Week 9 - 11 Problem of Industrial Society Grievance Handling Procedure

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Week 9-11 UNIT 4 Problem of Industrial Society & Grievance Handling Procedure


This unit designed to analyze and provide a full overview of common problems in industrial
society. And the grievances handling procedure.
By the end of this unit, you will be able to understand the problems arise in industrial
society, new problems link to industrialization and grievance’s handling procedure.


Pre-Test the purpose of this test is to determine your baseline knowledge or preparedness
in this Unit.
Answer the following questions and write the letter only
1. Needed to pay for the production of goods
a. Natural resources c. labor.
b. Capital d. consumers
2. A conflict of different opinion between management and workers regarding
a. Industrial dispute c. industrial relation
b. Industrial society d. industrialization
3. Working without eating meals.
a. Sit-down-strike c. wild cat strike
b. Hunger strike d, all out strike
4. A physical blockage of manager by encirclement preventing egress from particular
a. Gherao c. lockout
b. Strike d. boycott
5. The use of sign, banners, placards that getting the attention of the public that there
is a conflict between the employees and employer
a. Strike c. lockout
b. Boycott d. picketing.

To access the following resources; please click the link below

LR1YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dGGo7balJPM Done


LR3:YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1oVnMtC2xo Done

Google Docs. This will be shared and used to collaborate with other students
simultaneously. Students are encouraged to place their note or some point here for further

Other Resources:

1. Riggio, (2013) Introduction to Industrial Organizational Psychology, Pearson Education Inc.

2. Narendar Singh, Industrial Sociology (2012), Tata Mcgraw-Hill, New Delhi, India

3. Hill,Hal (2003) Industry. The Philippine Economy Development, Policies and Challenges,
Ateneo Press down
4. Schwalbenberg and Hatcher, (1991) Philippine Studies; Trade, Industrialization and
Economic Growth in the Philippine,, Philippines

5. Broom and Selznick, Sociology. A Text with Adapted Reading.


This module contains learning materials and activities for the students to complete.

▪ This material contains discussion on the topics covered in this unit.



Rapid urbanization brought on by industrialization typically leads to the general

deterioration of worker’s quality of life and many other problems for society such as crime,
stress and psychological disorder.
New Problem link to Industrialization
1. Rising greenhouse gas emission, air
and water pollution
2.Growing volumes of waste
decertification and chemical pollution

The more develop country’s industrial capacity,

the greater the potential for economic growth
and development.

Some problem, where poor workers often

house and cramped grossly inadequate
quarters working condition were difficult and
exposed employees to many risks and danger
including arranged work areas with poor
ventilation, trauma from machinery, toxic
exposure to heavy metal from dust and solvents.

Important factors of industrialization

1. Natural Resources- become good (Raw Material)
2. Capital- Needed to pay for the production of goods.
3. Labor- used to make goods high birth rate.
4. Technology- better ways to make more better goods.
5. Consumer.
6. Transportation.
7. Government Support.


The organization may refer to concepts such as consistency, predictability and maintaining
the status quo. A stable organization is structured in its procedures and processes known
of what direction. It is head and adheres to a prescribe vision, mission and strategic plan.
Stable force is a system is said to be stable equilibrium, if when displaced from equilibrium,
its experiences a net force or tongue direction opposite to the direction of the displacement.


1. Stable - means equilibrium
2. Unstable
3. Neutral


The marginalization at the industrial level result in an individual exclusion from meaningful
participation in society. an example of marginalization at the individual level is the exclusion
of single mother from the welfare system prior to the welfare reform of the 1900’s.
This volume present new insight on marginality. Another example is the situation of people
living on the edge of socio economic and ecological system, the marginality concepts leads
to different development policy.

There is multidimensional aspect with
social economic and political barriers all
contributing to the marginalization of an
individual or group of individuals, people
can be marginalized due to multiple
1. Sexual orientation
2. Gender
3. Geography
4. Ethnicity
5. Religion
6. Displacement
7. Conflict
8. Disability

Another problem in the industrialization when it said to be anomie or alienation.

ANOMIE -defined by an uprooting or breakdown of any moral values standard or guidance

for individual. to follow anomie may evolve from conflict of belief system and causes of
breaking down of social bond between individual and the community.

Example: if society does not provide enough jobs that pay a living wage so that people
can work to survive, many will turn to criminal methods of earning a living, this is concede
as deviance, crime are the large part. A result of anomie is a state of social disorder.

ALIENATION – the state or experience of

being isolated from a group or an activity to
which one should belong or in which one
should be involved. Social alienation is a
condition in social relationship reflected by a
low degree of integration or common values
are a high degree of distance or isolation
between individual or between a group of
people in a community or workplace

Example is the withdrawing or separation of

a person or a person’s affection from an
object or a position of former attachment.
The difference between anomie and
alienation is that anomie is the disintegration
of normal ethics or social standard while alienation is the estrangement or detachment
from some essential aspect of their nature or from society.


➢ An official complains over
something believed to be wrong or
➢ Other cause for complain
especially unfair treatment of employer
to employees.
➢ A feeling of resentments over
something believed to be wrong or

1. Individual
2. Group
3. Union

Grievance Handling Procedure is the management of employee’s dissatisfaction or

complains example favoritism, workplace harassment or wage cut. Establishing formal
grievance handling procedure is to provide a safe environment for your employees to raise
their concern


An industrial dispute is defined as a conflict or a difference in opinion between

management and workers regarding employment. It is a disagreement between an
employer and employee, representative, e.g. trade union, the issues of disagreement is
usually pay or other working condition

The Principle Judge the Nature of an Industrial Dispute

1. The dispute must affect a large number of workers which have a common of
interest and the right of these workers must be affected.
2. the dispute must be taken up either by the industry units or by substantial number
of workers.
3. The grievance
4. turns from individual complain into a general complain.
5. There must be some nexus between the union and the dispute.
1. Wage demand
2. Union rivalry
3. Politics and interference
4. Unfair labor practices
5. Multiplicity of labor law
1. Strike
2. Lock out
3. Gherao
4. Picketing and Boycott
5. Child labor

STRIKE – hit of forcibility and deliberately with

one’s hand or a weapon other implement.
➢ A disaster
➢ A refusal to work organized by a body
of employee as a form of protest typically
in an attempt to gain a concession or form
of their employer.
➢ An action of collective refusal by
employees to work under the condition
required by employers. Other strike can
stem from sympathy with other striking
unions or from jurisdictional dispute
between two union, illegal strike include
sit-down-strikes, wildcat strike political
strike, and labor strike

Types of strike that labor stop their works to enforce their economic demand:
1. Economic strike
2. Sympathetic strike
3. General strike
4. Sit-down strike
5. Hunger strike
6. Wild cat strike
7. All out strike

LOCKOUT – is a work stop page or denial of

employment initiated by the management of a
company during on labor disputes in contrast to
a strike in which employees refuse to work. A
lockout is initiated by employers or industry
owners, for this reason lockout are referred to
as the antitheses of strike,

Lockout is counter part of strike; which strike is

the organized or concerted withdrawal of the
supply of the labor.
Lockout is withholding demand for it. Lockout is
the weapon available to the employers to shut
down the place of work till the workers agree to resume work on the condition laid down by
the employer.

The procedure is to protect employees from machines and equipment capable of causing
injury due to unexpected energization, release of stored energy or the star-up of equipment
while an employee is performing maintenance or serving equipment.

1. No person employed in a public utility

service shall go on strike in breach of
2. No employer carrying on any public
utility service shall lockout any of his
3. The notice of lockout or strike under
this section shall not be necessary where
there is already existence a strike or as
the case may be.
4. The notice of strike referred to in sub section (1) shall be given by number of person
to such person or person and in such manners as may be prescribe.
5. The notice of lockout referred to in sub section (2) shall be given in such manners
as may be describe.
6. If on any day an employer receives from any person employed by him any such
notice as are referred to in sub section (1) or given to any person employed by him.

It is a physical blockage of manager by encirclement aim in preventing the egress from, and
to a particular office or place. This could be happened outside the organizational premises
too. The manager/persons who are gheraoed are not allowed to move for a long time, and
sometimes the blockage or confinements are cruel and inhuman like confinement in a small
place without light or fans, or no food and water for long period of time , the person’s confined
are humiliated with abuse and are not allowed even to answer the call of nature. The
objective of gheraos is to compel the gheraoed persons to accept the workers demand
without recourse to the Machineries provided by laws. The national commission on labor
Has refused to accept gherao’s as a form of industrial protest or the ground that it tends to
inflict physical duress (against economic press) on the person gheraoed and endanger not
only industrial company but also created problem of law and order

PICKETING – a method designed to

request workers to withdraw cooperation
to the employer. In picketing through

Boycott – has the aim of disrupting the

normal function of the organization.

The use of children in industry or business especially when illegal or considered
inhuman. The child labor is the exploitation of children through any form of work that
deprives children of their childhood interest with their ability to attend regular school and
mentally, physically, socially and morally harmful. There are many reasons why
children end up working in job that can be have a dangerous condition typically all of
these reasons stem from their families living in extreme poverty which makes them
vulnerable to work for the family survival.

Consist of two main wings the trade
union movement or labor union
movement also called trade unionism
or labor unionism and the political
labor movement.


For the industrial sector, organized
labor union fought for better wages,
reasonable hours, and safe working
condition, the labor movement led
effort to stop child labor, give health
benefits and provide aid to workers who were injured or retired.

Step to keep union free

1. Train your leader.

2. Communicate regularly.
3. Maintain a safe on socially responsible working environment.
4. Be -Pro-Worker.
5. Educate your employees based on your experience.
6. Know how to recognize the sign.
7. Make it part of your culture.

Common Problem in Industrialization

➢ the condition of having paid work.
- he actions of giving work to someone
for a full-time employment of being paid.
Employment is an agreement between
employer and employee that the
employee will provide certain service in
return the employee is paid a salary or
hourly wages, although employee can
negotiate certain items in an
employment agreement. The terms
and condition are primarily determined by the employer.
➢ Is a relationship between two parties usually based on contract? (where work is
paid for, where one party which may be a corporation for project, not for profit
organization, co-operative or other entry is the employee and the other is employed.
➢ The act of being hired or employed by a company or employer.

1. Full time
2. Part time
3. Temporary
4. Seasonal or on call

Independent contractor typically operates an independent business and may perform work
for multiple clients. The contractor submits an invoice to complete the work and provide their
own tools and equipment. The employee is responsible for the both type individual and
employer side of taxes.


1. Freelancers
2. Temporary workers
3. Consultants
A phenomenon that occurs when a person who is
actively searching for employment in unable to work. The
most frequently measure of unemployment is the
unemployment rate which is the number of unemployed
people divided by the number of people in the labor force.


The effects of unemployment on the economy are

equally severe. 1% increase in unemployment reduces
the GDP (Gross Development Product) 2 %. The criminal
consequences of unemployment are mixed in some
circumstances, then criminal rate increases there seem to
be no effect.


1. CYCLICAL is unfortunately occurring during a recession cause by contraction
phase of the business cycle.
2. Structural – the natural unemployment rate
3. Frictional - occurs as a result of
people voluntarily changing job within
the company., that when the demand
for goods and services falls
dramatically it forces the business to
lay off a larger number of workers to
cut cost.

➢ having no job at all
➢ A person who avoid work or spend time
for work is an aimless or laziness.
➢ A person who is jobless is known as

Living in a jobless household can have many adverse consequences for children and
young people. Unemployment has been linked to truancy and non-completion of
schooling, family break-ups, spouse abuse, substance abuse, illness and premature

Moreover, joblessness can generate tension and conflict in families, resulting in poor
health, family violence and exclusion due to a loss of social and professional contacts
in workplace.
The psychological stresses caused due to unemployment determine the attitudes of
individuals towards their own personality and society at large. The unemployed often
suffer hopefulness, acquiescence, desperations, and indifferences,

➢ Students can watch the lecture-video using the link provided.
➢ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEkSmB9Pbyw


Virtual Classroom Activities

The following questions are guide that enable collaboration or group discussion through or
either the following platforms: 1. CBSUA Learning Portal, 2. Google Meet, 3. Zoom
Application, 4. Facebook messenger.

1. If you are the manager of top one industry in the country, what would you do if your
company is affected by dispute like picketing? And Why?

2. What is your opinion of using person below 18 years old in the industry working for
the needs of their lives?

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