Advertisement Writing

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a. The word Advertisement outside the box

b. An interesting, catchy heading
c. An appropriate slogan
d. Company/Product
e. Features/Special Attractions
f. End with a Slogan
g. Don’t write in complete sentences or in paragraphs
h. No drawings or coloring but make it visually appealing (just like the posters)
i. The entire advertisement within a box.

1) You have launched new software. Write a campaign advertisement.
2) You are the Centre Head of the Star Personality Centre. Draft an
advertisement giving relevant details inviting students to join this course.
3) Draft a campaign ad for a new vaccine that has recently been brought out by
a medical company.
4) Bombay Selections has brought out a new range of party wear clothes. Draft
a promotional ad for the same.
5) Draft an advertisement for a Diwali Mela to be held in your city. Use catchy
slogans and give the necessary details.

a. The word Advertisement outside the box.
b. Appropriate Heading- Inside the box.
c. The first word must be in capital letters.
d. Don’t use complete sentences
e. Use only phrases
f. Avoid articles, prepositions, conjunctions
g. Abbreviations can be used.
h. Separate points with commas slashes or full stops
i. Give the name of the contact, his/her address, and phone number
j. Write anything in one paragraph
k. The entire advertisement must be within a box.

1) You are Varsha/Varun, Secretary, Enlingua Institute. The institute is going to
start fresh batches in foreign languages shortly. Write a classified
advertisement for a local daily announcing the courses in not more than 50
2) You are the General Manager of Primrose Software Solutions, Hyderabad.
You need faculty members for your centre with knowledge of e-commerce.
Draft an advertisement to be published in ‘The Times of India’ under the
‘Classified Column’.
3) You have recently constructed a house with all the facilities in a posh area.
You have decided to give it on rent. Draft a suitable advertisement for the ‘To-
Let’ column of a local daily. Invent all the necessary details, including a
contact address.
4) You are Ashok/Ashita of Sitapur, Lucknow. You have got a foreign
assignment and would be going abroad soon. You have a colour television set
and a refrigerator to sell. Draft a suitable advertisement to be displayed on the
housing society notice board.
5) A reputed multinational company is looking for Sales Executives to promote
their latest product. Draft an advertisement giving all necessary details in
about 50 words.

a. The words ‘An Appeal’ at the top
b. The situation with details of the needy person/calamity and the problems
being faced
c. Appeal to the public for whatever is needed
d. Name, designation, address, and telephone number of the person issuing the
appeal under the content.
e. The entire appeal must be within a box.

1) Maya, a 12-year-old girl is suffering from heart disease. She needs money for
the surgery, which can save her life. As XYZ, an NGO writes an appeal to be
published in a national daily, asking benevolent members of society to donate
money for a worthy cause.
2) Rural areas are hereby seeking, donations, aid, and grants from well-wishers,
organizations, and various charities in the world in order to establish a
rehabilitation centre for the girl child, as SAHARA And NGO. Write an appeal
to be published in a national daily.
3) An NGO, actively involved in the education of the blind, publishes an appeal
in a national daily requesting people to donate generously to the ‘Annual
Scholarship’ for meritorious Blind boys/girls studying in Blind Schools. The
donations must be sent to the Account Officer, Blind School, New Delhi before
20 November 2018.

a. Heading
b. Write BY in next line centre ……. if the description is being written as an
c. Make paragraphs unless explicitly asked to write in one paragraph.
d. Don’t give a detailed introduction. Give a general/ external description first.
e. Give details of interior/ working.
f. Be precise and to the point.

1) Write a factual description of an accident that took place between a bus and a
train at an unmanned crossing.
2) Factual description of an event: Seminar on Environment
3) Factual description of the process of preparing for the Board Examinations.
4) Write a factual description of the National Museum you visited.
5) Factual description of a process of issuing a Library Book.

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