Frame Control

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*** QUESTION ***

I'm not sure if you answer questions or not, but I had a

question that was festering in my mind from the past weekend.

The background of the story is I went clubbing with a friend

who has some skills as well. We went to work once we got there.

What I found is once you get 6 or 7 girls sitting with you at a

table or at the bar engaging you (we approached 3 groups and
merged together by talking eachother up and so forth).

The problem I noticed is once you get a group of girls, having fun
with them and so forth, you get the floaters or the hovering
guys moving in on our group.

At first I was frustrated but I tried doing various things to

blow them out on their approaches, like engaging them, making
them talk about boring stuff but making it look like I was just
being friendly, to singing silly songs about how their trying
to score and so forth.

But most of the time with the hovering losers, they would creep
the girls out and the girls would say they were going back
dancing. Then we'd be stuck with the losers at our table.

So they'd hang around I guess waiting for us to bring girls

back. Once they got bored they'd leave. We'd approach more
girls and get some new girls back, and teh cloud of losers
would return.

Basically, it got me thinking what would the pros do in

situations like that. If there were any tactics or even
simple body positioning that would prevent or defuse this.

I tried a few like moving the group to various parts of the

club, quiet areas etc. or sitting arrangements where it
appeared they were gaming me n so forth but the cloud followed.

Keep up the good work

Tony, London Ontario

>>>>>> MY REPLY:

Whoa, what's this? You're "not sure if I answer questions or


Well, yeah, I've been known to answer a question or two in my

time, so let's have a crack at it.

First off, it sounds like you're doing pretty well for yourself
as far as your game is concerned, so congratulations for that.
The ability to merge groups together like that demonstrates a
deep cognitive understanding of how social interaction works.

You are cool!

But yeah, these hoverchodes can be quite disconcerting, I know.

They linger and act all weird, like human vultures in a chode
fog. They're watching you get the girls into state, and are
hoping you'll leave so they can... what? Get blown off?

YOU know that's what'll happen, and *I* know that's what'll
happen, but these hoverchodes JUST DON'T GET IT.

So, what's a player to do?

It all comes down to FRAME CONTROL. The best tactic is to

just IGNORE these guys and cut them out of your reality
completely. By extension, this will make the girl unaware of
their presence, because she's in your frame.

Those people are just chodes who can only DREAM of doing what
you're doing. IGNORE THEM.

This goes back to having a strong reality, and it's something

I discussed in a recent newsletter. I called it having a "point
of attention," and let's just recap that right here:

Whenever you're in set, you have to have a certain point on

which you focus your attention. Usually, it's the girl.

The most important thing to remember is that you must never

waver from your point of attention, that it must not drift
off to some area outside of the set.

That means you don't pay attention to the other guys lingering off
to the left, you don't pay attention to other people making comments
about the pickup, etc.

You have to ENGAGE your target with HYPER FOCUS, and ignore all
distractions. You'll notice that when this happens, the whole
club seems to disappear... it's just YOU and HER in your own
little magical bubble of desire.

This means not not being concerned with anything outside

of your set. It means maintaining a strong frame and a strong

I've heard this described as "solitude in public."

If your attention slips, you must collect it again and

redirect it as soon as possible to one single point or object.

Remember that? Good.

So give it a whirl, and see for yourself how effective this

can be.

Have fun, and thanks for writing.

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