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This teaching session today is one driven by a basic approach to what Music is and its driving power
from God’s vector, Creation and Nature and ultimately Man and his cultural framework.

Well, with all due respect, it is not at all possible to define, explore and openly be able to
comprehensively cover the immense spectrum that Music plays in all of creation including the realms
of the spirit to which the Heavenly host abide.


As an introduction, my general thoughts thus informs me that this is a trial shaft sunk into deep mines
of rich truths from which tempting specimens have been brought to the surface in the Hope of
attracting other students to the deeper dimensions of the Knowledge of what music is and Does.

Music is Theistic in Origin meaning that it has its Womb in the Lord God Almighty as the creator of all.

Music is Artistic meaning that it has its tentacles well webbed within the corridors of Creation and
Nature at large.

Now the universe is Rhythmical in every element and movement. Its Journeying marches in ordered
throb and step to some far-off divine event, which will crown the long progression with perfect
Harmony. What we usually call music, is a symbol foreshadowing the final consonance (Solid
agreement in things Sound) of all things Mortal and Immortal. It is the process which began at creation
and will eventually break out into sounds of the Fundamental Rhythm of Both God, Sons and Creation.
The Human Art is but a trying of strings, wood, brass and all elements courtesy of the raw material
from creation; the often discordant attuning of this and that instrument. This is at best a first rehearsal
on earth of the divine Symphony of creation.

But for all who have the sharpened spiritual understanding of matters Prophesy, the Motif is
recognizable. The full sublime harmony is coming. The ultimate consummation and purpose of the Law
of Spiritual rhythm will eventually subdue all things to itself.


Music is a sound. This then qualifies music to be called an expression through a Sound. Thus as an
art, Music was born of the perhaps unconscious attempt to express what was strongly and pleasantly
felt. Music is the least material of all arts, since it mainly dwells in the Province of the Intangible
attributes; Thus as the least of all attributes, Music expresses the spiritual in man More IMMEDIATELY
than painting, sculpture, Architecture or even Poetry. It voices his ideals and Aspirations, his deepest
feelings and his Unutterable Longings.
My second definition informs me that Music is essentially and internal property of who we are both in
God and Creation at large. What I mean here is that Music is Spiritual. Music is Intangible in its intrinsic
core status. Music is Intellectual.
In this regard, It is the Spirit that sees not the eye; It is the Soul (Mind) that hears not the ears; it is the
heart that makes melodies not the Mouth. (Ephesians 5:19) . The mouth is the last ditch appearance of
what was abundantly galvanized in the Heart. The Soul dwelling within us sends and alone receives the
Spiritual message of the tones which certain specific vibrations produce.

Let us dig just a little bit deeper in this.

Life is motion, a Ceaseless ongoing of motion. Rest is essential, occasionally but a sedentary state
does not define the elements of Life. Motion does. Next to life and motion, comes feeling. Feeling is the
first effect of life. Feelings are in essence defined as E- motion. Feelings are then what one gathers,
collects, and interacts with while in the Process of Motion. Now since life is motion, movement, steps
towards a certain direction, we then move to get another facet of the definition of music.

Music is sound. Music is tones. These tones have pitch and by pitch I mean either the high or low of
sound just like land has topography either high (Mountain) , low (Valleys) or mere terrain. These tones,
like the attributes of life, must have motion. Movements of tones (sounds) either up or down or flat or
all three, are called in Music MELODY.

Melody is motion of Pitch of sounds either diverse or similar. This motion of pitch is always birthing
Emotions of all kinds.

When many more sounds and tones are added to the melody so that they MOTION together in a sense
of agreement , then we have Harmony.

The best way to see this and understand this part of the definition of Music is to note that there are
three main Spines and Key branches of Music. RHYTHM, MELODY and HARMONY. These correspond
to the tripartite nature of man BODY , SPIRIT and SOUL.

Rhythm is the first Law of the Physical creation. It long ruled the Innate and Inchoate music of the
Pime-eval creation and man as with a rod of Iron.

Melody came next, subject to the Inevitable law of rhythmic pulsations but rising upon new-found
pinions (terminal ends) off to the region of the free expressions of the Spirit of Man.

Harmony was the latest gain, born of the Christianity and came into full stature under the tutelage of
modern technological developments.

These three are but a Major backbone and facet OF Music but are not the cast and stone the full
representation of the packages of what music is. Music is still an expression of a Spiritual experience.

Biblically, the first act of music was the spirit of God brooding over the waters. That brooding is
vibratability of motion, an element of rhythm and further a production of Melody.

Next was the acts of creation of the Heavenly Elements, firmaments, Earth etc. One cannot but stop
and picture the production of sounds as all these were going on. The splashing of the whales, the
release of the Doves and Pigeons, sparrows and woodpeckers, the ibis, finches and Albatrosses etc.

Finally, music and sounds were produced in the creation of Man.

The art of Music springs from a rhythmical origin. Thus every Human organ in the body has its own
fundamental Rhythm. The pulse beat is a representative example.
The Heart holds life’s baton and leads the Vital Chorus. The Muscular sense is the measure of time.
The time sense is due to the muscular contraction and relaxation. There must be up and down
movement in all muscular action and in this therefore, music appears to have had its origins in the
formation and the creation of Man.

When regular and Harmonious, the complex organic human rhythm gives a sense of wellbeing and
often positive pleasure called peace. But when there is a disturbance and upset of heart beat and basic
bodily rhythm, Pain is experienced. In music there is Concordance and Discordance. Agreement and
disagreement of Sounds respectively. Thus when there is a disease in the body, Bodily musical
sounds are off Rhythm with each other.


To make this teachings relevant to your life today and to the Believer at large, we need to study the
progressive growth of sounds into what we call Music Today.

➢ In the first instance, all sounds are stored and littered in the Celestial and Terrestial granaries of
God’s creation. Which means that there are trillions and trillions of sounds yet un tapped within
the creational web of God’s handi work. These sounds are available for drawing by Generations
and Generations though the actual essence and purpose in the Mind of God was that Sons
would harness these Resonators and compile them into a cosmic symphony that would form an
Army of Melodies marching towards the immense level of Kingdom and Immortality.
➢ That sounds are stored and un tapped, called for the next major development and growth of
Music. And that was and is the building and construction of Instruments. Musical instruments
are mainly formed from the raw rhythmical material of nature. All musical sounds represent a
certain timbre ( the character or quality of a musical sound or voice as distinct from its pitch
and intensity ) they represent a certain tonality, color and chrome.
Reeded instruments are trees in speech. Flutes, piccolo and most sharp and shrilled
instruments are birds packaged in a human in built organ; Low sounding instruments like the
Tuba, euphonium etc are the Elephantine force of vibrations and resonance in an orchestral
➢ The next development were words. Words were written to accompany melodies and harmonies.
Words were placed upon tunes and instruments
➢ And finally, we have the human voice taking up those words and they Diva away with the
melodies transcending creation with their mellow and melancholic renditions.

These 4 steps are not cast in stone but they offer a guide into what I will say in the next few phrases.

The vocalists spirit, demeanor, persona and everything that governs and rules His Spirit and His Soul,
becomes the web and power that captivates and creates the final product of the Sound which had its
roots and source in creation granaries as seen in point number one.

Thus I Categorically state that there is nothing like Gospel Music or secular Music par se’. what we
have is:


You see, based on the definition of Rhythm, Melody and Harmony, Rhythm is the root of literally all
sounds. This is followed by Melody as a single line of pulse of Motion left behind by a constant march
of Rhythm. Then when various sounds are attached to the Melodies, sounds which must follow the
leading of the melody in agreement, we have Harmony.

Now when the originator of the melody manages to gather a People in agreement (Harmony) to their
drawn out sound, and drags them along life by the commonness of his rendition, we then now have a
population of people singing a particular sound, dancing in a particular way and even dressing in
relation to the origin of that sound.

That Population, makes that music and musician Popular, and thus we have POP music. Therein is a
Culture born. Now we have a worship of a people and leader, a following, entertainment and a channel
of expression and ultimately Income through that sound. This is music by entertainment which has its
motive and root in providence, Fame and popularity.

Brethren, anybody can collect phrases from the bible and take the route I have mentioned above. That
does not make them a Gospel singer. He is at the Maternity of Cultural Infants.
On the same Breath, One called by God in the dimension of music will produce sounds, not for
providence as a chief end, but to Propel a generation to the next Move of God.

Blessings. By Teacher Sammy Nyanjom.

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