Brandwitz X Grand Finale Case

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Bangladesh is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The manufacturing sector has
been the largest single contributor to growth.

Bangladesh has been maintaining a lucrative GDP growth of over 8.0 per cent recently. Exports
have played a catalytic role in enhancing the manufacturing base in the effort to move away from
an agrarian economy to an industry-led economy (World Bank). But the country's exports have
high concentration on RMG products. According to Bangladesh Bank's July-September data, RMG
products account for 86% of Bangladesh’s export basket. To sustain the country’s growth
trajectory, it’s high time to consider export diversification. In the short run, diversification would
drive up exports and consequently, foreign exchange earnings. In addition to that, there would be
a reduction in export instability. It will also help offset the risks of export earning losses from
declining price trends that RMG is currently facing. Export diversification will also lead to
enhancing competencies in various factors of productivity that can be easily transferred to other
sectors. 12 high growth sectors have been identified in Bangladesh - one of which is the footwear
and leather products sector.

Bangladesh Export's New "Sole-mate“

The footwear export sector of Bangladesh has recorded incremental growth since the start of
2012. Bangladesh’s improving performance when there is a global rise in demand is a promising

sign, along with utilization of our knowledge in RMG manufacturing and our raw material and
labor sourcing capacities. The Leather Goods and Footwear Manufacturers and Exporters
Association of Bangladesh (LFMEAB) dubbed footwear to be the next RMG of Bangladesh after it
became the second highest contributor to national exports after apparel in 2015.
According to the LFMEAB, Bangladesh needs to scale up employment capacity in the footwear
sub-sector as it currently comprises a small fraction of the workforce of RMG. A transfer of
knowledge from RMG manufacturing is a major advantage for Bangladesh in the training of new
workers. The LFMEAB has already trained 12,500 workers of the leather sector in 15 courses
including sewing and cutting, setting and assembling, productivity improvement technique,
material selection, and sourcing and procurement. The similarities of many of these processes
with RMG manufacturing will make the transition much easier. On the other hand, raw material
sourcing for fabric or leather footwear already has well established supply chains, albeit the
majority of the components for footwear production are still being imported. These two factors
allow Bangladesh to compete internationally in price.
Slippery Soles and Rickety Heels

The industry has its fair share of challenges. Major operational constraints in the sector are the
lack of environmental and social compliance, poor handling of raw materials, lack of a skilled
workforce, struggle to access finance, technology constraints, limited availability of accessories
and components, lack of product testing and quality assurance and limited product and
destination markets. According to the World Footwear 2020 Yearbook in 2019 Bangladesh was the
8th largest footwear producer (407 million pairs). The manufacturing industry in the Asian country
is much orientated to the internal market with only 79 million pairs exported in 2018 (making this
the 18th largest exporter of footwear).

It’s important to note that, Bangladesh is still renowned worldwide only as an RMG exporter,
however, its immense potential in the footwear industry is unknown to many in the global
footwear market. Global buyers still perceive countries like China, Indonesia, Vietnam, Italy to be
the hubs of Footwear.

One Step at a Time

At the middle of the calendar year, as the COVID-19 pandemic grinded international trade to a
standstill, the footwear industry across the world was hit hard. Industry giants such as Adidas,

Nike, and Puma have hit massive slumps in their sales, and this reverberates across the industry
as the entire backward market is also hit: factories are being closed and people are losing their
jobs. Bangladesh is also a casualty in the global supply chain disruption, but the post-pandemic
economy will see a reshuffle of resources in the footwear industry. China’s withdrawal from the
leather footwear scene presents itself as an opportunity for Bangladesh to move in and do what
Vietnam did, and become a major provider for countries that previously depended on Chinese
goods. At the same time, the increased raw material costs for leather after the pandemic
disruption will also make investing in non-leather footwear lucrative. The government of
Bangladesh is committed to support its manufacturers with proper policies and cash incentives to
keep the sector vigorous. Despite the disruption in supply, reports show that the global demand
for footwear is not likely to slow down after the global crisis has ended, signalling opportunities
for Bangladesh to move in and compete with Vietnam, Indonesia, and Cambodia as a major

The task is to design a marketing campaign that will create a distinct and superior brand identity of
Bangladesh as a Footwear exporter in the global market and communicate it successfully to increase
Bangladesh’s Footwear export share in the global market.

The objective is to convince the global giants in order to encourage them to select Bangladesh as the
manufacturer of choice when it comes to footwear.

You are required to put forth a 5-year plan. The budget should be feasible and justifiable.
Q1. Who is our client?

You have been appointed by the government as marketing consultants.

Q2. What is the aim of the campaign?

The campaign must aim to place Bangladesh in a position of ascendancy in the consideration set over both the existing and the emerging
competitors. Take note that the Bangladesh Government will arrange and provide for the dispersion of the promotional materials through the
promotional channels and networks according to your proposed budget.

Q1. Do I need to produce audio-visuals for this round?

While audio-visuals may be part of your plan, you are not required to submit a video file. Do note that should you choose to show an AV during your
presentation, you will not be granted any extra time for it.

Q2. What is meant by ‘Brand Development’?

Brand development refers to the core proposition of your brand, your positioning, and identity.

Q3. What does financial feasibility entail?

All costs associated with your plan must be included in your financials. Your expenditures should be justified by your returns and hence – feasible. In
this regard, ROI, cost per reach and other calculations are necessary.

For further details, keep an eye on the page. If you have any questions, reach out to us.

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