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Difference between Forward Contracts and Futures contract


1. It is traded in over the counter market. It 1. It is traded in organized exchange. It
lacks liquidity. ensures liquidity.
2. Terms are structured to suit both the 2. Terms of contract are highly
contracting parties. standardized.
3.Delivery price is the forward price and most 3. Delivery price is the spot price and
transactions result in delivery only a small percentage of contracts
resulting actual delivery.
4. Forward Positions are not easily offset or 4. Long and Short positions are usually
transferred to other participants. liquidated easily.
5. The settlement of a forward contract takes 5. Future contracts are marked to
place on the date of maturity so that profit market daily so that the profits or losses
/loss are booked on maturity only. are settled daily.
6. .No organization guarantees the 6. Clearing house guarantees the
performance of the counter party. chance of performance contracts . chance of
default risk high. default risk less.
7. No compulsion to make deposit in respect 7.Traders have to deposit initial margin
of margin. irrespective of their trading position
8. Participants are primarily institutions 8. Participants include banks,
dealing with one other and other interested corporations, financial institutions,
parties dealing through one or more dealer. individual investors and speculators.
9. Contract price is not publicly disclosed and 9. The contract price is open to all and
hence not transparent. hence is transparent.
10. Settlement of contract is usually made on 10.Here settlement of the contract is
delivery basis on expiry of the contract. mostly made on cash basis

Difference between options & futures/ forward

Sl.No. Basis Futures/ Forward Options
1. Payoff Linear Non – Linear
Only on seller of
Obligation to
2. Both buyer & seller option with sight to the
OTC for forward, Both OTC and
3. Trading
exchange trade for futures. exchange trade
None for forward being None if OTC and as
OTC and as required by per exchange
4. Margin
exchange in case of requirement if
futures. exchange traded
5. Initial payment None Buyer pays premium to
Once on maturity for Daily if exchange
6. Settlement forward and daily for traded and once on
futures maturity if OTC

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