Ncte 14-11-2022

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qd q}+q {FTFd Eastern Regional Committee

zlglqsftzllrtir €Ian @ National Gouncil for leacher Education

( lTnd 1T16rI 6.I qa fuFrifi' riprr ) $?
\6{6-{cl rrc
(A Statutory Body of the Government ot lndia)

File. No.ERC/Websitei l)atctl: l4.l I .2022


The PrincipaV CorrcsJrondcnce

All Teachcrs Training lnstitutions in liRC.

Sub:- Digital Survey for National Curriculam (DiSaNC): Based on the recommendation of


With reference on the subject cited above the following valiable suggestions is requird from
teachers training institutions as under:-

"Digital Survey for National Curriculum (DiSaNC): Based on the recommendation of NEP-2020,
the process for formulation of National Curriculum Framework (NCF) is being undertaken adopting
a paperless and bonom up approach. The Ministry of Education, Covemment of India and NCERT
invite all the stakeholders - parents, teachers, educators, students, community etc. to join this
massive and intensive public consultation process and contribute for fbrmulation of National
Curriculum Frameworks (NCFs).

Please share your valuable suggestions by Iilling up the survey, because every input counts. The
DiSaNC is just a click away:

Website link:

Mobile app link:'citizen

This survey is available in 23 languages. Please spare your valuable l0 minutes time. take up the
survey on your own and don't forget to share the survey link with all your e-groups and lriends for
wider circulation and participation".

Hence you are requested to share the above link to all teacher students with request to their
valuable suggestions by filling up the survey by tommrow i.e l5.l 1.2022 positevely and intimate
the numbers ofpersons who taken participate.

You art u llv

S* a 0p)
Regional Dircctor
llncl: As above

G-7, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi - 110075

Phone : +91-l l-20893265, 43r52358
Email : I Website :

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