Bastille Day

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Bastille day

-A trip to Pondicherry

DAY 1:

Consulat Général de France / Consulate General of France

the French embassy we visited today 13th July 2023 in Pondicherry was
a remarkable experience. We were accompanied by Mr. Nicholas who
briefed us about the French embassy, he started by greeting us by
saying bonjour: hello! And then asking us comment avons-nous aimé
pondichéry?: how did we like Pondicherry? We answered by saying
nous aimons ça!: we love it! and then he explained to us why is the
embassy important. We learned; that it was built around the start of
the 19th century, and the embassy helps people make their passports,
death certificates, birth certificates, etc. Once you enter the embassy
you are no more in India you are in France, there is no Indian
policeman; there is a French policeman who helps in keeping security.
They briefly told us about the importance of BASTILLE DAY, where they
said it is a moment of pride as India was invited to Paris for bastille day
as the guest of honor because France normally doesn't invite other
countries. We got to know that almost all the French communities in
Pondicherry will be having yellow color, but there are some exceptions.
Moreover, the embassy has a focal point for the French community
living in India, offering services to its fellow citizens, an amazing effort
by France. Overall, it was an amazing experience touring the embassy.

The walk started with the announcement saying La promenade ira du

Consulat Général de France au bout de la plage: the walk will go from
the embassy to the end of the beach. The torchlight walk by the beach
was an awesome experience as we were singing French songs, dancing,
holding torches, and walking along. The was a model of the Eiffel Tower
at the front which was put on wheels with a red, white, and blue light
on it. We stood and sang both the Indian and French national anthem
by the French War memorial which was built in 1971 to give gratitude
to the soldiers who died in the First World War. We continued the walk
till we reached the end. We all were dancing with them and sang too.
We understood why the walk was important as it is a symbolic and
memorable event that brings people together to honor the spirit of
liberty and unity.

DAY 2:
Pondichéry war memorial
my visit to the Pondicherry War Memorial, I was deeply moved by the
tribute paid to the brave soldiers who sacrificed their lives. The
ambiance of the memorial was serene and somber, with well-
maintained gardens and pathways leading to the central structure. The
architecture was impressive, reflecting a blend of Indian and French
influences, symbolizing the historical significance of Pondicherry. They
kept on announcing people’s names like they invited the representative
of the government of Puducherry by saying le gouvernement de
pondichéry: the government of Pondicherry to come and place their
wreath in front of the statue. People invited to place the wreath are
generally residents, veterans, military personnel, and individuals who
wish to pay their respects to the fallen soldiers. After everybody placed
the wreaths some of the people stood on the left side porch side f the
statue and had the Le Drapeau Français: the French flag in their hand
and slowly started lifting them as the trumpets started to play, once the
flags were in a standing position the French national anthem began
playing. It was a good experience to know what the French community
in Pondicherry does every 14th of July on Bastille Day.

A visit to Auroville
my visit to Auroville in Pondicherry, I was captivated by the serene
charm and unique atmosphere. The lush greenery and well-maintained
surroundings added to the peaceful ambiance. One of the highlights
was visiting the Matri mandir, a majestic golden dome that serves as
the spiritual center of Auroville. To have a better understanding on
auroville we saw a video in French which explained us that Le d
‘Auroville, située à Pondichéry, est de réaliser l'unité humaine et de
créer une société universelle basée sur la paix, l'harmonie et la
recherche spirituelle. : The goal of Auroville, located in Pondicherry, is
to achieve human unity and create a universal society based on peace,
harmony, and spiritual pursuit. It was Fondée en 1968 par Mirra
Alfassa, connue sous le nom de "La Mère": founded in 1968 by a
woman named Mirra Alsfassa, known as “the mother”.
Feu d ‘artifice à l'ambassade/Fireworks at the embassy
The fireworks show that takes place in Pondicherry on Bastille Day is a
magnificent spectacle that illuminates the night sky with vibrant colors
and dazzling displays. As the crowd gathers in anticipation, the air is
filled with excitement and a festive atmosphere. It begins as darkness
descends, and the first burst of fireworks lights up the sky, capturing
everyone's attention. The explosions of light and sound create a
mesmerizing symphony that fills the air. It showcases a variety of
breathtaking patterns, including the colors of Le Drapeau Français: the
French flag; which are blue, white and red, glittering stars, and vibrant
bursts of color. The dazzling finale, featuring an explosion of lights and
colors, marks the culmination of the show, leaving us the audience
cheering and applauding.
After the fireworks we went to French Street, where we sat and rested
for a little bit. And then some of us ordered croissants: a French dish,
coffee, burger, shakes, sandwiches, etc. After everything we ended our
day and headed to the hotel to take some rest as we had to wake up
very early the next day.

La conclusion

The trip was a lot of fun along with the experience of celebrating a real
Bastille Day with real French people. The purpose of the trip was to
make us understand the significance of Bastille Day in French culture,
and by the end of the trip, we did feel that we learned a lot.
Whether it was the war memorial visit or the embassy visit we enjoyed
every little bit with the understanding of everything and especially the
fireworks because the fireworks show in Pondichéry is a celebration of
joy, unity, and the spirit of freedom. It serves as a reminder of the
historical significance of the day and brings people together to revel in
the beauty and magic of the moment.

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