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Tapel Elementary School

S.Y 2021 2022
Princess Serievin O. Balbalosa, with Honors

Our most esteemed guest speaker, /the active Education Program Supervisor in Science/
Dr Gerry C. Goze/ our able/ Schools District Supervisor, / Dr Liberato T. Umangay Jr, / the
dynamic Principals/ and School Heads/ who are with us today, / Municipal and Barangay
Officials, / the untiring and dedicated teachers/ of this school/ headed by our
magnanimous Principal, / Sir Larry P. Lagat, / fellow graduates, / dear parents, / other
visitors / a pleasant morning to all. /

On behalf of the class of 2021 2022, it is with heartfelt

gratitude to Welcome you here at Tapel Elementary School to
celebrate this Closing Program with the theme; “K to 12
Graduates: Pursuing Dreams and Fostering Resilience in the
Face of Adversity.”

I am deeply humbled to speak in behalf of all of you, my

fellow graduates. It is truly challenging coping with the new
set up of our educational system. With COVID 19 pandemic,
we needed to be used with online classes and answering
modules on our own. We all agree that the last 2 years of our
Elementary journey were difficult. There were multiple times
of breakdown, sleepless nights, hopelessness and late
nights’ drama over modules to be able to finished and submit
on time, have now come to an end.

We made it! We survived! Our hardships have paid off!

Today, our Elementary journey has finally come to an end.

And it is about time to walk another chapter of our lives,
another pace to be grateful for.

As I look back to the days we spent together, I can’t help but

smile. For the memories we have shared will always be
treasured. It will always have a special place here in my
heart. We all started with strangers, got acquainted and
eventually became the best moments of our lives.

Tapel Elementary School became our second home for 6

years. Our teachers became our parents, friends and
mentors. They had played an important role in our lives
imparting us with a lifelong lesson. It has always been their
words of wisdom that fueled our desire to keep pursuing
what we love.

It is not just the dreams we have. But as well as the goals we

set. And therefore, my fellow graduates, whatever leads us to
our future, I am rooting for our success. And know that I am
always be proud to all of you.

It would not be easy overcoming all the failures and

struggles that we may encounter in the process of learning,
but all of these will be temporary. All our sacrifices will be
worth it. Just keep the faith and do not quit.

With these sincere words, I, Princess Serievin Balbalosa,

enjoin you with these celebration of wondrous experiences.
Congratulations graduates! Cheers of achieving a milestone
that would become a part of history.

Once again, Welcome to this Closing Program. Thank You!!

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