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Pakistan International School, Riyadh

Revision work sheet

Unit No. 3 Energy Resources
Grade: 6
Name: ____________________Roll No.______ Class/Sec: _________
Q. Choose the best answer:
1. What was made by the microscopic plants and animals that once lived in the sea?
1) Sedimentary rocks 2) oil 3) Both of the above

2. Making bonds in the new molecules___________ lots of energy?

1) stores 2) captures 3) releases
3. All rainwater contains a small amount of?
1) acid 2) salt 3) mud

Q. Mark True or False:

1. Most of the world’s energy come from the Sun. __________________
2. The energy is released by a chemical reaction called combustion. ___________________
3. It takes 4000 joules of thermal energy to raise the temperature of 1 kg of water
by 1° C_________
4. Fossil fuels are formed from decayed living things. ________________
Q. Fill in the blanks.
1. ---------------------could also be used to generate electricity.
2. Rotting plants and-------------- waste produce heat energy.____________
3. The sugar made by plants can be changed into alcohol by the process called--------------_____
4. ---------------------- obtain their energy from solar voltaic cells.

Q. What is a solar panel?

Q. What is a tidal barrage?
Q. What is meant by Global warming?
Q. What is hydroelectric power?
Q. Supplies of fossil fuels are limited and are being used at an alarming rate. They will
not last forever. Keeping this in view, complete the following tab.
Fuel Known supplies When it is likely to run out
oil about 50 years 2070
natural gas about 70 years 2090
coal about 250 years 2275

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