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Q1.What is chemical reaction?
Q2. What is chemical equation?
Q3. What is Unbalanced/Skeletal equation?
Q4. What is the difference between Balanced and Unbalanced equation?
Q5. Why is it important to balance a chemical equation?
Q6. What is Combination Reaction? Give Example.
Q7. What is Exothermic Reaction?
Q8. What is Endothermic Reaction?
Q9. Write difference between exothermic and endothermic reactions.
Q10. What is Decomposition Reaction? How is it opposite of combination
Q11. Explain each type of Decomposition reaction with example.
Q12. Why Magnesium ribbon is rubbed with sand paper before burning in air?
Q13. Why a shiny surface is observed on the walls after 2 to 3 days of
Q14. Write difference between Double Displacement reaction and Displacement
Q15. Define Precipitation Reaction.
Q16. What is redox reaction? Give example.
Q17. Write difference between Oxidizing agent and Reducing agent.
Q18. Define Corrosion.
Q19. What is Rancidity? Give example.
Q20. What are the measures to prevent Rancidity.
Q1. What are Life Processes?
Q2. Define Respiration.
Q3. What are Autotrophs also define heterotrophs.
Q4. Write difference between autotrophic nutrition and heterotrophic
Q5. What is Photosynthesis and what are the events taking place during
Q6. How does amoeba take it’s food?
Q7. What is the difference between the food intake of amoeba and
Q8. Explain the types of Heterotrophic nutrition.
Q9. What are the functions of Mucus(both in stomach and nostril)?
Q10. Write function of HCL.
Q11. Write the steps of digestion of food in stomach.
Q12. What is Emulsification of Fat?
Q13. Write difference between Vein and Artery.
Q14. What is the other name of saliva and also write it’s function.
Q15. How does transport of food and water take place in plants?
Q16. What is Excretion?
Q17. Write function of Nephron.
Q18. Write a note on Blood.
Q19. Write difference between Systolic and Diastolic Pressure.
Q20. Briefly explain Double circulation of Blood.

Q1. Define Light.
Q2. What is reflection of light, also give laws of reflection.
Q3. Prove by giving a fact that light travels in a straight line.
Q4. What is Diffraction of light?
Q5. Write properties of image formed by a plane mirror.
Q6. What is Spherical mirror? Explain its types also.
Q7. What is Refraction of Light and what are the laws of refraction?
Q8. Why emergent ray obtained by refraction through rectangular glass slab
is parallel to path of incident ray?
Q9. Refractive index of diamond with respect to glass is 1.6 and absolute
refractive index of glass is 1.5. Find out the absolute refractive index of
Q10. Refractive index of medium X with respect to medium Y is 5/7.
Refractive index of Z with respect to Y is 49/5. What is the refractive index
of medium X with respect to medium Z.
Q11. What is a lens?
Q12. Write difference between convex and concave lens.
Q13. What is Power?
Q14. What is the magnification of the images formed by plane mirrors and
Q15. An object is placed at a distance of 30 cm in front of a convex mirror of
focal length 15 cm. Write four characteristics of the image formed by the
Q16. Name the type of mirrors used in the design of solar furnaces. Explain
how high temperature is achieved by this device.
Q17. The image formed by a concave mirror is observed to be virtual, erect
and larger than the object. Where should the position of the object be relative
to the mirror? Draw ray diagram to justify your answer.
Q18. What is Centre of curvature?
Q19. Why a lens have two focus and centre of curvature?
Q20. An object 4 cm in height, is placed at 15 cm in front of a concave mirror
of focal length 10 cm. At what distance from the mirror should a screen be
placed to obtain a sharp image of the object. Calculate the height of the

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