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4th June, 2024

The Principal
St. Joseph Higher Secondary School
97, Asad Avenue

Subject: Request to reschedule Class XI Year Final Practical Exam

Respected Sir,
With all due respect I beg most respectfully to state that, we are the students of this
renowned institution. We have been notified of our Year Final Practical Exams for
Class XI. The duration of the exams has been decided to be 11-12th of June. But Sir,
we are utterly sorry to inform you that, many students of our class XI, especially from
section Mars had decided to depart from Dhaka for Eid vacation on 12th June
specifically. If we take the exams on 12th June, not only will we not miss our booked
and non-refundable trips but also our families will be in a huge jeopardy to arrange
another set of tickets for our journey. In this market of price hike and Eid pressure, it
is almost impossible to book tickets right now for middle-class families as we lack the
means to pay extra for booking late. So many families might be deprived of their Eid
vacation this year only due to a single day. Please take note that the reason most
families have chosen 12th June is that from 13th June, official leave for almost all
institutions have been declared.
Therefore, we expect your kindness and sympathy on this matter. Please take
necessary steps to reschedule the practical exam dates for Class XI only and thus save
our families a great deal of jeopardy and funds.
Yours sincerely
Md. Shafayet Shayem
On behalf of the students of Class XI,
Especially Mars section
St. Joseph Higher Secondary School

List of students agreeing and expecting your cooperation:

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