Week 7 Classroom Activity

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Social Psychology Week 7 Tutorial Activity

Task 1: Reflection and Discussion (30 mins)

1. Here is evidence that suggests that there are cultural differences that affect the self-concept.
Describe, using an example, how people from different cultures tend to view themselves.

2. Many social psychologists assert that much of our sense of self arises from our interactions with
or observations of others; in effect, that the self is social. How do individuals apply social
comparison theory to conceptualise themselves? Describe in real life experiences.

3. What is your philosophy/attitude towards “Happiness”? What is the factor(s) that shaped your
philosophy/ attitude towards “Happiness”? Share your thoughts.

Task 2 (50-60 mins)

In a group of 3-4, search ONE (1) advertisement that is deemed to produce a positive attitude(s)
towards the object/ phenomenon portrayed in the advertisement. Justify your selection. (20 mins)

Then, search ONE (1) advertisement that is deemed to produce a negative attitude(s) towards the
object/ phenomenon portrayed in the advertisement. Justify your selection. (20 mins)

Prepare short presentation slides for this task. (10 mins)

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