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BROWNS FERRY 1,2.&3 NUCLEAR POWER PLANT fEesten Tennessee Seismic Zone is one of the most active earth Jquake areas inthe Southeast [Small non-damaging earthquakes Joccurasout once a yer. js =e h @ \ Redstone Arsenal te Birmingham Metropolitan Area ontgomery Metropolitan Area Fort Rucker PARLEY 1&2 Nuclear Power Plant AVOIDANCE AREA + 2S MILES @ army BR Racetrack i ¥ a See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may mot be named but repre- @ AIR FORCE sent local areas of concern. During certain special events, such as sporis events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to Wp sveusan POWER PLANT avoid. Military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. QO MARINES LEGEND up: toursaercoalsta-aps pip Viera Abe ‘non eset teaninneny vase ate pin ry COASTGUARD AVOIDANCE AREA S35MILES. LEGEND 22 soumansy WARNING: ACTIVE SEISMIC ACTIVITY EARTIQU RE AND HSUNNMIEARES, PACHIC OCEAN [See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent eal areas of soacsrn. For example, Anchorage andthe Inside Passage area are major tourist attractions with ils of vistors each year. Thisclearly this isan aren of interest for seurity personne Dar ng ertnin special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large rumbers of pe Pe, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Palitcal areas, such as State Capitol are also areas to avo Cold weather will deter all but the most determined bad guys. INOTE: Daring crisis periods, military ecavoys and emergency vehicles wil have the right-of way and your travel atound these sress may be restricted. Feel fee toad targets to your map, RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis ARIZONA No earthquake in recorded history tas} = eased deaths or injuries in Arizona, Several ofthe earthquakes were of moderate intensit to fall cracks in the earth (1” wide), railroad cars moving, and reek tides. = Mast epiceaters were from California, cr Meviso but afer were seatersd inside Arizona. Thisstate i seismi- cally active bat oflow 9 moderate intensity, ‘causing chimneys Palo Verde 1,2.&3 Nuclear Power Plant MCAS Yama Phoesis-Tempe Metropolitan Arca ‘Tucson Metropolitan Arca Davis Mohan APB @ravy } Fort Huachuca COASP.GUARD Qorner @ army ‘See Legend for target symbols, Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern, During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any @ am rorce gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Politi Omarines cal areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. ag ‘LEAR POWER PLANT NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of way and AVOIDANCE AREA £25 MILES LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis ARKANSAS WARNING: THIS SECTION OF April, 2006 ‘THE STATE FALLS INSIDE THE NEW MADRID SEISMIC ZONE. SEE MAP BI OW, RIGHT LITTLE ROCK AFB State Capitol: Little Rock \® NAW I coast GUARD Qorner @axmy @ air orce ‘O MARINES See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local ar- eas of concern, For example, Little Rock is a major tourist attraction and is a special interest to security personnel, During certain special events, such as sports events, races, AVOWANCE AREA | OF any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. NUCLEAR POWER PLANT. £25 MILES: Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. Military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel peoen around these areas may be restricted. See surrounding states for overlapping threat Areas, NEW MADRID SEISMIC ZONE: SEVERE EARTHQUAKES HAVE HAPPENED IN THIS AREA INTHE PAST AND ITIS STILL GEOLOGICALLY ACTIVE. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis CALIFORNIA Hafatatfbon DIABLO CANVON | & 2, Nuclear Power Plant Qu © COASTGUARD Qormer @amrorce Q mannves Bj Racetrack Ly NUCLEAR POWER PLANT {AVOIDANCE AREA £25 MILES. ‘Vandenberg AFB. Los Angeles AFB SAN ONOFRE? & 3, Nuclear Power PI April, 2006 See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local arens of concern. There are too| many major tourist attractions to list and all are of special in- terest to security personnel. During ceriain special event, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers lof people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political ‘areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. Military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right lof-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted, [See surrounding states for overlapping threat areas. \1 MOST ALL OF CALIFORNIA TIAS TAD SEVERE EARTHQUAKES IN THE PAST, IIS NOT A MATTER OF “IF*, IT'S A MATTER OF “WHEN” THIS 1S THE MOST ACTIVE SEISMIC AREA EN THE CONTINENTAL NITED STATES. WHEN IN DOUBT, HEAD NORTH-EAST, ALL COASTAL AREAS ARE SUBJECT ‘TO TSUNAMI THREAT (Tidal Wave) The California Interstate System is densely packed on good day. During am emergency, expect long delays. s7 Lemoore NAS (China Lake Weapons Center Fort Irvin Fleet Training Center Peint Loma Coronado Naval Base Diego Naval Station RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis COLORADO ‘pe colorado has Ton tions of earth yates but" mane were more tha deat" with mir shang, cached at aad ptr, al svinging cand ne hae wo vf + Clade Springs | Mewepottan Area > coasrevarn Aorner (@ anny (@ air Force (O marines [iccutcrones ‘PLANT AVOIDANCE AREA 225 MILES: ‘There are NO auclear power plants in Colorado. See Legend for target symbols, Denver, Colorado Springs, and other ski resors bring in millions of tourists each year- These a lare of special concern for security officials, Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. Dring certain special events, such as sports evens, races, oF any gathering of large numbers of peopl, care must be taken to avoid these areas, Pottiealareas, such a Sate Captots are ako rss to avoid. INOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these ar- eas may be restricted. fate RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis CONNECTICUT MAP ‘36 roca Meron ven See Legend for target symbols] Other targets may not be named but represent fecal areas of con cern. For example, Hartford is major tomstatracton with mi ions of vistors each year. This clear isan area of interest for] sccurity personnel. During cer tain special evens, suchas sports Jevems, races, or ny gathering of large numbers of people, sare] must be taken to ave these ar-| leas. Polieat area, such as State |Capitts are also areas to avi INOTE: During cris periods Imitary convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way land your travel around these ar- leas may’ be restetd. Feel free to lad targes to your map. aes ‘skns | snes 8 sverea overnite Lecenn ‘Seles in Comet a bea vry mice a's bg tin leben ever Minor sang an rai enol a een ep, RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis DELAWARE Seismicity of Delaware 1990 - 2001 Records show only wisor earthquake events with windows ratting and diss shaking. No injuries or colapsed build ings nave been reported. The time in terval berween events is from 18 to 30 years (averaged), No significant threat inthis area trom earthquates. navy > coast cuaro Qommer avy @ ai FoRcE ‘Osanines | NUCLEAR POWER PLANT AVOIDANCE AREA +228 MILES LEGEND ‘April, 2006 Salem 1&2 Nuclear Power Plant See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concera, Fer example, Dover iga major tourist attraction with millions of visitors each year. This is am area of interest for security personnel, During certein special events, such a8 sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care should be taken 1 avoid these areas. Poltial are, such as State Capitols should also be avoided. Note: During ers periods, military convoss and emergency vebictes travel around these areas may be restricted, jave the right of way. Your RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis FLORIDA ‘Corry Sion 2006 ‘Tech. Trmg. NAS. ‘Apell 2006 whiting State Capitot Huriburt ida Panama City Coastal Systems Typ AEB WARNING: Under predicted conditions of] [Global Warming, the rise im the sea tevel will make most of Florida under water. @ nw & coasrovann O omex © anny BG tecrace A FORCE © Manes ea Nuctean rower rawr AVOIDANCE AREA £25 MILES Earthquake threat in Florida is OTWRKEY POINTS &4 Lexend very low. Only one minor event in 1879 (St. Augesting) reported o Nuclear Power Plant Map Source: any damage anditwas minor. pew s-townsom/ taps cs an [See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. For ex- ample, Orlando is a major tourist attraction with millions of visitors each year. This clearly is an area of in- terest for security personnel. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of rge numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the} right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. Feel free to add targets to your map. USCC Integrated Support Command RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis GEORGIA April, 2006 Soanszy ot Gergia fEarinquake damages in the] past were froma activity in the INew Madrid fault (811+ 1812). 1 Death was reported Jand several buildings col- lapsed. Other tremors in [Georgia have beea far less severe with no damages. Atlanta NAS (Old Name: Bobbins A | Fort MePherson. ATLANTA METROPOLITAN AREA. High Density Traffic. King's Bay Naval Submarine Base Dry BB Racetrack i const auan £) omer 1 |]See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but © aruy E ||represent local areas of concern. For example, Atlanta is a major E ‘tourist attraction with millions of visitors each year, This clearly is an] © amrorce | area of interest for security personnel. During certain special events, Q MARINE > || such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of peo- aa ple, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as POWERPLANT State Capitols are also areas to avoid. NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehi-| C) avomance area | {les will have the rightofway and your travel around these areas £25 Miles may be restricted, Feel free to add targets to your map. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis HAWAII (O’ahu) April, 2006 Naval Computer “Teeummunientint ‘Are Master Statin, Peete eae Harbor Naval Base IC Base Hawaii Pearl Harbor Naval Kaneohe Bay Magarine Coe eels WARNING: The ene wan nin of ans na rial active area with ave volcanoes el the big Island of Hawaii Severe damage and deaths have been reported (rom past seismic activity. Onuwy Teunami WARNING: Offsbore earthquakes can esuse Tsanari water upto $5 fe high (si the past @ cost cu i “ Hawaii bas NO nuclear power plants..and no plans to build one. oruer Q anew See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. The entire Hawaiian chain of islands is a major tourist attraction with millioes @amrorce of tourists each year. With the combination of island isolation, high military presence, and limited transportation, avoiding trouble will be difficult. Hurricanes are a “way of life® in O MARINES the islands. Residents and visitors need to pay close attention to weather forecasts. During oe Nuctea power pLanr | certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. AVON! anes NOTE: During crisis periods, military convovs and emergeney vehicles will have the right- 350 of-way and you can expect delays in travel, LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysi HAWAII (Big Island) WARNING: April, 2006 The big island af Hawaié as 2 ACTIVE VOLCANOES, Volcanic eroptions im the past have resalted in over 173 deaths, entire setlements destroyed, and thousands of peuple displaced due ro damaged bouues and the res tant lava flow from the voleanoes. These veleamoes are stl active and residents face the constant threat oftheir reactivation, TSUNAMI WARNING: Off shore earthquakes will cause major coustal damage from tsunami waves that have reached 85 feet in heightin the pas. ‘Muans Loa Voleano e NAY > coasrcuarn (yoruer @ anny © armrorce | MARINES AB sweuean rower eave AVOIDANCE AREA S25 MILES LEGEND Hawaii has NO nuclear power plants..amd no plans to build one, ‘There are NO major military installations on the big island of Haw: ‘See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas| of concern, The entire Hawaiian chain of islands isa major tourist attraction with millions ‘of tourists each year. With the combination of island isolation, high military presence, and limited transportation, avoiding trouble will be difficult. Hurricanes are a “way of theislands. Residents and visitors need to pay clase attention to weather foreeasts, During] certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of] people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right- ‘of-way and you can expect delays in travel wel RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis Earthquakes in Idaho have caused damages to houses and pipelines in the past. The time intervals between events seems ito be about 15 to 20 years. No deaths have been reported but damaged homes, falling chim-| Ineys and cracked plaster did Ihappen. Reports of several inci-| ldents of falling rocks were re+ ceived from different areas. [idaho remains geologically ac- tive today. Mountain Home AFB Oro © coast cuarD Qorner @ aR Force © MARINES od NUCLEAR POWER PLANT AVOIDANCE AREA £25 MILES LEGEND IDAHO April, 2006 SEISMIC ACTIVITY AREAS \Craters ofthe Moon National Monument: Ancient Votcanie area in Snake River Valley 09 There are NO nuclear power plans in Tdaho, and nonein the nea vicinity See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. During certain special events, sueh as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid, NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergeney vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. Feel free to add targets to your map. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis ILLINOIS April, 2006 Great Lakes Naval Trng. Ctr. BYRON 1&2 [Nuclear Power Plant CHICAGO \ METROPOLITAN AREA Mafathotfeon QUAD CITIES 1& Nuclear Power Plant DRESDEN 2 & 3 Nuclear Power Plant LaSALLE 1 & 2 Nuclear Power Plant CLINTON NUCLEAR POWER PLANT State Capitol: Springfield @ NAVY ©} coast cuard St. LOUIS Q\ orm METROPOLITAN AREA @ army fg Racetrack @ AIRFORCE © MARINES *s NUCLEAR POWER, 5 PLANT WARNING THIS AREA FALLS IN THE AVOIDANCE AREA| | WABASH A! EW MADRI +25 MILES SEISMIC FAULT AREA’ See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. For example, Chicago is a major tourist attraction and is a special interest to security personnel. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capi- tols are also areas to avoid. Military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. See surrounding states for overlapping threat area. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis INDIANA Apri, 2006 (Chicago Gary Metropolitan Area, Dense traffic, high risk targets, Enforced seeurity measures. WARNING Rivers in und around Indiana Are prone to seasonal FLOODING voleon ‘State CaitlsIndianapalis Todianapois MatueSpeetvay WABASH VALLE SEISMIC ZONE USE CAUTION Qiwr / donee Evan Mer Oornes Area. Dens traffic, nj. m . & bridges, ~ f e @ army @ air Force OMARINE VOIDANCE AREA +25 MILES NUCLEAR POWER PLANT ‘See Legend for WPGeTSymbols, Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. For example, the Indi- anapolis 500 race is a major tourist attraction and is a special interest to security personnel. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, oF any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. Military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and ‘your travel around these areas may be restrieted, See surronding states for overlapping threat area. Indiana has NO nuclear power plants, but surrounding states DO have them. Check your route of travel through sur- rounding states prior to departure. Indiana has no major military installations hie Aa Only nine eathyats Navy cosstatanD -— @ an (O wants a}°) ime net ts | } yim peer ed ‘tue. The tm peo 7 Jog deta ‘Site Capita: Des ales [There are NO major military nstalaions in Fons, |Sce Legend for target symok. Other targets may no! be named but represen lca reas of concer, For example, Des Moines 2 major tourist attraction with milions of vistors each year, This clearty isan arco of interest for security personnel, During certain special evenly sch as sports events race, ar any gathering of large numbers of pope care must be taken to avoid these areas, Political areas such as State Capitol are also areas to voi. NOTE: During criss periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-o- Iberestricted, Fel fre to add targets to your map, sy and your travel around these areas test 180" ba al bs \® coast cuarn LEGEND A ormer ee ARMY ‘ Betas AIR FORCE por [Q manises O eee 7 Nicear Pr. at See Legend for target symbols, Other targets my nat be named but represent local areas of concern. For example, Louisville isa major tourist atteacton with millions of vistors exch year. This clearly ‘his isan area of interest for security personnel, Durlag cercain spectal events, su ces, or any gathering of large numbers of people, eare mus be tsken to avol these areas. Poiial ‘reas, sueh ss State Captols. ae alsoareas waved. ‘Daring an emergency, ality convoys ad emergency vehicles will hav the Fgh of wage Be pee pared for long delay. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis KENTUCKY Ai, 2006 ‘Laie Metopaitan ese ral, bres. naw cCOASTCUARD ore @swn O AIR FORCE Qnanoses gy ween nrscroes gh mrcare NO macarons platy. Hneer. saving nes DO bn reer pcr Han Ce arming api pre ‘See Legend for target symbols, Other targets may noi be aamed but represent local areas of concer. For etample,Leuissille is a major tourist attraetion with millions of vistors each year. This clearly ths am area ‘events such as sports evens, races or any gathering of large a ‘such as State Capitol are abo areas to ave NOTE: During erss periods, militry convoys and emergeney vehicles will have the right-of-way and vour travel around these areas may be restricted. Feel fre to adel targets to your map. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis LOUISIANA Shreveport Metropolitan area England AFB NOTE: Under predicted conditions of Global Warming, the en- tire area of coastal Louisiana will be under water, The Missis- i xr delta will disappear. The entire southerm coast of is vulnerable to TSUNAMISs with origins in the Gulf of ARIES SEVERE HBR EANE Mexieo, April, 2006 [Only minor tremors have been reported since the 1811-1812 New Madrid Quake. Most tremors had their picenters in other states. Only one quake ncar Baton Rouge vas reported inside Louisi- ana and it was a minor quake, River Bend 1 ‘Naclear Power Plant Waterford3 Nuclesr Power Plant FLOOD AREA Ona > coast cused Qomner @arwy @amrorce Omarines a NUCLEAR POWER PLANT AVOIDANCE AREA 425 MILES LEGEND ‘See Legend for target symbols, Other targets may not be named but repre- sent local areas of concern. For example, New Orleans is a major tourist attraction with millions of visitors each year. This clearly is am area of in- terest for security personnel. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles ‘will have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be re- stricted. Feel free to add targets to your map. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MAINE April, 2006 events have occurred in. Main, small tremors have been felt over the years No damage was ever reported. There appears to be a dormant fault line as 2 continua tion of the fine from the Appala- lehian range, State Capitol: Augusta Brunswick Naval Air Station Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Orv © coast auaro Q)OTHER @ army @ am rorce | MARINES ‘Maine bas NO nuclear power plants. However: states, Check surrounding state maps price to essouth pass by numerous plants in other See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. For example, Bangor is a major tour- {st attraction with millions of visitors each year. This clearly is an area of interest for security personnel. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State bd ‘CLEAR POWER PLANT Capitols are also areas to avoid. 425 MILES OC) AVOIDANCEAREA | NOTE: During erisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehi- LEGEND cles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. Feel free to add targets to your map. Ail eperedenribeae ac in Marl hs ben ected in hr tts or Catan Tethrest of eth sia Marla RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MARYLAND Api. 206 ere rong Ged wn Meade Us Nat Act Aumpas Na Staten 1 StleCaptot: Asma Tuten Natt Neva Nees Center Bethsea and Greater Washing toa, DC Metropolitan Areas Dense trafic congestion, igh value targets, high risk targets, strongly enforced security meas- ares, Brdgcs and tunnels, Nw ‘coast Guan SSMILES Se Loge for age sybase age my te mame ut eres ae aet fen, Fer tpl, Bana & W 7 ington, DC, are major tourist attractions with millions of visitors each year. This clearly is an area of interest for veuesnrowet | During ean sp vn, uh spree so ay eberng large umber rp care mt eae he areas Pliea aren sch Ste Cap sea ares oan O svete amen NOTE: Ding er prods mi ecto | BAY Beret Fel ree oa ‘CALVERT CLIFFS 142 Nace Power Patel Kner MS curity personel. ny convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way ges to Your map. cd your travel around these areas RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MASSACHUSETTS ‘2008 Ta ‘at ere ae a sarong ‘Surrounding states have threat areas that may overlap your travel route, Examine maps ‘eeerppang ares of pet anger. Feradjoining states prior to departure vr CONST LARD Dorn Oran Pgh vvctesevowenriast Cre AREA 264 LEGEND n Boston Metroplitan Area Pensly paced rads dering ‘aks he Grrr Boson rea Mas ans my, oF m2) Asai sie, pot be named but represent local areas of com 1m. For example, Boston is a major fours at- fraction mith milions of visitors each year. This ‘ “ee early is an area of interest for seewity person- a L_ During certuin special events, such as sports aa ents, races, oF any gathering of Farge numbers 1 people, care must be taken to avald these areas, |[ — =r — ~ tical areas, such as State Captols are also ar- en lo avoid = - TE: During crisis periods, military convoys ju emergency reickes will have the right-of ay ues a Mawaehsts ve Been mest Jd your travel around these areas may be re reams mmeines see) card I der rit, Fes fre toa targets to yonr map, Palisades Nuclear Power Plant D.C. Cook 1.62 Nadlear Power Plant avy @ couse cuaeo Qorner @anmy @ ar rorce QMaRies ess NUCLEAR POWER PLANT AVOIDANCE AREA 228 MILES LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MICHIGAN April, 2006 ‘Seismic activity in Michigan is generally associated] with the southern Great Lakes, with many of the tremors originating in Canada. No severe damage] juries have been reported but minor tremors /See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but repre- sent local areas of concern. For example, Detroit is a major tourist attrac- ‘tion with millions of visitors each year. This clearly is an area of interest for security personnel, During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to ‘avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. [NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will ‘have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. Feel free to add targets to your map. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MINNESOTA April, 2006 [The earthquake history of Minnesota shows that nowe of the tremors felt nad their origins inside the state. No damages orinjuries have been re- perted for any of the small tremors felt inside Minnesota, Ie appears ta be a relatively calm seisiiic atta, ‘Monticello Nusfear Power Plant ‘Minneapolis-St. Paul Metropolitan Area rav > coast Guaro Aorner Qanwy @ airforce QManines PR socuruerowenest AVOIDANCE AREA ‘£25 MILES ‘LEGEND [Minnesota has NO major military installations. See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local ar-| eas of concern. The states largest cities, Minneapolis and St, Paul, have millions of visi- tors each year. They are a special concern for security personnel. During certain spectal events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care| must be taken to avoid these aveas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. INOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the| right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. The “Land of Ten Thousand Lakes” has a lot to offer to the northern folks looking for a rugged retreat area, You should be able to find a spot you like on at least one of the lakes} in Minnesota, Bring your “Long-jobns”, RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MISSISSIPPI pil, 2006 Traveling NORTH: See NEW MADRID Earthquake Map ie aw I> coast GUARD (O ommer i E |O arviy e \@ Aik FORCE K [Earshuakes in Missisippi (nave had thei epiceners ia other tates, Damages were reperted tobe limited to fal- ng chimneys and rating ‘dishes. No deaths or injuries Ihave beea reported. The ‘threat from the New Madrid i il high if traveling north, ‘Meridian Naval Air Station See Legend for target symbols, Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern, During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, eare must be taken to avoid these areas, Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. Military convoys Gulfport Naval and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and Contricee bain your travel around these areas may be restricted. See ‘surrounding states for overlapping threat area. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MISSOURI See Legend for target symbols, Other larges nay wot be named bal represent lot! areas of concera. For example, St. Louis isa major tourist attraction with lias of vistors ech yea. This clearly this cis am area of imerest for security personnel, During certain special vents such a ports events, races or any gathering of large numbers of people, eare must be taken to avoid these seas, Politika areas, [Lich as Sine Capa ate abe areas ao. NOTE: During eis periods, military conveys and emer agency vehicles will have che rghtafway and your travel = around these areas may be restreted. City Metrpltan ‘Denti idee Whitenae AN Fit Leonard Wood: NAY const GUARD in WARNING: THIS AREA OF [Bidescisaneoven sistoun tas wri THE NEW MADRID SEISMIC AVOIDANCE ARES ZONE ANDES STILL ACTIVE, ; ‘E2SMILES, RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis MONTANA |@ suwronce KQmanuves PLANT 1 yah of rabies of pple, buigs Only seaeced coc ores arin i pers or neat merny vb the riety a oar ita aoa tee aes (#2 NUCLEAR POWER CQ romsseeanen sete fy Man aa ie entered nthe Westen the eal if aati r= Thedmage ands oie foundations crcied snd some doa, So reo of death of ‘ere foi. Semie set ecto Corey I®> coast Guan Stein: Lint \Aorner l@ sxny See Legend fr target ymtls, Other targets may not be named but represent local ares of concern. Ont drans tours that [@ am Force presen secrity concerns fr security personnel." Daring certain spec events, sch sports event, races, or any gathering of largemmbers of people care must he fken to voi thee areas Petia ares, such as State Capitol are also areas to avi, OQ uanwes NOTE: During ess periods, military convoys and emergency veces wl ave the gh-otray and you travel around thee [M28 ucteaRPower || areasmay be resected PLANT (Qratovcr sas RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis NEVADA State Capitol: ‘Carson City Metro Area WARNING: ACTIVE FAULTS Nevada ranks among the mest stista- cally active States. There have been specticelar earthquake faults (see ‘map on left) but damage and deaths are minimal due fo low populations. Past Nevada earthquakes have been rated as moderate 10 severe. People evaecating from Cliforaia must be ware of these earthquake threats Ou Deorsr evan DB rvere ‘are NO nuclear power plants in Nevada. (hoTuER ‘See Legend for target symbols. Since gambling is legal in the State of Nevada, everywhere you @anw go isa tourist attraction. High concentrations of people are a major concern for security per- sonnel, Other targets may not be named bat represent local areas of concern, During certain @.urvorce special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care eicatneey must be taken to avoid these areas. Political arcas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. #88 secutsnroven rast NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of- AVOIDANCE AREA way and +25 MILES LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis NEW HAMPSHIRE April, 2006 New Hampshire's seismic activity een of moderate intensity bat with onl limited damages such as fallen chimnevs,| eracked wals and foundations. The tine| intervals between events is. (roughly) > ‘crery 50-60 years with smaller events} E occurring between larger evens. Threat ® 5 y State Capitol: Concord evel for New Hampshire is fairly low. ‘Seabrook I ‘Seabrok Station ‘Nodear Power Plant raw coast ctarn There are NO major military installations in New Hampshire. QOTHER @ an See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local ar- leas of concern, There are many tourist attractions in New Hampshire. These locations @ air rorcE fare of special concern to security personnel. During certain special events, such as} sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to MARINES avoid these areas, Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid, Oa CLEAR POWER PLANT . on, , NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and AVOIDANCE AREA +25 MILES LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis NEW JERSEY ‘April, 2006 wafatiaton Jersey City Metropolitan Area {Dense tratic area) Fort Monmouth McGuire AFB. Senible Earle Naval Weapons Center Naval Engineering Station Lakehurst Hie New Jersey. seismic history shows only’ minor earthquakes that were centered outside of the state Oyster Creek Nuclear Power Plant herry Hil/Canaden area has many Bridges for acess to Philadelphia “Atlante City ‘Naclar Power Plant (Cape May CG Trating Center navy ¢ See Legend for target symbols. The Philadelphia area and the New Jersey shore/Atlantic coast cuary City areas are major tourist attractions. The close proximity of both Philadelphia and New York City puts New Jersey in the center of an active threat area. These areas are of spe- Gomme cial concera to security officials. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas| Qarw of concern. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of| large numbers of people, care must be taken (0 avoid these areas. Political areas, such as '@ ame FORCE State Capitols are also areas to avoid. Access into and out of most parts of New Jersey are euiens by older bridges spanning large rivers. Some are toll bridges, some are not; but all repre- sent boitle-neck points, Expect delays. 8 sccuran rower nant NOTE: vomaxceanes | DUtingerisis perids, military convoys and emergency vehicles wll have the right-of-way. +28 MILES LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis NEW MEXICO New Mexico's eartiquake history shows many quakes starting inthe tea ofthe Riv Grande Valley. No injuries have been reported bat there have been buildings amazed with adobe wall fli White Sands Missile Range 1 Holloman AFI Pow > coast cuaxy Pere are NO nuclear power plants in New Mexico. Q\ OTHER See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern, During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of }@ ain FORCE large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid, © anny © MARINES @ succeanrowernant NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right~ of-way and AVOIDANCE AREA £25 MILES LEGEND, Rogue'Turtle’s Threat Analysis NEW YORK Now rk Se Taal ie dneape ae hina rc eer a etn dks (vi ul Fwing aso dats o ners wer repre bt city conics i New Vara a Feprescat kcal areas of concer. For examply New York City és ma] or tours attraction with miloas of visors each yea. This cbary is an area of inerest for secerty personnel. During certain special) nV, rONT events, sac a8 sports events, rics, or any gathering of large numbers} of peopl, care must be taken fo avai these areas. Political areas, such 2s State Capitals urealso areas to avoid. % NAVY cosstcusnn omen Qaow Bren WP sccrsroweruet Avoamce aks ‘SEENILES. LEGEND rg Sins Na Super ae METROPOLITAN ‘NEW YORK CY (igh Dei Teste (WehVahe Tara (Boies Tune’) RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis NORTH CAROLINA Apri. 206 wofanafion Fartiqae damage Wise Gui t2 Netee Pome Pat 6B wucurarcrowen naNt ‘Cote Meroplion ren ‘ce Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent loca areas of concera. For example, Cape Hatteras is ‘9 major Cours aration with milons of visitors each year. This clearly iam area of lntrest for security personae, Daring cer- ‘ain special events, such a sports events, races, er any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas such as State Capitals are aso areas to avoid. NOTE: During criss periods, military convoys and emergency vehicks wil have the right-of way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis NORTH DAKOTA Mint A navy @ coasrcuan ‘There are NO nuclear powerplants North Dot, Aoruer sec Legend for trget sok. Other targets may nt be ited but represent cal areas of concer, During ce - sin special evens, suchas sports events, aes, or any 100-201 @axmy pathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken|O% minimal. Minor tremors have} to avoid hese areas. Politica ares, suchas State Capitol, fC but the epicenters could] @ are Force sccaba ore rl nostly be trace outside ofthe state (Qmanines Dkbes rating, bels saying, and loud NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emer- [Ol tke thunder were reported. No}, Ji8 ucueanrowen | wtih eit vayanyoar tran! | #40 reste fen ree ice Eroed thse aret nny be red, CQ promnceanes RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis OHIO April, 2006 ASHTABULA, OH. ‘Seismic risk in Ohio, and the eastern Unit States in general, is difficult to evaluate be- cause earthquakes aré generally infrequent in ‘comparison to plate-margin areas such és California. Also, active faults do not reach the ‘surface in Ohio and therefore cannot be mapped without the aid of expensive subsur- DAVIS-BESSIE face techniques. Damage is minimal, DEFENSE SUPPLY CENTER (Port Columbus) State Capit: Columbus (Congested traffic) (ridges) e NAVY & cosst caro avtiqele of ep lined dana ling chimneys. cracked plaster and swinging chandeliers". No. deaths o| injuries have been reported, despite the proximity ofthe Ashtabuta Zone. lo marines See Legend for target symbols, Other targets may not be named but represent loeal areas of con- cern, For example, Cincinnati is « major tourist attraction and is a special interest to security NUCLEAR POWERPLANT personnel. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. Military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted, See surrounding states for overlapping threat area. AVOIDANCE AREA +25. MILES LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis OKLAHOMA Arian Ste Capa: Oban Cy Olson Cy Meroplan ren Team pao Jonahoma weather, aswel as aI he North eet, sorts lameragthnderaran, Toraaioc mans tne Jeane sec with oe tecbing dm os ie Large hil my’ scermpany tee str. viing aca a rt til by lng ene str FIRST. ad he neem [Osavy ® coasreuarn |Qorner (@anny (@ aw rorce (marines Nil wucuexcroven PLANT (Cpronaner Anta ‘Seismicty of Oklahome tet, wh a dase Bet named but represent local areas of concern, During certain} pyre” Dishing rate, some special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering|fosdstons and yale ctacig of large tumbers of people care mest be taken fo avoid these] Mee emmy reported ea areas. Plea areas, such as State ‘are abo areas to| Cometh ata re: Pen sags Sa Cop in eta cn |NOTE: During criss period. iltary convoys and emer yeney vehicles will have the right-afuay and your travel round these areas may be restricted. Navy coxsr tien } Qe Bmore pr mmnncnre ose orgs Sanus rsa rer fea ret oes ‘There are NO mar airy bases Oregon. Cs WARMING: The CASCADE rage isl rea acte The eat o Sut Hod ns 198 SMILES In Conios Crier Lake ns ore 420 yearn MLL Hen Woagc es p84, RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis PENNSYLVANIA [nian arn] “) \ Api, 2006 dase; tw and deat | SUSQUEHANNA 1.62, acer Poe Pat eran ADELPHI EFROROLITAN ou a (Deas att ‘Bre COT ND or tour at (eek oar, This elearty one O acomee Derg ri opi Fs | eves spots even cso any patron nmbers Qye0 SHS) x peopl cae mt be taken fel thse ares Pellical areas @ rw ronce Bean | ES Capiobareasearastoavid. Marburg) snes MQ vanunrowrerovr LEGEND NOTE, Detig seo ay os my A es willhave the right-of way and yoar travel argu these reas ‘may be restricted, Fel fee toad targets to your map. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis RHODE ISLAND Providence Metropolitan Area {Dense Traffic) [Namerous Bridges) Only a few minor earthquakes can be traced to an epicenter within Rhode Is land, Most ofthe other minor quakes were centered offshore or in Cam reporis uf death or injuries were Most damage consisted of cracked wi and ceilings, shaking trees; afew reports of noses lke a "sonic boout” were made, [Current threst is lowin Rhode Istand, naw > coast cuaRp There are NO nuclear power plants in Rhode Island. However, there are numerous —_ plants in surrounding states. Check neighboring maps prior to departure. @arw ‘See Legend for target symbols. Major roads will be erowded on even good days. There are ai a lot of people sharing a few roads within a confined space, Onee outside Rhode Island, you AIR FORCE enter other congested traffic areas from other major cities, Other targets may not be named| axsoes but represent local areas of concern, During certain special events, such as sporis events, races, or any gathering of large aunabers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas, G8 wccueanrowen pant }Potitcl areas, suchas State Capitos are also areas to avoid 7 7 NOTE: ANOIDINCEAREA. poring es periods mary convoys and emereney vel wnbive the ght, LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis SOUTH CAROLINA April, 2006 OCONEE 1,2 &3 Nuclear Power Plant VIRGIL C.SUMMER 1 Naclear Power Plant ‘Seiemieityof South Carona 1990-2001 In 1886, a sovere earthquake in C fon damaged almost all the lapsing many, and killed 60 people. gs, col CATAWBA &2 ‘Nuclear Power Plant State Capitol Columbia Seismic activity continues in this area and should be eonsidered a geologically active area. See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. Military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. See surrounding states for overlapping threat area, FBR Racetrack QR Force Onarines a NUCLEAR POWER PLANT O AVOIDANCE AREA 25 MILES LEGEND RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis SOUTH DAKOTA Aaja sits NO oclarpover plans. marines a Seah Dake See Legend sped event sucha srs even es ay athena ‘esate Pat ares such Se Cll ae aio areas sa etsy, Other targets may ate named beepers eal ares of concern, During erin bers of eal, ar mst he tke ai [NOTE Dring rs pers itary enna nergy vies hae he ght and your ve AvODANE ‘ond the retemay bers. £25 MILES RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis TENNESSEE ‘val Sopot ct 1@ cousrcuanp Somer @ aww @amronce (Qmanunes lg sveusanrowen matt Sue Metal Ares mn ‘Nake Per Phat SUPER OT TORE 5 ‘See achity moderato wer in tevin of the New vai] 180-2001 ‘ual (ne mip gt. Atte omerence $s ll nin he tice of eagle acti. in Tenenee, major fares open, ‘a ad areas re a la les re repel No To of Ee alg ner damage goat ba, sn the rec of Weters Teanste, but at lower seal han hegea New Nadel Eartha 8411812. nol rte the heat Westra Teens as “Mater, but oo] forthe Cena am farther ava you are Sce Legend for target symbols. Nashville and other areas of Tennessee altract millions of tourists cach year. Each aren isa special area of concern for security personnel, Other targets nay’ not be mamed but represent loeal areas of concern, Durring ertain special events, such as sports evens, races, any gathering of large numbers of people, care must Be taken t0 avoid these areas, Polite are es, such as State Capito are also areas to avoid, el around these areas NOTE: During criss periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the rightof-way and your ‘may be restricted “Tornado Alles” starts bere ‘San Antonio Metropolitan Area ‘Houston Metro Area Randolph AFB. South Tesas 1&2 Nuclear Power Plant ‘Comanche Peak Nuclear Power: ‘opus Christ Naval Air Station Drow Peorsr ctw C) OTHER @arwy — HA Rewer @ ain Force [© MARINES 1 secre rovenrsr AVOIDANCE AREA 2S MILES. LEGEND. See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local sr- leas of concern, There are numerous tourist attractions in Texas, and all are of special concern to security personnel. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, lor any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the] right-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. [Seismic records show that most earthquakes have occurred in the Panhandle region of| the state, with varying intensities. No deaths or injuries have been reported. The time between events seems to be between 2 to 18 years. Off shore drilling rigs, as well as the Texas coastline, are vulnerable to Hurricane force winds, flooding, and Tsunami waves. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis Ogden Defense Distribution Center il Alr Force Base Salt Lake City Damaging moderate earthquakes || ave exused building collapse || and damaged homes throuzhout the history of Utah. Rock ais | | \ an fissures opening with water \ and mad being ejected were xe- |» a cz pred, Several long fissures - | ave been associated with his < ¥ Jaret, The Utah earthguake | | I ai tis moderate with mest f ( cercdinthe areas showa on | | { } f ete above way, Ne s EARTHQUARE HAZARD IN THIS ARES. Sun & cose Guano A There are NO nuclear power plants in Utala, OTHER unr See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local areas of concern. Salt Lake City is a major tourist attraction drawing millions of tourists each year. @ ur rorce These areas are of special concern to security personnel, During certain special events, such| Jas sports events, races, or any gathering of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. 28 scetsanrowen eave Co oo . NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right- of-way and AVOIDANCE AREA, £35 MILES LEGEND | Vermont's seismic history Tits se eral esrthquakes whose epieenters |were not casily identified. Most reported damages were only rat ting cishes snd. windows, minor ‘chimney damage, and loose furs fare moving around. No deaths or juries were reported. These mi jor tremors continue but are few] ad ar between. RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis Drv } coast GuaRD Q\OTHER @aRMy @ aw FoRcE (O MARINES ba NUCLEAR POWER PLANT AVOIDANCE AREA 25 MILES, LEGEND VERMONT April, 2006 Vermont Yankee, Nuclear Power Plant There are NO major military installations in Vermont, See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local ar- eas of concern, During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gather- ing of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas, Political areas, such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-ofeway and your travel around these areas may be restricted. VIRGINIA RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis Aorms @ sur [@ anronce IARIES navy Avo axcr ane ‘2SMILES cos GUARD Ami 204 en nde Adc Cora Bwemcx Siete 0, Wie et eatin. No deity er ines ere ep ta fanny eimess wire kied Gove and val rae. The Nev Madd a f 1102 wa] {este I Viniela tet we dane sa re shave ated Va] oF [See Legend for target symbols Other targets may not be = |ramed bat represent eel ares of concern For camrie, Ficlmoad sa major wort sof vite exch yar. Thiscleary an are of eet or eu par- some. Daring cers spec even, sth as sport ee race or any gathering of large numberof peopl care be taken to avid thse area, Pai area sac a State Capitals are aso ara ta aid. NOTE: During riper il ik wil hve th righ a ees areas ay De ere, convoys and ervergency| yur iravelaroxn EvtHe Ly DENSE rt er 4) Quasi USNC) Sav ara Cet RICIMORD METPOTOLTAN AREA ial Dele Spl Cora Artanadny DENSE LOCAL TRAFIC A quick glance at the Virginin map els you to avoid the Jeon ies no matter what. Highly concetrated high is targets snd miltary activity could cause MAJOR delays in travel. Head inland to avoid congested areas, RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis WASHINGTON Nowa Baer 1078 fet. AcIVEVOLEANO I@ const cuano L Aorme @mw ft @awrorce | yur me caw |Omarwes |itxczaneower nate st et rete Cromer anes) serrate ete RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis WEST VIRGINIA ‘Aika re Tae > ISM cousr GUAR” derstoms, LEGEND. tvingin the Ester part ofthe Cited States, Dorit heavy rains, the step tera of West Vigna cn turn esmallctek into agieptoret, Heavy ihtenig is als par ofthese ta . ‘at many camping hig rafting, anti, ing oa jot plas al-bck” state that shonld be conser as locaton fa asker for thse RogueTurtle’s Threat Analysis WISCONSIN Wisconsin's seismic records show only sporadie events of low mag- nitwde. Most earthquakes felt in Wisconsin censisted of minor] dish rating and cracked walls. No reports of death or injury have Deen recorded. Mi quakes had their epiceners in other states or Camada, Point Beach 1 & 2 Nuclear Power Plant State Capitol: Madison navy Dcoasr cuaro ‘There are NO major military installations in Wisconsin Qomer See Legend for target symbols. Other targets may not be named but represent local ar- @ army eas of concern. During certain special events, such as sports events, races, or any gather- ing of large numbers of people, care must be taken to avoid these areas. Political areas, @ ai Force such as State Capitols are also areas to avoid. MARINES NOTE: During crisis periods, military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the bo NUCLEAR POWERPLANT | Tight-of-way and your travel around these areas may be restricted. AVOIDANCE AREA 12 25 MILES. LEGEND WARNING: The ures of YELLOW. STONE NATIONAL. PARK AND] THE. GRAND TETONS IS HIG GEOLOGICALLY ACTIVE. Neastcathqeaes tare dear nition of ian] rae and ed she 2 poole, [® xavy I) coast caro Qorner o it i (@ anny fe |@aiwrorce — |p 8 Wyoming has 80 nuclear power pans. (Qmanines See Legend for target symbols, Other targets may not be named bat represent Local areas of concern. During certain special vents suchas sports events, races, cr any gathering of large mummers of people, care must e take (voi these areas. Pitz J NucueaRrowen | Stare smtae Sate Caps abo stave PLANT O AVOIDANCE AREA prinreoaplininums ‘military convoys and emergency vehicles will have the right-of-way and your travel around these +£25MILES

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