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Implementation of an age limit for social media users

I chose this topic because working as a High-School teacher, I can see how social platforms and their
contents affects teenagers and I feel blessed I had the chance to grew up at a time when social
media such as Instagram, Tik Tok and Snapchat had barely seen the light of day.

Despite social media being relatively new in the grand scheme of History, I believe we have enough
perspective to state its potentially harmfulness especially towards youngsters.

At an age when teenagers are building their identity, it appears irresponsible to let them be exposed
to the new “online-reality” that is creating social medias. In my opinion, teenagehood is a time of
changes, construction and self-development that are, in many ways, already taking a toll on their
mental health. Of course, some people could argue that social media are an entertaining escape for
teenagers, and that it might even allow them to find an outlet for their personal stress. However, it
would not take long for them to realize that the medicine might be worse than the disease. Over the
past decade, we have let social media grow and flourish without thinking about their consequences,
astonished by the technology, entertained by it, and now that we are witnessing its effects, I believe
we ought to take time to reflect on what we have learned and make laws to protect teenagers from
what is a potential threat for their mental health.

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