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[22/06/2024, 8:45:14 AM] Rabia Allied School Noreen: Short questions of Chapter 4

Human digestive system.

What are enzymes?
Ans: Enzymes are the proteins that help seed up the chemical reactions in our bodies. All living
organisms have enzymes. Human bodies naturally produce enzymes.
Qno2: write working of human teeth?
Ans: incisors are cut food into smaller pieces to make it easier to chew . Canines are used for
catching and tearing. Premolars and molars are used for grinding the food.
Qno3: differentiate between Oesophagus and stomach?
Oesophagus transfer food from the mouth to the stomach, by peristalsis.
Stomach produces juice containing pepsin,for chemical digestion of protein.secretes
hydrochloric acid to kill bacteria.
Qno4: what are the symptoms of diarrhoea?
Ans: The symptoms of diarrhoea are fever, nausea, vomiting, weight loss , loss of appetite and
blood in stool.
Qno5: what is constipation? write their symptoms?
Ans: Constipation is the difficulty in the passing of stool . It occurs when a dry hard stool
becomes stuck In the rectum.
Symptoms of constipation are hard stools that are difficult to pass , nausea or vomiting,
decreased appetite and abdominal pain.
Qno6: differentiate between mechanical digestion and chemical digestion?
Ans: Mechanical digestion:
A physical break down of large food particles into smaller ones through chewing or movement
muscles is called Mechanical digestion.
Chemical digestion:
The enzymes in the mouth cavity, stomach and small intestine chemically break down food
particles so that they can be absorbed easily this is called chemical digestion.
Qno7. Define 'peristalsis?
Ans: wave like muscular movements due to which food is pushed down to the stomach, are
called peristalsis movements and the process is called 'peristalsis'.
Qno8. What are villi? What are their location and function?
Ans; villi are present in small intestine. The inner surface of the small intestine has millions of
fingers - like structures called villi.these villi increase the surface area so that maximum
absorption of digested food take place.
Qno9: where is the bile produced? Which component of the food does it help to digest?
Ans:Bile is a fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile helps
with the digestion. It breaks down fats into fatty acids.
Qno10: what is the role of hydrochloric acid in our stomach?
Ans: the hydrochloric acid breaks down the food . Also this acid kills many bacteria that are
present in the food.
Qno11: what is the name of secretion of pancreas? What is it's function?
Ans; Pancreas secretes pancreatic juice into the small intestine for chemical digestion of
proteins, fats and starch .
[22/06/2024, 8:45:15 AM] Rabia Allied School Noreen: Science class 6
*Chapter 5 matter as particles.
Short questions.*
*Qno1: What are some atomic particles?*
Ans: any particle smaller than an atom is called as the atomic particle proton neutrons and
electrons are all subatomic particles.
*Qno2: what is absolute zero?*
Ans: - 273.15 degree celsius is also zero kelvin temperature is called absolute zero.
*Qno3: write any three properties of solids?*
Ans: some properties of solids are given below, 1.solids have a definite shape
2. solid maintain that shape
3. solid are difficult to compress as the particles are already packed closely together
*Qno4: differentiate between evaporation and condensation?*
Ans: evaporation
The chain from a liquid to a gas is called evaporation.
The reverse process of evaporation is called condensation. in condensation there is a change
from a gas to a liquid state.
*Qno5: define Brownian motion?*
Ans; particles of both liquids and gases are called fluids, because they can flow randomly. This
is called Brownian motion.+ Include diagram on page no 51.
*Qno6: define diffusion? State any two examples.*
Ans: Travelling of particles from the area of higher concentration to the area of lower
concentration until concentrations of both becomes equal. Examples,
1. The smell of perfume reaches several meters away.
2. Opening the soda/coke bottles and carbon dioxide diffuses in the air.
*Qno7: differentiate between intra-molecular and inter-molecular attractive forces?*
Ans: on page no47 (do you know full with diagram learn+ write )
*Qno8: Look at the following diagram and justify the statement " Gases are compressible".*
Ans: Gases are compressible because they have the higher intermolecular spaces between the
molecules.As a result, it's intermolecular force of attraction is very weak Therefore, gases are
*Qno9: why are particles of solids in fixed position ?*
Ans: In solids the particles are tightly held together. Particles are strongly attracted to each other
due to strong intermolecular attractive forces, due to which particles of solids are there in fixed
*Qno10: what is sublimation?*
Ans: sublimation is the change of a substance directly from the solid to the gas state, without
through the liquid state. The best example of sublimation is dry ice.
[22/06/2024, 8:45:16 AM] Rabia Allied School Noreen: English A
Unit 4
Egg collector: (Reading for understanding questions)

1. **Why did the egg-collectors climb the trees?**

The egg-collectors climbed the trees to reach nests and steal birds' eggs.
2. **What did the egg-collector think he saw at the top of the tree?**
The egg-collector thought he saw a nest at the top of the tree.

3. **What did he find at the top of the tree?**

He found a bundle of decaying rags with a shepherd's crook sticking out of them.

4. **What started to fall to the ground?**

Bones started to fall to the ground.

5. **What did the egg-collector do next?**

The egg-collector ran away horrified until he reached the river.

6. **How do you think the egg-collector felt?**

The egg-collector felt horrified and frightened.
[22/06/2024, 8:45:16 AM] Rabia Allied School Noreen: (Chapter 6 science
Elements and compounds)
*Short questions*
*Qno1:Define protons, neutrons and electrons?*
Ans: *Protons.*
Positive charged particles they are present inside the nucleus.
No charge,they are also present inside the nucleus.
Negatively charged particles which revolve around the nucleus in fixed circular paths. These
paths are called 'orbits'
*Qno2:write properties and uses of first five elements of periodic table?*
Ans: The properties and uses of first three elements are given below.
Colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. It is used in making fertilizers , and also used as a
Rocket fuel.
Colourless odourless and tasteless gas. It is used in welding the metals.
Soft, white, lustrous, light metal.It is used in refining other metals like iron and copper.
*Qno3: what is reactant and product?*
Ans: Reactant is any substance that is consumed or used up during the reaction.
The substance the us produced by a chemical reaction is called the product.
*Qno4: write uses of Aluminum, Carbon and chlorine ?*
Ans: *Aluminum*
A light metal used in making airplanes, buildings, pots and pans, etc.
Found in coal, oil gas, living things and inks.
Used in bleach, in chemicals to kill germs in swimming pools, and found with the element
sodium in table salt.
*Qno5: write at least two two differences b/w elements and compounds?*
Ans : *Elements.*
1. Elements are pure and made up of one type of atoms
2. There are nearly 118 elements of which nearly 94 occur naturally on the earth.
1. Compounds include more than one kind of atoms .
2. Compounds are almost endless.
*Qno6: what are chemical symbols and why do we use them ?*
Ans: chemical symbol is a short notation derived from the scientific name of a chemical element.
eg: S for sulphur and Si for silicon. The chemical symbol for an element is used when writing
the chemical formula for a molecule, or when writing a chemical equation because it is shorter
and easier.
*Qno7: Differentiate between an atom and a molecule.*
An atom is the smallest particle that we cannot see them through the naked eye.
Two or more than two atoms combine to form molecules which bound together by chemical
*Qno8: Differentiate between mono-atomic, di-atomic and tri-atomic elements.*
Ans: *mono-atomic*
Mono-atomic elements are made up of single atom. eg: Helium
Some elements contain two or more atoms in them and they are called diatomic molecule.
eg. Hydrogen (H2), Oxygen (O2).
Some other elements have three atoms are called tri-atomic elements.
eg. Ozone (O3)
*Qno9: Illustrate the formation of sodium chloride with the help of a word equation.*
Ans: see on page no 73 in table.
*Qno10: write symbols for the following elements:*
Ans: Element. Symbol
Hydrogen H
Helium. He
Lithium Li
Beryllium Be
Boron B
Carbon C
Nitrogen N
Oxygen O
Fluorine. F
Neon Ne
*Qno11: Does human body contain compounds? Name any two.*
Ans: yes Human body contain compounds.
Water, minerals and protein are name of some compounds.

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