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BP 603T, Herbal Drug Technology

1. What is the definition of a herb in the context of herbal medicine? a. Any
plant used for culinary purposes
b. A plant or plant part valued for its medicinal properties
c. A type of spice used in cooking
d. A decorative plant in gardens
Correct Answer: b. A plant or plant part valued for its medicinal
2. Which term refers to a product that contains herbs and is used for
therapeutic purposes? a. Herbal tea
b. Herbal remedy
c. Herbal supplement
d. Herbal spice
Correct Answer: b. Herbal remedy
3. What is a herbal medicinal product? a. Any plant-based product
b. A product containing herbal ingredients for medicinal use
c. A natural spice for cooking
d. A type of plant used for landscaping
Correct Answer: b. A product containing herbal ingredients for medicinal
4. In herbal medicine, what is the term for the preparation of herbs
specifically intended for therapeutic use? a. Culinary herbs
b. Medicinal herbs
c. Herbal drugs
d. Herbal drug preparation
Correct Answer: d. Herbal drug preparation
5. Where do medicinal herbs primarily come from? a. Synthetic laboratories
b. Animal sources
c. Mineral deposits
d. Plants and plant parts
Correct Answer: d. Plants and plant parts
6. Which of the following is not a common source of medicinal herbs? a.
b. Seeds
c. Insects
d. Roots
Correct Answer: c. Insects
7. Why is the selection of authentic herbal materials crucial in herbal
medicine? a. To increase cost-effectiveness
b. To ensure safety and efficacy
c. To enhance flavor in herbal preparations
d. To speed up the production process
Correct Answer: b. To ensure safety and efficacy
8. What is the purpose of herbal material identification in the processing of
herbal products? a. To add fragrance to the product
b. To verify the identity and quality of raw materials
c. To reduce the overall cost of production
d. To enhance the visual appeal of the product
Correct Answer: b. To verify the identity and quality of raw materials
9. What does the processing of herbal raw material involve? a. Only drying
and packaging
b. Cleaning, drying, and other procedures to prepare herbs for use
c. Picking herbs from the wild
d. Extracting essential oils from herbs
Correct Answer: b. Cleaning, drying, and other procedures to prepare
herbs for use
10.Which method involves converting herbs into a fine powder for
medicinal use? a. Infusion
b. Decoction
c. Maceration
d. Pulverization
Correct Answer: d. Pulverization
11.What is the purpose of extracting essential oils in herbal processing? a. To
enhance color
b. To improve taste
c. To preserve fragrance and therapeutic properties
d. To reduce the weight of the herbs
Correct Answer: c. To preserve fragrance and therapeutic properties
12.Which of the following is a method used in the drying process of herbal
raw material? a. Freezing
b. Distillation
c. Sun drying
d. Fermentation
Correct Answer: c. Sun drying
13.In herbal drug preparation, what is maceration? a. Soaking herbs in a
solvent to extract active ingredients
b. Grinding herbs into a fine powder
c. Boiling herbs in water
d. Extracting essential oils through steam distillation
Correct Answer: a. Soaking herbs in a solvent to extract active ingredients
14.Which processing method involves soaking herbs in hot water to extract
soluble compounds? a. Maceration
b. Infusion
c. Decoction
d. Pulverization
Correct Answer: c. Decoction
15.What is the primary purpose of fermentation in herbal processing? a.
Enhancing flavor
b. Preserving herbs
c. Breaking down compounds to improve bioavailability
d. Increasing the weight of the herbs
Correct Answer: c. Breaking down compounds to improve bioavailability
16.Which of the following is NOT a common form of herbal drug
preparation? a. Tablets
b. Syrups
c. Tinctures
d. Fossilization
Correct Answer: d. Fossilization
17.What role do excipients play in herbal drug preparation? a. Enhancing
therapeutic properties
b. Increasing shelf life
c. Diluting the active ingredients
d. Adding color to the product
Correct Answer: c. Diluting the active ingredients
18.Which herbal preparation involves soaking herbs in alcohol or vinegar to
extract medicinal properties? a. Tincture
b. Infusion
c. Decoction
d. Maceration
Correct Answer: a. Tincture
19.What is the primary advantage of using herbal extracts in drug
preparation? a. Extended shelf life
b. Improved taste
c. Concentration of active ingredients
d. Reduced cost of production
Correct Answer: c. Concentration of active ingredients
20.Which of the following is a common form of herbal medicine delivery? a.
b. Subcutaneous injection
c. Intravenous infusion
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: a. Inhalation
21.What is the central philosophy behind biodynamic agriculture? a. Use
of synthetic chemicals
b. Harmony with natural cycles and cosmic rhythms
c. Rapid crop rotation
d. Heavy reliance on genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Correct Answer: b. Harmony with natural cycles and cosmic rhythms
22.In biodynamic farming, what is the role of herbal and mineral
preparations? a. Fertilizers
b. Pesticides
c. Enhancing soil fertility and plant vitality
d. Mulching agents
Correct Answer: c. Enhancing soil fertility and plant vitality
23. What distinguishes biodynamic farming from conventional organic
farming? a. Use of chemical fertilizers
b. Strict adherence to lunar planting calendars
c. Use of genetically modified seeds
d. Absence of crop rotation
Correct Answer: b. Strict adherence to lunar planting calendars
24.Which element is emphasized in biodynamic farming for enhancing
compost quality and soil fertility? a. Water
b. Air
c. Fire
d. Earth
Correct Answer: d. Earth
25.What is the primary goal of organic farming in the cultivation of
medicinal plants? a. Maximizing synthetic inputs
b. Reducing biodiversity
c. Enhancing soil health and minimizing environmental impact
d. Using genetically modified seeds
Correct Answer: c. Enhancing soil health and minimizing environmental
26.Which of the following is a key principle of good agricultural practices
(GAP) in the cultivation of medicinal plants? a. Heavy pesticide use
b. Limited concern for soil conservation
c. Sustainable and responsible farming practices
d. Monocropping without rotation
Correct Answer: c. Sustainable and responsible farming practices
27.Why is crop rotation essential in organic farming of medicinal plants?
a. To reduce soil fertility
b. To control pests and diseases
c. To speed up the harvesting process
d. To deplete the soil of nutrients
Correct Answer: b. To control pests and diseases
28.What is the significance of using organic fertilizers in the cultivation
of medicinal plants? a. Rapid plant growth
b. Minimizing environmental impact
c. Extending shelf life of harvested plants
d. Enhancing the color of medicinal herbs
Correct Answer: b. Minimizing environmental impact
29.Which practice is discouraged in organic farming to maintain soil
health? a. Monoculture
b. Crop rotation
c. Synthetic pesticide use
d. Soil cover with organic matter
Correct Answer: c. Synthetic pesticide use
30.What does "Certified Organic" mean in the context of medicinal plant
cultivation? a. Conventional farming methods
b. Adherence to organic farming standards and regulations
c. Absence of water conservation practices
d. Use of genetically modified seeds
Correct Answer: b. Adherence to organic farming standards and
31.What are biopesticides? a. Synthetic chemicals
b. Pesticides derived from natural materials
c. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for pest control
d. Inorganic salts for pest management
Correct Answer: b. Pesticides derived from natural materials
32.Which organism is commonly used as a biopesticide for controlling
insect pests? a. Synthetic chemicals
b. Ladybugs
c. Roundup Ready crops
d. Chemical fungicides
Correct Answer: b. Ladybugs
33.What is the advantage of using biopesticides over chemical pesticides?
a. Higher toxicity to non-target organisms
b. Longer residual effects on crops
c. Minimal impact on beneficial insects and the environment
d. Resistance development in pests
Correct Answer: c. Minimal impact on beneficial insects and the
34.Which of the following is an example of a bioinsecticide used in pest
management? a. Glyphosate
b. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
c. Chlorpyrifos
d. Atrazine
Correct Answer: b. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt)
35.What role do pheromones play in biopesticide-based pest
management? a. Killing pests on contact
b. Disrupting the mating behavior of pests
c. Enhancing the growth of beneficial insects
d. Increasing the resistance of crops to pests
Correct Answer: b. Disrupting the mating behavior of pests
36.Why is the development of resistance less likely with biopesticides
compared to chemical pesticides? a. Biopesticides have a longer residual
b. Biopesticides are less effective
c. Biopesticides target specific biological pathways in pests
d. Biopesticides are more toxic to non-target organisms
Correct Answer: c. Biopesticides target specific biological pathways in
37.What is a common drawback of using chemical pesticides in pest
management? a. Environmental sustainability
b. Quick degradation in the soil
c. Harmful effects on non-target organisms
d. Cost-effectiveness
Correct Answer: c. Harmful effects on non-target organisms
38.Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of biopesticides? a.
Derived from living organisms
b. Specific in their action
c. Resistance development in pests
d. Environmentally friendly
Correct Answer: c. Resistance development in pests
39.What is the primary mode of action of neem-based biopesticides? a.
Inhibiting insect growth
b. Repelling insects
c. Direct contact toxicity
d. Attracting beneficial insects
Correct Answer: c. Direct contact toxicity
40.Which of the following is a sustainable practice in pest management
for medicinal plant cultivation? a. Regular use of broad-spectrum chemical
b. Introducing genetically modified pests
c. Integrating biological control methods, including biopesticides
d. Indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers
Correct Answer: c. Integrating biological control methods, including
41.Which system of traditional medicine emphasizes the balance of three
doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha - in maintaining health? a. Ayurveda
b. Siddha
c. Unani
d. Homeopathy
Correct Answer: a. Ayurveda
42.In Siddha medicine, what is the fundamental concept related to the
balance of the five elements in the body? a. Doshas
b. Dhatus
c. Panchamahabhutas
d. Humors
Correct Answer: c. Panchamahabhutas
43.Which system of medicine focuses on the balance of the four humors -
Dam, Balgham, Safra, and Sauda - for maintaining health? a. Ayurveda
b. Siddha
c. Unani
d. Homeopathy
Correct Answer: c. Unani
44.What is the fundamental principle of homeopathy regarding the
treatment of diseases? a. Balance of doshas
b. Vital force or life energy
c. Humor balance
d. Panchamahabhutas equilibrium
Correct Answer: b. Vital force or life energy
45.What is the primary liquid medium used in the preparation of
Ayurvedic Aristas and Asawas? a. Honey
b. Milk
c. Water
d. Ghee
Correct Answer: c. Water
46.Which Ayurvedic formulation is in the form of a medicated ghee and
is often used for internal consumption? a. Arista
b. Ghutika
c. Churna
d. Lehya
Correct Answer: d. Lehya
47.What is the primary characteristic of a Ghutika in Ayurveda? a. Liquid
b. Medicated ghee
c. Herbal tablet or pill
d. Powdered herbal mixture
Correct Answer: c. Herbal tablet or pill
48.What is the purpose of Bhasma preparation in Ayurveda? a. Enhancing
aroma in formulations
b. Improving color of formulations
c. Detoxifying and enhancing therapeutic properties of minerals
d. Reducing the shelf life of formulations
Correct Answer: c. Detoxifying and enhancing therapeutic properties of
49.In Ayurveda, what is the term for the process of incineration or
calcination used in Bhasma preparation? a. Shodhana
b. Marana
c. Bhavana
d. Lavana
Correct Answer: b. Marana
50.What is the primary purpose of standardization in Ayurvedic
formulations? a. Increasing cost of production
b. Ensuring consistency in quality and potency
c. Enhancing the color of formulations
d. Reducing the efficacy of formulations
Correct Answer: b. Ensuring consistency in quality and potency

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