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QlikView | Customer Success Story | Coface Ibérica

Decision Making at Coface Coface

Coface is dedicated to providing commercial

Ibérica Made Easier with information and company reports, credit

insurance, debt recovery and factoring, with
more than 60 years’ experience. Coface
Ibérica is its Spanish division.

QlikView Sector
Financial Services
“QlikView provides us with an overall view of all our information, Insurance

which helps us to update information on the basis of our Function

Executive, Finance
observations and experience. It means we can react in a way
which takes account of potential business risks.” Spain and Portugal

José Luis Soto, Information Systems Manager, Coface Ibérica

• To facilitate decision making for action
• To integrate a diversity of external data
sources including databases and Excel
spreadsheets for preparing reports and
control frameworks
QlikView complements information The CreditAlliance network brings • Monitoring business critical activities
management together high quality partners in the four
Coface is a French insurance company areas of business in which Coface is
Realisation of the Coface Ibérica project using
which, for more than 60 years, has been active: commercial information and QlikView has made it possible to facilitate the
assisting and promoting the development of company reports, credit insurance, debt monitoring of key performance indicators
companies worldwide. Thanks to its recovery, and factoring. (KPIs) for improving rapid decision making.
technical capacity and because its teams are
close to the clients, it provides customers The need for business intelligence • Improved monitoring of KPIs and critical
with a high quality service based on its In 2006, when preparing for the action to factors including rates, ratios, premiums,
be taken in the next phase of the economic claims, and variations
crisis in Spain, Coface Ibérica, the Spanish • A more controlled environment with a
division of Coface, realised the need to unified vision
come up with business intelligence (BI) • Flexibility in decision making
solution at a local level. “We needed to Data Source Systems
take better decisions quickly and to be able Database: Excel
to monitor certain critical activities within
the company, as a complement to the
QlikTech Partner
corporate tools used by the group,” Broad Business Consulting
explains José Luis Soto, Coface’s
Information Systems Manager.

It was the systems department which

initiated a selection process in which
different manufacturers’ products could be
experience and reputation. That is why, in a evaluated. QlikView was the solution
dynamic international context, Coface wants chosen because of its ability to permit a
to respond to the challenge of economic gradual alignment with control
globalisation and become a true partner of frameworks and the ease with which it
the organisations involved, as it manages its could be deployed and managed.
client account.
The systems department also took into
The company offers its services to 97 account the attractive quality/cost ratio it
countries on five continents. Its 13 regional provided, its low dependence on the IT
platforms coordinate Coface’s overall offer department, and the many sources of data
in high potential areas for the improvement that were readily accessible.
of the services it offers on an ongoing basis.
QlikView | Customer Success Story | Coface Ibérica

Installation process A user-friendly tool

Coface Ibérica has a QlikView enterprise Coface currently has control frameworks for
licence, two professional licences, and a general management, the finance and cost
QlikView Server licence for eight users. control department, and for the claims area.
Initially the company introduced small It has extended its use to Coface Portugal
developments in response to more specific which has a QlikView Enterprise licence and
needs in the context of a long-term project. a QlikView Server licence for five users.

According to Coface’s information systems Soto says: ““The control frameworks set up
manager, the project was delivered in two so far are used more effectively each day and
stages. He says: “The first phase was to ideas for improving or expanding them can
install the licences for standalone use, with be readily devised. This supports our
QlikView documents divided up in the objective of gradually increasing the scope
server or users’ individual computers. In the of this solution as demand increases.”
second stage, we installed QlikView Server,
which significantly improved both reloading QlikView is also used to improve a number
and the control of licences and documents of reporting activities in various
centralised in the server.” departments, which has saved them a great
deal of time in consolidating information
Soto adds: “This is helping us to achieve a obtained from different data sources.
more controlled environment, providing an
overall view of individual or departmental Soto adds: “QlikView users now have at
work, where necessary, without preventing their disposal a user friendly tool which they
us from maintaining standalone licences for can use to monitor very specific activities in
more personal documents.” certain cases, or more general company
indicators in other cases, in accordance with
Turning to the business value of the solution the user’s profile.”
Soto says: “QlikView has made it possible to
replace complex, lengthy calculation sheets
which were difficult to feed into the system
and took a great deal of time to maintain.”

Various control frameworks were set up at

Coface Ibérica. They made it possible to
simplify the calculation of supplies. The
frameworks also help in monitoring different
ratios by comparing them on the basis of
sectors, regions, policies and their
development over time, in a way that would
have been difficult before. Soto adds: “One
of the most valued benefits is the possibility
of keeping track of policies and claims,
either in general or in detail, depending on
the appropriate level of analysis.”

“The needs we had defined were satisfactorily met with QlikView, given that
our present operations make speed of development and rapid deployment
critical factors. This is one of the great advantages of QlikView.”
José Luis Soto, Information Systems Manager, Coface

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