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1. The earth (go) around the sun.

2. Angela usually (leave) for work at 8:00 am.
3. Liz (get up) at 6 o’clock every morning.
4. In the summer, John often (play) tennis once or twice a week.
5. What time you usually (get) home after work?
6. The swimming pool (open) at 9:00 and (close)at 6:30 every day.
7. Every year I (visit) Britain to improve my English.
8. In the United State, elementary education is compulsory. All children
(study)six years of elementary school.
9. I (not like) feel going to the library to study this afternoon.
10.American people usually (have) their biggest meal in the evening.
11.Can you tell me when the train for HCM city (leave)?
12.Of course, you are Lisa, aren’t you? I (recognize)you now.
13.I can see from what you say that your mornings are very busy! But what
you(do) in the afternoons?
14.Before our director (come back), I (want) to remind
everyone that we should not use the internet on personal purposes.
15.Are you writing to him now ?
Yes, I always (write) to him on his birthday. You(want)
to send any message?
Certainly .
a) It (rain) heavily now.
b) My brother (get) married next week.
c) He is late again. He always (come) to class late.
d) She (talk) the exam tomorrow.
e) Look! It (get) dark. Hurry up! It (rain)in a few minutes.
f) Please don’t make so much noise. I (work).
g) I (read) an interesting book at the moment. I will lend it to you
when I ‘ve finished it.
h) Sarah (work) this week? -No, she is on vacation.
i) The population of the world (rise) very fast.
j) I (work)on the project of reconstructing city at present.
k) She is on vacation in France. She (have) a great time and
doesn’t want to come back.
l) Tom (look) for Ann. Do you know where she is?
m) I (think) of my mother, who has devoted her whole life to
our family.
n) It is time we turned on the central heating. It (get) colder
o) I (go) out to get an evening paper.
But it (rain).
Why don’t you wait till the rain stops?
1. She (learn) English for three years.
2. I’m hungry. I (not eat) anything since breakfast.
3. He never (drive) a car before.
4. We (know) each other since we were at high
5. Everything is going well. We (not have) any
problem so far.
6. I (drink) four cups of coffee today.
7. John (live) in Denver since 2017.
8. you ever (climb)Mount Everest?
9. It is nice to see you again. We (not see) each other
for a long time.
10.I (forget) my key. I can’t unlock the door now.
11.Eric is calling his girlfriend again. That is the third time he
(call) her this evening.
12.The police (arrest) two men in connection with the
13.Susan really loves that film. She (see) it eight
14.You already (read) the book? What do you think?
15.I (not go) to a zoo before. It is a nice feeling to
go somewhere you never (be)before.

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