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Linear Alacbr @ (:) | incor Equatinns in Linear Algebra (1) Systems of Linear Egti S: Definition: j linear goat ion Is an ea uation of the fou AM + Oy te + IX = b , / . where %, %, my X, are ‘nh variables and 945-9 On ave Called — Jinear coef Fi cents , (They may be real or Complex hum ber ¢ >) Meo, h>o, neR. © Exons: () 3%-5% = | (2) % + 1(x2- Vz)-% =o - A System of linea equations Is Simpl fy a collection of hinear eyuotioas Exam pl x x ot 1-%2= | 3X, +2%, =-5 Note the Following f (1) A solution of a hitear system is a set of Values tor the variabks Ay %-- Xm y for which eacl, equoti n in the system is saticfed. ey (2) The sé of all possibk Solutions is called the Solition sét of te linear System. (2) Two linear systems are said to be &q uivalent if they hae the same Solution set, Definition: 4 Systam of linear equations has (1) no Solution or @) Lxoctly one solution, or @) in Finitely mony Solut ions . How do we anal se [solve systems @) of linear equations ? . for Smal) system s 2 Aquatios 2 variables 3 eauatings 3 Unknowns , ete, _ fami liar methode tn volving elimination / substitution (High Cchool ) . tor larger systems 5 4 equation s 4 Variables , ete, _ linear algebra , Come Ream pes te ve cap on Substitution [elininattion . Very uset ul when Working with [arge system s of linear eq uation s. . E ssextiia| fy linear dlgebra . The relevant in ormatt ion Such as coefficients, and number S Appearing on the right hand Side. of 04 uations, ina |r ear system can be represented Com pty in what is called a matrix, motrin — simply a rectangular array of horizontal rows and vertical columns, . At the intersect ion of wy vw O and column, is a stored quant ity (in the case of linear algebra, usually a number ) ° The indivrdual quarts matrix elements [entrie s. Por rome: Consider the linear equations given by 2% - 3% + % x - x, X + DK are called System of = | a) =o — (b) =4 -© Ke This system Can be Com actly G a repre sented by the Follig matrix 2-3 I} '7 | o -t]o — o | 7/4 q) is called the augmented mot tix of the — linear 54 stem, and consists of two pots: the coefficient matrix (or matrix od coetFiciedts ) which are the coefficients of each variable in each equation of the sy stem @ Le, the tiest three columns of (0), and the column matrix a Containing the numbers appearing on the right bond side of each equation in the System. Note : This ts just the 4th aud Lal Column of the augmented matrix (1), The Size of a matrix Is usually @ Written as omxn (mo, n>, m,n é R), where m_ indicates the number of rows, and n the number of column S. ° Tf a matrix has size MXm or nxn then it fs Called a Square matrix. Mare of matrices, le ey on. Seling a linear System using (y matrices: We em ley elementary row operations to solve a system of |inear equat ions E lemertiory Yow operation Ss: ©) “Liter change /swop two rows. RoR 5 iti - (Q) Mattiply Qa fow by a nonzero Constant, R, —> AR , A#o (3) Add a nonzero mu Itiple of one Yow to another: RR +A iti AHO. Some Remarks: iy + Rew operations con be appled to. any matrix. + Two motries are calkd row equivalent if thee exists a Sequence of ckmentary fow operations that trensforms one matrix into the other, * Row operat ions are reversible. at the ougnented matrices of two \ineay systems are row equivalent then the two Systems have the Same. Solution set, “Two fundamental ques tins about (ey bristene and uniqueness ot solutions bo a linear system: () Te the System Consistent ? i.e, Does a Solurtion exist at all 2 ) Tt inded the System is consistent, is the solution Unique or not ? We use elementary row operations t, anSwer these questions. (1.2) R ow reduction and echelon Co Dorms: We intro duce an al orithm thet enables us te ana lye any system of \ineay equation S, The algocitha Can be applied to oy matrix, Note the Fala g : A honzere row [Calum in a mnatrix Means a row / column that Contains at least one hon Zero etry, - A leading entry of a rw refers to the leftmost nonzero evitry (in a Non Zero row ) Dein in (Echelon form ) @ A rectangul af matrix is in echelon doom (or row echelon Soom if it Satis { ieg t he Lull owin 4 three properties: () All Nonzero Yfows Ale above any Yows of all Zeros, (2) Each leading entry of a row is (na Column to the ridlit of the leading entry of the fow above it, (3) All entries mm 0 Column below a leading entry are Zerog, © Definition: Suppose that a matrix Satis fies Nn- (2) above (ve. the m atrix, Is in fw ec he Jon f. rm), Suppose further that the matrix satisfies (4) The leadlng entry In each Non zero Yow ts |, (5) Every other entry in a Column Containing a leading | Is Zero, “Then the matrix is in reduced echelon form (or reduced row echelon fern ) Defi (1) A pivot position in (Wy a matrix that is in reduced row echelon form, is a locart ion (in the a Corre sponding to a leading A pivot Column is a Column that: Contains 4 pst position. Re fer to the previous Arauples, “The Row Reduction Algorithm: e « Consists of 4 steps to preduce a matrix in row echelon form. ° An additional sth steh Can be employed in order to gat the matrix into redu ced row echelon form. Algor oO) Begin with the leftmost on zero Column. This is a vot! column. The pivot position is at the top. (2) Select Q hon zero entry in the pivat column as a pivot. tf hee essary iterchange rows (Rie k;) ty move this aiitry into the pivst postion. (3) Use tow re lacemant OperaCion > (% aR 3 RB R +4R;) to create Zeros in all pesitions below the pivot. (4) Cover or Ignore the row () Contam ing Ue pivat pesition and Cover all rows, if auy, above jt. Arely steps ()-@ to the Sabmatric thet remains: Repeat the press until there Qre No more Won Zero —fows to modi ty, At this port the original matrix Should be tn row echelon Lov. The peeess is called Clauss ion elimin at ion. 9 To get the matric into reduced H~ row echelon Lom ) We per form the additional step ; (5) Besiming with the rightmoct pivat and Working upward and 4, the left, create zeros above each pivot. Tf pat clement is wot I, make it a leding \ by using 9 Sealing Operation This process is called Gavss - Jordan elimination. Solutions of linear Systems: 2 Drametric Des crisCins of Solition sets: Definition [et A be a matrix (covespacing to a Sy stom of equations) (n redued Yow echelon tecm. (1) A basic / leading Variable isa variable Corres ponding toa pivet column in the matrix A . (2) A bre variable is a Variable Cortes ponding 4, a non- pivet Column in A. NB. Lee variable Can take any value iz, it can have in Finitely many Values. bor Aran: The linear system % 4% = 3 -% +% = i * 4% = 2 has av gnerted matrix | jo ly o-! | Jel lo ft fa which has the equivalent reduced fow 2c hel on form gin by loi f2 o 1-1] 0 0 O}O 23 Clearly x and Mw are basic ey or leoding variables while x, is he. Kat Chem) a free Variable Then the parame fic Solution to the qe linear System ig written as Sone general remarks on the Yow reduction ey algor’ thm: () Reducing an aug mentied matrix to the reduced fow echelon foc is Called Gaues - Jordan eliminat ion. Here: — ina pivet column, leading or pivot elements are 1°, and — ina vot Column all entries above and below the pivot element (1) are Zero. Reducing an augmented matrix upto the point of row echelon form is called Gaussian elimination and is a special case or variatyon of the more general Gouss— Jordan process, Here: —ina pivot column , leading or pivel elemevits are any nonzero number not strictly (1), and —ina pivot column all entries above the pivot element are nob ctrictly zero. Entries below the pot elemevt are strictly Zero. “Theorem : (Existence oud Wig rene ss) @ Theorem: | linear system of equdtions is Consistent if and on if the rightmost Column of the augmented matric is not, a bivet Column i.e, if aud only it an eche lon fren of the augmented matrix, has No row of the form [eo -+- ob] (bee), Tt a linear system is Consistent’ then there ore two possible solitim sets; () a unique Solution (in the absence of Free voriables ) ) (2) infinitely many Solutions when there is at least’ one free variable. A Summary of the row reduction algorithm: » Given a system of linear qjndtions , use Gaugsian elimincct ion to reduce the augmented matrix to row echelon Lem. “Then check to sco whether a solution Lyists or not. TF a schition exicts, use back subctitution in the row echelon matrix to find it > oF ge one step further ond beng the matrix to reduced tow echelon £ orm Using Gauss— Jordan elimin at jon .

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