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June – July 2023

Academic Year 2022 - 24

Submitted towards completion of Course 3.1 titled “Summer Training and Project”
in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the PGDGBO Programme

Submitted by

Amaan Shahid
Batch 2022 - 2024

Mr. Harish Kumar
Assistant Professor
Shri Ram College of Commerce
University of Delhi


University of Delhi

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge Partners

Certificate of Originality attested by Internal Supervisor

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge Partners

Certificate of Completion signed by Internal and External Supervisor

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Firstly, I would like to thank the almighty, for blessing me with this internship opportunity.
I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Professor Simrit Kaur, Principal, Shri Ram
College of Commerce, Delhi University, and all other faculty members, for mentoring and
imparting knowledge through this (Global Business Operations) course.
I would also like to thank the student-driven Placement Cell of Shri Ram College of
Commerce and Dr Aruna Jha, Coordinator of Global Business Operations for their constant
efforts in bringing opportunities on the campus.
I would like to thank Acuity Knowledge Partners, Gurugram, for allowing me to pursue my
summer internship at their Investment Banking Division.
I am highly indebted to the Associate Director Ms. Neha Agarwal and Team lead Mr. Shivam
for their constant support, constructive criticism, and mentorship to accomplish this
I am extremely grateful to my department staff members and friends who helped me
complete this internship.
Finally, I would like to express my special thanks to my family and friends for being a
constant support in all aspects throughout the internship.

Amaan Shahid

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge


1. Introduction………….……………………………………………………...... Page 3

2. About Organisation………………..…………………………………………. Page 4

3. Role Description and Project Details………………..……………………….. Page 10

4. Timeline and Key People met…………….…………………………………...Page 10

5. Key Learnings…………………………………………………………………Page 11

6. Value Increment at the End of Project...……………………………………....Page 12

7. Policy Recommendations ……………………………………………….….....Page 13

8. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………..Page 14

9. References……………………………………………………………………...Page 15

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge


During my two-month internship at Acuity Knowledge Partners, a leading financial

services company specializing in bespoke research, analytics, and technology solutions, I
had the opportunity to immerse myself in the world of Investment Banking. This
experience proved to be not only professionally enriching but also profoundly
transformative, shaping my approach to problem-solving and innovation.
As an Investment Banking intern, a significant portion of my responsibilities revolved
around company profiling, a task that demanded a meticulous understanding of financial
data and market trends. I honed my skills in utilizing essential tools such as Excel,
PowerPoint, and FactSet to gather, analyze, and present crucial information. The hands-
on experience with these tools provided me with practical insights into the intricacies of
financial analysis and reporting, skills that are indispensable in the competitive landscape
of investment banking.
What truly set this internship apart was the supportive work environment and the valuable
mentorship I received. The team at Acuity Knowledge Partners fostered a culture of
collaboration and camaraderie, making me feel like an integral part of the organization
from day one. The guidance I received from experienced professionals not only enhanced
my technical skills but also broadened my understanding of the financial services
The fast-paced nature of the financial services sector requires professionals to be agile
and adaptive. My internship experience emphasized the importance of staying abreast of
industry developments and responding swiftly to changes in the market. This agility,
coupled with the knowledge I gained in data analytics and marketing strategies, has
equipped me with a well-rounded skill set that I believe will be invaluable in navigating
the dynamic landscape of financial services in the future.
This internship was more than just a professional milestone; it was a journey of self-
discovery and growth. It not only solidified my passion for the field but also instilled in
me the confidence and resilience needed to thrive in a challenging and ever-evolving
industry. As I reflect on my time at Acuity Knowledge Partners, I am confident that the
practical experience and skills acquired during this internship have laid a strong
foundation for a successful and fulfilling career in the dynamic world of investment

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge


2.1 Industry of The Organization and Industry Structure:

Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity) operated in financial services and investment banking
industry. The financial services industry is a broad sector that encompasses a wide range of
businesses aimed at managing money. It includes banks, insurance companies, credit and
payment processing companies, and real estate firms, among others. The industry offers
various services such as insurance coverage, money management, payment processing, and
digital banking technology. These services are designed to help individuals and businesses
manage their financial activities efficiently and effectively.
On the other hand, investment banking is a specific segment within the financial services
industry. Investment banks primarily assist companies, institutions, and governments in
raising capital. This is often done through underwriting, which involves the issuance of
securities in an Initial Public Offering (IPO). Investment banks also facilitate major financial
transactions, such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and provide strategic advisory services
to their clients. They play a crucial role in helping businesses grow, restructure, or merge
with other companies.

2.1.1 PESTEL Analysis

A PESTEL analysis is a strategic framework that examines the external macro-environmental
factors influencing an industry. Here's a PESTEL analysis for the financial services industry:

 Regulation and Compliance: Stringent government regulations and compliance
requirements impact the operations and structure of financial institutions.
 Political Stability: Political stability in a country is essential for a stable financial
environment, as political unrest can lead to economic uncertainty.

 Interest Rates: Fluctuations in interest rates can affect the profitability of financial
institutions, particularly banks.
 Economic Growth: The overall economic health of a country directly influences the
demand for financial services.
 Inflation Rates: Inflation rates impact the purchasing power of consumers and can
affect the real returns on financial products.

 Demographic Trends: Changing demographics, such as an aging population, can
influence the types of financial products and services in demand.
 Consumer Behavior: Shifts in consumer preferences and behaviors, particularly
towards digital banking and online financial services, can impact traditional banking

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge


 Digitalization: Advances in technology have led to the rise of fintech, impacting

traditional financial service providers and requiring them to adapt to digital trends.
 Data Security: With the increasing reliance on technology, ensuring the security of
customer data becomes a critical concern for financial institutions.


 Sustainability and Green Finance: There is a growing focus on environmental

sustainability, and financial institutions are under pressure to incorporate green
finance practices.
 Climate Risks: Financial institutions face risks related to climate change, such as the
impact on investments and insurance liabilities due to natural disasters.


 Legal Framework: Changes in legal frameworks, such as new financial regulations or

consumer protection laws, can significantly impact the financial services industry.
 International Trade Agreements: Global financial institutions may be affected by
changes in international trade agreements and regulations.

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

2.1.2 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Stability and Regulation: The financial Regulatory Challenges: Stringent regulations

services industry is often heavily regulated, can sometimes lead to bureaucratic challenges
which can contribute to stability and trust in and hinder flexibility.
the system.
Cybersecurity Risks: The increasing reliance
Innovation and Technology: The industry has on technology exposes the industry to
embraced technological advancements, leading cybersecurity threats, potentially
to improved efficiency, digital banking, and compromising sensitive financial information.
innovative financial products.
Dependency on Economic Conditions: The
Global Presence: Many financial institutions industry's performance is closely tied to the
operate globally, providing a wide range of overall economic health, making it vulnerable
services to diverse markets. during economic downturns.

Expertise and Specialization: Institutions Legacy Systems: Some institutions may

often have specialized teams with expertise in struggle with outdated legacy systems, limiting
various financial domains, enabling them to their ability to adapt to new technologies.
offer a comprehensive suite of services.
Opportunities Threats

Fintech Collaboration: Collaboration with Economic Downturns: Financial services are

fintech companies can lead to the development highly sensitive to economic fluctuations, and
of innovative products and services. a recession can negatively impact profitability.

Emerging Markets: Expansion into emerging Regulatory Changes: Frequent or drastic

markets provides opportunities for growth due regulatory changes can pose challenges for
to increased demand for financial services. compliance and operational adjustments.

Evolving Customer Needs: Adapting to Competition from Fintech Startups: Fintech

changing customer preferences and demands startups can disrupt traditional financial
can open new avenues for service offerings. services by offering more agile and customer-
centric solutions.
Data Analytics: Leveraging big data and
analytics can provide valuable insights for Global Geopolitical Risks: Political
personalized financial services and risk instability, trade tensions, and global events
management. can have significant impacts on the financial

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

2.2 Business Model:

Acuity Knowledge Partners (Acuity) is a leading provider of bespoke research, analytics, and
technology solutions to the financial services sector, including asset managers, corporate and
investment banks, private equity and venture capital firms, hedge funds and consulting firms.
Its global network of over 6,000 analysts and industry experts, combined with proprietary
technology, supports more than 500 financial institutions and consulting companies to
operate more efficiently and unlock their human capital, driving revenue higher and
transforming operations. Acuity is headquartered in London and operates from 10 locations
There are 3 engagement models to cater to clients: Dedicated staff model, Block of hours
model, Ad-Hoc project model.

2.3. History of Acuity Knowledge Partners:

Acuity Knowledge Partners was founded in 2002 as Moody's Analytics Knowledge Services,
a subsidiary of Moody's Corporation. In 2019, Acuity Knowledge Partners completed a
management buyout from Moody's Corporation, supported by the European mid-market
private equity investor Equistone Partners Europe Limited, and rebranded as Acuity
Knowledge Partners.

2.4. Management of Acuity Knowledge Partners, Gurugram:

Acuity Knowledge Partners operates with a structured hierarchy under the leadership of Mr.
Philip Gore- Randall, who serves as the Chairman. The core management team of Acuity
Knowledge Partners comprises of Mr. Robert King CEO, Mr. Ian Mullen CFO, Mr. Damian
Burleigh CRO, Mr. Chanakya Dissanayake MD, Mr. Sumit Chhabra MD, Mr. David Fellows
CDO and Mr. Avadhesh Dixit CHRO all of whom play pivotal roles in shaping the
company's vision, fostering growth, and driving product development.

2.5. Organisational Structure:

With a team of around 6000+ employees, Acuity Knowledge Partners has a flat
organizational structure that allows for easy communication and collaboration among
employees. The company is led by a team of experienced professionals who are committed to
providing high-value research, analytics, and technology solutions to its clients. The company
has a strong focus on diversity, flexibility, and training, making it an attractive place to work
and grow professionally. It has a total of 8 departments: Investment Banking and Advisory,
Investment Research, Lending Servies, Private Equity and Venture Capital, Consulting,
Specialised Solutions, Financial Marketing, Compliant Support.

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

Philip Gore-

Robert King Ian Mullen

Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer

Damian David
Burleigh Fellows
Chief Revenue Officer Chief Digital Officer

Chief Human Resource

Chanakya Sumit
Dissanayake Chhabra
Managing Director Managing Director

2.6. Department of Investment Banking and Advisory:

The department at Acuity Knowledge Partners is a comprehensive and multifaceted hub,
offering an extensive array of services to cater to the diverse needs of its clients. Here is an
expansion of the various services provided by the department:

 Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A): Offering expert support in all aspects of mergers
and acquisitions, including due diligence, deal structuring, and post-merger
 Sector Coverage: In-depth analysis and coverage of specific industry sectors,
providing clients with valuable insights for strategic decision-making.
 Equity Capital Markets (ECM): Services related to the issuance and trading of
equity securities, helping clients navigate the complexities of the equity market.
 Debt Capital Markets (DCM): Assistance in raising capital through debt
instruments, including bonds and other debt securities.
 Leveraged Finance: Support for clients engaging in leveraged buyouts, debt
financing, and other transactions involving high levels of debt.

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

 Sustainable Finance: Specialized services focused on sustainable and socially

responsible financing solutions.
 Ratings Advisory: Providing guidance on credit ratings and strategies to enhance
 Restructuring and Debt Advisory: Expertise in financial restructuring, debt
advisory, and turnaround strategies.
 Control Functions: Ensuring compliance, risk management, and internal control
functions to maintain operational integrity.
 Services Support: Comprehensive support services to enhance operational efficiency
and effectiveness.
 Syndicated Loans: Assistance in structuring and managing syndicated loan
 Project Finance Support: Support for clients engaged in project finance, including
risk assessment and financial modelling.
 Public Finance: Services related to government and public sector financing and
financial management.
 Corporate Strategy and Development: Strategic advisory services to help clients
shape and execute their corporate strategies.
 Accounting Advisory: Expert guidance on accounting principles and financial
 Paralegal Services: Legal support services to assist in various legal processes and
 Valuation and Transaction Advisory: Professional valuation services and advisory
support for transactions.
 Investment Banking Analytics: Leveraging analytics to provide data-driven insights
for investment banking activities.
 Business Information Services (BIS): Collecting, analyzing, and disseminating
business information to support decision-making.
 Presentations and Graphics (DTP): Design and production of high-quality
presentations and graphics to enhance communication.
 Islamic Finance: Specialized services catering to the principles and practices of
Islamic finance.

This extensive range of services underscores the department's commitment to providing

holistic and specialized support across the spectrum of financial activities, from traditional
investment banking functions to emerging areas such as sustainable finance and Islamic
finance. The diverse expertise within the department positions Acuity Knowledge Partners as
a valuable partner for clients seeking comprehensive financial services solutions.

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge


The primary focus of my project during the internship was to conduct extensive research on
various companies and industries. This research was not limited to a single sector but
spanned across a diverse range of industries. These included private credit management,
healthcare, food, tours, IT, insurTech, investment banking, asset management, foreign
exchange, equity crowdfunding, and financial services. This broad exposure allowed me to
gain a comprehensive understanding of the business landscape and the unique characteristics
and challenges of each industry.
One of my key responsibilities was to create detailed company profiles for firms operating in
these industries. This task required me to delve deep into each company's operations,
understand their business model, identify their key strengths and weaknesses, and present this
information in a concise and informative profile. This not only honed my research skills but
also gave me a deeper understanding of how different businesses operate within their
respective industries.
In addition to creating company profiles, I was also tasked with identifying potential
collaboration opportunities. This involved locating company information across different
sectors and reaching out to them via email to explore potential partnerships. This task
required strong communication skills and the ability to present compelling reasons for
Towards the end of my internship, I was given the responsibility of adding financial
information to company reports. This included details such as Assets Under Management
(AUM) and revenue among others. This task required a strong understanding of financial data
and the ability to accurately interpret and present this information.


During the two-month internship program, I was exposed to a structured and comprehensive
learning experience. The first week was dedicated to teaching me the fundamental skills of
presenting and creating company profiles. This foundational knowledge was crucial in
preparing me for the tasks that lay ahead.
From the second week until the end of the fourth week, the focus shifted to creating company
profiles. Each day, I was assigned five to six profiles that needed to be developed according
to specific client requirements. This task not only honed my profiling skills but also taught
me how to adapt my work to meet different client needs.
Starting from the fifth week, my responsibilities expanded to include updating company
reports with financial details. This task required a keen eye for detail and a strong
understanding of financial data, both of which I was able to develop during this period.
In the final two weeks of the internship, I was tasked with gathering company information
and reaching out to them via email for potential collaborations. This task allowed me to
develop my research skills and learn how to communicate professionally with potential

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

Throughout the internship, I had the opportunity to interact with key individuals in the
company. Ms. Neha Sharma, the Associate Director, Mr. Shivam, the Delivery Lead, Mr.
Sahil and Mr. Kunal, both Analysts, were instrumental in guiding me through the internship
and providing valuable insights and feedback.

5.1 Conceptual Frameworks

5.1.1 MS Excel
I had the chance to learn about various Excel tools. This involved understanding the
functionality of these tools and how they can be used to analyse data, make calculations, and
create reports. This knowledge has equipped me with the technical skills necessary to handle
complex data tasks and will be invaluable in any future roles that require data analysis or

5.1.2 MS PowerPoint
I developed was the art of creating client-specific presentations. This involved understanding
the unique needs and preferences of each client and tailoring the content and delivery of the
presentation to meet these requirements. This experience has not only improved my
presentation skills, but also my ability to understand and cater to diverse client needs.

5.1.3 Time Management and Priority Setting

As an Investment Banking Intern, creating the Urgency vs. Importance matrix was based on
time management and priority-setting theories. This framework emphasized the need to
allocate resources efficiently to meet project goals.

5.2 Industry Practices

Following is a list of industry practices followed by Acuity Knowledge Partners

 Client Engagement: Establishing strong relationships with clients and understanding

their unique needs. Regular communication to provide updates on projects and gather
 Research and Analysis: Conducting in-depth research and analysis on market trends,
companies, and industries. Utilizing a combination of proprietary tools, industry
databases, and expert knowledge.
 Data Security and Compliance: Adhering to strict data security protocols to ensure
the confidentiality and integrity of client information. Staying compliant with industry
regulations and standards.
 Quality Assurance: Implementing rigorous quality control measures to ensure the
accuracy and reliability of deliverables. Continuous training and skill development for

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 Technology Integration: Leveraging advanced technologies and tools for data

analysis and processing. Staying abreast of technological advancements in the
financial services industry.
 Customized Solutions: Providing bespoke solutions tailored to meet specific client
requirements. Flexibility in engagement models to accommodate diverse needs.
 Global Delivery Model: Utilizing a global network of analysts and industry experts
for 24/7 support. Ensuring seamless collaboration across different time zones.
 Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Integrating sustainable finance practices
and social responsibility initiatives where applicable. Contributing to environmental
and social goals.
 Continuous Improvement: Regularly reviewing and improving processes for
increased efficiency. Implementing feedback loops to learn from client interactions
and enhance services.
 Training and Development: Investing in the training and development of employees
to keep pace with industry trends. Encouraging a culture of continuous learning.

5.3 Relevant Insights

I was able to gather a wealth of industry insights across different sectors. This included areas
such as financial planning and investment banking. I was exposed to the inner workings of
these sectors, gaining an understanding of their unique challenges and opportunities. This has
broadened my perspective and deepened my understanding of the business landscape.


6.1 Growth in Knowledge

The internship experience marked a significant expansion in my knowledge base, particularly
because I had not previously delved into this industry. As I navigated through numerous
industry reports, I was able to gain insights into a variety of sectors, both financial and non-
financial. This exposure broadened my understanding of the diverse business landscape and
the unique dynamics of each sector. It was an enlightening experience to learn about the
different challenges and opportunities that exist within each industry, and how businesses
strategize and operate to navigate these factors.

6.2 Growth in Skills

In addition. to industry-specific knowledge, I also had the opportunity to enhance my
technical skills, particularly in PowerPoint and Excel. Through creating client-specific
presentations, I honed my PowerPoint skills, learning how to effectively communicate
information and ideas through visually engaging slides. I learned how to use various features
and tools to create professional and impactful presentations that cater to the specific needs
and preferences of each client.

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

My Excel skills also saw significant improvement during the internship. Excel is a powerful
tool for data analysis and management, and learning to use it effectively can greatly enhance
one's productivity and efficiency. I learned how to use various Excel tools to handle complex
data tasks, such as analysing financial information, making calculations, and creating reports.
This not only improved my technical proficiency but also equipped me with the skills
necessary to handle data-driven tasks in future roles.
6.3 Growth in Personality
Increase in knowledge base and skills contributed to growth in my personality. While
working in the firm, I experienced increase in confidence to voice my opinions and improved
interpersonal skills as well. I was able to explore corporate culture and how things work in a
company. Overall, all these with increase in knowledge base and skills contributed to my
personality development.

6.4 Any Other Development

During my internship, I established a new routine that had a profound impact on my personal
habits and resilience. Each day, I would rise early in the morning to embark on a two-hour
commute to work via the Delhi Metro. This was not just a journey in the physical sense, but
also a journey of personal growth and discipline. The act of waking up early every day
became more than just a necessity for my commute; it evolved into a habit that instilled in me
a sense of discipline and responsibility.

The two-hour commute on the Delhi Metro was a test of endurance. Standing for such
extended periods was initially challenging, but as days turned into weeks, I noticed a marked
increase in my stamina. This daily experience was a lesson in resilience, teaching me to adapt
to and overcome physical discomfort. It also provided me with a unique opportunity to
observe the hustle and bustle of city life, offering insights into the lives of my fellow
commuters and the dynamics of the city.

7. Policy Recommendation

One key recommendation that I would like to propose concerns the scheduling of in-office
work days. Throughout my internship, I frequently received notifications to come into the
office with just one day's notice. While I was able to adapt to this arrangement, I believe there
could be substantial benefits to providing employees with more advance notice.
By offering sufficient lead time for in-office work days, employees would have the
opportunity to plan and prepare more effectively. This advance notice would be particularly
advantageous in terms of commuting arrangements, allowing individuals to plan their
journeys efficiently. Additionally, having a clear schedule ahead of time would enable
employees to anticipate and prepare for in-person meetings, ensuring they can contribute
meaningfully and engage fully during these interactions.
Moreover, a more predictable schedule would afford employees the chance to adjust their
personal commitments and schedules accordingly. Whether it's coordinating childcare,

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

managing personal appointments, or simply organizing daily routines, having advance notice
of in-office days would significantly reduce stress and inconvenience.
From an organizational standpoint, providing employees with more lead time for in-office
schedules can contribute to enhanced productivity and efficiency. With ample preparation,
employees are likely to approach in-office days with a focused mindset, maximizing their
contribution to collaborative efforts and team dynamics.

8. Conclusion
In conclusion, my internship experience has been immensely valuable, providing me with a
diverse set of skills and insights that will undoubtedly shape my future career path. The
acquisition of key skills, such as financial planning, investment banking insights, and
proficiency in Excel tools, has not only enhanced my professional capabilities but has also
broadened my understanding of the intricacies within different sectors.
The exposure to the inner workings of financial planning and investment banking has given
me a nuanced perspective on the challenges and opportunities present in these fields. This
firsthand experience has deepened my knowledge of the business landscape, setting a solid
foundation for navigating the complexities of the professional world.
Moreover, the hands-on learning with various Excel tools has equipped me with the technical
prowess needed to handle intricate data tasks, make accurate calculations, and generate
comprehensive reports. This proficiency in data analysis and management positions me as a
versatile asset in any role that demands a keen analytical eye.
Overall, my internship has been a transformative and educational journey, providing me with
the tools and insights necessary to thrive in the ever-evolving professional landscape. I am
confident that the skills and knowledge gained during this experience will serve as a strong
foundation for my future endeavours and contribute significantly to my success in the
professional realm.

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Report on the Summer Internship at Investment Banking Department of Acuity Knowledge

9. References.

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