Time Management and Decision Making

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Time Management

What is time?

Time is familiar to everyone, yet it's hard to define and understand. Science, philosophy, religion, and the arts have
different definitions of time, but the system of measuring it is relatively consistent.

Scientific Definition. Physicists define time as the progression of events from the past to the present into the future.

World English Dictionary. The continuous passage of existence in which events pass from a state of potentiality in the
future, through the present, to a state of finality in the past

Science Dictionary. A continuous, measurable quantity in which events occur in a sequence proceeding from the past
through the present to the future

Merriam-Webster Dictionary. The measured or measurable period during which an action, process or condition
exists or continues

Task # 1. Define time in one word.

Castillo - Important
Dela cruz - Continuous/ Flow
Flores - Moment
Jusayan - Life
Malvar - Valuable
Marcos - Uncontrollable

Key Points

✓ Time is the progression of events from the past into the future.

✓ Time moves only in one direction. It's possible to move forward in time, but not backward.

What is time management?

Time Management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right activity.
Making the best use of time, as time is always limited.

Task# 2 : How do you manage your time effectively?

Castillo - I prioritize tasks, set goals, and use techniques like time blocking and the Promodo Technique.
Dela Cruz - To efficiently manage my time, I make specific goals, prioritize work, and plan my days ahead.
Flores - Assign time slots for each work, Reduce distractions as much as possible.
Jusayan - I managed my yime effieciently by prioritizing my most important task to least important task.
Malvar - I set time for what i'm gonna do like there's a time for study, for family, for basketball, and for God. Marcos - I set
limited time for everything that i have to do

Why time management is important?

1. To simplify things

2. To add structure to your day or life in general.

3.To increase efficiency.

4. To increase productivity.

Task #3 Write the importance of time management in your life.

Castillo - Reduces stress, and enables me to achieve my goals efficiently.

Dela Cruz - Time management is vital in my life because it allows me to prioritize work, reduce stress, and reach my
objectives more efficiently.
Flores - We need time management because it helps us maximize the little time we have.
Jusayan - Time management is one of the main practice that i’m trying to master as of now.
Malvar - The importance of time management in my life is so valuable, I used to spend my time in my family and in
basketball and when I was doing that i was so happy.
Marcos - management help me to organize my time so that i can avoid chaos.

3 major aspects of time management

1. Setting Priorities.

2. Setting Deadlines.

3. Reducing Time Spent on Non-priorities.

Strategies for Managing Time and Tasks

Effectively managing time and tasks involves three key processes:

Analysis. Breaking down time to see how much of it we have and what we’re spending it on;

Itemizing. Identifying and listing the tasks that we need to complete and when we need to complete them; and
Prioritizing. Ranking our tasks in terms of their importance and attacking them in order of their importance.

Tips for Effective Time Management

1. Set goals correctly.

2. Prioritize wisely.

3. Set a time limit to complete a task.

4. Take a break between tasks.

5. Organize yourself.

6. Remove non-essential tasks/ activities.

7. Plan ahead.

Implications of Poor Time Management

1. Poor workflow.

2. Wasted time.

3. Loss of control.

4. Poor quality of work.

5.. Poor reputation

Task #4 Write the activities that wastes your time the most.

Castillo - scrolling through social media platforms wastes the most time for me.
Dela Cruz - Time-wasting activities include excessive social media scrolling, aimless internet browsing, unnecessary meetings
or conversations, multitasking, procrastination, and overthinking.
Flores - My biggest time wasters include multitasking, aimless internet browsing, excessive social media scrolling, and
Jusayan - Social media and other cellphone activities.
Malvar - Among the various things I regarded as unsuitable time wastage include playing video games on the internet, which
frequently interferes with leading a productive life, sleeping for extended periods of time, lying in bed and browsing social
media, and engaging in pointless conversations with people.
Marcos - the things that usually wastes my time is watching movies and sleeping.

Decision Making and Conflict Resolution

Decision is the process of determining what action to take, including identifying a choice
Decision making is the act of choosing one alternative from among a set of alternatives. It can be regarded as the
mental processes resulting in the selection of a course of action among several alternatives. Every decision making
process produces a final choice.

Decision making process is the process of making choices by identifying a decision,

gathering information, and assessing alternative resolutions.

Decision maker is a person who makes the final choice among the alternatives.

Task # 5. What are the decisions that you made that affect your life?

Castillo - The decision to prioritize my mental and physical health by getting regular exercise and practicing mindfulness has
greatly helped my overall well-being and productivity.
Dela Cruz - Beginning my BSA program in college lays the groundwork for my academic and professional future, while
prioritizing self-discipline and time management ensures success in the years ahead.
Flores - Choices regarding friendships, study habits, and prioritization of responsibilities can affect my personal growth,
mental well being, and journey in achieving my goals.
Jusayan - My decision to start to manage my time and have a self-discipline.
Malvar - When i chose God, a few years ago I was experiencing the toxic family and self disappointment At that time I didn't
know what I was going to do, every night I cried and cried because of the heavy heart that i have, then God gave me answer
even though I'm not always praying that time he gave me answer that can change my life.
Marcos - one of the biggest dicision that i made that affects my life is when i decided to drop out in school and stop
for 3 years.

7 Steps of the Decision Making Process

1. Identify the decision.

2. Gather information.

3. Identify Alternatives.

4. Weigh the evidence.

5. Choose among alternatives

6. Take Action.

7. Review your decision and its consequence.

Difficulties in Decision Making Process

Fear of Consequences.

The possible outcome of an impending decision may bring division and disagreement

Conflicting Loyalties.
When one person is a member of a number of groups, this frequently leads to divided loyalties about decisions.

Interpersonal Conflict.

Personal differences occur which provokes feelings of affection or dislike among members and which interfere with

sound decision making. Often another member who is not involved in the interpersonal conflict can bring the real

problem into the open Hidden Agenda.

One person may try to get the group to make a certain decision, which he wants for reasons which he will not share
with the group.

Blundering Methods

A group may be so bound by rigid procedures that there is little chance for a free expression of differences. Or a
group may allow itself to substitute personal opinions for adequate information. Or group may approach the decision
making process without testing for consensus.

Inadequate Leadership.

A leader may hinder good decision making if he restricts the expression of opinion or discussion on issues too soon.
Leaders also may fail to provide assistance in selecting appropriate methods for decision making or be insensitive to
the factors causing difficulty in the group.

Clash of Interest.

Sometimes different groups or individuals within an organization do have opposing interest

Task # 6. Choose one among the difficulties in decision making process that mostly affect your decision in life.

Castillo - Overcoming my fear of failure is one of the biggest challenges I face when making decisions since it can cause delay
and indecision, which can impede my ability to move closer to my objectives.
Dela Cruz - Overthinking frequently confuses my decision-making, making it difficult to pursue the appropriate path in life.
Flores - Fear of making the wrong choice is a prevalent decision making challenge that frequently influences my decisions in
Jusayan - Fear of consequences. This is the most difficulty that I face in life.
Malvar - .When i chose God, a few years ago I was experiencing the toxic family and self disappointment At that time I didn't
know what I was going to do, every night I cried and cried because of the heavy heart that i have, then God gave me answer
even though I'm not always praying that time he gave me answer that can change my life.
Marcos - fear of consequences is usually the reason why i have difficulties in decision making.
Definition of Conflict

✓ Strong disagreement between people, groups, etc., that results in often angry argument. (Merriam Webster)

✓ An open clash between two opposing groups or individuals.(vocabulary.com)

✓ Is serious disagreement and argument about something important. (collinsdictionary.com)

Four Levels of Conflict

✓ Intra-personal. Conflicts that occur within the consciousness of an individual

✓ Interpersonal. Conflicts that occur between two or more individuals (including family and friends) ✓ Intra-

group. Conflicts that occur within a particular group.

✓ Inter-group. Conflicts that occur between two or more groups (e.g. ethnic or religious groups).

Task # 7 Identify a situation in which you have been involved in a conflict. And write if it is intra-personal,
interpersonal, intra-group or inter-group level of conflict.

Castillo - I have encountered conflict when two team members have different opinions on how to approach a project,
resulting in tension and the need for mediation to find a compromise that aligns with both perspectives while still meeting
our goals
Dela Cruz -Inter-group level, my friends and I had a disagreement with another group regarding academic matters.
Flores - I once got into a disagreement with my sibling about household chores in the house. This is intra-group conflict,
because it involved a conflict within the same household or family group.
Jusayan - Intra-personal. As a person that's trying to master the art of discipline, I often have a argument with myself in my
brain when I'm becoming lazy and procrastinating. I'm forcing myself to do what I'm supposed to do no matter what I feel
and I'm doing it almost everyday.
Malvar - Situation: I was having trouble assigning tasks for an impending project with one of my team members as a
project manager.
Level of Conflict: Interpersonal
Marcos - it happens when i'm deciding if i will continue studying or just continue working. Intra-personal.

What is Conflict Resolution?

Conflict resolution is the process by which two or more parties reach a peaceful resolution to a dispute. The
disagreement may be personal, financial, political, or emotional.

The Goals of Negotiation

✓ To produce a solution that all parties can agree to

✓ To work as quickly as possible to find this solution

✓ To improve, not hurt, the relationship between the groups in conflict

Five Conflict Resolution Strategies

1. Avoiding. Someone who uses a strategy of "avoiding" mostly tries to ignore or sidestep the conflict, hoping it
will resolve itself or dissipate.

2. Accommodating. Using the strategy of "accommodating" to resolve conflict essentially involves taking steps to
satisfy the other party's concerns or demands at the expense of your own needs or desires.

3. Compromising. The strategy of "compromising" involves finding an acceptable resolution that will partly, but
not entirely, satisfy the concerns of all parties involved.

4. Competing. Someone who uses the conflict resolution strategy of "competing" tries to satisfy their own
desires at the expense of the other parties involved.

5. Collaborating. Using "collaborating" involves finding a solution that entirely satisfies the concerns of all
involved parties..

✓ The Thomas-Kilmann model identifies two dimensions people fall into when choosing a conflict resolution
strategy: assertiveness and cooperativeness. Assertiveness involves taking action to satisfy your own needs,
while cooperativeness involves taking action to satisfy the other's needs.

Task #8 How did you resolve the conflict? Do you think there were alternative ways of handling the situation? If so,
describe the alternatives.

Castillo - I found a solution that included aspects from both points of view by using open conversation and a willingness to
compromise to resolve the problem.
Dela Cruz - We settled the conflict within our group and with others by holding an open forum in which we talked and
grasped the issue, creating mutual understanding among all members.
Flores – By discussing each other’s expectations, dividing chores fairly, and finding compromises.
I don't have any alternative that's the only way I'm resolving the conflict that I have in my mind.
Malvar - Since the disagreement started between me and a particular team member, it is clear that interpersonal issues are
at play. Instead of conflicts within myself (intra-personal), the team as a whole (intra-group), or between various groups
within the organisation (inter-group), it featured differences in opinions and preferences regarding work distribution.
Marcos - i asked my parents and my siblings if i should continue studying and they agree.

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