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Old 06-30-2007, 06:40 PM
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Cool *time for fieldin'*

finally what i just needed to look at before getting the guts to
actually sarge like a demon... stay tuned for my field report guys.

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Old 06-22-2007, 04:19 PM
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A well timed post, thank you.

I went out last night, opened with one my LA buddies ones (we make the
chick take photos of us, talk a bit, take a pic of them, continue
PU)...but last night I just opened, and forgot EVERYTHING... I MEAN
I only realised what I should have done when I got back home, so stupid.

Anyway some good pointers in there.

Thank you.
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Old 06-22-2007, 03:56 PM
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Default *"Opening Tips" Article by Tyler*

Opening Tips

Article by Tyler Durden

What I'm gonna do here is list a few of the most frequent causes for
this problem, since I can't be there to actually observe your game and
diagnose what's specifically wrong. Take a look and see if you can learn
anything from this. First of all, are you hooking the set properly after
you open them? Often times, sets will open and the girls will talk to
you, but they're just being polite. You want to hook them. Hooking them
means getting them from "Why is this guy talking to me" to "I hope this
guy doesn't STOP talking to me." You have approximately 2 minutes to
hook the set after you open. If you haven't hooked them by that point,
you're most likely done.

What does this mean? Well, when I run a set, I will roll in, run my
opener, them BAM!! I hit them with one of my strongest routines that I
know will get them giggling and squealing. After this, I immediately
initiate kino, then roll into my standard game. They are hooked. If
you're not doing this IMMEDIATELY, well, it's no surprise that your sets
aren't going anywhere.

Having said that, let's go through some other common mistakes that lead
to these "nowhere sets" as I call them.

1. Standing too far away. A big reason why sets never go anywhere is
that the guys never CUT IN. Much like a Junior High school dance, the
guy keeps a strict 3-foot distance from the girl. If you watch me in
set, I get right up in the chick's face as soon as I've got her hooked.
I move in and out as dictated by the rhythms of the interaction, but the
point is, I'm up in there ASAP. It makes it understood that there is a
sexual undertone.

2. Too much disinterest. A lot of guys hear all this "be the prize"
stuff, and they misinterpret it to mean they should show no interest in
the chick whatsoever. I've even seen guys talking to the girls with
their necks literally craned all the way around with their backs to
them. Understand the difference between being NEEDY and showing
TENTATIVE interest.

3. Move the set forward. So many guys will simply NOT MOVE THE SET
FORWARD. Remember that pick-up is a PROCESS with STEPS. You have to be
continuously aware of where you are in the interaction, where you want
to go, and take the steps to get there. Many guys I see will approach
the girls, open them, then continue to discuss the OPENER for 15
minutes, then eject and scratch their heads because it didn't go anywhere.

Example: guy rolls up and asks, "Who lies more, men or women?" The girls
answer, and then keeps talking about it. He's clinging to this topic for
dear life. He hammers away at it until all possible threads relating to
it have been exhausted. The chicks at this point think he's a weirdo,
and excuse themselves to "go to the bathroom" or "go dance". The poor
guy sits there, confused as to where he went wrong.


4. Too much group befriending. Let me say this: when you approach a
group of girls, it's important to win them all over before you attempt
to isolate your target. The approval of the peer group is invaluable,
because without it, you run into problems like "anti-slut defense" (the
chick's natural aversion to appearing sexually promiscuous in public).
That said, a lot of times guys make the mistake of befriending the peer
group a little TOO MUCH. What ends up happening? You get thrown into the
'friend zone', and as we all know, there's no coming back from the
friend zone. Worse, sometimes the target will think you're actually into
the less-attractive friends, and she'll bow out so her friend can have a
chance. Blech! Get the peer group's approval, but isolate as soon as
you've done it.

5. Be more flirty. You need to make it obvious that there's a sexual

tension to the interaction, and in a lot of ways, this relates to #1. Be
playful, give her slightly sexual looks, etc. Listen, a lot of guys like
using neutral opinion openers because of their 'stealth' qualities. They
open great because they allow you to go in under the radar, so to speak.
But once the set is open, it's time to drop the stealth mode and start

6. Calibrating to the energy of the group. You have to understand that

when you approach a group, you must go in with your energy level EQUAL
TO or SLIGHTLY HIGHER THAN theirs. You must contribute something to the
set, not be an "energy leech". This is especially true in the clubs
where there is a lot of stimulation all around.

Again, this is just one of the more common reasons for sets not going
anywhere; frequently the group will listen to what you have to say
because they're being polite, but they won't feel

What this boils down to is not being afraid to be rejected. Many, many
guys get to the point where they can open consistently, and it's
something they weren't able to do before, and they enjoy the feeling of
success. Then they don't move things forward, because they don't want to
blow that feeling. It makes no LOGICAL sense, yet they do it anyway.
Take the above into serious consideration, get out in the field, and let
me know your progress.
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