. 21-22
Table 4: Respodents’ answer (interview) 31-37

Figure 1: Research Paradigm 6
Figure 2: Research Procedure/Plan of Action 13
Figure 3: Respondents’ Gender 22
Figure 4: Respondents’ Age 23
Figure 5: Respondents’ District 23-24
Figure 6: Do you feel that your parents are actively involved in your
educational journey? 25

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Figure 7: Do you have issue when your parents aren’t really
involved in your school things ? 26
Figure 8: Do you believe that increased parental involvement
positively influences a supportive educational environment? 26
Figure 9:Does your parent’s involvement affect how you do in school? 27
Figure 10: Would you appreciate more active participation
from your parents in school-related events or discussion? 27
Figure 11:Do you believe specific plans for better teamwork
between parents and teacher would make school better ? 28
Figure 12: Have you personally witnessed positive outcomes
when parents are actively engaged in school-related activities? 28
Figure 13: Do you feel that limited parental involvement
has had a negative impact on your academic achievement? 29
Figure 14: Do you want to help parents be more a
ctive for a better school environment? 29
Figure 15:Do you think it’s important for parents and
teachers to work together for a better school? 30

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1. Background of study
Parental involvement in their children's education appears to be crucial in encouraging
improved academic performance.Parents can be involved in many different ways,
including behavioural, cognitive, and personal participation.Without a doubt, parental
involvement in students' self esteem and also in academic motivation,mentioned by
Renuka(2021).However,the efficacy of parents in actively participating and providing
social support within the context of education development remains a relatively
overlooked aspect that requires greater scrutiny and emphasis.Consequently, there is a
pressing need to redefine and broaden the scope of parental engagement, allowing them
to play a comprehensive and integral role. Continuous and effective parental involvement
is imperative for enhancing the educational development process.In addition to being
strategic partners in academic accomplishment, parents should be actively involved in
addressing educational challenges that have an impact on the national education
development process. This means that parental participation needs to be
strengthened.This idea backs up the idea that parental involvement is a predictor of both
behavioural issues and academic success.(Nor Azila,Mahaliza,2023).

Other than that,research conducted by Keetanjaly,Suhaida,Su Luan and Arnida(2020)

looked more deeply into the development of children’s education have found parental
involvement as one of the most prominent indicators for school effectiveness .The
educational process extends beyond the confines of the school, it encompasses home and
community environments. To enhance parental engagement, the school serves as a
facilitator, offering a platform for parents to actively participate in the educational
journey, fostering transparency, and ensuring accountability.This is in line with the
aspirations contained in the Malaysia Blueprint 2013 -2025 (Keetanjaly,Suhaida,Su Luan
and Arnida ,2020). Consequently, the matter of parental involvement has garnered

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significant scrutiny due to its role in fostering a positive impact on school-community
relationships. This, in turn, cultivates a collaborative support system, aiming to enhance
both student outcomes and overall school quality.

In summary,this research endeavors to investigate the multifaceted factors influencing

students’ academic outcomes,particularly focusing on the role of parental
involvement.The research underscores the efficacy of parents as active partcipants in
addressing educational issues and advocate for a broader scope of parental
engagement.Drawing on previous studies,it emphasizes parental involvement as a crucial
indicator for school effectiveness,aligning with educational aspirations outlined in the
Malaysia Blueprint 2013-2015.The study positions parental engagement not only as
predictor of academic achievement but also as a vital element in fostering positive
school-community relationship and collaborative support system for improved student
outcomes and overall school quality.

2. Problem Statement
In the educational landscape, the correlation between parental involvement and academic
performance is a focal point of investigation. Beyond simple encouragement, parents
contribute significantly through behavioral, cognitive, and personal engagement in their
children's educational journey. This research aims to address this gap by delving deeper
into the nuanced connections, providing a more specific understanding of how distinct
aspects of parental engagement influence academic success.However,there are specific
case where certain parents may lack awareness of how to actively contribute to and
enhance their child’s academic performance.
This research is carried out to express the problem which is :
i. The lack of support from parents is a problem for students’ education
ii. There is a detrimental effect on students' academic performance.
iii. Teacher encounter difficulties in collaborating with parents.

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In previous research,Renuka A/p. (2021) claimed that evidence from current studies
demonstrates that students' information needs can be satisfied by advised and information
sharing between parents, friends, classmates, and teachers.According to Renuka A/p
(2021), the link has been shown to have a significant impact on academic motivation.
Therefore,the research underscores the multifaceted nature of proficiency needs,
indicating that a well-rounded support system encompassing advice and information from
various sources is essential. The collaborative efforts of teachers, parents, classmates, and
friends collectively create an environment that addresses the diverse learning styles and
requirements of students.

In addition,Ikhlas and Mokhtar (2022) have discovered that, in comparison to the roles
played by the community and the school, parents play a bigger and more significant
influence in their children's educational success. .In the comprehensive meta-analysis
study conducted, a robust and statistically significant positive correlation was identified
between parental involvement and academic learning outcomes. This noteworthy
connection delves into various crucial facets of parental engagement, encompassing the
dynamic relationships between parents and school authorities. Furthermore, the study
highlights the pivotal role of supervision within the home environment, emphasizing the
impact of parental guidance on a student's educational achievements. Additionally, the
analysis delves into the intricate details of parental attitudes and behaviors, underscoring
their influential role in shaping and enhancing the overall educational experience for their

Therefore, addressing the identified challenges becomes imperative to uphold the

reputation of all stakeholders involved. Schools should prioritize strategies that not only
enhance teachers' ability to manage classrooms effectively but also foster a positive
collaboration with parents. The impact of parental support on students' academic
performance and overall well-being cannot be overstated. Therefore, to delve deeper into
these issues, this research aims to investigate the multifaceted relationship between
parental involvement, academic outcomes, and the challenges faced by teachers in
fostering effective collaboration with parents. Utilizing methodologies such as

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questionnaires, observations, and student opinions, the study seeks to identify practical
solutions for improving parental support, mitigating the negative impact on academic
performance, and facilitating smoother teacher-parent interactions for the benefit of
student growth and development.

3. Significance of Study

This research identified problem statement underscores the critical issue of insufficient
parental support adversely affecting students' education, specifically pinpointing the
detrimental impact on academic performance.In order to help their children achieve better
academically, parents who are involved in their child's life also communicate with them
and work together with educators and the school. (Huda,Roza,Annizah(2020).Thus,The
significance of this study lies in its targeted exploration of the specific aspects of parental
support that are lacking, whether it be involvement in homework, communication with
teachers, or engagement in extracurricular activities. Beyond general support, this
research explores how specific parental behaviors, like regular communication with
teachers, participation in school events, and guidance in subject selection, directly impact
a student's academic performance during the crucial higher secondary years. By
examining these granular aspects, educators can tailor interventions to address precise
areas where parental engagement proves most impactful. This precision enables the
formulation of tailored interventions, addressing the identified gaps to directly enhance
students' educational experiences and outcomes.

Moreover, this research's importance extends to the granularity of understanding the

intricate relationship between limited parental support and specific academic challenges
faced by students. By delving into the details of this connection, the study has the
potential to uncover key areas where strategic interventions can yield the most significant
improvements. This precision not only acknowledges the existence of the problem but
also provides actionable insights for teachers, parents, and policymakers to implement
targeted measures that positively influence academic performance, addressing the root
causes of the issue.

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Furthermore,the third layer of significance lies in dissecting the challenges teachers
encounter in collaborating with parents. The study's focus on understanding the specific
hurdles faced by teacher whether related to communication barriers, differing
expectations, or other factors offers practical insights. These insights can inform the
development of strategies that foster effective partnerships between teachers and parents,
creating a more collaborative educational environment. As a result of this research,
anticipate a comprehensive set of recommendations and evidence-based practices that not
only illuminate the challenges but also provide a roadmap for enhancing parental support,
improving academic performance, and fostering productive collaboration between
teachers and parents to create a more enriching educational experience for students.

4. Research Objective and Question

4.1 Research Objective

i. To identify specific gaps in parents support.

ii. To examine the impact of limited parental support on academic performance.

iii. To develop targeted strategies for improved collaboration.

4.2 Research Question

i. What is the specific gaps in parents support ?

ii. How does limited parental involvement directly impact students' academic
performance, and which academic areas show the most significant effects?

iii. What challenges do teachers encounter in collaborating with parents, and how can
practical strategies be developed to foster effective partnerships for a more supportive
educational environment?

5. Research Framework

5.1 Conceptual Framework

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Independent Variable Dependant Variable

Academic Performance
Parental Involvement in higher
secondary education

Motivation Levels

Figure 1 : Research Paradigm

Overall,this study aim to explore the crucial role of parental involvement in higher
secondary education,emphasizing its impact on academic performance and motivation
levels of students.
6. Definition of Terms
6.1 Parental Involvement
Parental involvement is defined as the involvement of parents in regular, meaningful,
and two-way communication regarding the academic progress of their children and other
school-related activities. This includes making sure that parents are fully partners in their
children's education, that they are encouraged to participate actively in their child's
education at school, and that they are included in decision-making and advisory
committees as appropriate to support their child's education (Huda, Roza, Annizah, 2020).
6.2 Academic performance
Academic performance refers to the extent to which a student is accomplishing their
educational goals and objectives. It is typically measured by factors such as grades, test
scores, participation in class activities, and overall achievement in academic endeavors.
Academic performance provides an evaluation of a student's proficiency and success in
mastering the material covered in educational courses and programs.
6.3 Motivation
Motivation is the internal or external force that drives, energizes, and directs an
individual's behavior towards achieving a specific goal or fulfilling a particular need. It
involves the psychological processes that initiate, guide, and sustain purposeful actions.
Motivation can stem from various factors such as personal goals, desires, external
rewards, or internal satisfaction.

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2.1 Introduction
In this chapter,it would be attempts to review the relevant literature research
related to parental involvement in higher secondary and its impact on academic
performance and motivation levels of student .

2.2 Concept of the parental involvement in higher secondary .

According to Huda,Roza,Annizah(2020) mentioned that parental involvement as
the way parents provide psychological and emotional support to their children, such as
providing motivation or doing activities together at home and at school. This is
apparently in line with the idea that parental involvement refers to being concerned or
emotionally connected. parental involvement as "the participation of parents in regular,
two-way and meaningful communication involving student academic learning and other
school activities, including ensuring that parents play an integral role in assisting their
child's learning; that parents are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's
education at school; that parents are full partners in their child's education and are
included, as appropriate, in decision-making and on advisory committees to assist in the
education of their child".

According to Ikhlas and Mokhtar (2022)discovered in their study that children's

education is impacted by parental participation.Parental participation in their children's
homework completion was the most beneficial element for language skills.Investigating
how parents communicate with their kids about school-related matters also produced
similar encouraging results.In addition, in their research also mentioned better academic
accomplishment in the school as a whole is also influenced by increased parental
involvement in volunteer work and the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA).The
involvement and attendance of parents in school-related events and teacher meetings had
a beneficial impact on the educational growth of the kids.

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According to Azila and Mahaliza (2023) discovered in order to better understand
"how" parents can manage their engagement in the education development process, more
research and practices should be put into place. Parents' roles as school partners must be
empowered.It is necessary to take this action into consideration since parental
involvement matters, particularly when it comes to impacting academic accomplishment.

2.3 Impact on academic performance and motivation level of students.

According to Ikhlas and Mokhtar ( 2022) found that the involvement and attendance of
parents in school-related events and teacher meetings had a beneficial effect on the
educational growth of the kids. The study children's accomplishments in language and
mathematics were positively impacted by parental guidance and assistance with
homework at home.In addition,Their study seeks to determine whether a child's success
in mathematics is influenced by their attitude and behaviour towards learning. The study
compares parental participation with children's scores using data from the TIMSS 2015.
The study's findings show that parents' perceptions of mathematics have a positive and
significant impact on their engagement in math-related activities with their children.

Moreover,the involvement and attendance of parents in school-related events and teacher

meetings had a beneficial impact on the educational growth of the kids. Parental guidance
and assistance with homework at home also had a positive effect on the children under
study's proficiency in language and mathematics (Ikhlas, Mokhtar, 2022).).In addition,A
study conducted in 2022 by Ikhlas and Mokhtar in Malaysia revealed a strong association
between the academic achievement of children and the level of parental participation
among Indian parents.

According Renuka A/p (2021) believe that parents' involvement is an essential element
which is highly related to each other in determining every child's self-esteem and their
academic motivation. It has been said that parents' involvement is known as crucial
variable that could determine the better result in children's academic.She also mentioned
that parents' involvement is an essential element which is highly related to each other in

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determining every child's self-esteem and their academic motivation. It has been said that
parents' involvement is known as crucial variable that could determine the better result in
children's academic.She also found that students could complete any task with positive
feeling, that statement determines that students' self-esteem elated positively with
students academic motivation.

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3.1 Introduction
This chapter delves into the intricacies of data sources and the chosen variables for
this research, aiming to enhance understanding of Parental involvement in higher
secondary education that’s impact on academic performance and motivation levels of
student in Sabah.
The research methodology encompasses the processes and outcomes of this thesis,
covering its topic, dissertation submission, and the exploration of research questions with
respondents. The inclusion of a methodology serves to succinctly summarize the study,
providing valuable insight into its validity and reliability.
Utilizing a mixed methods approach that combines qualitative and quantitative tools,
the researchers have opted for the application of both questionnaires and interviews. This
methodological choice is crucial in achieving the objectives outlined in this thesis.

3.2 Research Design

The research design serves as the structural foundation for the research methods and
techniques selected by a researcher to execute the thesis. This framework empowers
researchers to refine methods tailored to the subject matter and establish a solid
foundation for successful studies.
Employing a mixed-methods research design involves a systematic process of
gathering, analyzing, and blending both quantitative and qualitative research methods
within a single study to comprehend a research problem. In constructing this analysis, the
researcher employed the exploratory sequential method.
3.2.1 Aims and Approach
i. Qualitative Approach
Qualitative research is called exploratory and is used to discover
patterns in ideas and views, whereas quantitative research is used to measure the issue
through producing numerical data or data that can be translated into usable

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statistics.Therefore, qualitative studies typically have what, how, and why questions
to address research questions that involve the collection of qualitative data rather
than quantitative data. (Enas A.A. Islam ,A.I.Tahani, R.K.Bsharat ,2021).
ii. Quantitative Approach
Studies using quantitative methods look into the causes and mechanisms of
phenomenon variation.Statistical models and statistics are frequently used in quantitative
investigations to generate more objective analytical results. For quantitative analysis, the
researcher primarily gathers quantitative data.Research problems are addressed by
hypotheses, which call for the gathering of quantitative data. The hypotheses are then
articulated in a way that best satisfies the results of basic quantitative analyses.(Enas A.A
Islam,A.I.Tahani, R.K.Bsharat,2021).
3.3 Location of Study
A qualitative research endeavor will employ online interviews with two teachers and
two secondary school students, while the quantitative aspect will entail distributing
questionnaires to secondary school students in Sabah. The study aims to elucidate diverse
perspectives and approaches among secondary school teachers and students with a focus
on the impact of parental involvement and motivation levels . The choice of Sabah as the
study location is rooted in exploring how parental involvement relates to student
academic performance and motivation levels of student.
3.4 Sample of Study
The researcher aims to recruit 35 secondary school students in Sabah for analysis.
Specifically, 33 students will partake in the quantitative method, responding to the
questionnaire, while an additional 2 teacher and 2 student are needed for the qualitative
method, involving interview sessions. The selection of respondents adheres to specific
criteria, including their status as secondary students residing in the Sabah area.
3.5 Sampling of Study
Sampling is the act, process or technique of selecting an appropriate sample, or part
of a representative population for the purpose of determining parameters or
characteristics of the population as a whole(Mujere,N.2016).Sampling techniques aim to
acquire a sample that accurately reflects the population with respect to the variables of

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interest to the researcher.Research involves two main sampling procedures which are
probability and non-probability sampling.
3.5.1 Probability (Quantitative)
Quantitative data will be gathered through probability sampling, specifically
employing a simple random sampling technique, wherein a small segment of individuals
from the entire population is randomly selected based on the criteria relevant to this study,
ensuring each individual has an equal and fair chance of being chosen; this method was
applied to select respondents from the provided list of subjects.
3.5.2 Non-Probability (Qualitative)
Quantitative data will be collected using a targeted approach through purposive
sampling techniques. This method involves deliberately selecting participants based on
predetermined criteria aligned with the specific qualities or characteristics deemed crucial
for addressing the study's objectives.

3.6 Research Procedure

Selecting title Selecting Formulating

area Research area objective and

Selecting sample Identify data

and sampling collecting
technique methods

Data analysis discussion
Conducting survey
and interview

implications and
Figure 2: Research procedure/Plan of action

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3.7 Data collection
Data collection involves systematically gathering and analyzing information through
methods such as reviewing pertinent documents, conducting structured interviews, and
administering surveys. This process allows for a detailed exploration of diverse data
sources related to a specific subject.
3.7.1 Primary data
Primary data are original and distinct information that is directly gathered by the
researcher from a source, such as surveys, questionnaires, case studies, interviews, and
observations, in accordance with his needs.. (Victor,2017).The primary data collection
methods encompass the survey method, involving both written and oral inquiries. In
order to acquire the requisite data, the researcher conducted interviews with 2 teacher and
2 student secondary school situated in Sabah.
3.8 Instrument of Study
The principal research instrument is a questionnaire designed using Google Forms.
The questionnaire, tailored to align with the study's objectives, serves as the primary
method for gathering quantitative primary data. This section will present a table outlining
the structure of both the questionnaire and interview questions.
Outline of the Items Questioned for Questionnaire/Survey (Google Form)
Demographic Information a) Gender
b) Age
c) Area
A..Parental Involvement in higher secondary 1.Do you feel that your parents are
education actively involved in your educational
2.Do you have issues when your parents

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aren't really involved in your school
i. Yes
ii. No
iii. Maybe
3,Do you believe that increased parental
involvement positively influences a
supportive educational environment?
4.Does your parent's involvement affect
how you do in school?
i. Yes
5.Would you appreciate more active
participation from your parents in
school-related events or discussions?
i. Yes

6.Do you believe specific plans for

better teamwork between parents and
teachers would make school better?
i. Yes
7.Have you personally witnessed

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positive outcomes when parents are
actively engaged in school-related
i. Yes
8.Do you feel that limited parental
involvement has had a negative impact
on your academic achievements?
i. Yes
9.Do you want things to help parents be
more active for a better school
i. Yes
10.Do you think it's important for
parents and teachers to work together for
a better school experience?
i. Yes
B.Impacts on Student Academic Performance 1. Improved Attendance.Active parental
involvement often leads to improved
attendance, as engaged parents
emphasize the importance of regular
participation in classes, contributing to
better academic performance.

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2. Homework Completion.Parents who
are involved in their child's education
tend to monitor and support homework
completion, positively influencing
academic outcomes by reinforcing
classroom learning.

3.Access to Educational
Resources.Involved parents provide
access to additional educational
resources, such as books, online
materials, and educational activities,
enriching the learning experience and
enhancing academic performance.

4.Development of Study Habits.Parental

guidance supports the development of
effective study habits and organizational
skills, contributing to a structured
approach to learning and improved
academic performance.

5. Informed Decision-making.Engaged
parents play a crucial role in guiding
students through academic choices,
helping them make informed decisions
about subjects, courses, and
extracurricular activities, which can
impact overall academic success.

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C.Impacts on Motivation Levels of Students 1.Increased Persistence.Parental
involvement helps students develop a
resilient mindset, encouraging them to
persist in the face of challenges, which
positively impacts motivation.

2.Curiosity and Interest.Engaged parents

can stimulate a child's curiosity and
interest in learning by providing
additional resources, discussions, and
exposure to diverse educational

3.Personalized Support.Tailored support

from parents, considering the individual
needs and interests of the student,
contributes to sustained motivation and
a sense of being understood.
4.Long-term Vision.Parental
involvement helps students understand
the long-term benefits of education,
instilling a sense of purpose and
motivation for future success.

Table 1 : Question for Questionnaire/Survey (google form)

Outline of the item questioned in the interview
Personal Information  Name
 Age
 School’s name

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Question For teacher
1. In your experience, what specific
challenges or gaps have you observed in
parental involvement that may impact the
creation of a supportive educational
2. How do you perceive the influence of
limited parental involvement on students'
academic performance based on your
interactions in the classroom?
3. Can you share instances where increased
collaboration between teachers and parents
positively contributed to the overall
educational atmosphere?
4. From your perspective, what targeted
strategies do you believe would enhance
collaboration between teachers, parents,
and students for improved educational
5. How do you think teachers can play a
role in fostering a more supportive
educational environment by addressing
gaps in parental involvement?

For Student
1. Do you talk to your parents about your
2. How do your parents help you with your
3. Have you ever had trouble getting help

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from your parents with your studies?
4. Why do you think it's good for parents to
be involved in school?
5. Would you like to join activities that
make school teamwork better between
students, parents, and teachers?

Table 2 : Questioned in the interview

3.9 Data analysis

Data analysis plays a pivotal role in extracting meaningful insights to optimize
processes, solve problems, and inform decision-making. In this study, the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) application is utilized for data processing.
Quantitative data, collected through a Google Form, is graphically represented using pie
charts. Conversely, qualitative data from interviews is exclusively presented in a tabular
format, showcasing the five questions and responses from the four selected participants.
The comprehensive results for both quantitative and qualitative data will be expounded
upon in Chapter 4.

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4.1 Introduction
In this chapter, the outcomes of the data, obtained through both Google Forms
surveys and interviews, will be delineated. The ensuing discussion will delve into the
research findings aligned with the predefined study questions. Rigorous analysis was
conducted to ascertain the correlation between the effectiveness of classroom
management and students' stress and behavior in secondary school. The quantitative data
gleaned from the questionnaire will be succinctly presented using percentage frequency,
while the qualitative data, gathered from interviews with secondary school students in
Sabah, will be methodically tabulated to convey a comprehensive understanding of the
research results.
4.2 Descriptive Analysis
In this section, we will intricately examine the study's findings based on the
results of the questionnaire and interviews. A total of 35 students responded to the survey
via Google Form, and insights were gathered from interviews with two students and two
teachers. The primary objective of the descriptive analysis is to gain a nuanced
understanding of the respondent profile.
4.2.1 Socio-Demographic Information
This section presents socio-demographic information collected from
respondents in both the Google Form survey and interviews. The ensuing table provides a
concise summary of the descriptive analysis:
Male 25 71.4
Female 10 28.6
13-15 years old 2 5.7

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16-17 years old 33 94.3
Tuaran 11 35.2
Kudat 3 9.6
Pitas 1 3.2
Kota Kinabalu 12 38.8
Kinarut 1 3.2
Papar 3 9.6
Beaufort 1 3.2
Keningau 1 3.2
Sandakan 2 6.4

Table 3 : Socio-Demographic Information of the respondents.

4.2.2 Gender

Figure 3 : Respondent’s gender

In the pie chart 1 above,shows a total of 35 students that participated in the
curvey questions by Google form from secondary school in Sabah.there were 25 male
and 10 female respondents answers the survey.In percentage,71.4% was male and 28.6%
was female students.

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4.2.3 Age

Figure 4 : Respondent’s Age

As shown in the pie chart above,majority respondent are age between 16 to 17
years old participated in the survey with a 94.3% percentage.Next,only 5.7% of
respondents were in the age of 13 to 15 years old.

4.2.4 District

2)Smk bahang


4)Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Likas

5)Smk pitas

6)SMK Saint Peter, Kudat

7)Sm st franxis xavier

8)Smk badin tuaran

9)Smk badin Tuaran

10)Smk badin

11)Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Takis, Papar

12)SMK Takis, papar

13)Kolej vokasional likas

14)Sm lasalle

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15)Smk st john tuaran

16)Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Mutiara

17)Smk badin


19)SMK Saint Peter,Kudat.


21)Smk pekan telipok

22)Sekeolah menegah kebangsaan badin

23)Sm lasalle



26)Smk saint john

27)Smk kinarut





32)SMK badin

33)SMK Badin


35)sm lasalle

Table 4
In the table 4 above,shows a total of 35 students that participated in the survey
questions by Google form from secondary school in Sabah.there were 11 students from
Tuaran and 12 students from Kota Kinabalu,1 student from Pitas,Kinarut,Beaufort and
Keningau.3 students from Kudat and Papar .In addition,2 students from Sandakan.
4.3 How does limited parental involvement directly impact students' academic
performance, and which academic areas show the most significant effects?

Based on the pie chart will be shown below,There are 10 questions that all
respondents need to answer.The question stated are based on students’ experiences
related to the impact of parental involvement .Respondent were only given three answer

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options either yes,no or maybe for each question stated.Respondent who answered yes
mean that their parents are giving impacts to their academic performance and motivation
levels ,while respondent who answered no mean that the parents are less giving impacts.

4.3.1 Do you feel that your parents are actively involved in your educational
journey ?

Figure 6
Based on the pie chart 3 above ,it shows the results of all the respondents based
on their experienced.There were 24 respondents with a 68.6% who thought that their
parents are actively involved in their educational journey .While the percentage for no is
14.3% that is 5 respondents and the percentage of 17.1% that is 6 respondents choose
4.3.2 Do you have issue when your parents aren’t really involved in your
school things ?

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Figure 7
Pie chart 4 above shows a percentage of 54.3% that is 19 respondents choose No
while a percentage of 31.4% that is 11 respondent choose yes.The balance of 5
respondent with a percentage of 14.3 choose maybe as their answer.This result shows that
mostly students have not issue when parents are not involved in their school things .
4.3.3 Do you believe that increased parental involvement positively
influences a supportive educational environment ?

Figure 8
In pie chart 5 above shown the result of question 3.There were 29 respondents
with a percentage 82.9% answer yes ,4 respondents with a percentage of 11.4% choose
maybe and 2 respondent with a percentage 5.7% choose no as their answer .This result
shows that mostly of student believe that parental involvement positively influences a
supportive educational environment
4.3.4 Does your parent’s involvement affect how you do in school ?

Figure 9

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Based on pie chart 6 above,it shows result with a percentage of 71.4% which is 25
respondents choose yes while 6 respondent with a percentage of 17.1% choose no and for
maybe there are 6 respondent with a percentage 11.4%.
4.3.5 Would you appreciate more active participation from your parents in
school-related events or discussion?

Figure 10
In pie chart 7 above shows 26 respondents with a percentage of 74.3% choose
yes ,6 respondent with a percentage of 17.1 choose maybe and 3 respondents with a
percentage of 8.6% choose no as their answer.

4.3.6 Do you believe specific plans for better teamwork between parents and
teachers would make school better ?

Figure 11
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Based on pie chart 8 above ,it shows that there were 25 respondents with a
percentage 71.4% choose yes , 6 respondents with a percentage 17.1% choose maybe and
4 respondent with a percentage 11.4% choose no .
4.3.7 Have you personally witnessed positive outcomes when parents are
actively engaged in school-related activities?

Figure 12
In pie chart 9 above shows 26 respondents with a percentage 74.3% choose yes
while 5 respondents with a percentage 14.3% choose no and 4 respondents with a
percentage 11.4% choose maybe.This result shows that mostly students witnessed
positive outcomes when parents are actively engaged in school-related activities.
4.3.8 Do you feel that limited parental involvement has had a negative impact
on your academic achievements ?

Figure 13
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Pie chart 10 above shows a percentage 34.3% that is 12 respondents choose yes
and same goes to no which were 34.3% that is 12 respondents while maybe have 31,4%
that is 11 respondents.

4.3.9 Do you want to help parents be more active for a better school
environment ?

Figure 14

Based on pie chart 11 above ,it shows that 25 respondent with a percentage 71.4% and
9 respondents with a percentage 25.7% choose maybe while 1 respondent with a
percentage 2.9% choose no .

4.3.10 Do you think it’s important for parents and teachers to work together
for a better school

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Figure 15

Pie chart 12 above shows a percentage 88.6% that is 31 respondents choose yes
while 3 respondents with a percentage 8.6% choose maybe and 1 respondents with a
percentage 2.9% choose no .
4.4 Interview Findings
In this section ,the researcher interviewed two students and two teachers from
secondary school.Two female students from different districts which is Tuaran and Kudat
while both teachers were from Tuaran .The researcher uses the concept of online
interview through telegram video call and Whatsaap chat .The table below is the result of
the interview :


1. Do you talk to your parents about your A) Yes but I only discuss it when I require
school work ? assistance .
B) Sometimes they trying to help me but it
is kind of hard for them since they don’t
know the lesson.
2. How do your parents help you with your A) My parents support me by providing
education? religious education and spending time with
me whenever I need assistance with my
studies .
B) They help me with providing a
reference book for me to use when I am
doing my homework
3. Have you ever had trouble getting help A) No ,because there is no barrier for me to
from your parents with your studies? ask my parents for help with my studies.
B) Yes, because they don’t know about the
subject .
4. Why do you think it’s good for parents A) Because parents will know about their

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to be involved in school ? child development and academic
B) Because they would know their children
education and also performance in
school .Therefore, they could help their
children by providing tutors and reference
book .
5. Would you like to join activities that A) Yes ,to build a strong relationsgip and
make school teamwork better between maintain a positive school image .
students,parents ,and teachers? B) Yes, because it can help to strengthen
our relationship and it also make the school
Table 4: Student’s answer ( Interview)
1.In your experience, what specific A)1.Limited Time:
challenges or gaps have you observed in Busy schedules and conflicting priorities
parental involvement that may impact the may limit the time parents can dedicate to
creation of a supportive educational engaging in their child's education or
environment? participating in school activities.
Addressing these challenges requires a
collaborative effort between teachers,
parents, and the community to create an
environment that actively supports and
encourages parental involvement in the
educational process in school and children.

B)1)Parents’ lack of awareness about the

vital of their involvement in their kids’s

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education. Parents do have high
expectation towards their children’s
teachers in school and expecting teachers to
be the sole provider of their children’s

2) Under-utilizing technology such as

mobile applications. I believe many are
grateful for the emergence of social media
and mobile applications that has eased
communication between school and home.
Applications such as WhatsApp and
Telegram is the most common applications
used by teachers/schools to reach out to
parents at home. However, I found that
teachers, have underutilized these
applications to merely providing parents
with the latest administrative
information,updates and instructions from
school. Consequently, parents become
passive consumers of endless input. What I
hope to see more is for teachers and parents
to communicate through this medium about
their children’s ongoing academic progress
as well as non-academic progress - social,
emotional , behavioral development.
2.How do you perceive the influence of A)1.Homework Completion:
limited parental involvement on students' Observe the consistency and quality of
academic performance based on your students' homework submissions, as limited
interactions in the classroom? parental involvement may affect their

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ability to complete assignments.
2.Classroom Behavior:
Note any behavioral issues or challenges
students may exhibit, as these can be
indicators of broader issues that may
involve parental support.
B)Limited parental involvement on
students’ academic performance has led to
a few disadvantages and one of them is
students’ low motivation towards learning.
Limited parental involvement, ranges from
emotional, social and physical support.
Children who are emotionally, socially and
physically unsupported by their parents or
caretakers will directly affect their
motivation and perception towards
learning. In addition, parents’ inability to
provide and ignorance (also a form of
limited involvement) towards their
children’s nutrition intake through food
consuming is proven to lead to children’s
poor performance in academic.

3. Can you share instances where increased A)Indeed. Increased collaborations

collaboration between teachers and parents between teachers and parents have
positively contributed to the overall positively contributed to the overall
educational atmosphere? educational atmosphere in various ways.
For instance, regular communication
allows teachers to gain insights into a

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student's home environment, enabling them
to tailor their teaching methods to
individual needs.
Joint efforts in addressing challenges,
setting academic goals, and reinforcing
positive behaviors create a more supportive
learning environment.
B)For the past few years, I have observed
positive impacts of increased collaboration
between teachers and parents. Through
consistent engagement and communication
between teachers and parents, many
children thrive in school. By
communicating their children’s strengths,
preferences, interests and behaviour at
home and school, both parties can better
comprehend and tailor better support to the
children. Many parents that I have engaged
with, have shown tremendous support in
their children’s academic and co-academic
activities, thus opened up more
opportunities and discovered their
children’s hidden qualities such as

4. From your perspective, what targeted A)1.Regular Communication Channels:

strategies do you believe would enhance Establish open lines of communication
collaboration between teachers, parents, through emails, newsletters, or a dedicated

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and students for improved educational online platform to keep parents informed
outcomes? about classroom activities and student

2. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Schedule

regular conferences to discuss a student's
performance, strengths, and areas for
improvement. This allows for direct
dialogue and goal-setting.

B)Optimizing technology such as mobile

applications and online portal to streamline
communication between teachers and
parents, providing real-time access to
children’s academic progress, assignments
and classroom updates.

5.How do you think teachers can play a A)1.Open Communication:

role in fostering a more supportive Establish regular communication channels
educational environment by addressing with parents, sharing information about
gaps in parental involvement? classroom activities, curriculum, and
student progress. This helps bridge the
communication gap.
2.Welcoming Atmosphere:
Create a welcoming and inclusive
classroom atmosphere that encourages
parents to actively participate and engage
with their child's education.
B)1.Establishing a safe space for parents
involvement in their children’s learning.

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- Inviting parents to actively involve in the
children’s classroom activities such as
monthly/weekly reading aloud, hobbies and
career demonstration, preparing materials,
outdoor activities and local community

2.Regular check-ins on parents’ challenges

in supporting their children’s learning at

- It is critical for teachers to create a non-

judgmental environment where parents
feel comfortable expressing their
challenges and struggles supporting their
children’s education. When parents feel
being heard and their challenges are taken s

Table 5: Teacher’s answer (Interview)

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5.1 Introduction
This chapter serves as the culmination of the study, encapsulating detailed
summaries, additional information, and thorough recommendations for future research. It
concludes by presenting a comprehensive overview of the study's findings, providing
valuable insights and directions for further exploration in subsequent research endeavors.

5.2 Conclusion of study

It can be concluded that secondary school students and teachers in Sabah are
aware of the impact of parental involvement on academic performance and motivation
levels. Parental involvement impacts the academic performance and motivation levels of
students. For example, insufficient parental involvement can detrimentally affect a
student's academic performance, leading to diminished motivation, suboptimal study
habits, and compromised emotional well-being, ultimately influencing overall learning
outcomes. Conversely, active parental engagement plays a pivotal role in reinforcing
positive behaviors and cultivating an environment conducive to learning.

Next, as a result of the findings of the study through quantitative and qualitative
data, it is summarized that secondary schools in Sabah emphasize the significance of
parental involvement in their learning. According to the research findings in quantitative
data, most respondents strongly agreed that parental involvement affects their
performance in school, and they also witnessed positive outcomes when their parents are
actively engaged in school-related activities. Additionally, the results indicated that
limited parental involvement had a negative impact on academic performance.
Consequently, some students did not prioritize their studies if their parents were not
involved, based on respondents' experiences in their schools.

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Furthermore, the qualitative data from interviews revealed respondents' opinions
about their experiences with parental involvement on students' academic performance and
motivation levels. Teachers noted that parents often lack awareness of the importance of
their involvement in their children’s education, placing high expectations on teachers to
be the sole providers of education. Conversely, students strongly agreed that parental
involvement has a positive impact on their academic performance, as involved parents
can provide support such as tutors and reference materials.

In summary, parental involvement and its impact on academic performance and

motivation levels of students in higher secondary education nowadays need to be
emphasized. Ensuring parents are involved in their children’s education is essential. The
study findings demonstrate that parental involvement positively influences academic
performance and motivation, facilitating collaboration between teachers and parents for
better student outcomes.

5.3 Implication of study

As we know, this study is focused on secondary school students and teachers.
Therefore, the implications of this study will naturally be more focused on them. This
study offers implications in terms of academic performance and student motivation. This
is evident because when parents are involved in their children's education, it helps
students become more enthusiastic about learning and achieve better results in school.
Additionally, it is crucial to make parents aware that their involvement in their child's
education has a significant impact on academic performance and student motivation.

5.4 Limitation of Study

While conducting this study, the researcher experienced several difficulties.
Firstly, in Chapter 2, which encompasses the literature review, there was a scarcity of
previous studies related to Parental involvement in higher secondary education. This

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scarcity made it challenging for the researcher to obtain literature references relevant to
the conducted studies.
Some teachers declined interview sessions via video call or face-to-face due
to being on school holidays, while others lacked confidence in speaking English.
However, I am very grateful that my lecturer provided flexibility by allowing us to
conduct interview sessions via chat only.

5.5 Recommendation for Future Research

The researcher will present several suggestions regarding the involvement of
parents in secondary education, which has an impact on academic performance and
students' motivation levels and should be emphasized in the future.
The first suggestion,The study's limitations highlight the scarcity of researchers
examining the impact of parental involvement on students' academic performance and
motivation levels. Therefore, it is crucial for more researchers to delve into this topic in
greater depth to gain a more comprehensive understanding of its implications.
The second suggestion is that authorities, such as the Malaysian Ministry of
Education, need to ensure parental involvement in their children's education. For instance,
they could implement an awareness program about "The Impact of Parental Involvement
in Education" to educate parents who may not currently prioritize their children's
academic performance. This is crucial because parental involvement in education
significantly impacts students' academic performance and motivation levels.

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Satar, N. M., Zakaria, R. H., & Ishak, N. A. (2020). Parental involvement in education
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1. Google Form

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2.0 Respondent on interview


1) Name :Nur Iffah Nasuha bt Jaini

Age:16 years old
School:Smk Badin Tuaram

2) Name:Nur Illiyah Zahirah bt Rozian

Age:17 Years old
School:Smk St Peter Kudat

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1) Name :Norazlina binti Ismail
Age: 49 years old
School :Smk Badin Tuaran

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2) Name: Saidatul Izdihar binti Amir Bangsa
Age :38 years old
Schools :Smk Datuk Panglima Abdullah,Semporna

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