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If clause Main clause

Zero (factual / scientifically proven

If + present simple Present simple
If you heat ice, it melts
If you don’t study hard you fail the test
First (prediction in the future)
If + present simple Future simple (will/ going to )
If you study hard, you will pass the test tomorrow
If I have enough money, I will buy a house
Second (hypothetical / unreal situation at
present or in the future)
If + past simple Would + present simple
If I had money, I would buy a Porsche
If I were a doctor, I would cure poor people for free.
If I were you, I would study harder for my IELTS.
Third (hypothetical / unreal situation in the
If + past perfect would + have + verb(pp)
If I had driven carefully, I wouldn’t have had a bad accident last year.
If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.
Mixed (Type1: 32): a regret that happened in
the past, and consequences can be seen now)
Third conditional Second conditional
If + past perfect would + present simple
If I had driven carefully, I wouldn’t be in the hospital now.
If I had studied harder, I would be a doctor now
If I had had enough sleep last night, I wouldn’t be tired now.

Mixed (type2: 23): to talk about a

characteristic that caused a difficulty in the
Second conditional Third conditional
If I were more hardworking, I would have passed the test last week.
If I weren’t married, I would have dated her last night.
Unless (if not) : warning
Unless you study hard, you cannot get a good mark in IELTS.


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