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1 AA Assembly Area 집결지

2 AAR After Action Review 사후 강평

3 ACH Advanced Combat Helmet 방탄모(개량형)
4 ACS Army Community Service 육군복지체계
5 ADA Air Defense Artillery 방공포병
6 ADCON Administrative Control 행정 통제
7 AK Army in Korea 주한미육군
8 AKO Army Knowledge Online 미육군 지식 포털사이트
9 ALCON All Concerned 관계자 전원
10 Ammo Ammunition 탄약
11 AO Area of Operations 작전지역
12 AOI Area of Interest 관심지역
13 AOR Area of Responsibility 책임지역
14 APO Army Post Office 육군 군사우체국
15 AR Army Regulation 육군 규정
Army Commendation
16 ARCOM 육군 표창훈장
17 ATP Alliance Training Plan 동맹훈련계획
18 BDA Battle Damage Assessment 전투피해평가
19 BII Basic Issue Item 기본지급품목
Better Opportunities for
20 BOSS 독신장병 복지향상제도
Single Soldiers
21 CAC Community Activity Center 공동활용센터
22 CAC Common Access Card 신분증 겸 전산망접속카드
Combined Arms Live Fire
23 CALFEX 제병협동 실사격훈련
24 CASEVAC Casualty Evacuation 사상자 후송
Chemical, Biological,
25 CBRN 화생방 및 핵
Radiological,and Nuclear
26 Cdr Commander 지휘관, 사령관
Combined Forces
27 CFC 연합사(한미연합군사령부)
28 CG Commanding General (장성급) 사령관
29 CIF Central Issue Facility 중앙장비지급소
30 CLS Combat Life Saver 야전응급조치요원
31 COA Course of Action 방책
32 COC Code of Conduct 복무신조
33 COC Change of Command 지휘관 이취임
34 CofS Chief of Staff 참모장
35 COMSEC Communication Security 통신보안
36 CONOPS Concept of Operations 작전개념
37 CONPLAN Contingency Plan 우발계획
Command Post Theater
38 CP TANGO Air, Naval, Ground 전구 작전지휘소
39 CPX Command Post Exercise 지휘소 연습
40 CQ Charge of Quarters 당직
41 DCO Deputy Commander 부지휘관, 부사령관
Defense Readiness
42 DEFCON 데프콘(방어준비태세)
Date Eligible to Return
43 DEROS 귀국예정일
from Overseas
44 DMZ Demilitarized Zone 비무장지대
45 DOD Department of Defense 미국방성
Directorate of Public
46 DPW 시설물 관리처
47 DSN Defense Switched Network 미국방교환망
Emergency Deployment
48 EDRE 비상전개 준비태세훈련
Readiness Exercise
49 EIB Expert Infantry Badge 우수보병 기장
50 EO Equal Opportunity 기회균등
Emergency Operations
51 EOC 비상작전본부
Expiration Term of
52 ETS Service/Estimated Time of 전역일자
53 FA Field Artillery 야전포병
54 FE Foal Eagle 독수리 훈련
55 FLC (“Flick”) Fighting Load Carrier 야전전투조끼
56 FM Field Manual 야전 교범
For Official Use Only -
57 FOUO Controlled Unclassified 대외비
58 FPCON Force Protection Condition 부대 방호 태세(의 등급)
59 FRAGO Fragmentary Order 단편명령
60 FY Fiscal Year 회계연도
Ground Operations
61 GOC 지상작전 사령부(지작사)
Government Owned
62 GOV 관용차량
Headquarters and
63 HHC (본부 및) 본부 중대
Headquarters Company
High Mobility Multi
64 HMMWV 다목적 전술차량/험비
purposeWheeled Vehicle
Headquarters, Department
65 HQDA 미육군 본부
of the Army
66 IAW In Accordance With ~에 의거
Improvised Explosive
67 IED 급조폭발물
68 IFAK Improved First Aid Kit 야전구급키트(개량형)
69 IG Inspector General 감찰감, 감찰병과
Improved Outer Tactical
70 IOTV 방탄조끼(개량형)
71 IPR In Process Review (Report) 중간검토(보고)
72 JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff 합동참모본부
Korean Augmentation to
73 KATUSA 미육군에 증강된 한국군
the US Army
74 KR Key Resolve 키리졸브 연습
75 LNO Liaison Officer 연락장교
76 LOC Line of Communication 병참선
77 LSA Life Support Area 숙영지역
78 MBA Main Battle Area 주 전투지역
79 MEC Mission Essential Civilian 임무 필수 민간인
80 METL Mission Essential Task List 임무 필수과제 목록
Ministry of National
81 MND 한국 국방부
Modular Lightweight
82 MOLLE 모듈형 전투배낭
Load-carrying Equipment
Major Subordinate
83 MSC 주요 예하 사령부
84 MSR Main Supply Route 주 보급로
Noncombatant Evacuation
85 NEO 비전투원 후송작전
86 NFA No Fire Area 사격금지구역
North Korea Army/North
87 nKA/nKPA 북한군
KoreanPeople’s Army
88 OP Observation Post 관측소
89 OPCON Operational Control 작전 통제(작통)
90 OPFOR Opposing Forces 대항군
91 OPORD Operation Order 작전명령
92 OPSEC OperationsSecurity 작전 보안
93 Ord Ordnance 병기
94 PAO Public Affairs Office 공보실
95 PAX Passengers/Personnel ~명(세는 단위)
96 PDS Personnel Daily Summary 일일병력 요약 보고
97 PLL Prescribed Load List 규정휴대량 목록
98 PM Provost Marshal 헌병 대장(참모)
99 PMCS 예방정비 검사 및 지원
Checks & Services
100 POC Point of Contact 연락처, 담당관
101 POW Prisoner of War 전쟁포로
102 PSG Platoon Sergeant 부소대장
103 PSYOP Psychological Operations 심리작전
104 QTB Quarterly Training Brief 분기별 훈련보고
105 RECON Reconnaissance 수색, 정찰
106 REDCON Readiness Condition 준비태세
Releasable to Republic of
107 RELROK 한측 공개가능
108 ROADCON Road Condition 도로상황
109 ROC Drill Rehearsal of Concept Drill 훈련개념발전 예행연습
110 ROE Rules of Engagement 교전규칙
Reception, Staging,
111 RSOI Onward Movement, and 연합 전시증원
Subversion and Espionage
112 SAEDA 미 육군 군사보안 업무
Directed against the Army
113 SAW Squad Automatic Weapon 분대자동화기
Sexual Harassment/Assault
114 SHARP 성범죄 대응 및 예방
Response and Prevention
115 SIR Serious Incident Report 주요사건보고
116 SITREP Situation Report 상황보고
Status of Forces
117 SOFA 한미행정협정
Signal Operating
118 SOI 통신운용지시
119 SOP 예규
Operating Procedure
Table of Organization and
120 T/O&E 편제장비표
121 TBD To Be Determined 추후결정
122 TCP Traffic Control Point 교통통제소
123 TIS Time in Service 복무기간
124 TLP Troop Leading Procedures 부대지휘절차
125 TMP Transportation Motor Pool 수송부
126 TOC Tactical Operations Center 전술작전본부
Tactics, Techniques, and
127 TTP 전술, 전기 및 절차
128 UBL Unit Basic Load 부대 기본휴대량
Uniform Code of Military
129 UCMJ 군인복무규율
Ulchi Freedom Guardian -
130 UFG 을지프리덤가디언 연습
Ulchi Freedom Shield
131 UNC United Nations Command 유엔군 사령부
United States Forces
132 USFK 주한미군
133 VTC Video Teleconference 원격 화상회의
134 WARNO(RD) Warning Order 준비명령
135 WATCHCON Watch Condition 정보감시태세
Weapons of Mass
136 WMD 대량살상무기
137 XO Executive Officer 보좌관, 선임장교
1 CA combat arms
2 CS combat support
3 CSS combat service support
a polite or considerate act or
4 courtesy
(in the middle Ages) Knights
were expected to have ideal
5 Age of Chivalry qualities such as courage, honor,
courtesy, and concern for weak
6 standing position or reputation
7 headdress cap or hat
8 manifestly obviously
in an ordered arrangement of
9 in formation
troops or vehicles
flags of organizations and
10 colors certain civilian and military
11 homage respect
12 sentinels guards
13 attire clothes
a staff officer in the Army, Air
Force, or Marines who assists
14 adjutant
the commanding officer and is
responsible for correspondence
marked by extreme or excessive
15 meticulous care in the consideration or
treatment of details
16 in ranks side by side in a line
noncombat duties assigned; the
17 details
people selected for duty
18 thoroughfare a Street or a road
Meal; the place where the meal
19 mess
is eaten
a command phrase used to
inform soldiers that they may
move talk, smoke or drink from
20 "Rest."
a canteen. The solder must
remain standing with his/her
right foot in place.
a command phrase used to
21 "As you were." inform soldiers that they may
continue doing an activity
a phrase used to inform soldiers
that they may move or stand in
a natural manner. A soldier
22 "At ease."
must, however, remain standing
and silent with his/her right
foot in place.
weapons) used against hostile
23 antiaircraft(AA)
a word used to inform soldiers
that they should stand up
straight and be ready for a
command. Soldiers should bring
their heels together with toes
24 "Attention."
forming a 45-degree angle.
Soldiers should stand erect with
their arms to their sides, backs
of hand outward, and fingers
a military unit composed of a
headquarters and two or more
25 battalion
companies, batteries or similar
a unit composed of a
26 brigade headquarters, one or more
battalions, and supporting units
27 captain an officer with the grade of O-3
28 colonel an officer with the grade of O-6
a unit consisting of a
29 company headquarters and two or more
a tactical unit consisting of two
30 corps or more divisions and auxiliary
arms and services
to wear headgear such as a
31 cover
garrison cap or service cap
a tactical military unit composed
32 division of headquarters and usually
three brigades
equipment, supplies, ammunition,
and personnel involved in the
33 field artillery(FA) use of cannon, rocket, or
surface-to-surface missile
34 lieutenant colonel an officer with the grade of O-5
an officer with the grade of O-1
35 lieutenant
of O-2
36 major general an officer with the grade of O-8
an enlisted person in a
37 noncommissioned officer (NCO)
leadership position
a military unit made up of two
38 platoon
or more squads
a military unit consisting of
39 regiment several battalions; equal to a
40 render to execute the motions of
41 sergeant a noncommissioned officer
a small group of solders; a
42 squad
subdivision of platoon
carrying weapons or having
43 under arms them attached to the person by
sling, holster, or other means
steps of command within an
44 chain of command
45 old man the commanding officer
a bugle call at about sunrise
signaling the first military
46 reveille
formation of the day; also: the
formation so signaled
the last bugle call of the
47 taps military day; traditionally played
at military funerals
high ranking officers, especially
48 the brass
staff officers
49 file 13 the trashcan or wastebasket
50 AWOL absent without leave
51 ETA estimated time of arrival
estimated time of departure /
52 ETD / SP
53 VIP very important person
54 RSVP please respond
55 NLT not later than
56 COB close of business
Chief of Staff executive officer;
second in command
58 (G-1) [S-1] Personnel
59 (G-2) [S-2] Intelligence
60 (G-3) [S-3] Operations and training
61 (G-4) [S-4] Logistics
62 (G-5) [S-5] Civil-military operations
Command, control,
63 (G-6) [S-6] communications, and computer
operations (C4OPS)
Information operations officer
64 (G-7) [S-7] (corps, divisions, and selected
brigades only)
65 RM Resources management
Unit 2
66 Army brat a child of an Army member
an Army O-1, who wears gold
67 butter bar
an informal name for a
lieutenant (LT). It is only used
68 El-Tee when the enlisted soldier and
the lieutenant are very familiar
with each other.
an Army O-6. The insignia of
rank is a silver eagle, a type of
69 full-bird colonel
bird. Never address a colonel as
a full-bird colonel.
an enlisted service member. It
refers to the fact that
70 GI everything the enlisted person
needs is issued by the
government (Government Issue)
71 ground pounder an infantryman
72 lifer a term used to describe career
service members
an Army O-5. The insignia is a
73 light colonel
silver leaf.
short for sergeant. This is an
informal term for an NCO. It can
be used to talk about the NCO
74 Sarge
or to address the NCO, but only
if you know that person very
the first sergeant. This is an
informal term for the first
75 Top sergeant. It can be used to talk
about the first sergeant or to
address the first sergeant.
manner; the way a person
76 bearing
moves or stands
77 CONUS continental United States
means of transportation such as
78 conveyance
cars, trucks, buses, etc.
the action of wearing away
79 corrosion
because of a chemical reaction
identification worn by military
80 dog tag personnel on a chain around the
military clothing worn during
81 dress uniform formal occasions and during
informal occasions as a suit
stylish; something that interests
people for a short time;
82 faddish
temporary fashion that lasts for
a few seasons
raveled or worn; the place
83 frayed
where the weave comes apart
a covering or protective device
84 headgear
for the head
to look directly at the person's
85 look squarely in the eye
a glow of reflected light; a
86 luster
shine from the surface
87 mess dress formal military clothing
hair which grows on the human
88 mustache
upper lip
stick out from the surrounding
89 protrude
surface or area
a ceremony during which the
90 retreat flag is lowered at the end of
the day
hair which grows on the side of
a man's face just in front of
91 sideburns
the ears; the continuation of
the hairline in front of the ears
droop or slump; to not stand or
sit straight; to stand, sit, or
92 slouch
walk with your shoulders bent
93 civvies civilian clothing
a shoulder ornament, especially
94 epaulet a fringed strap worn on military
the zipper or button opening in
95 fly
the front of trousers or pants
the alignment of the uniform's
96 gig line
shirt, belt buckle, and fly
shoes with three-quarter inch
97 low quarters heels; oxford type shoes that
lace up
98 ASAP As Soon As Possible
North Atlantic Treaty
100 UN United Nations
101 PfP (PFP) Partnership for Peace
102 POV Privately Owned Vehicle
Unit 3
a written order from an
103 personal checks individual to a bank to pay
money that you have to pay in
104 surcharge addition to the basic price of
not intending or intended to
105 nonprofit
earn a profit
106 compensation making up for; pay; payment
107 due fee or charge for a service
to provide for the payment of;
108 defray pay; to pay for; provide money
private schools maintained by a
religious group usually of
109 parochial schools
elementary or secondary
military forces (Air Force, Army,
110 services
Navy, Marines)
111 garrison a military post
the field equipment and clothing
112 TA-50 field gear
carried by US soldiers
a small kitchen containing
113 kitchenette
cooking facilities
114 accommodaiton lodging; a place to stay
a house with two separate
115 duplex home
family units
116 single dwelling unit residence; house for one family
117 up-to-date latest
118 reside live
the office that provides lodging;
the billet is the written order to
119 Billeting Office
provide lodging for military
personnel and the lodging itself
an individual or a group taking
120 party
part in an action or affair
121 bachelor quarters lodging for a single person
a facility for diagnosis and
treatment of outpatients
122 clinic
(patients who are not
123 commissary a grocery store
the building where military
124 dining facility
personnel eat meals
a place where medical or dental
125 dispensary
aid is provided
126 facility something that is built. Installed,
or established to serve a
particular purpose
127 family quarters lodging for a family
128 ID card identification card
a military camp, fort, base, post,
129 installation
or station
things bought and sold; wares,
130 merchandise
goods, stock, commodities
131 PCS permanent change of station
persons with a continuous
132 permanent party rather than temporary
assignment to a military post
a military base; the place at
133 post which a body of troops is
stationed; camp
134 post exchange(PX) a department store
135 quarters living accommodations; lodging
136 TDY temporary duty
temporary; someone who is
137 transient
arriving or leaving
sometimes known as
space-available; space in military
housing or on a military aircraft
that is left open after
official-duty travelers are taken
138 space-A
care of. Space available room or
seating is available on a
first-come, first-served basis,
according to category of
potential riders.
139 java coffee
very early in the morning;
140 o-dark-thirty
sometime before sunrise
(slang used by Army soldiers)
141 HOOAH! referring to or meaning anything
and everything except "NO"
area where military personnel
142 off limits
are not allowed
Army Military Clothing Sales
Store; some people refer to it
as Clothing Sales.
144 DFAC dining facility
145 MRE meals ready to eat
146 POC point of contact
Army and Air Force Exchange
Unit 4
148 IET Initial Entry Training
149 AIT Advanced Individual Training
150 MOS military occupational specialty
151 OSUT One-Station Unit Training
152 BCT Basic Combat Training
loyalty, duty, respect, selfless
153 Army's seven values service, honor, integrity and
personal courage
154 TRADOC Training and Doctrine Command
an individual who is responsible
155 Drill Sergeant
for training
the initial process of training in
which recruits are sworn in,
given medical examination, and
informed of their training base.
Once they arrive at the training
156 reception battalion processing
base, they receive clothing and
hair cuts, attend briefings on
finance, sexual harassment, etc.,
and complete forms for medical
care and life insurance.
The condition or state of
operability of a component or
157 GO/NO GO system: "go," functioning
properly; or "no-go," not
functioning properly.
an activity for developing the
158 exercise
body or mind
prescribed movements with
159 manual of arms weapon to increase
concentration and pride
160 AD Army Drill
161 BRM Basic Rifle Marksmanship
the detailed naming of each
component or part of a weapon,
162 nomenclature
vehicle, or other piece of
running at top speed for a
163 wind sprint short distance to develop
breathing capacity
instructed in the fundamentals
164 indoctrinated
or rudiments
instructing and training
165 coaching intensively (as by instruction and
a person who is skilled at firing
166 Sharpshooter
a rifle or pistol
training in which soldiers are
taught to use non-traditional
military attacks and their
knowledge of native terrain to
initiate surprise attacks,
camouflage operations and
167 guerrilla exercise
provide supplies; military and
paramilitary operations
conducted in enemy-held or
hostile territory by irregular,
mostly indigenous (native)
a conditioning exercise in which
168 pull-up the arms are used to pull the
chin up over a bar
a conditioning exercise
performed in a lying position
(face down) by raising and
lowering the body with the
169 push-up
straightening and bending of
the arms while keeping the
back straight and supporting
the body on the hands and
a condition exercise performed
from a lying position (face up)
by raising the trunk to a sitting
170 sit-up
position without lifting the feet
and returning to the original
171 FTX field training exercise
172 APFT Army Physical Fitness Test
173 EOCT end-of-cycle test
a steel blade attached at the
barrel end of a rifle or weapon
174 bayonet
and used in hand-to-hand
a temporary military camp under
175 bivouac little or no shelter; to make a
bivouac or camp
friend; partner; someone or
176 buddy something that you can trust or
depend on
177 check an inspection
a small explosive or chemical
bomb thrown by hand or fired
178 grenade
from a rifle, carbine, or special
grenade thrower
close fighting with hand held
179 hand-to-hand combat
standing in a military formation
180 in ranks of evenly spaced columns and
the movement through or into
an area or territory occupied by
181 infiltration
either friendly or enemy troops
or organizations
a device designed to support
182 launcher and hold a grenade or missile in
position for firing
183 leadership capability to lead
184 pace the speed regulated to maintain
a prescribed average speed
185 pair off to form groups of two (a pair)
exercises designed to improve
186 physical training (PT) health, strength, and condition
of the body
187 terrain land of a particular type
188 troop a group of soldiers
the pairing of trainees for
189 buddy system
mutual assistance and support
clean up; scrub, wash, and
190 GI party
troop cadence for marching or
191 jody or jody call
192 latrine restroom, bathroom, toilet
to pick up trash; straighten and
193 police
arrange things neatly
194 re-up to reenlist
specific block of time during
195 sick call which a military person can
seek medical attention
an unannounced inspection for a
196 spot check
specific item of compliance
197 AO Area of Operation

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